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News & Comment Church Should Not Advocate Secular State System

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News Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) Bishop, Dr Alex Malasusa pleaded with government leaders to ensure Tanzania remained a secular state. He said his Church was praying for government to adhere to the rule of law and hand over the government peaceful to successor in October this year. (The Citizen, 14 January 2015) Comment The secular concept emerged after a fierce struggle between the philosophers and intellectuals against the…

News and Comment World leaders stand unified in the oppression of Muslim Women

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News Sunday 11th of January, world leaders gathered in France for a public march of solidarity against the killing of hostages in the now infamous Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris. Comment The contrived line up of world leaders wishing to take advantage of a photo-opportunity to enhance their political kudos amounts to nothing more than a laughable sadistic joke that mocks the sanctity of human life and human rights. All…

Headline News 17/01/2015

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Headlines: French Ambassador: France is at War with Radical Islam Tony Blair: Force is Necessary in Struggle against Radical Islam America: Newt Gingrich Outlines 7-Step Plan to Defeat Radical Islam Muslims World Stages Protests Over Offensive Charlie Hebdo Details: French Ambassador: France Is At War With Radical Islam Gerard Araud, France's Ambassador to the US: What I want to say is as the French Prime Minister said we are at…

Pakistan Headlines 17/01/2015

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Paris Shooting Confirms Neglect of Muslim Rulers' in Preventing Insults of RasulAllah (saw) Pakistan's Foreign Office on 8 January condemned the deadly shooting in Paris in which 12 people were killed. During the weekly Foreign Office news briefing, spokesperson Tasneem Aslam said Pakistan's stance on blasphemous material was clear, emphasising that religions and beliefs should be respected. Muslims will never ever, accept the right of anyone from East or the…

  Türkiye Newspaper 24.12.2014 Weapons of An Unarmed Movement     By: Yıldıray Oğur  

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Çiğdem Albasan wrote articles about women and education for the Koklu Degisim Magazine. On Friday the 5th of March 2010, more than 10 heavily armed anti-terror policemen stormed her house in Ankara in the early morning hours. Her husband Murat Albasan stood up against the arrest of his wife who was pregnant in her third month. Although there was no arrest warrant against him, he too was arrested. But, what…

News and Comment Cartoonists have used their pens to push western democracy down the barrel of democracy's own gun with no escape plan

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News: Response to the killings of 10 people on the 7th January, 2015, at the Paris headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, by two Muslims of French nationality, has sent shock waves around the world in support of the right of magazines like Charlie Hebdo to insult Islam and Muslims under the banner of ‘freedom of speech'. On 11th January, the largest ever demonstration of solidarity took place in Paris under the…

News and Comment Charlie Hebdo - "Charia Hebdo", Geert Wilders - "Fitna", Nakoula Basseley  - "Innocence of Muslims", Salman Rushdie - "The Satanic Verses ", Jyllands-Posten - "Muhammeds ansigt", Lars Vilks: The series of insult to Islam and Prophet

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News: Why depicting Mohammed angers many Muslims (Source: Agence France-Presse (AFP)) Depictions of Prophet Mohammed such as the cartoons published by the French satirical magazine are banned in Islam and angers many Muslims. The two masked gunmen who killed 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo weekly on Wednesday claimed to be on a mission to "avenge" its cartoons of Mohammed. It follows years of controversy over such caricatures. "This is…

It is Not the Capitalist but the Islamic Ideology Which Will Improve Women's Living Standards

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On 8th of January 2014, the Turkish Prime Minister was speaking at the 'Protecting the Structure of Family and the Dynamic Population Program' in Ankara to announce a series of social reforms prepared by the government. Under the new plan, the government is pledging 300 Turkish Liras for a couple's first child, 400 liras for the second, and 600 liras for the third, while easing conditions for new mothers to…
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