Monday, 28 Safar 1446 | 2024/09/02
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Question & Answer: Departments & Sectors in Khilafah State

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Question: We have adopted that "the army, internal security, industry, and international relations" are independent departments and not sectors, so why do we use the word ‘sector' and not ‘department'? May Allah reward you. Answer: Yes, each one of them is an independent department, but it is an administrative department that may be named as such, however it is not related to the department of people's affairs rather it is…

Question & Answer: Permissible to Accept Gifts and Expenses through the Means of Haram

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Question: Is it permissible to accept a gift from someone who earns his money through haram means (for example through gambling, riba (usury), insurance contracts, or selling wine)? And is it permissible for his family to accept his expenses from this money that is haram? Thank you very much. Answer: There are types of haram: - Haram in and of itself such as wine... It is haram to gift with…

Question & Answer The manner Hizb ut Tahrir uses to express itself To Dede Tahboub

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Question: As-Salaamu Alaikum, I have a comment about one of the pages from the book, Hizb ut Tahrir, which was written in 09/05/1985 that describes the Hizb. On page 20, I have found that the Hizb's method in describing its party makes itself nearer to the level of a deity and maybe this is a reason for the delay in achieving our victory up until now. This is because it…

Question & Answer: "Usurious Types of Food"

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Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah: It is mentioned in the Economic System book under the title "Riba and Currency Exchange" (p. 261; English edition p. 125) "As to the Prophet's (saw) saying: "Food for food and like for like"... So all of this do not prove that the cause of prohibition is food, but prove that usury happens in food and includes all food, so it is general. The Prophet's Hadith…

Question & Answer: Is it Permissible to Possess Forms and Metals that have a Specific Significance if they were from al-Rikaz

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Question: With respect to the subject of al-Rikaz, it is mentioned in the book, al-Amwal (The Funds) that there is one fifth of al-Rikaz, and the question is: with respect to the forms and metals that have a specific significance or express a specific view about life such as: crosses, and statues that are manufactured from ivory, is it permissible to possess them if they were from al-Rikaz? Which means:…

Question & Answer: Is there a Clear Statement Where Taqleed for more than One Mujtahed is Forbidden

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Question: Is there a clear statement for the issue where taqleed for more than one mujtahed is forbidden? Then how will I know that this is one issue or more? May Allah reward you. Answer: In al-Shakhsiyya Volume One in the chapter: Moving (tanaqqul) from one mujtahid to another, [p. 234-5 (Arabic) and p.188 (English edition)], the following is mentioned: "But it should be clear that the issue where it…

Question & Answer Is there a Specific Banner Regarding Color or Shape that the People of al-Sham Should Abide?

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The following has been brought into question from one of the brothers, and I will cite its text: Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu... The controversy here in Syria regarding the banner of Rasoolullah (saw) has increased, including the disagreements. One of the questions that were directed to the Islamic Authority of al-Sham on its website titled: "Is there a specific banner for Syrians to abide?" The following was mentioned…

      The Answer to the Question: ‘When will the Hijrah take place?' to Abu Abdur Rahman At-Tameezy

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Question: As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuhu, In this question I am comparing the time when the Prophet (saw) attained the Nusrah and the beginning of the Hijrah by his companions with what is happening today in Ash-Shaam. Hizb ut Tahrir is a political party that treads the path of the Prophet (saw) to establish the Islamic State. And now Hizb ut Tahrir has begun to attain the Nusrah in…
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