Sunday, 27 Safar 1446 | 2024/09/01
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Answer to Question How Will The US-Russian Rivalry Affect Ukraine In The Coming Era?

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Indeed Victor Yanukovych who is pro-Russia and has served earlier as Prime Minister and also as President in 2004 polled 48% of the votes in the second round against his rival Tymoshenko who bagged 46% of votes, and thus he has again become the president of the republic. Does this mean the end of the era of the Orange Revolution and return of Ukraine in the Russian lobby? How will…

Question and Answer The Economic Crisis in America

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We know that at the beginning of the Economic crisis in America the Dollar fell significantly with respect to the Euro. However we noticed in recent days that the value of the Dollar with respect to the Euro has risen, whilst the Economic crisis is still at its peak in America. What has caused this rise given this reality?

Question and Answer The Reality of Jinn Controlling Human-Being?

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There are some illnesses which inflict people and which they ascribe to the Jinn. There are also people who claim to see and hear the Jinn, and to command them and carry out many actions through controlling them, or through their controlling people. What is the reality of this? Is there any material, sensorially-perceivable relationship between man and Jinn?

َQuestion and Answer Benefiting from Public Property in the Khilafah

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Thus is the case that we have used the principle of interpreting the general in light of the specific and thereby understood that the intent of ‘people' in one of the two narrations is ‘Muslims', and hence there is no right for the Ahl al-Dhimmah in the public property (except for the public utilities, as the evidences clearly indicate), or is there some other understanding in this issue?

Question and Answer Miracles and Karamat

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 Does what is called a ‘karāmah' exist or not? If the answer is yes we seek a comprehensive explanation in this matter, and if the answer is no, then how do we understand the story of the Ahl al-Kahf for instance or Ashāb al-Ukhdūd, or the saying of Umar ibn al-Khattāb (ra), ‘O Sāriya, the mountain!' Similarly the incident of Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas in the Tigris River, and many…

Answer to Question What is the current situation in Yemen?

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 What is the current situation in Yemen? Is this a local religious conflict wherein the Houthi people are pitched against the state? Or is this an international conflict wherein the local tools are being used? Please clarify, may Allah reward you.

Answer to Question Constant Tension between the Peoples Movement and the National Conference

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parliament approved the National Referendum Law during its session which was boycotted by the SPLM. Can it be said that this is a real conflict is between the SPLM and the Peoples Conference? And if so, does this mean that the Peoples Movements loyalty has shifted from the US to Europe and especially tilted towards Britain? Or otherwise, this is a mere outward tension being stage-managed by the US?

Answers to Questions The next Egyptian president to succeed Hosni Mubarak who reportedly will not be renominated for the presidential elections scheduled in 2011

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We know that Jamal Mubarak has his loyalties to the US just like his father, does Ayman Nour also shares the same loyalty especially because he was released from his previous detention  just before Obama's visit to Egypt? Or is Ayman Nour loyal to the Europeans? If this is correct, then does this mean that Europe and especially Britain are looking forward to get a foothold in Egyprt after all…
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