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Media Office

H.  5 Rabi' II 1430 No:
M.  Tuesday, 31 March 2009

 While the G20 summit in London aims to continue the hegemony and oppression of Capitalism, Hizb ut-Tahrir convenes two press conferences on Friday to save the world from Capitalism and its crises


Since 1999, G20 summits have taken place and formulated financial plans for the world - plans that brought crises and calamities to human beings and the world. They claim that through these summits they will save the world even thought it is inconceivable that the wolf would save its own prey! The leaders of the G20 will meet in London, the spiritual capital of Capitalism and its corporations, on Thursday 2nd April 2009. Instead of formulating a plan to rescue the world from the financial cirsis, they only devise solutions that aim to increase the wealth of the rich capitalists even if that further impoverishs the poor.


Meanwhile, Hizb ut-Tahrir, the global Islamic political party, has convened two emergency press conferences in Beirut and London on Friday 3rd April 2009, a day after the London G20 summit. At both press conferences, Hizb ut-Tahrir will launch its new book "Towards a Tranquil Safe World under the Shade of the Economic System of Islam". The book examines the global economic crisis, explains its reality, critically examines its symptoms and exposes the flaws in the solutions proposed by the flagbearers of Capitalism. The book concludes by illustrating the correct solutions to the economic crisis from Islam - solutions that are from the Creator of the universe and the Creator of mankind, who knows what is best for His creation.


"Should not He Who has created know? And He is the Most Kind and Courteous (to His slaves) All-Aware (of everything)." [TMQ Al-Mulk: 67]


At the press conferences, there will be speeches in Arabic and English outlining Hizb ut-Tahrir's solutions to the economic crisis and its response to the London G20 summit. There will be an opportunity for open discussion and debate and both press conferences will be broadcast live on the Internet.


The press conferences will take place in Beirut and London on Friday 8th Rabi` al-Akhar 1430 Hijri / 3rd April 2009





10:30 a.m. Medina and Beirut time.


As-Safir Hotel, al-Rawsha, Beirut, Lebanon




6:30 p.m. BST (8:30 p.m. Medina and Beirut time).


The London Continental Hotel, 88 Gloucester Place, London, W1U 6HR,

United Kingdom


The live Internet broadcast will be streamed on the Hizb ut-Tahrir Media Office website: www.hizb-ut-tahrir.info


It can also be followed on the following websites:


Video: http://kstreamvideo.blogspot.com/

Audio: http://kstreamaudio.blogspot.com/


For more information please contact us on:


Beirut: +961(0)3927056

 London: +44(0)7074192400

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