Sunday, 27 Safar 1446 | 2024/09/01
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  Muslim Protests vs. Western Riots: Humanity vs. Brutality

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Desperate times call for desperate measures, a popular quote especially valid during these tumultuous times. Or is this really true? Do these events give license for the people to wreak havoc and cause chaos all through out the land to achieve the means? A brief look to compare past demonstrations to the ongoing protests in Egypt. As observers and witnesses to this historic event, we see Egyptians of all classes,…

  USA and the West Can't Deceive Us Again Insha'Allah

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Let me begin by praising Allah (swt), who has control over all the affairs. The story of Tunis and subsequently in Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Jordan and the increasing domino effect in the ummah in greater Arab world is unprecedented for decades. There are lots many who say that, the people in Tunisia have shown and reinstalled a new hope and dignity in the masses across the Middle East to go…

Sheikh Hasina Fulfils the Promises to her Disbeliever-Polytheist Masters Ignoring the Muslims of Bangladesh

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On 6th of January 2011, the government of Bangladesh led by the incompetent, traitor and agent of the US-Britain-Indian axis of colonial disbelieving states, Sheikh Hasina, completed its two years in power. It was on 6th January, 2009, that this government came to power as the result of a compromise deal between USA, Britain, and India which was worked out at a meeting in Delhi between a joint secretary at…

  Hizb ut-Tahrir  presents 11-point action plan

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Pakistan is gripped these days with the discussion of "reform packages" of the ‘system' and "revolution" and that's too by none others than those who himself are responsible for this mess by acting as the agent of the west and guardian of their Kufr system. One day an 11 points agenda is rolled out while people are called toward a five point agenda on the next day, all calling for…

  Dismembering the Muslim World

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As oil rich South Sudan gears up for independence, there are increasing signs that the West, especially America is spearheading efforts to either dismember some Muslim countries or subtly instigate regime change in others. The incessant Western media evangelism about the promotion of freedom and democracy in the Muslim world masquerades the real motives of America which is more interested in grooming governing elites that are more pliant to US…

Hijab: Allah's (swt) Command or Fashion Statement?

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Unfortunately, we as Muslims live during a time where there is no Islamic State to stop the Munkar we see on a daily basis. It is an obligation on Muslims that we try to stop the different Munkars we see. It is one of the biggest challenges a Muslim has to endure to stop a Munkar when there is no support from the Islamic State. We have been brought back…

  Palestine is under an extra hand of occupation: The Palestinian authority

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December 31, 2010: After Friday prayer all throughout the West Bank, members of Hizb ut-Tahrir gave a bold speech that instigated the rage of the Palestinian Authority resulting in more than one hundred arrests and numerous attacks on members of HT including verbal and physical assaults against women and children. Mostly evident in Bidya near Salfeet. The Palestinian Authority unleashed its Security Forces against innocent bystanders. Many of whom were…

Europe and Muslims: What are Danish people like?

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What are the Danish people like? How would you describe them? How do they deal with immigrants? How do they deal with Muslims? Why are they so proud that they have enacted some of the harshest anti-immigration laws in Europe? These were some of the many questions I sought to explore as I sat with brothers over cups of coffee during various discussions over three nights I recently spent in…
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