Tuesday, 29 Safar 1446 | 2024/09/03
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The Upcoming Storm: Britain’s Exit from the EU

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Britain officially departed from the European Union on the last day of January but the departure has created several other challenges, which will precipitate into the further fragmentation of the European Union. For the moment there is a transition period where Britain and the EU are going to negotiate additional arrangements, however, numerous issues are emerging in regards to the new trade deal taking place between Britain and the EU.

22 Years in a Special Regime Colony: 10 Muslims Sentenced in Kazan

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On 5 February 2020, in Kazan at a mobile court session, the Volga District Military Court sentenced ten Muslims for participating in the activities of Hizb ut Tahrir. By a decision of the Supreme Court of Russia dated February 14, 2003, the party was recognized as a terrorist organization.

Trump Survives Impeachment Because Votes are More Respected than Facts in the US

  • Published in Al-Rayah
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Trump’s impeachment divided the US. Some have said that the US constitution is being shredded, and in a symbolic show of defiance, and hours after the Senate acquitted Trump, the speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, made a shocking public gesture on live television. It happened as Trump finished making his annual ‘State of The Union’ speech to the nation from the House of Representatives.

Cultural Colonialism of Russia in Central Asia

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Against the backdrop of the ongoing demographic crisis in Russia, the Kremlin is actively expanding Russian culture in Central Asia, investing huge amounts of money in this and using its influence on the regimes in the region. For example, on January 15, 2020, the Lower House of the Tajik parliament ratified an agreement between the governments of Russia and Tajikistan on the construction and material and technical equipment of five…

The US Tactical and Political Reduction of forces in Afghanistan

  • Published in Al-Rayah
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The Afghan President, Ashraf Ghani, has said in a Davos World Economic Forum, that the Afghan government will face no problems after the foreign troops withdraw from Afghanistan; however, should these negotiations continue with Taliban instead of his government, this war can enter a new phase.

The Nation-State, a Primitive Idea, has Destructive Effects on Humanity

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In the late 19th century, the call for the idea of the nation-state by the pseudo-intelligentsia of that time, which was itself mesmerized by the Western civilization, had a devastating effect on the political institution of the Caliphate. The concept of nation state was behind the formulation of the Ottoman constitution of 1876.

Assassination of Qasem Soleimani and the Dubious Mask of Iran

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On 03 Jan 2020, United States (US) through an airstrike killed Qasem Soleimani, Iranian Major General of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) since 1998, and the commander of Quds Force (known for its extraterritorial military and clandestine operations) who was considered to be the second most powerful person in Iran next to Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, current Supreme Leader of Iran.

Those Who Cannot Forego the "Istanbul Convention" Strive to Retransform "Istanbul" into "Constantinople"

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Constantinople was conquered 857 years after the Hijra of Rasulallah (saw). It was opened by none other than those, who had full and truthful obedience and faith in Islam, and who did not exalt anything other than the Islamic values, and who were sure that none other than these Islamic values are able to save humankind.
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