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Question and Answer Repercussions of the Greek Crisis (Translated)  


It was reported on Friday, 27/02/2015 CE that by an overwhelming majority of the German parliament has approved the aid extension to Greece for four months ... Does this mean that the Greek crisis has ended, and that Greece will remain a member of the European Union without hindrance? Also it was noted that the United States is interested in keeping Greece in the European Union and to solve its problems. Obama said during the peak of the crisis, in an interview with CNN on 01/02/2015, expressing "his hope that Greece remains in the Eurozone", and said that "it requires compromises from all sides". He added, "The best way to reduce the deficit and restore durability lies in the achievement of growth". What is the motive for this American declared intervention in the crisis in Greece? Jazak Allah Khair.



To get a clearer view we will present the following:

1. Greece recent financial crisis began to appear at the end of 2009, after the eruption of the global financial crisis in America, the head of capitalism, and included Europe and the rest of the world which is subject to the capitalist system. It engulfed Greece in April 2010, and subsequently, on 23 June 2010, the Greek Government formally requested from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund to launch a bailout program that includes loans to help Greece to avoid bankruptcy and debt defaults. The interest rate on Greek bond rates increased as insurance rose on these bonds against default. As a result, all were raised to high rates due to investors' fears of a "lack of Greece's ability to meet its debts, with a high budget deficit and mounting public debt rate in addition to the weak growth in the Greek economy". This crisis has threatened the euro and its region, and therefore the European Union as a whole, and floated the idea of Greek exit from this economic region. However, Europe has decided to provide assistance to Greece in return for implementation of economic reforms and austerity measures aimed at reducing the deficit in the public budget. Noting that, the current program of the so-called reforms was due to expire in February 28 this month. The agreement was not decisive in its content but it delayed the explosion, as has been said.

2. The package offered to Greece since 5 years ago is estimated at 240 billion euros, while the Greek debt currently amounting to 323 billion euros; broken down as follows: 60% of this debt is due to the euro zone, 10% to the International Monetary Fund, 6% to the European Central Bank, 4% to Greek banks, 1% to foreign banks, 1% to Greek Central Bank, 3% Other loans and 15% Treasury Bond. The Eurozone necessitates the achievement of a budget surplus of 3% after the payment of interest on loans. Greece does not have the ability to achieve this, but the Greek finance minister says his country is no longer bound to this condition according to the latest agreement, and Germany and the zone did not issue any explanation in this regard. The austerity policy that was imposed on Greece in recent years has led to an ongoing state of economic recession during the past years, rising in the unemployment rate to 27%, and bankruptcy of about one third of the special projects. Thus, Greece has been living under the austerity program since 2010, and the European Financial debt-servicing rescue has lost more than 200 billion euros of the loans made so far, to rescue the banks and hedge funds payable to Greece, particularly the French and German banks. These loans have been provided by the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank in exchange for Greece's commitment to austerity measures. This means that the EU reimburse for its banks the money that it lent to Greece with high usurious interest rate at the time the Greek citizen has lost the confidence of his country's economy. For example, 18 billion euros have been withdrawn since last December and 500 million were withdrawn on the 18th and 19th of this month. All of this indicates the seriousness and the corruption of the so-called capitalist bailout plans, as they are drowning and not rescuing, and fatal for the country and the people...

3. Germany was the most hardliner state on the issue of the Greek crisis and rejects debt relief. Thus, Germany was a top negotiator and was leading the talks, to the extent that the talks have been described as Germany-Greece talks. Therefore, the news reported that the agreement was not made through the real negotiations between ministers of 19 countries in the Eurozone and Greece; instead, it was through negotiations between the German Finance Minister and his Greek counterpart in the presence of officials from the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank. This has allowed the current anti-European Union movement in Britain to intensify its criticism of the bloc and described it as a club dominated by Germany, which seeks to take control of Europe. Germany began to feel it is the European Union financial leader because it is Europe's strongest economy, and all extend their hands out to it and show their need to it and to its help. Germany does not want to compromise the issue of the Greek crisis because the contagion will move to Portugal as a first stage, and in the late stage to Ireland, Italy, Spain and other EU countries that suffer from similar problems. These countries are subject to the rescue program and apply the policy of austerity which Germany imposed on behalf of the Union. And so, if Germany compromised with Greece, those states will begin to abandon the policy of austerity that burdens their citizens. Therefore, the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, a hardline opponent of the idea of exempting Greece from debt said, "There would be no payment of new funds to Greece until the conditions of the deal had been met", and said, "Greece's leftist-led government would have a difficult time" (BBC 21/2/2015). Greek government spokesman Panagiotis Agrafiotis said, "Greece and Germany have reached an agreement on the extension of Greece's bailout loan program for four months", and, "There has been an accord between the institutional partners, Greece and Germany" (Al-Quds 20/02/2015). And finally, after the Greek government pledged commitment to the program without any reservations or conditions, the European Parliament or, rather the German Parliament, agreed on 27/2/2015 on the extension of the deadline for four months... Schaeuble has stressed that the current agreement "is not about new money, it is not about changing the program" (London-based Al-Arab, 28/02/2015). Schaeuble has sought the reassurance that this is never about "giving new billions to Greece" or amending the terms of the current program. The European Commissioner for Economic Affairs Pierre Moscovece has urged Athens to "respect its commitments to its European partners and the International Monetary Fund". (27/2/2015

4. As for the position of France, which is the leading state of the European Union alongside Germany, French President Francois Hollande described the agreement as "a good settlement for both Greece and its creditors" (BBC 21/2/2015). The French Finance Minister, Michel Sabin said, "Athens agreed at the end to stay under creditors' supervision, but there will be work of different nature, there will definitely be a political action, pointing out that the Greeks no longer want to meet experts" (FPA, 21/2/2015). The agency added, "If Athens sticks to its commitments, it stands to receive up to 7.2 billion euros in funds still left in its 240 billion euro bailout ($273 million) from the EU and the International Monetary Fund. Greece is keen to turn the page on austerity but Germany, the guarantor of the strictness in European budgets necessitates that Greece continues to purge its finances and move on structural reforms".

5. As for the American's stance was clear from it the public intervention in the subject. Thus, the US President Barack Obama said in an interview with CNN on 01/02/2015, commenting on the financial crisis in Greece, standing by it and criticizing the position of the European Union, said, "You cannot continue to pressure countries in recession" and added "at some point there must be a strategy of growth in order for these countries to be able to repay their debts and reduce some of their deficits". He acknowledged that "there is no doubt that the Greek economy was in urgent need of reforms." He also said, "These changes are very hard to achieve if the people's living standard has dropped by 25% - this cannot be sustained either by the Greek society or the political system." Obama expressed "the hope that Greece will remain in the eurozone" and said that "this will require compromises on all sides" and criticized the European austerity policy, and said, "When the economy is in free-fall, you need a strategy of growth, not just pressuring a population that is suffering more and more". He added, "The best way to reduce deficits and restore fiscal balance lies in growth". The US President was speaking several days after the leftist Syriza party won the Greek legislative elections that took place on 25/1/2015 and nearly a month before the end of the European rescue phase for Greece to give a clear signal to Europe that it stands beside Greece, and criticizes Europe in order to pressurize it to keep Greece within EU and exploits its support for it against the Union. America wants to keep Greece within the European Union, so that this Union continues suffering from crises and cracks and remains a fragile union threatened to collapse.

6. As for Greece itself, in which new left-leaning government, led by Syriza party, swept to power last month, it wants to stay in the European Union. The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has praised the agreement, saying, "The government had foiled a plan by "blind conservative forces" in Greece and abroad to bankrupt the country at the end of the month", i.e. when its European bailout had been scheduled to expire. He added "The agreement with the European Union leaders to extend Greece for four months will end the unpopular austerity measures in the country, however, the government still faces difficult challenges", claiming that "the agreement cancels out austerity". However, this agreement came in exchange for concessions, including its commitment to identifying the so-called reforms in two days. He said, "The government would now focus on negotiating a new reform blueprint with Greece's creditors by June" (AFP 21/2/2015). The Greek government has requested the extension of funding for Greece for a period of 6 months to be able to provide reforms plans for four years. "The Greek government it had averted threatened cuts to pensions and tax hikes, and had persuaded its European creditors to drop unrealistic budget demands." The Greek Finance Minister deemed the agreement a first step in a long path, and added "nobody is going to ask us to impose upon our economy and society measures that we don't agree with... We now have a new framework, but we respect the previous ones. We are becoming co-authors of the reforms that we want to implement, which we are going to dictate." On his part, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said, "as long as the programme is not successfully concluded, there will be no payment." (Euro News 21/2/2015) This was before Greece agreed on the terms of the program and then Germany agreed on the extension.

7. As for the British stance, the British Finance Minister George Osborn described the current situation in the dispute between Greece with other partners in the euro zone as "a risk to Britain's economic stability, and called for the need for the Eurozone countries to find a common solution to ward off a full-blown crisis". Adding, "in this stand-off between the Eurozone and Greece is the risk of a full-blown crisis, which will do real damage to the European economy and is a risk for Britain" (Sky News, 20/02/2015). Britain wants the European Union to remain for as long as it can take advantage of it and does not constitute a danger to it. Especially that the whole Western world is suffering from a full-blown financial crisis, the collapse of the European Union at this time will be a strike, and perhaps a fatal one, for the capitalist economy as a whole. It, i.e. Britain, wants the EU to remain in order to compete with America and be able to use it in its hidden struggle with America and to prevent the latter the hegemony in world's politics.

8. We conclude from all of this the following:

a. The European Union is a fragile union, because it is not founded on a political decision and it is not a single political entity, for there is no one centralized administration to run it. Rather, it is a group of states which agree on certain positions and situations and differ in others, and its major forces are competing for its leadership and for imposing their will on it. Especially if we know that it is based on interest, since it adopts the capitalist ideology that makes interest a basis and a measure for actions. And that they are nation-states seeking to achieve sovereignty over others, because this ideology approved nationalism and did not resolve it, hence it was unable to integrate the people who believe in it into one pot. Accordingly the European states and in particular the major states, are competing on the sovereignty of the Union countries; Germany seeks to achieve it, France is seeking a prominent role besides Germany, and Britain is seeking to use the Union to compete with America, so that it benefits from both sides.

b. America is trying to permeate and influence the EU countries, and is working to beat the Union, and to undermine it so as not to become a single political unit with an influential force globally. It also seeks to drop the euro, so it does not continue to be a global currency rivaling its currency, the dollar. America exploits the Union's crises and its problems and discredits its solutions in order to degrade its ability so it remains the leader of the capitalist world without rival. Thus, it exploited the crisis in Greece, and is working to flirt with the leftist government in it and attract it. It also defends its staying in the Union so that the Union remains fragile eroded by crises. And it will work to exploit it and encourage it to take positions in the face of the European Union and to make Greece a weakening or cracking factor for the Union, and the Union faces the risk of falling.

c. Germany is working to preserve the Union and the Eurozone and to strengthen them and has almost become the prominent voice. It is the primary beneficiary; since its financial institutions are the ones profiting; as they lend to Greece and other European countries and recover these funds with profit. Hence it moves the economy in its financial institutions of banks, funds reserves and insurance companies. It also works to strengthen its influence in it. It has currently become described as the world medium superpower. France is the second beneficiary along the lines of Germany and is working to strengthen its international role in the Union. Britain, which is monitoring the situation as if it is not a member of it; it does not work to strengthen it and neither seeks to drop it down; instead it is working to take advantage of it and exploit it.

A. And so the competition will remain between the major countries in the Union, and the conflict continues between the Union and the United States which seeks to undermine it, and fragment it, if it could. And seeks to drop the euro as a world currency so that its green paper, which is not worth the ink it is printed with, stay the world currency, plundering through it the resources of the world and funding its military apparatus to ensure its world dominance as the leader state that controls the world.

d. Thus, it is proving, once again, that capitalism is a false ideology, its economic system is corrupt, its solutions are dangerous, and its consequences are disastrous, for it does not address the diseases, rather it is working on soothing them, so the problems continue to exist and the diseases remain chronic. Thus, Riba, which it adopts as a basis for the transactions and loaning, is a destructive burden on the debtor. Moreover, the debtor country that issue Treasury bonds to borrow money with Riba must insure these bonds, hence paying large extra sums in exchange for insurance. Consequently the burden increases on the borrowing state and this does not rescue it, rather it continues to suffer deficit in the budget and in the ability to repay the debt and keeps it under the control of the creditors! And keep its citizens living in hardship and misery as a result of being forced to apply the austerity policy. And Greece, which this talk is all about, is the most prominent example of this. For all the solutions to its crisis, as indicated above, are at best relievers for a period of time and then soon explode, and so on ... for the fact of the matter that Greece has lived for four centuries in the affluence of living, stability, security and safety under the rule of Islam.



O Muslims Uphold Your Deen and Remain Steadfast On It (Translated)

In recent days, Copenhagen had been living the impact of shocking events that led to the deaths of three people and wounding of five others, and by the killing of the suspect who carried out the attack, an important part of the circumstances and motives for this operation is missing. But that did not stop the politicians and media to consider this act as an attack on the principles and foundations of democracy and freedoms upon which Western societies are built. Following these events there was a rush to launch a package of new laws and programs to combat the so-called extremism in several ways and means; the Danish government has allocated a billion Danish krone for this purpose.


This event received huge coverage in the media and political debate. Politicians were competing to put forward their views on the subject, some of whom demanded more pressure and spying on Muslims, depicting Islam as the source of violence and there is no way to deal with it except by forcing Muslims to embrace the Western principles, and some of them tried to shed light on what may be the reason behind this operation, considering Muslims as part of the Danish society as long as they are committed to secularism and respect the freedom of opinion. Here emerges a difference in the reactions on how to deal with Muslims, but in reality their goal is one, which is forcing Muslims to convert to Western secular principles forcibly through pressure and harassment, or through their assimilation and integration into the existing programs already in place or are planned to be implemented soon to strip them out of their religion.

The campaigns to pressurize and harass Muslims did not stop, but took many forms, sometimes the West wages bloody wars in the name propagating freedoms and democracy in the Muslim countries leaving death and destruction not seen before in the modern era, and the blood still stains the hands of Danish politicians, but it is the best evidence of their deception and lies of their claims, and thus they are not in a moral position that allows them to describe Islam and Muslims as violent. And at other times it is through enacting laws and legislation which are unfair and unjust within Europe, in conjunction with the surge of media campaigns that encourage hatred and portray Islam, through lies and slander, as a religion that promotes murder and that Muslims are terrorists and they are always in a position of suspicion, leading to the creation of big cracks in European societies and to physical attacks on Muslims in many places.

Despite all this internal and external pressure and oppression, the West has failed to remove Islam from the hearts of the Muslims, so it tries under the pretext of so-called conflict of values to show contempt for Muslims and force them to accept insults and violations of the most precious sanctities under the pretext of freedom of opinion. The recurrence of such abuses is but an attempt to tame them and kill the feelings of anger in them caused by the violation of the sanctity of their religion.

((وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ))

"But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners" [Al-Anfal: 30]

The Danish politicians are the ones who must condemn their policies that led to the spread of the atmosphere of hatred and violence in the community and even murder in some cases, regardless of the identity of the victims of this atmosphere. Western values are the basis of the problem and Western politicians are aware that their values face enormous challenges, not because of the killing operation in Copenhagen. Bullets can not remove values and convictions an inch, the challenges faced by Western values lie in its intellectual contradictions and inability to find harmony and coexistence in societies. This has become clear for those of insight as well as it became clear that Western values have caused the disasters and the suffering of all humanity, and here lies their major predicament.

Ideas are confronted with ideas, and our trust is absolute that the Islamic creed and the ideas and rules emanating from it are the treatment for this miserable situation of mankind, and we insist on challenging Western ideas with strong arguments to expose its falsehood and lack of validity to provide solutions to humanity's problems. Islam is a mercy to the world and to bring people out of the injustice of people to the mercy and justice of the Lord of mankind.

In light of all this, we warn the Muslims in this country from being misled by the atmosphere of fallacies which is created by Western politicians, which considers all who uphold the Deen and reject their principles as a security risk to the society, and we do not expect the Muslims to accept that Islam to put in the accused cage and be satisfied with the position of the defendant defending his Deen. The correct position required of Muslims in this country is to remain steadfast on their Deen and be proud of it.

((بَلْ نَقْذِفُ بِالْحَقِّ عَلَى الْبَاطِلِ فَيَدْمَغُهُ فَإِذَا هُوَ زَاهِقٌ))

"Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs" [Al-Anbiya: 18]




The Khilafah Conference in Istanbul was Held with Successful, Goodness and Blessings

With the benevolence of Allah (swt) and the struggle of the Muslims and the attendance, the successfully organized conference by Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Turkey under the title "The Presidential Democratic Model or The Righteous Khilafah "Caliphate"?" during the week of Khilafah "Caliphate" stretching from the 3rd until the 10th of March.


News and Comment Shutting Down TV Channels: A Battle over Economic Gain

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It has become nearly three weeks Kenyans are still living in TV blackout following the shutting down of four national TV channels by Communication Authority (CA). In early February, the CA raided NTV, QTV, KTN and Citizen TV transmission stations in Limuru and dismantled analogue equipment and carted them away. The move was taken to force the stations to hand over their content to the Government - owned firm Signet and Chinese Owned Pan Africa Group (Pang) for distribution along with moving from analogue to digital broadcasting. The Global migration deadline is June this year. The Government wants all the media outlets to hand over their content to a Chinese firm a position while the media houses want the Government to give them a digital license to air their own programmers, also allow them time to import and distribute set-top boxes to viewers. (Daily Nation)


The move to shut down the TV channels has sparked outrage both from the public and politicians especially from the opposition side. The Media owners, lawyers and the ordinary Kenyans have strongly accused the action describing it as a denial of economic and human rights to the institutions and individuals. The media houses maintain that the push has infringed the media freedom and that it is a government plan to silence and gag the media and putting it under its grip. On its side, the Government argues that the push is meant to advance the information technology along with respect to the international treaties.

The argument does not pertain to digital migration. For this is connected to technical advancement and no one disputes this. The greatest problem lies in the tussle between the government and the media companies concerning economic income of the broadcasting field. It is well known that there are only two companies that are in charge of providing signals which are Signet which is owned by the Kenya Broadcasting Company (KBC) which is a state owned property and, the other one is Pan Africa Networks Groups which is owned and run by the Chinese with some shareholders from amongst local and indigenous tycoons. Therefore, this signal providing merchandise is being run by a handful of individuals.This is real and pure monopoly. One of the greatest financial disasters emanating from the capitalist economic system, where the production and distribution of commodities and services is usually being monopolized by a few individuals who tend to control everything.

With regard to shutting down the TV channels a move seen by some politicians and the media as deprival of the citizen's right to access information to individuals, indeed even if it is true this claim, but not really for the modern media today which are turned by the politicians into platforms and machineries for imposing and pushing their evil agendas on ordinary citizens. The clearest example is how today the media is dragged by secular regimes in waging an intellectual war against Islam and Muslims.

This current circus witnessed between the Government and the Media revolves around the criteria of the benefit a capitalist measure which under Capitalism and its governments consider to be secular supreme. The measure has absolutely ruined the economy of the world by putting production and circulation of commodities under a control of few. Under Islamic state (Khilafah "Caliphate") this kind of drama will never be witnessed. All citizens will be free to establish a media house such as Radio, Television or Newspaper as long as does not infringe the unity of the Ummah.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrr by
Shabani Mwalimu
Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir in East Africa


New PREVENT laws will spread Islam to all corners of the UK

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During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) when he began his mission in Makkah, the leaders of Quraysh met in their assembly Dar an-Nadwa and discussed how to prevent the message of Islam which was increasing in popularity. They focused specifically on what they should tell the Arabs coming to Makkah for Hajj. After a lengthy debate, Quraysh agreed to accuse Muhammad (saw) of being a sorcerer possessing the Sihr al-Bayan (magic of words). They then dispersed among the congregations of pilgrims warning the Arabs against listening to Muhammad (saw) and depicting him as a magician of speech. They said that his Message separated a man from his brother, or from his father, or from his wife, or from his family. [1]

One time a highly respected and influential poet at-Tufail ad-Dawsiy entered Makkah. Quraish feared that At-Tufail would meet the Prophet (saw) and convert to Islam so they prepared for him hospitality that included every kind of joy, comfort, and ease. Then they went on to warn him about meeting the Messenger of Allah (saw). They said to him, "He has charming speech like magic and he makes division between a man and his son, and a man and his brother, and a man and his wife. I fear for you and your people from him. So do not talk to him nor listen to any talk from him."

At-Tufail narrates: "So by Allah, they were still insisting on me not listening to anything from the Prophet (saw) and not meeting him. And when I went over to the Ka'bah, I filled my ears with cotton so as not to hear anything he had to say when he spoke. There I found him standing praying at the Ka'bah, so I stood close to him. Allah refused nothing but He made me hear some portion of what he was reading. I heard a fine speech, and I said to myself, "Oh, may I lose my mother! Indeed I am an intelligent poet. I would not fail to recognize the good from the ugly. What is it that hinders me from listening to the man and what he says? If that which he brings is good, I should accept it, and if it is bad..."

I stayed until Muhammad departed to his house. I followed him until he entered his house, so I entered behind him and said to him, "O Muhammad, verily your people have told me such-and-such about you. By Allah, they kept making me afraid of you until I blocked my ears with cotton in order not to hear your words. But Allah willed that I hear, so I heard a fine speech. Set forth to me your message."
So the Messenger presented to me Islam and recited to me from the Qur'an. By Allah, I had never heard a speech better than it, nor a matter more just than it. So, I surrendered and bore witness to the truth.

I said, "O Messenger of Allah, indeed I am a person of credibility among my people and I am returning to them to invite them to Islam, so call on Allah to make a sign for me that will be a help for me in that which I call them to." He said, «اللهم اكفني عامر بن الطفيل»

"O Allah, make for him a sign." [2]

Quraysh's prevent propaganda campaign failed and in fact had the opposite effect by spreading Islam far and wide to Arab tribes at the Hajj who hadn't heard the message before. As the saying goes, "There is no such thing as bad publicity."

Today the leaders of Britain have had a similar debate on how to prevent Islam and in fact came up with a similar solution to Quraysh which is now enshrined in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 where nurseries, schools and universities have a legal duty to prevent students being ‘radicalised' by Islam.

What this means is PREVENT officers will be hired, trained and dispatched to educational establishments across the country to teach the kids ‘good Islam' (approved by UK Government) and ‘bad Islam' (way of the Prophet (saw), Sahaba and the Saliheen). This will spread Islam far and wide to schools in areas where there are no Muslims as happened when Quraysh undertook such a campaign. Telling school children that something is ‘bad' and not do it many times has the opposite effect and simply makes the ‘bad' thing more appealing. This can be seen with the government's anti-drug campaign which the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs has said "may even increase the risks of drug use".[3]
Something similar may occur with the ‘just say no to Islam' prevent agenda. More people will be exposed to Islam and some will inevitably convert as happened with At-Tufail during the time of the Prophet (saw).

The government and media believe they are working against Islam in their draconian laws and hate-filled articles but in fact they are contributing to the Islamic revival because the Islamic thoughts are Haqq and no matter what lies and misinformation are thrown at the Haqq it will ultimately succeed.

Allah (swt) said,

((بَلْ نَقْذِفُ بِالْحَقِّ عَلَى الْبَاطِلِ فَيَدْمَغُهُ فَإِذَا هُوَ زَاهِقٌ ۚ وَلَكُمُ الْوَيْلُ مِمَّا تَصِفُونَ))

"Rather We hurl the truth against falsehood and it cuts right through it and it vanishes clean away! Woe without end for you for what you portray!" [Al-Anbiyaa: 21:18]

And Allah (swt) said,

((وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللَّهُ ۖ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ))

"They were plotting and Allah was plotting, but Allah is the Best of Plotters." [Al-Anfaal, 8:30]


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Abdul-Kareem Newell



1. Taqiudeen an-Nabhani, ‘Islamic State' (Dowlah Islamiyya), p. 11

2. Khalid Muhammad Khalid, ‘Men Around the Messenger', p. 474




End Democracy Establish Khilafah Democracy is the Slave of the Powerful and the Capitalists

Today's Senate elections have once again exposed the fact that democracy is the slave of the powerful and the capitalists. Every participating party in this system has confirmed that candidates are spending hundreds of millions of rupees to secure a single seat in the Senate. So much so that the leader of the political party who is riding on the horse of change has said that


Press Release Muslims Have Not Declined nor Lost Their Glory Except After the Demolition of their State: The Islamic Khilafah State (Translated)

On this very day, the third of March 1924 CE, corresponding to the twenty-eighth of Rajab 1342 AH Mustafa Kamal perpetrated a heinous crime by officially announcing the abolition of the Khilafah "Caliphate" system and Turkey was declared a secular republic, and he forsook the rest of the Muslim countries that were part of the Khilafah "Caliphate". Truly it was the greatest calamity affecting the Ummah of Islam; the life of Muslims became darker as a result, and the sun of their pride and dignity became absent on the day they lost their Khaleefah, the one who looks after their affairs, and defender of their rights, whom the Prophet (saw) described as:

«إنما الإمام جُنة، يقاتل من ورائه، ويتقى به»

"Verily the Imam is but a shield, who is fought from behind, and is protected by."

Not only that, but Allah's laws, the basis of justice, were removed, and were replaced by Western unjust laws, and the Islamic doctrine was replaced by the that of the Kaffir West, the separation of religion from life. Muslim countries were exposed to the European Kaffir invaders, they ransacked the land through division and the looting of its resources, and humiliation of its people and sowed the division among them through claims of nationalism and patriotism and lifting injustice off ethnic minorities. And now the Muslim began killing his brother for an inch of land, we see the blood of Muslims being spilled morning and evening, without a rescuer, and a handful of agents rulers who control them, they do not exceed the number of their dead and their wounded, and not one of them dares to condemn anything for fear of the wrath of his masters!

O Muslims!

How is this compared to the past glory of Islam in the East and the West of the earth? The Muslim traveled earth from end to end fearing Allah alone and worried that the wolf will attack his sheep? How this is compared to the justice of Omar, and the determination of Haroon and the courage of Al Mutassim and the insistence of Suleiman the Magnificent who built edifices of Justice and made the Caesars and Chosroeses tastes bitter defeats and they liberated the countries and the people? They were in command of the world seas; no one could enter them without their permission.

Do you not see what has become of Muslims under democracy and secularism: the religion of their rulers, the guards of treacherous America of vice! Uncle Sam has become the sole ruler of the Muslims countries, he conducts treaties, deals, conferences, and even declares war and move armies whenever he wants and wills without anyone's objection, and all Muslim rulers do is foot the bills, and justify the American ransacking. Is there a worse fallen position than a Muslim ruler's Prophet (saw) is insulted and he goes to the land of the Kuffar to follow their way and declares that he stands side by side with them, in defiance of the Muslims' sentiments and under the eyes and ears of the so called Muslim Scholars?! It is By Allah a disaster, the saying of Allah (swt) truly depicts them:

﴿يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَتَّخِذُوا الْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَى أَوْلِيَاءَ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَاءُ بَعْضٍ وَمَنْ يَتَوَلَّهُمْ مِنْكُمْ فَإِنَّهُ مِنْهُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الظَّالِمِينَ ` فَتَرَى الَّذِينَ فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ مَرَضٌ يُسَارِعُونَ فِيهِمْ يَقُولُونَ نَخْشَى أَنْ تُصِيبَنَا دَائِرَةٌ فَعَسَى اللَّهُ أَنْ يَأْتِيَ بِالْفَتْحِ أَوْ أَمْرٍ مِنْ عِنْدِهِ فَيُصْبِحُوا عَلَى مَا أَسَرُّوا فِي أَنْفُسِهِمْ نَادِمِينَ﴾


"O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people * So you see those in whose hearts is disease hastening into [association with] them, saying, "We are afraid a misfortune may strike us." But perhaps Allah will bring conquest or a decision from Him, and they will become, over what they have been concealing within themselves, regretful" [Al-Ma'ida: 51-52]

Yes O Muslims, we believe in our Lord (swt), and we are certain of the truth of His promise of the victory for the Ummah of Islam, and the domination of its Deen over all religions, and the signs of victory seem close by His (swt) might and strength, and that day no one who oppressed us or insulted our creed and our Prophet (saw), and snatched our rights will escape the punishment.

((وَسَيَعْلَمُ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا أَيَّ مُنْقَلَبٍ يَنْقَلِبُونَ))

"And those who have wronged are going to know to what [kind of] return they will be returned" [Ash-Shu'ara: 227]


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Iraq

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