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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Sudan

Report of the Monthly Ummah’s Issues Forum:

The Multiplicity of Armies and Militias is a Harbinger of the Demise of the State, so What is the Way Out?

2024 12 09 SDN MNTDA Pics

The Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah of Sudan held the Monthly Forum of the Ummah’s Issues, on Saturday, 5 Jumada Al-Akhir 1446 AH corresponding to 7 December 2024 CE titled: “The Multiplicity of Armies and Militias is a Harbinger of the Demise of the State, so What is the Way Out?

Speakers included the following: Ustaadh Nasser Ridha Muhammad Othman, Head of the Central Communications Committee of Hizb ut Tahrir in the Wilayah of Sudan. Ustaadh Ahmed Abkar, Lawyer, Member of Hizb ut Tahrir Council in Wilayah Sudan. The Platform Officer was Sheikh Abdul Jalil Adam, Member of Hizb ut Tahrir.

Ustaadh Nasser Ridha spoke about the history of the establishment of militias and armed movements in Sudan, their objectives, and external support for them, and how they represented the most prominent scenes of the conflict between colonial powers over influence in Sudan, especially between America and Britain. He explained that the dangers of these militias include spreading regional and tribal strife and tearing the country apart in the name of federalism, self-rule, and the so-called self-determination. He also explained that they empowered the Kafir colonizer in our land. He explained that governments participate in the crime of creating these militias by giving them legitimacy and by recognizing them through the idea of ​​dividing power and wealth and sharing executive sovereign positions with them and arming them with what strengthens them and makes them a danger to the people.

The second speaker, Attorney Ahmed Abkar explained the Hukm Shari’ related to the multiplicity of armies, and explained the prohibition of that with Shari’ evidence, and explained that the army in Islam is the army of the state only, and that the Khalifah is the actual commander of the army, and he is the one who appoints the commanders of the divisions and brigades, and he explained that the demands in Islam are not through raising weapons but through political work based on Islam. The army is one army, including internal security and the police. And the Khilafah State will not allow the establishment of any militia or movement that threatens the security of the people and causes disasters and calamities as happened with the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and what is happening today with the government’s recognition of the militias and armed movements. Therefore, this reality will not be changed except by establishing the state of the Khilafah Rashidah (Rightly-Guided Caliphate) on the method of the Prophethood, which is the solution and way out of the chaos of the militias and armed movements that is happening today.

In the interaction section, there were strong interventions and heated discussions from a number of media professionals and politicians on the topic, most notably the veteran media professional and journalist, Mr. Asim Al-Bilal, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Akhbar Al-Youm Newspaper, Mr. Mohamed Abdullah, former Editor-in-Chief of Sudan Vision Newspaper, Dr. Zuhair Abdel Rahman, media professional and economic expert, and Ust. Hatem Jaafar, lawyer and legal advisor. The speakers responded to the interventions in a strong and elegant manner.

At the end of the forum, its officer, Ust. Abdul Jalil Adam, thanked the attendees for their participation, strong interaction, and attentiveness.

Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Sudan
Sudan en

Talk by Ustaath Nasser Ridha

The Danger of Multiple Armies and Militias

Talk by Lawyer and Ust. Ahmed Abkar

The Army in Islam: Specifications, Goals and Objectives

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