Saturday, 18 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/21
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Press Release Regarding the Warning of the President of the Interim Government to Hizb ut Tahrir (Translated)

At the time when many Party leaders repeatedly pay visits to the American embassy and are infatuated with its lavish banquets, when before it was and still is to Britain and France.

At the time when these people and their likes contact the ambassadors, by day and night, in their embassies and homes,

At the time when the Media attaché of the government make the following statement, "These communications do not concern us, and we do not interfere in the affairs of the parties, it concerns them alone."

At the time when America, France, Britain, and Germany are making statements siding with "Israel" in its right to respond and defend itself however it chooses against our Muslim brothers in Palestine. Yet the government remains silent over these statements and does not find them strange or even expresses it.

At the time when the Free Masons's organizations with their international known names freely indulge and wonder all around the country and organizes Iftars for the fasting and attract our youth to its dark corridors.

At the time when the ambassadors freely wonder up and down the country and console people promising them good times ahead, as if the people of Khadra are their citizens and they donate to them in a humiliating fashion and appoint some of them in their consulates for a hidden Western agenda.

At the time when the government announces in an inferior way to the global media and say that its prime minister was the choice of the west and appointed with their approval... this is when? After the revolution!

At the time when the Government of "Dignity" refuses to give refuge to our brothers from Palestine who are running from the fire and destruction of the occupiers, who wish the worse for our beloved Tunisia, and accept Israelis with Israeli passports, and the minister of tourism saying that: "There is no law that prevents dealing with Israel"

At a time when the head of the government is calling for disregarding article 13 of the constitution, Which was recently written, this is because the article in his view will obstruct the looting of the wealth of the country and randomize the brokers.

At the time when Mehdi Jummu'ah and his government have pledged their co -ordination clearly with the men of the previous regime led by the "Mystery man". They put the country under the subjugation of the International Monetary Fund for tens of years for alarming rates.

At the time when the living conditions of the people have become unbearable, in its lowest level, between the dilemma of the high prices and very low wages and cunning increases, and between the filth and leftovers that made people's lives in cities and villages rotten.

At the time when the government commits many violations and desecrates the Masajid and houses of Allah, despite the refusal of security personnel to carry out this filthy mission that does not even takes place within dictatorships.

At the time when many sincere people prepare horrific corruption files against the members of this government that supersedes the corruption of Bin Ali and his family.

At the time when they have taken the country to unprecedented trouble; people rejected the Foundation (ta'sisi) path on the whole and in detail, and they mock the constitution and refuse to register in the election centers the matter that shocked the government and those who appointed it and facilitated the way for it.

At the time when many politicians call for rebellion and strikes and to seek vengeance; and they threaten and warn when filmed, and they have insulted the security agency and described it with filthy names.

At the time when many demand the investigation into the shocking capture of weapons in the headquarters of one of the parties by the security forces in the south, while they hide the issue despite the size of the scandal and level of danger.

At the time when Hizb ut Tahrir struggles to defend the country and the Ummah from those traitors, and regard the foreign dependence as a betrayal to Allah, his Messenger and to the believers, and calls for a covenant of honor in the political action with one aspect of its work is to expose the agents.

At the time when Hizb ut Tahrir calls for making the buried wealth of the country as public property as Allah (swt) has ordered, and it should benefit all the people; and not to be looted by companies, which will improve the standard of living of the people four time greater.

At the time when Hizb ut Tahrir rejects all the criminal terrorist actions which leads to the Muslims' bloodshed, and calls for the revelation of the conspiracy and the whole truth so that the security and army forces do not get dragged into a dirty game in a cunning regional dimensions.

At the time when Hizb ut Tahrir enjoys unprecedented public support and carries out the most elevated lectures and conferences in style and content which is liked by many, the near and far.

At the time when people pile up at its members and offices, asking for the solution and the alternative to the cunning and feeble and arrogant policies of the country, which crushes the dignity in the Ummah and the revolution, which reached the lowest levels..

At this time it is strange for the prime minister to send a message to Hizb ut Tahrir (and only Hizb ut Tahrir) of warning; a message that does not contain the Bismallah or any words of courtesy at the beginning, it has no greetings and no kind words whatsoever. He demands of Hizb ut Tahrir to change its course and what it is established on for tens of years and its administrative bases that was established two years ago and accounts the Hizb for not accepting the constitution and for its call to boycott the elections and other bits and pieces of observations.

We did not find this strange but it is expected, we have confirmed for some time now that the subject of Hizb ut Tahrir is on the political broker's table and those who sold the country and covenant to two foreign states. Fighting the Hizb is a condition of the West, and it is what shows credibility, acceptance, and efficiency. The prime minister's office is the last stop of this plot. We were a step ahead in exposing them, we can see through them and we have their news.

And finally, we confirm that in this matter and all matters we trust in Allah (swt), and this deformed warning from the government confirms to us that we stand in opposition to their deception and political games, and that we truthful to Allah (swt) and the people; we confirm to the public that when we delivered to the administration the document for "Announcement and News", we were open about our political and intellectual identity, free of concealing behind masks and diversions and hypocrisy. On these grounds, we dealt with them and we gave them in addition a copy of the constitution that we adopt.

They have tossed the matter upside down and in all directions and with all the party's internally and externally; the evidence for this is that we received their letter on the last day of reply, i.e. after two compete months. So the problem is with you, O government and not with us, do not become arrogant over us just because you have a document signed by bin Ali's second right hand man, Fouad Al-Mubza', during the time when hasty and emergency decisions were made. We say to the government:

A little bit of truthfulness and wisdom will make you realize that you are making a deliberate mistake; and we also say to them, your contradictions and offences and oppression have increased, your arrogance have increased, you have complicated matters for the people and the country, and dampened the morale of the revolution.

We know that the one delegated this mission to you wants to hide behind you, and fears to announce political responsibility and he knows well that your government with this attribute is one that will not last, and does not bear the direct party or political responsibility.

Remember this time that you are in; comparing it to the past is incorrect and nonsocial. Remember the saying of the Prophet (saw) regarding ruling:

«إنّها أمانة وإنّها يوم القيامة خزي وندامة إلاّ من أخذها بحقّها وأدّى الذي عليه فيها»

"It is a trust, on the day of judgment it will be cause of disgrace and remorse, except for the one who took it rightfully and fulfilled his duty"

And reflect on the lessons from the Noble Qur'an; it guides to the straight path.

((وَلَا يَحِيقُ الْمَكْرُ السَّيِّئُ إِلَّا بِأَهْلِهِ))

"...but the evil plot does not encompass except its own people" [Fatir: 43]


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Tunisia


Press Release Muslims are Slaughtered in Gaza, al-Aqsa is Crying and the Jordanian Regime Announces its Incapacity and Weakness by Denunciation and Condemnation (Translated)

At a time when it is necessary to mobilize the neighboring Jordanian army, closest to the Muslims in Palestine - the place of the Battle of Honor - to support Muslims in Gaza and all of Palestine, the official response of the regime in Jordan comes out to denounce as quoted by the official spokesman on behalf of the regime.

In addition to that, the Minister of Foreign Affairs called for a return to the previous negotiations during his meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, the other neighbor that is close to Muslims in Gaza and which until this moment is closing its passageways, even in these circumstances, instead of moving the army of Egypt to crush the Jews, rescue the Muslims in Gaza, and liberate al-Aqsa Mosque.

O Muslims:

The official incapacity of your rulers who hide under the international law, which was found to slaughter Muslims, tear their lands, and prevent their revival, and the rulers' sanctification of the agreements of dishonor, shame, and surrender that became the components of the regimes in your countries and reasons for the continuation of their presence and your silence by not accounting them or moving to force them to support Muslims. All this will make you repeat the known expression, "I was eaten when the white ox had been eaten".

O Muslims in the Jordan of Goodness, the Land of Masses and Steadfastness:

Those who are slaughtered in Gaza and ash-Sham are your brothers in religion and blood, and your Almighty Lord says: ((إنما المؤمنون اخوة))

"The believers are but brothers" [49: 10]

He did not say Palestinians or Jordanians or Syrians are but brothers, and your Prophet Muhammad (saw) says:

«المسلم أخو المسلم لا يظلمه ولا يحقره ولا يسلمه» "The Muslim is the brother of the Muslim, he does not oppress him, nor humiliate him, nor surrender him".

So look at what you are doing to support your brothers and people, the armies are yours, and their soldiers are your sons before this official shameful denunciation. We remind you that Palestine was lost when you lost the Khilafah "Caliphate"; so we call you to work for it in order to liberate the land that had been usurped and restore to the Ummah its dignity and status that was known to the world for more than 13 centuries, when we were the frontrunners of the world under the shade of Islam and the acceptance of The Merciful.

We call you to work for a Khilafah "Caliphate" on the method of the Prophethood, so that you have your leader whom you will fight behind and who will be your shield. Biting your fingers will not stop the blood spill and rivers of tears will not provide people under bombing except with despair and will not send them except messages of incapacity and surrender. Roar until your armies can hear it and your rulers comply with you to support your brothers and al-Aqsa Mosque. Then, put all your efforts to find your Khilafah "Caliphate" which will relieve your throats and cure your breasts.

Allah (swt) says:

((يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اسْتَجِيبُواْ لِلّهِ وَلِلرَّسُولِ إِذَا دَعَاكُم لِمَا يُحْيِيكُمْ))

"O you who have believed, respond to Allah and to the Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life." [8: 24]


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Wilayah Jordan


ISIS Organization Fell into a Trap with its Declaration of "Caliphate", and will not Change it from being an Organization (Translated)

On the first of Ramadan of the current Hijri year of 1435, corresponding to 29/06/2014 CE, Abu Mohammed Adnani the spokesman in the "The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria" organization, declared the state of the Islamic Caliphate. He announced that the people of power and influence (Ahl Al-Hal Wa Al-Aqd) of notables and leaders, princes and the Shura Council in the "Islamic State" pledged allegiance (Bayah) for Khilafah "Caliphate" to their Ameer Ibrahim Awad al-Badri, nicknamed "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi". And that the latter accepted the Bayah, and so he became- as stated- the caliph to the Muslims, and that the duty of all Muslims is to give Bayah and obedience to him.

This grave mistake of declaring the Caliphate did not surprise us, because it was expected its issuance by an organization accustomed to escape forward after it did not find acceptance among Muslims; since it considered itself an Islamic state due obedience after announcing the "Islamic State of Iraq" and then announced the annexation of Jabhat al-Nusra to it, to become the "Islamic State of Iraq and Ash-Sham". That declaration of Caliphate came after the occurrence of what resembles a revolutionary uprising in Iraq on Al-Maliki's unfair policies which involved several parties of the Arab tribes and Baathists officers... and matters were arranged and then tightened by the planners. So by a secret agreement with the working officers, they left their military equipment, and were defeated in front of rebels, leaving behind heavy weapons, and billions in the bank of Al-Mosul! This was followed by a major media amplification, and the suggestion that the ISIS organization was behind these victories... So this organization assumed that by its belief it had liberated the country, and by its determination it looted money and ordnance! And that the Earth became inviting them to rule it, and the Caliphate is waiting for them to announce it. They did not pay attention, giving them good thought, that it is only a luring from the West for them to this killer trap; a declaration of Caliphate to distort it!

O Muslims in Syria Ash-Sham the Abode of Islam...

What occurred is nothing more than a new episode in a series of acts, aimed at eliminating the great Khilafah "Caliphate" project. This is after the development of the revolutionary situation in Syria into an overwhelming demand for Khilafah "Caliphate", and the leanness of the secular project, which is not left for the few remaining of them, represented by the National Coalition, any recognized popularity... Until the West reached to a degree of panic that made it certain that a Western secular solution will not see light except after hitting the overwhelming Islamic case in Syria; that is dangerous to the interests of the West and its influence.

We were well aware that the last bullet in the quiver of the Kaffir West, be launched towards the Khilafah "Caliphate" project, is the establishment of something it calls it Khilafah "Caliphate", but what Khilafah "Caliphate" is that? It is Khilafah "Caliphate" that deforms Khilafah "Caliphate", and alienates ordinary Muslims of the Khilafah "Caliphate". And then the West will bring it down if it wants to bring it down by the hands of the Muslims themselves, to fall off after that in the hearts of hundreds of millions of those demanding it. We have all heard what lately was stated by Mohammed Ebiary, adviser to President Barack Obama when he said: "The return of the Khilafah "Caliphate" is inevitable, and the only option for the U.S. is to contain it"...

We also recognized that such Khilafah "Caliphate" would not be established by secularists, because it would be absurd from the first day... but will be established by people who are Muslims, their blood on their palms, fighting those opposing them... And this is what actually happened... Perhaps the biggest mistake made by the owners of this state is that they believe that they are the victorious group, and they are Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah, and other Muslims, are people of bid'ah and astray, if not the people of apostasy and hypocrisy.

The state is not just to announce it, or preach it, or punish those who violate it among its people. Rather, it is institutions, systems and establishments; it does its duties and then takes its right... It is a comprehensive constitution and clear laws, on which basis the governor is held accountable before the governed... It is an executive entity that derives its authority and legitimacy from the Muslims, and not imposed on them without their consent... It is an army, police, governors, judges and employees... It is safety and security, in a known capital governed by an able competent Imam with apparent authority, whoever asks for him finds him. It is a Bayah of Ahl Al-Hal Wa Al-Aqd given to him with satisfaction and choice, if he is eligible for the Bayah.

However, declaration - after more than ninety years of loss - of a Khilafah "Caliphate" that is unreal, with no elements of it on the ground, no known capital, no apparent authority, and no awareness of its owners on Sharia' law or politics... then this by Allah is manipulation with the feelings of Muslims, destroying their hopes, burning the nerves, and an incinerator of their youth, and a service to their enemies.

In conclusion, we say to our people in Ash-Sham the abode of Islam:

The mill of cunning and machination on you is still revolving in the embassies of Western countries and its agents. They want to sacrifice your revolution and your revolutionaries on the altar of employment, treason and hostility to religion... So wake up and beware of calls for fighting among yourselves which they invite you to it, and do not make of yourselves servants to your enemies, while you do not know... One remains in the affluence of his religion unless he pours impermissible (Haram) blood... There is no way for us in the face of this devilish project, except to adhere to the idea of Khilafah "Caliphate" on the method of the Prophethood, work strenuously for it, and have awareness of the tricks of the West and its plans for distorting and eliminating it. And to give our political leadership to those who are eligible for it, those who are aware and sincere. Who love the Ummah and it loves them, and they pray for it and it prays for them... Who, if they establish Khilafah "Caliphate", will shake the earth with it, and overturn the balance of power in the world. They were its fence against distortion, and its protective shield from intrigues and conspiracies.

We in Hizb ut Tahrir will continue with the number-one issue of the Muslims, in all Muslim lands, namely the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" on the method of the Prophethood. The Khilafah "Caliphate" of all Muslims, which is not exclusive to an organization or a party or a group, or a doctrine... We will keep calling for it, defending it and revealing both cunning and machination plotted against it. Working very hard to establish it, with patience and commitment to the provisions of Al-Shara' until Allah permits, and Allah is over all things competent.




Scandinavia: Gaza Under Attack

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Unfortunately, it is not the first time and it probably
won't be the last time we see this,

until the Muslims realise there is only one single solution to this issue.

We cannot accept a Palestinian mini-state.
We cannot accept peace with occupiers and criminals.
We cannot accept anything but the Islamic solution.

A solution that requires an army led by a sincere leader, a sincere Khalifah, that will do what others before him has done -

Unite the Islamic nation, liberate Islamic land,

and to put a halt for oppression once and for all.

Share this message and convince other Muslims about the Islamic solution,

the only true solution.

And with the will of Allah we will see a change.


Hizb ut Tahrir / Skandinavien

Ramadan 1435 AH - July 2014 CE






Free Dr. Ismael Sheikh Sticker Campaign Demanding Release of Advocate for the Khilafah

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As part of its campaign to secure the release of Dr. Ismael Sheikh, Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan has displayed stickers throughout Karachi, Pakistan's largest city, home to twenty million. The stickers demanded the release of Dr. Ismael, who was abducted by the thugs of government agencies on 18 April 2014 from outside of his residence. He is a leading advocate for Khilafah

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