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DVD: "Fundamentals of the Ash-Sham Revolution Unites US Campaign"

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The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir is pleased to offer its followers and visitors on the websites of the Central Media Office with its latest DVD entitled, "Fundamentals of the Ash-Sham Revolution Unites US Campaign", a production from the Dept of Archives from the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir.


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Pakistan Headlines 15/02/2015

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Democracy Shows Hypocrisy in Factory Arson Case

A report submitted by a Rangers official in the Sindh High Court on 7 February said that MQM (Muttahida Qaumi Movement) was behind the fire incident that claimed the lives of at least 258 factory workers. The report was based on the information collected from an alleged MQM worker, Rizwan Qureshi.

The reason the state and its institutions would hesitate to act against MQM is because they are a legitimate part of the state. So it is important that we ask this question from ourselves. What is considered legitimate by the state and what is considered illegitimate? What is a mistake and what is a crime? What passes as human error and what passes as barbarianism? What is considered a crime against individuals and what act is considered a crime against society?

Instead of passing direct judgments on these issues, democracy has a different mechanism. They have what can be called as the house of legitimacy. The house of legitimacy decides the moral, legal and political issues of the day.

Consider it as something like a post office. The issues stamped as legitimate by the house of legitimacy are considered legitimate, those which are stamped as illegitimate are considered illegitimate. In common tongue the house of legitimacy is also known as the parliament.
The massacre in Baldia Town is not considered a crime against society by the parliament. Therefore the state does not move in the form of National Action plan or the like.

The massacre in Peshawar is considered as a crime against society by the parliament and hence we have the so called National Action Plan. I would not like to comment on the relative barbarity of killing school children by bullets and burning alive of adults. One because it is insensitive and two because really it is not how barbaric one or the second act was which really matters. In democracy what is barbaric and what is not is defined by the parliament.

Let us be clear. What we are witnessing in the case of MQM is not the hypocrisy of the ruling elite alone. It is the hypocrisy of democracy. For it allows the ruling elite to make laws according to their whims. In Islam, law making is for Allah Alone. Allah (swt) says in the Quran,

((إِنِ الْحُكْمُ إِلَّا لِلَّـه))ِۚ

"Surely the Hukm (Law and Judgment) is for none but Allah" [Yusef: 40].

Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" state which rejects democracy and implements the law of Allah will end the hypocrisy we are witnessing today.


The Regime Raises Tax Demands to Please the IMF, Whilst Choking the Economy

The federal government introduced major budgetary measures on 9 February by taxing more than 285 importable items, including furnace oil used in power generation, and increasing tax rates on all services following an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The decisions about the ‘mini budget' were taken at a meeting of the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet led by Finance Minister Ishaq Dar. The ECC also endorsed drug pricing policy and export of wheat flour with a subsidy. The combined impact of additional revenue measures introduced on Monday and over the next couple of weeks had been estimated at about Rs150 billion in the remaining period of current fiscal year.

Sufficient revenues in the state treasury are essential for looking after the affairs of the people and managing the state expenses, such as the armed forces, health and education. However, in Pakistan's current system, both democracy and dictatorship take turns to secure the economic interests of the Kaffir colonialists and a small band of traitors in the military and political leadership. To achieve this, the World Bank, IMF in cahoots with the government selectively employ humiliating policies of taxation and privatization. These policies deprive the country of state and public ownership of huge sources of revenue and then leaves the people to take the burden of the expenses of the state, by imposing an entire host of taxes, that choke economic activity and add to the people's misery, usurping what private wealth they have left.

Taxation on buying food, clothing, shelter, earning, inheritance, administration, health and education, renders them "luxuries" for the "privileged" few, and not guaranteed needs for all. Moreover, on the expenses side, the expenditure is primarily to secure the needs of the Kaffir colonialists and their agents, leaving the affairs of the people neglected. This is the reality of Pakistan's revenue and expenditure under the colonialist system no matter whosoever comes to rule, and regardless of whether the appearance of the rule is democratic or dictatorship.

Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" will raise huge revenues from state property, public property, agriculture and industry without choking them, and taxes from those who have surplus to normal living. On the expense side, Islam stipulates all that is necessary to truly look after the affairs of the people. And of course, the Khilafah "Caliphate" will not pay any more to the criminal colonialist loaning institutions, firm in the knowledge that the principal has been paid many times over, as is the case with many other states.

Islam's Vision for Peace is the Supremacy of Islam over all of the Indian Subcontinent and Unification of Muslim Lands

Speaking on 11 February at the concluding session of a two-day seminar on "Crossroads Asia: Dynamics of Peace and Progress" at the National Defence University, Adviser on Foreign Affairs and National Security Sartaj Aziz said: "The vision of a peaceful neighbourhood cannot be realised without a qualitative transformation in our relations with Afghanistan, India and Iran." He said building a peaceful neighbourhood was the cornerstone of foreign policy of the PML-N government which wanted to focus on the agenda of economic development. About India, Mr Aziz said, it had "unfortunately not reciprocated our outreach", adding, "Indian leadership's threats of disproportionate use of force portend India's dangerous desire to create a space for war. This hostile attitude also reveals a clear dichotomy in India's insistence on eliminating terrorism on the one hand and creating distractions for our armed forces engaged in a relentless and non-discriminatory counter-terrorism operation, Zarb-i-Azb, on the other," he observed. He regretted that by hiking its defence spending India was accentuating the conventional asymmetry and seriously impacting regional stability.

Sartaj Aziz clearly does not fear Allah (swt) in his so-called vision for the region. Islam does not accept so-called neighbourly relations between Muslim states, rather it demands the unification of Muslim Lands as one Khilafah "Caliphate". This in itself will assist the Muslims of the region in finding security, whilst facing the constant hostility from the Hindu State, which is no secret to anyone, including Sartaj Aziz. As for relations with India, Islam demands the supremacy of Islam over all nations and this is the basis upon which the Khilafah "Caliphate" will deal with the Hindu State. Having unified the Muslim Lands, it will work not only to liberate Kashmir, but to liberate the oppressed people of India by the light of Islam.


Begging Bowl Can Only Be Broken By Khilafah "Caliphate"

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif congratulated the nation on 11 February 2015 on discovery of major reserves of iron ore as well as copper, silver and gold near Chiniot. Addressing a ceremony in Rajoia after receiving a briefing on the deposits, he said the discovery could help the country break the "begging bowl". The reserves were found by a Chinese group - Metallurgical Cooperation of China (MCC). A Punjab government official told AFP that initial estimates indicated 500 million tons of iron ore, a primary ingredient in steelmaking. Punjab Mineral Company Chairman Dr Samar Mubarak¬mand said the MCC had explored 28 square kilometres of the designated land. Earlier results showed that the land was rich with iron, copper, silver and gold ores. The reserves were much more than those in Saindak and Rekodiq, he claimed. He said Rekodiq reserves were spread over an area of 100 sq-km and had just 0.6pc copper while the Chiniot reserves were spread over 2,000 sq-km and had more than 1pc copper. "It will be one of the precious reserves of copper among global reserves."

The Ummah has indeed been blessed by Allah (swt) with enormous resources, including minerals, but it lacks rulers with any vision to break the "begging bowl" of loans from the colonialist international financial institution.

Blinded by Democracy, the rulers insist on the privatization of mineral reserves, depriving the public of its right, whilst making fanfare of the discovered riches and the paltry taxes that private companies pay, which are used to pay the interest based loans in any case. This is throughout the Muslim World, the current failed states are deepening in debt and poverty, even though they have paid the principle sums of the loans many times over.

Islam alone mandates that mineral reserves are a public property, which can neither be owned by the state nor private companies. The benefit of the public property is for the Ummah. This will ensure that in the Khilafah "Caliphate" the begging bowl will just be a distant, painful memory.


Alliance with America is the Cause of the Insecurity and Poverty

US President Barack Obama called Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on 12 February and discussed his administration's efforts to improve India-Pakistan relations, the White House said. The US president made the call to "discuss bilateral and regional issues" with the PM and both leaders expressed "the intent to meet at a mutually convenient time," said a statement the White House issued after the call. "The two leaders agreed to continue to work together to strengthen US-Pakistan relations and advance our shared interest of a stable, secure, and prosperous Pakistan and region," the White House said.

Obama's call comes at a time when there is considerable and growing resentment against the Raheel-Nawaz regime. People are furious that despite Pakistan and its armed forces being ripped asunder over America's war, America is working to strengthen India. This is the reality of the alliance with America and it will never provide security or prosperity. It is this alliance which opened the doors to the American private military and intelligence to reek havoc with security, by infiltrating the naïve from amongst tribal people and orchestrating their attacks on the armed forces. As for prosperity, it is this alliance that ensures Pakistan is tied to the Capitalist system which ensures the vast sources of energy and mineral wealth are privatized, rather than being public property for the benefit of the Ummah. It is high time that all ties with America were severed by establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate".


Answer to the Question: Regarding Man's View of the Procreation Instinct

In The Social System in Islam book on page 16 (Arabic edition, 1424 AH-2004 CE), (p.17 English edition) the 1424 AH - 2003 CE edition, it states the following:
"The purpose of its existence is to produce offspring for the survival of the species. Therefore, Man's view of this instinct must be orientated towards the purpose for which it is found in him, and that is undoubtedly the survival of the species without distinction between men or women."


News and Comment The Hidden Agenda: U.S together with the allies, plan and work closely against the establishment of Khilafah

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10th February 2015: Assad says Syria is 'informed on anti-IS air campaign' (Source : BBC)
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad says his government is receiving messages from the US-led coalition battling the jihadist group, Islamic State.
Mr. Assad told the BBC that there had been no direct co-operation since air strikes began in Syria in September. But third parties - among them Iraq - were conveying "information".



Though U.S was not informing Syrian's regime directly, no one can deny that the regime which killed and massacred thousands of its own people is being respected by the U.S. government and works together hand in hand with the coalition before the strikes on Syria.

This is not the first time Assad being informed before attack. The same had happened in Sept 2014.
"BEIRUT - Syria was informed by the United States in advance of airstrikes against targets including Islamic State strongholds, but there was no strategic coordination with the Syrian government, a State Department spokeswoman said Tuesday - 23rd September 2014 " (Source: The Washington Post)

What makes the Syrian regime special enough to be respected and its sovereignty to be protected compared to the IS? It was clear that the tyrant Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons to kill and terrorize innocent children, women and men. The U.S. has acknowledged the cruelty of the Syrian regime and support of the opposition groups to 'replace' Assad in the past. It didn't work out well and now is changing the plan to 'respect' him and compromise with Syria, the friend of U.S's enemies, Iran and Russia. It doesn't make sense for the 'enemy' and the terrorist state to be informed before the attack.

The series of murders, killings and attacks by IS in a few countries seem to be in the US plan to get full support from the Coalition, either Jordan, Iraq, Japan, France, Australia or other countries. Recent killing of the Jordanian pilot is being used as another justification to start no end-open war against IS.

U.S. by whatever means, creating a situation against IS to get support from other countries against Islam as a whole. What more important is to help her 'enemy' of Bashar al-Assad to survive.

We as Muslim must realize that this is the plan to trap Muslims against each other by using idea of Islam and Muslim armies in the name of Islamic State (IS) to create the common enemy to the world to be against with. This the way of U.S and the Kuffar to help and strengthen the puppets and tyrant regime to keep control the Muslim countries and prevent the establishment of Khilafah "Caliphate".

The Kuffar always working to each other as Allah describe in Quran

((وَٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ بَعۡضُہُمۡ أَوۡلِيَآءُ بَعۡضٍ‌ۚ إِلَّا تَفۡعَلُوهُ تَكُن فِتۡنَةٌ۬ فِى ٱلۡأَرۡضِ وَفَسَادٌ۬ ڪَبِيرٌ۬))

"And those who disbelieved are allies of one another. If you do not do so, there will be fitnah on earth and great corruption." [Al-Anfal 8:73]
We need to be steadfast working to establish Khilafah "Caliphate" and help to establish the Deen of Allah. Do not disappoint our Muslim brothers that are fighting day and night against the cruelties enemies of Allah.

((يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓاْ إِن تَنصُرُواْ ٱللَّهَ يَنصُرۡكُمۡ وَيُثَبِّتۡ أَقۡدَامَكُمۡ))

"O you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet." [Muhammad 47:7]



Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Ahmad Yussof




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