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Central Media Office: Call from the city of Gaziantep, "Where are the Descendants of the Conquerors?"

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Brother Hisham al Baba, Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir, launched an appeal at the borders of Gaziantep close to the Syrian Revolution. He calls out to the Muslim rulers; where are the soldiers and heroes? Where descendants of the conquerors?


Thursday, 26 Jumada II 1436 AH - 26 March 2015 CE




The Arrest of a Muslim Woman with Her Infant Child in the City of Osh in Kyrgyzstan

The website, and a number of other media outlets, published that Bourulaay Bint Rakhmongan, who is a 22 year old mother of two small children, has been arrested on 11/03/2015 in the city of Osh in Kyrgyzstan, and is now languishing in the Security Department prison in the city of Osh with her infant child, who is only three months old.


"Defending" the Haramain Sharifain (Holy Masajid) or Guarding American Hegemony?

In the recent press release by the government of Afghanistan mentioned that "Afghanistan and its people have historic and religious relations with Saudi Arabia and considers defending the Holy land of Al-Haramain Sharifain as the prime duty of every Muslim. Therefore, in case of any threat Afghanistan and its people will stand shoulder to shoulder with Saudi Arabia and our Saudi brothers, with all our strength, to defend the sanctity of the Holy Land."


Pakistan Headlines 04/04/2015

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America's Men Mobilize in Favour of Saudi-Led Strikes on Yemen

A PIA aircraft safely brought to Karachi, on the night of 29 March, 502 Pakistanis and a senior diplomat from the war-torn Yemeni city of Hodeida. A relative said, "We have talked to them all the time till they boarded the plane. We even heard the sound of explosions as loudly as it was happening right here." On the same day, the PPP held a press conference in support of the ruling PML-N stance on the Saudi led attack on Yemen. Former Interior Minister and PPP Senator Rehman Malik addressing a press conference here on 29 March, said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif should play the role of a mediator adding, "We have deep brotherly relations with Saudi Arabia which has sided with Pakistan in every hour of its trial and today when the kingdom is in trouble our people are with the Saudis."

It was expected that America's agents in ruling and in the opposition would support the Saudi-led strikes on Yemen, as it is part of the American plan to seize Yemen from the British sphere of influence, who formerly occupied Yemen. America realized that the political medium in Yemen was dominated by Britain's men until today and so backed the Houthis via Iran. However, the struggle became prolonged as the British men resisted. The US backed Houthis unable to either successfully dominate or to return to their stronghold in the north. So America has mobilized its men in Pakistan, Saudi and Egypt to support limited military action, by which it seeks to hit two birds with one stone: to show the Houthis as victims, after the people had begun to see them as aggressors; and to create the atmosphere for emergency negotiations, to come thereby to a compromise solution.

Thus Americans men chain the armed forces when Muslims have their lands attacked and invaded, as happened in Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan and Iraq. Yet, they unleash them whenever the American colonialist have use of them. Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" will cut off relations and influence of hostile colonialist states, such as America and Britain. It will gather the Muslims and all their immense resources to secure the Muslims and establish the supremacy of Islam.


Abolish OIC, Establish Khilafah "Caliphate"

The government has hinted at calling upon the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to play a role to end the conflict in Yemen. "To facilitate early resolution of the crisis and to promote peace and unity of the Muslim Ummah, the prime minister will be contacting the leadership of brotherly countries," the Prime Minister's Office said in a statement issued on 30 March after yet another ‘high-level' meeting on the crisis in the Middle East. The meeting presided over by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was attended by Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, Defence Minister Khawaja Asif, Adviser to the PM on National Security Sartaj Aziz, Chief of the Army Staff General Raheel Sharif, Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman, acting Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral Khan Hasham bin Saddique and Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry. The 57-member OIC, which is often criticised for its ineffectiveness, is dominated by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Malaysia and Iran.

Bringing an early resolution is a euphemism used by these rulers for unleashing lethal force to impose submission. These rulers, led by the rulers of Saudi and Iran, are creating conflict for the Kaffir West, using sectarianism as a cloak to provide their thrones with legitimacy, even though their inaction over Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria is clear to all. These agents, including the Houthis, open their arms to the partisan forces in Yemen, waving a red flag for Western intervention. These rulers only move when they are given the green light by the Kaffir West. These rulers have made clear to the Ummah that they are deep in treachery and deserve to be removed. Abolish the OIC, establish the Khilafah "Caliphate".


Democracy Only Secures the Needs of Traitors and their Colonialist Masters

On 1 April 2015, the ruling PML-N and the PTI finally signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to constitute a judicial commission that will investigate allegations of rigging in the 2013 general elections. Chief government negotiator Ishaq Dar said, "In case the commission determines that the election results did not reflect the true mandate of the people, the national and provincial assemblies will be dissolved and followed by fresh elections. Otherwise, all of PTI's allegations over the veracity of the election will stand withdrawn and the party will return to the National Assembly to play its democratic role." In his remarks on the occasion, PTI Vice Chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi termed the signing of the document "a historic development", which would go a long way in bringing true democracy to the country.

The ruling party and the opposition speak with one voice in favour of Democracy, even though Democracy itself guarantees nepotism, concentration of wealth in the ruling elite and VIP culture, throughout the world. And in between, politics in the country has been paralyzed, even though damaging colonialist initiatives regarding the economy, education, Yemen, Afghanistan and India afflict the country and its people.

There is no wonder that the ruling party and opposition speak with one voice. Democracy always guarantees excessive privileges for the elite in power, and is a temptation for the opposition to secure the same. Democracy links authority with sovereignty, so those elected to power, have the right to make law according to their whims and desires. This ensures that the law-makers are able to amass immense wealth for themselves and their associates by manipulating laws in their favor. Wherever Democracy exists, small elites have changed law to ensure their private ownership of the sources of great wealth, whether it is electricity, oil, gas, minerals, large-scale industry and arms manufacture.

In addition to securing their own wealth, traitors are allowed by democracy to secure the interests of their foreign masters, usurping the rights of society. Through Democracy they undermine the prosperity of the country, by granting foreign ownership of Pakistan's immense energy and mineral resources, or erode the security, by opening the country to American private military and intelligence.  And this is why the aware, competent, caring and sincere people stay well away from Democracy and its politics, whilst the corrupt, greedy and low in morals are attracted to Democracy, like flies to filth.

The need of the time is not more elections for Democracy, but the abolition of democracy and the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate".


Pakistani Regime Stands with Turkish Regime in Treachery Against the Ummah

In a joint press conference following their meeting on 3 April, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Turkish premier Ahmet Davutoglu emphasised the need for a peaceful solution to the Yemen conflict, and voiced their concerns over the ousting of the legitimate government in Yemen by non-state actors. Sharif said both sides were of the view that "the current crisis in Yemen could plunge the region into turmoil", and said that all possible collective measures should be taken to address the crisis. The Pakistani prime minister said both Turkey and Pakistan maintain close brotherly relations with other Islamic countries in the region and attach great importance to their security and territorial integrity. He said that Pakistan will engage with Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries in the region.

Thus the rulers of two of the most powerful Muslim countries agreed to assist the American plan to secure its hegemony in the Middle East. This is at a time that there is a strong debate within Pakistan regarding its role regarding Yemen and more generally in the Middle East. The Raheel-Nawaz regime's stand ignores the fact that the trouble and instability within the Middle East is due to colonialist intervention. It is the colonialist intervention which led to the abolition of the Khilafah "Caliphate" and the division and weakening of Muslim Lands. It is colonialist intervention that leads to nurturing of state actors and non-state actors to further colonialist ambitions, even though it leads to destruction and mayhem in the Middle East. Iraq, Syria and Yemen are but recent examples.

The urgent need of the time is the return of the Khilafah "Caliphate" to a powerful country, such as Turkey or Pakistan. This strong Khilafah "Caliphate" would be the starting point for the unification of the Muslim Lands as a single powerful state and the eradication of Western colonialist presence within our lands.


News Headlines 04/04/2015

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  • Arab League Promises Victory in Yemen; Announces Formation of Joint Force
  • Obama Fights to Contain Republican Rebellion over Iran Nuclear Deal
  • Agreement Done: Myanmar will buy JF-17 from Pakistan


Arab League Promises Victory in Yemen; Announces Formation of Joint Force

At the summit, held in the Egyptian resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh, Arab League Chief Nabil Elaraby read a final communiqué outlining the leaders' views. "Yemen was on the brink of the abyss, requiring effective Arab and international moves after all means of reaching a peaceful resolution have been exhausted to end the Houthi coup and restore legitimacy," Elaraby said. Speaking at the summit on Saturday, Hadi directly accused Iran of being behind the Houthi offensive, raising the specter of a regional conflict. Iran and the Houthis deny that Tehran arms the rebel movement, though the Islamic Republic has provided humanitarian and other aid. Asked at a news conference to explain vague references to "foreign powers" being behind conflicts in different Arab nations, Elaraby said, "I will answer this question indirectly. There is meddling by some neighbors, Israel on one side, Turkey and Iranian interference in several countries." Speaking after Elaraby, Egyptian President Abdel Fatteh El Sisi said leaders also agreed in principle to creating a joint Arab military force. He said a high-level panel would work under the supervision of Arab Chiefs of Staff to determine the structure and mechanism of the force. Elaraby said the chiefs of staff would meet within a month and have three more months to decide on the structure, budget and mechanism of the force before they present their proposals to a meeting of the Arab League's Joint Defense Council. "It is an important resolution given all the unprecedented unrest and threats endured by the Arab world," Elaraby said. A summit resolution said the force would be deployed at the request of any Arab nation facing a national security threat and that it would also be used to combat terrorist groups. "There is a political will to create this force and not to leave its creation without a firm time frame," Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri told a news conference. Egyptian military and security officials have said the proposed force would consist of up to 40,000 elite troops and be headquartered in either Cairo or Riyadh, the Saudi capital. The force would be backed by jet fighters, warships and light armor. [Source: Al Jazeera]

It is ironic how quickly the Arab force was assembled to conduct an invasion of Yemen, but has dithered for decades to liberate Palestine or in recent times to intervene in Syria to topple the brutal Assad. Once again! It is clear how the Arab states can work together to protect the interest of Western powers, but squabble with each other when their masters are divided.

Obama Fights to Contain Republican Rebellion over Iran Nuclear Deal

The White House was desperately trying to contain a congressional revolt against its tentative nuclear deal with Iran on Friday, amid concern that hardliners in Washington could sink the agreement before it has even been finalized. Republicans and some Democrats are demanding a say over the framework agreement, which would drastically cut Tehran's nuclear program in return for relief of sanctions that have crippled the Iranian economy. Barack Obama, who has called several key legislators over the last 24 hours to convince them of the merits of the deal outlined in Switzerland, insists it will cut off every pathway that Iran could take to a nuclear weapon, and avoids a military conflict. Speaking from Tehran, the Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, hailed the deal in a live address on state television on Friday, saying it would lead to a "new page" of cooperation with the international community and insisting his country would fulfil its obligations. But that view was not shared by everyone. The broad agreement, negotiated by the US and other world powers, is facing stiff opposition from Republicans on Capitol Hill and received only a lukewarm reaction from Democrats. There are several bills in the House and Senate that could scupper the deal. The most likely to receive broad bipartisan support - brought by the Republican chair of the Senate foreign relations committee, Bob Corker - would prevent sanctions relief for 60 days, providing Congress space to review the deal, which is due to be completed at the end of June. Corker said the bill will be put to a committee vote on 14 April, giving the Obama administration the two-week Easter recess to persuade Democrats not to support the legislation. Others in his party are demanding language that would effectively render the nuclear agreement a treaty requiring ratification by the Senate. The White House has said Obama would veto Corker's bill, but aides to the president are increasingly alarmed at the prospect of the legislation receiving the two-thirds majority that overrides the presidential veto. Such a scenario would seriously endanger the final stages of the talks. [Source: The Guardian]

While Iran's leadership celebrates the nuclear deal-one which sees Iran cede its nuclear sovereignty after a decade of resistance-Washington's politicians are planning to scupper the agreement to support their alley the Jewish state.

Agreement Done: Myanmar will buy JF-17 from Pakistan

Pakistan has clinched the first export deal for its JF-17 Thunder fighter jet. According to Defence Ministry officials, Myanmar (Burma) has finalized an agreement to purchase JF-17 from Pakistan.  JF-17 Thunder is a multi-role fighter jet jointly produced by Pakistan and China. Various countries including Nigeria, Bangladesh, Tajikistan and Myanmar had shown interest in JF-17 that costs much less than the other fighter jets of the same class such as the F-16 and the Eurofighter. The details regarding the number of planes to be bought by Myanmar and modalities of the agreement have not yet been revealed.  [Source: Daily Capital]

Once again, Pakistan's military top brass is selling weapons to countries that have appalling records of suppressing their Muslim populations.  It is well documented that the government of Myanmar and its security forces are complicit in the mass genocide of Rohingyan Muslims.


Press Release A Member of Hizb ut Tahrir is Arrested Through Lying and Deception! (Translated)

On Monday, 30/3/2015 CE the security apparatus in the area of Sahab asked Brother Mohammad Yusuf As-Sabatin to report to the security centre because, according to their claim, the police found his missing car's number plates, which he reported missing in 2008 CE, and although he told them that he bought new plates, they insisted that he comes to the security headquarters under the pretext of closing the case! When he went he was interrogated by the Preventive Security Services about his affiliation to Hizb ut Tahrir and his work with them. The issue of the missing number plates was not at all addressed, which is the reason why he was summoned! After that they accompanied him to his home; where his house was searched, he was then taken to the Security Directorate of East of Amman; he is still detained there until the time of writing this press release.

This shameful act is carried out by the "security" apparatus that claims day and night that it is keen to respect people and their rights; we demand that these apparatus immediately release our Brother Mohammad Yusuf As-Sabatin.



Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Wilayah Jordan


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