بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Hizb ut Tahrir - the Blessed Land Palestine:
Massive Lecture in the city of Hebron
"The Khilafah is a Victory from Allah and Imminent Conquest"
Marking the 98th anniversary of the Destruction of the Khilafah and as part of Hizb ut Tahrir - the Blessed Land Palestine activities of the commemoration of the Destruction of the Khilafah, Hizb ut Tahrir in the Blessed Land - Palestine held a massive lecture in the city of Hebron (Khalil) at the Rawda Masjid entitled,
"The Khilafah is a Victory from Allah and Imminent Conquest"
Where the lecturer dealt with important points, most notably:
1 - The vicious attack by the Western crusader countries to prevent the establishment of the state of Islam and in it that the Western Kaffir led by the Crusader America that strikes Muslims in various parts of the world targeting them as Muslims, where he stressed examples such as Iraq and Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, East Turkestan and Burma ...
2 - Ustaadh Abu Obadah stressed that victory is in the hands of Allah alone and requires the best of tawwakul in Allah and grasping tightly to the rope of Allah (swt), and that the Muslims did not win throughout history, except by trust in Allah's promise and victory.
Ustaadh Abu Obadah concluded his lesson with a du'aa that impacted the audience.
Wednesday, 27 Rajab al-Muharram 2019 AH corresponding to 03 April 2019 CE
Deputy to the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
In the Blessed Land - Palestine
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