Saturday, 21 Muharram 1446 | 2024/07/27
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Rohingya Massacre: Charity and Dua Alone?

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Amazing scenes of goodness Maybe it was because we were in the middle of the blessed month of Ramadhan where our feelings of brotherhood are heightened. The heartbreaking YouTube videos and the news report of crying and pleading Rohingya Muslims being turned back by Bangladesh borders guards definitely contributed to the amazing scenes I witnessed a few weeks ago. Scenes which made you and I proud and honoured to be…

The Democratic Circus must End; It will Never Solve the Ummah's Problem

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In an interview with the BBC's Hardtalk program on July 31, 2012, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina proposed formation of an interim government during the next general elections scheduled to be held within January 2014. A small cabinet comprising of political leaders including leaders from the opposition party BNP can oversee the parliamentary election, Hasina said. As expected, Khaleda Zia rejected Hasina's offer and said that the next general election must…

Headline News 19-08-2012

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Headlines: Jim Rogers; America must prepare for Financial Armageddon Global food crisis could hit very soon, according to food policy group Military intervention in Syria will lead to catastrophe - Lavrov, Russia' Foreign Minister Afghanistan: Since June 2012 more US soldiers have died from f suicide than active combat Kayani plays with words to conceal America's involvement in the upcoming operation in North Waziristan Details: Jim Rogers; America must prepare…

Syria: The End Game

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After 18 months of fighting the al-Assad regime, the end game, by Allah's grace in now in sight. The whole Ummah has watched with astonishment at not just the brutality of al-Assad but the mixed messages from the West, which played a key role in the slaughter, by giving al-Assad ample time to end the uprising. (وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ لاَ تُفْسِدُواْ فِي الأَرْضِ قَالُواْ إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُون أَلا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ…

The major powers encourage open hostilities against Muslims

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It is absolutely shocking to observe major powers struck by apparent bout of paralysis in their approach to prevent the massacre of Muslims in Syria and Burma. What makes their stance even more abhorrent is that some of them passionately covet human rights and have made it the epicenter of their civilization, but have conveniently overlooked such lofty ideals where Muslims are the victims. The outgoing international war envoy Kofi…

Morsi takes over from Mubarak only to rekindle the peace process to safeguard the Jewish state

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Uproar and commotion has erupted in Egypt over revelations that President Morsi has sent a communiqué confirming Egypt's commitment to peaceful ties with the Jewish state. In the letter sent to Shimon Peres, President of the Jewish State, Morsi states: "I am looking forward to exerting our best efforts to get the Middle East Peace Process back to its right track in order to achieve security and stability for all…

Olympics, Ramadhan and Qur'an

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Imagine as Ahmed lands a ferocious blow to Mohammed's head then follows it with a devastating upper cut. Mohammed retreats trying to recover quickly as he feels the gold medal slipping away from his grasp. We are in ramadhan, when Muslims feel an even deeper sense of brotherhood towards each other, however, brotherhood has nothing to do with this ferocious contest. Right now, what matters is glory for the individual…

America's failure in Afghanistan spells the end of West's dominance in Eurasia

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"The West has already failed in Afghanistan, just as the Soviets failed in the 1980s and the British way back in the nineteenth century."--John Humphrys After having fought for more than a decade in Afghanistan, America has yet to show any considerable gains for its brutal occupation. Nonetheless, there are some diehard American strategists who beg to differ, and argue that America has achieved its primary objective, which was to…
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