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  The secular government of Hasina surrenders Bangladeshi Muslims to polytheist Indian BSF

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

     On March 14, 2010, the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) opened fire at the Jaintapur frontier in Sylhet District which officially left 15 (unofficially 30) Bangladeshi Muslims injured. Prior to that, Indian BSF equipped with heavy firearms occupied a Bangladeshi village named `Mondir Tila', and fired about 1000 rounds. The people at the border area of Jaintapur were forced to leave their villages due to the sudden attack by the BSF. Leading newspapers in Dhaka reported that, Indian BSF has been taking preparation for last one and half months to occupy the said area. However, the Bangladeshi preparation and response had been nothing. In line with the "Friendship to all and Malice to none" foreign policy motto, the BDR (Bangladeshi Rifles) chief, Major General Mainul Islam visited the same place on 2nd March, 2010 calling upon the people to be patient. The government then sent him to Delhi for performing diplomacy. He visited Delhi from 7-11th March, 2010, where he met the Director General of BSF Raman Srivastab and issued a joint statement that the border guards have no right to kill ‘innocent' people at the border. Thus the BSF was given license for extra-judicially killing Bangladeshi people if they are not ‘innocent'. Interestingly BSF was left to decide somebody's ‘innocence'! Just after this statement, about 50 BSF members entered into Bangladesh territory at the Protappur border in Sylhet District, dug 14 bunkers and took position with heavy artillery violating the territorial integrity of Bangladesh.  


While these are the serious and aggressive developments by the Indian side, Home Minister of Bangladesh Sahara Khatun on 14th March, 2010 reportedly said to the press in the evening (around 3 hours later!) that, `I am not aware about this event and I shall inquire about it. If something like this happens, then this is unfortunate'. Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Dipu Moni made a similar careless statement that, ‘this is an isolated event'. Still worse is the fact that this is happening when Bangladeshi Army chief, General Abdul Mubin is visiting India for a 5 day tour. Few months back (in January) while Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was visiting India, the BSF killed two Bangladeshis on the same day the Prime Ministers of both countries issued a joint communiqué agreeing to put in place ‘a comprehensive framework of cooperation'!


Indeed, killing and torture by the BSF continues at the border areas not as an isolated event but very frequently. Statistics are enough to prove these ministers as liars. According to independent human rights organizations' documentation, a total of 843 Muslims has been killed, 846 injured, and 895 Muslim women have been raped by BSF between 01 January 2000 and 28 February 2010. Ironically, only 1582 US and NATO soldiers have been killed so far in Afghanistan war from 2001, whereas a so called friendly state kills 843 Bangladeshis and still the Bangladeshi government calls these isolated events!


Furthermore this number has increased remarkably during the period of the current Hasina government. Only in 2009 a total of 209 Muslims have been reportedly killed. In addition to this, 79 have been injured and 25 abducted, 92 have been missing and 11 Bengali speaking Indian citizens have been pushed into Bangladesh by the BSF during this reporting period. While these are the facts, the Home Minister on 16th March 2010, in the Parliament lied about the BSF killing. She said that only 68 Bangladeshis have been killed this year. It seems that this government not only ignores the responsibility to protect the people from Indian acts of aggression but even fails to disclose accurate information.


One should ask the Hasina government, the secular agents of the Mushrikun, how many Muslims have to be killed and injured by the BSF before we can call it enemy aggression? When the BDR will be given permission to take an offensive stance against the Indians and force the polytheists to be on the defensive? The truth is that, the current secular government of Sheikh Hasina, like the previous one of Khaleda Zia, has sacrificed the blood and wealth of Muslims in return for keeping friendship with the crusaders and polytheist states so that they can stay in power. The slogan of change by Hasina was an utter lie. They have made sure that, their Indian masters remain pleased whatever the price ranging from abducting Muslims and spilling Muslim blood to raping the Muslim women! These liars will be served due justice for their betrayal and treachery with the Ummah of Muhammad (SAW) and the Polytheist India will be given a historic lesson once the Khilafah "Caliphate" is established soon inevitably.        



Muhammad Al-Mamun

Member of Hizb ut-Tahrir


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