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Pakistan Headlines 01/02/2015

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IMF Sabotages Electricity Supply through Privatization

As people in smaller towns and rural areas across the country and in Azad Kashmir continued to face electricity blackouts on 25 January, after the country's worst ever nationwide blackout, the government attributed the national crisis to sabotage by rebels and claimed to have restored 7,500MW supply against a nationwide demand of 11,500MW. However, the question that must be asked is why even without rebel sabotage, in normal day, people spend half their day without electricity, in a stop-start mode of life which greatly increases stress? Why is this the case when the installed capacity is almost double the current winter season demand?

The answer lies in the government approval of the IMF sabotage, the private ownership of the power sector. This is sabotage because it not only deprives the people of a great source of revenue to look after their affairs, it also means that private owners, who have limited resources, only provide electricity when they can profit. They cannot provide electricity as a service and a right for all citizens, for that is the job of a responsible and caring state. This is why privatization is directly responsible for the power shortages, the load-shedding. So, private owners reduce electricity generation to prevent falling into loss through debts owed to them. Or they reduce generation to only the more efficient power plants because they give a better profit, keeping less efficient power plants idle. So, even though Pakistan has an installed capacity which is almost double the winter demand, less than half of its capacity is being used, causing huge electricity shortages, twelve hours a day or even more. And that is asides from these highly disruptive shortages destroying local industry.

Nothing less than the abolition of Democracy and its IMF designed policies will end sabotage of Pakistan's resources. Islam mandates electricity is a public property, whose entire wealth is for the benefit of the public. This law will only be implemented by the Khilafah "Caliphate", as it is alone the Islamic State.


American-Indian Nexus Can Only Be Countered by Khilafah "Caliphate"

President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi agreed on a joint strategic vision for regions straddling Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean on 25 January, as debate in Pakistan became widespread regarding its implications. America is supporting India's rise as the dominant regional power to both counter its rival China and the Muslim's emergence as an Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" state. America is encouraging India to increase its influence in the region, as far afield as Myanmar and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands at the entrance of the Strait of Malacca, one of the most critical naval and trade choke-points in the world.

As for Pakistan, America fully realizes that Pakistan has the power to overturn its plan should it oppose it, whereas its submission will ensure its success. That is why every regime that serves America has played a critical role in furthering this American plan by striking hard at Pakistan's capabilities. America fears the love of Jihad within Muslims, which is the Ummah's most powerful weapon on the battlefield, so America's agents abandoned and then persecuted the groups fighting India for the complete liberation of Kashmir. The American agents then ensnared Pakistan's armed forces in America's war against the Muslims in the tribal regions. These agents then made radical changes in the Army's green book, so that Pakistan's military was focused inwards, rather than towards India, shifting the majority of Pakistan's forces from the Eastern border to the Western border.

Not content with striking at Pakistan's military strength, the American agents also work to diminish Pakistan's political influence and economic power. The American agents in the regime draw Pakistan into regional conferences that are dominated by India, whilst India herself aspires for a permanent membership of the UN Security Council, the cauldron of the Ummah's miseries. These measures allow the Hindu State to interfere strongly in Pakistan's political affairs, even though Muslims have only known harm whenever the Hindu has had any degree of authority over them. Regarding the economy, through establishing energy deals, the regime provides energy starved India a much needed stake in the immense energy resources of the Ummah in Central Asia and the Middle East. As for the trade deals, the regime fulfils the American strategy that industries such as information technology, aircraft manufacture and even space travel are for the Hindu to establish, whereas light and service industries such as tourism, rug weaving and sports equipment manufacture are for the Muslim.

Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" will consolidate the immense resources of the Ummah as one state to challenge the American-Indian nexus.


Khilafah "Caliphate" will Unify the Muslim Lands as One State to Counter Foreign Hegemony

Army Chief Gen Raheel Sharif concluded his two-day China trip on 26 January by calling for greater international support for Pakistan to win its fight against terrorism. Military spokesman Maj Gen Asim Bajwa, who accompanied the army chief, said in a twitter post before starting the journey back home, that Gen Sharif while thanking the Chinese leaders for hosting him emphasised that "world must understand evolving environment. Greater international focus, coordination needed to logically conclude fight against terrorism."

The current rulers know well that there is a strong anti-American feeling in Pakistan and the people sense the devastation caused by America's war on terror. Thus, whenever the rulers travel to Beijing, Moscow or European cities, it is presented and promoted as if it is a statesmen-like action to find a way out of dependence on America.

Turning from the big Shaytan to smaller ones is not the way to build the strength of Muslims against aggressors. The strength of the Muslims will only occur by unifying their immense resources as one state. This mandates the establishment of Khilafah "Caliphate" first in a strong area, whether one powerful country or a group of Muslim countries. This Khilafah "Caliphate" will be a starting point for the reunification of the Muslim Lands as one state, with one State Treasury, one immense armed forces and one Ummah to stand with strength against foreign aggressors. Until this done, Muslims will witness the current rulers making trips East and West, whilst the Muslim Land plunge deeper into oblivion.


Democracy Will Never Protect Islam and the Honor of RasulAllah (saw)

A conference of 33 political and religious parties lauded on 26 January a statement by Pope Francis criticising the publication of objectionable caricatures by a French magazine. "We are thankful to the pope for his support to our stance," Information Minister Pervaiz Rashid said during the conference held by the Pakistan Ulema Council (PUC).

The assembled pro-Democracy parties accepted the Information Minister's praises for the Christian Pope, whilst neglecting their responsibility to account the regime for not backing its words with the threat of force, despite commanding the largest Muslim armed forces in the world. Moreover, did not it not occur to even one Democrat to ask the Minister: is there no one else worthy of praise other than the head of a Church which has sanctioned every American crusade against Muslims in recent times?

We will never see our RasulAllah (saw) avenged as he deserves to be avenged until we see the return of our Khilafah "Caliphate". Remember that even in the weakest period of our Khilafah "Caliphate" the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate", it announced war against Britain and France, the major world powers at the time, for similar defamation. Voltaire's "Mahomet ou le fanatisme?" was staged as a play in Europe, defaming RasulAllah (saw). The Khaleefah, Abdul Hameed II, summoned the French ambassador and kept him waiting for hours. He then emerged in full battle dress, drew out his sword from its scabbard and placed it with its point towards the French ambassador as a declaration of war. Then without saying a single word and he sent him away. And when Britain displayed arrogance, he spoke in a language they would understand, threatening them with war by the entire Ummah. Accordingly, Britain and France abandoned their mischief.


Regime Exploits Fuel to Benefit Private Owners and Colonialist Financial Institutions

As the Middle East crude oil price dipped to $47 a barrel, the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) recommended on 29 January more than 10 per cent reduction in prices of petroleum products for the month of February. However, the regime is doing its best to keep prices of fuel raised and is resisting reduction, asides from increasing taxation on fuel. Apart from Rs6 to Rs14 per litre petroleum levy, the government also charges 22 per cent general sales tax on prices of oil products. The general sales tax on petroleum products fixed by the government at 17 per cent in the budget, was increased by five per cent last month through a statutory regulator order of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).

The IMF, the World Bank and the Raheel-Nawaz regime work together to continuously maintain high prices of fuel, in order to guarantee strong profits for the new private owners, even though it causes great hardship for the people. Ahead of its upcoming privatization, the state run Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) on 5 August 2014, posted a record Rs124 billion profit in 2013-14, up 36 per cent over the previous year. This shows that the privatization is occurring of the profitable of companies and this is not in the interest of the Muslim Ummah in addition to the violation of the "Hukm Sharie" in which Oil and Gas are public property. Also the constant raising of oil and gas prices ensures that the people will take on more of the burden of ensuring profits.

As if this were not enough, having deprived Pakistan of huge sources of revenue, the colonialists through their agents greatly increase taxation on the population, further strangling the economy. This is done in order to raise revenues to pay back foreign interest based loans, even though Pakistan has paid back the principle sums of such colonialist loans many times over. It is this colonialist trap, which is designed to prevent Pakistan from ever escaping and rising as a power.

The cure to Pakistan's economic illness does not lie in privatization, foreign investment or colonialist loans for they are the disease itself. The only cure is the implementation of Islam's economic system, which alone would generate more than enough revenue to revolutionize the economy. Unlike Capitalism and Communism, Islam has declared that energy is neither a private nor a state property but a public property for all the Muslims. Thus, although the Khilafah "Caliphate" state takes charge of managing the public property and state property, it is not permitted for the Khalifah to grant the ownership of the public property to any private party, whether an individual or group, as it is a property for all Muslims. Revenues are for the public, looking after its affairs and securing its interests, and not for the state. This applies to all the abundant wealth of public property, whether energy, such as petroleum, gas, electricity or replenishable minerals, such as copper and steel, or water, such as seas, rivers and dams, or pastures and forests. Indeed, the entire Ummah is known to possess the lion's share of the world's energy and mineral resources, but without Islam's economic system, the Muslims are drowned in poverty and the Ummah carries no weight in world affairs, even when compared to states that possess a small fraction of her material wealth.


Sectarian Violence is Outcome of Following American Policy

Sixty people were killed and over four dozen wounded when a powerful bomb went off at a Shikarpur Imambargah minutes before Friday prayers, on 30 January 2015, officials and witnesses said. Sindh Health Minister Jam Mehtab Dahar told Dawn that "close to 60" people were killed. While the Sindh government dec¬lared a ‘day of mourning', Shia organisations - Majlis Wahdat-i-Musli¬meen, Jaffria Alliance and Shia Ulema Council - gave a province-wide strike call for Saturday. The strike call was backed by many parties. Protests erupted all over Karachi as angry youths blocked main roads in every district in protest over the carnage. A truck was also torched on Sharea Faisal.

The continuous wave of sectarian violence has been ignited because of Pakistani government's slavish foreign policy and its support for the US occupation of Afghanistan. Facing defeat at the hands of Muslims in Afghanistan and their brothers from Pakistan's FATA region, and weakened by a grave economic crisis at home, America wants to weaken the resistance against its presence in the region. To achieve this objective American intelligence agencies are orchestrating a wave of bomb blasts and false flag attacks in urban Pakistan to divide the Muslims and make them fight amongst themselves and to discredit the resistance movement in the eyes of the Pakistani public. Part of America's mischief is to ignite a war of fitna between Pakistani military and the militants by using sectarian violence where groups fighting the Americans in Afghanistan are presented as sectarian groups who want to kill Shia Muslims across Pakistan. This is the same policy which was employed by America in Iraq where it incited sectarian division amongst Muslims to weaken and divide the resistance and ignite a war between Muslims thus consolidating its grip over Iraq.

In slavish obedience to the Americans, the current regime and treacherous Muslim rulers fan sectarian hatred amongst Muslims to strengthen their unnatural rule over the masses. Encouraged by their American masters it was the Pakistani regime under General Zia ul Haq which, fearing the desire for the implementation of Islam in the region and Pakistan, encouraged the formation of sectarian groups in Pakistan to discourage this tendency. Even today the Pakistani regime incites sectarian hatred amongst Muslims to justify its participation in America's War on Islam. The regime and its mouthpieces also incite sectarian hatred amongst Muslims to counter and oppose the growing demand of implementation of Shariah in Pakistan and to advocate a secular civil democratic model of governance for Pakistan. Moreover through different education curricula for different schools of thought, the Pakistani state tries to preserve the divisions amongst the Muslims of Pakistan.





The One who offers Advice on the Islamic Basis is Prosecuted while the One who Carries Weapons are Implored Contempt to you and to the Taghoot Systems!

Authorities in Port Sudan proceeded to send Mr. Ali Babiker Mohamed Mokhtar and Mr. Hadi Mohamed Osman to trial at the Criminal Court of Port Sudan Center, on the grounds of distributing a leaflet issued by Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Sudan entitled: "Patching the Man-Made Constitution Deepens the Crisis; The Obligation is to Resolve it by a Constitution Based on the Doctrine of Islam".


News and Comment Silence, Makkah and Responding to Insults on our Prophet (saw)

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The love and unity displayed by many Muslims in Europe after the magazine Charlie Hebdo and its supporter's latest insults of our beloved Prophet (saw) has been heart-warming. Muslims looked to see if the Muslim governments would take decisive action to defend the honour of the Prophet (saw) but again so little reaction from the regimes. This is unsurprising as there is no Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah state (like that established by the Prophet (saw)) that cares about Allah (swt), the Prophet (saw) and the Muslim Ummah.

Despite the pressure from many politicians, intellectuals and sections of the media, many Muslims in Europe held events celebrating the life and vowing to speak against insults against Rasulallahi (saw). However, a few voices amongst the Muslim community have argued that Muslims in the West should ignore these latest insults and not respond claiming that in the Makkan period, Allah responded to insults of the Prophet (saw), that the Prophet himself did not respond and therefore we need not to say anything.

Is this statement of theirs out of fear? After all, Muslims in Europe currently face a strong climate of anti-terror laws, arrests and raids targeting Muslims who speak out about the policies of Western governments so many have reason to not want to rock the boat. Or are these statements an accurate reading of the Seerah in Makkah?

It appears that some have misunderstood what actually occurred in the Makkan period. Because when we look to the circumstances of Revelation (asbab un-nuzul) of some of the ayahs revealed in Makkah, we can properly understand what actually happened when some tried to tarnish the image of the Prophet (saw) by levelling various false accusations against him so that people do not listen to him. The Quraish called him a madman, a soothsayer (kahin) a mad poet and various other derogatory terms in order to turn people away from listening to him. In response, Allah (swt) showed how the Prophet (saw), his Sahaba and his Ummah should respond to such attempts at tarnishing the image of the Prophet (saw). So the verses of Surah al-Haqqah (69:40-43) were revealed throwing back their false arguments and showing the contradiction and falsehood of these allegations.

((إِنَّهُ لَقَوْلُ رَسُولٍ كَرِيمٍ))

"[That] indeed, the Qur'an is the word of a noble Messenger."

((وَمَا هُوَ بِقَوْلِ شَاعِرٍ ۚ قَلِيلًا مَّا تُؤْمِنُونَ))

"And it is not the word of a poet; little do you believe."

((وَلَا بِقَوْلِ كَاهِنٍ ۚ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَذَكَّرُونَ))

"Nor the word of a soothsayer; little do you remember."

((تَنزِيلٌ مِّن رَّبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ))

"[It is] a revelation from the Lord of the worlds."

How was it that yesterday, before Revelation, they called him the Trustworthy one, and suddenly today, they accuse him of falsehood! They know full well that the words he now comes with are not the words of a soothsayer or a madman but are the Revelation of the Creator of the Heavens and the earth. Surah al-Masad even mentions one of his accusers (Abu Lahab) by name and these and the ayahs in Surah al-Haqqah were recited by the Sahaba and used in their debates with the elite of Quraish and others who wanted to tarnish the Prophet's image and turn people away from him and his message. The picture you get is one of a strong intellectual debate between the Muslims and the accusers, not one of silence on the part of the Muslims while these false allegations were allowed to sink and be swallowed by the common man.

So how can anyone claiming to know the Seerah demand that Muslims in Europe should be silent in the face of these latest insults? How can one claim to love him (saw) and not speak up when the minds of the common man are being poisoned against Islam and Muslims?
The more they insult him (saw), the more we will love him, hold onto his Sunnah and speak in his defence as Allah taught us.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Taji Mustafa
Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir in Britain



News and Comment Indian Women Need the Divine System of Khilafah for their Protection

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It was reported by Press Trust of India on January 25, 2015 that Indian President Pranab Mukherjee said in the capital on Sunday while asking countrymen to take a pledge to protect women's honour, "Atrocities of rape, murders, harassment on roads, kidnapping and dowry deaths have made women fearful in their own homes." Addressing the nation on the eve of 66th Republic Day, he said, "it pains me to see that Mother India is not respected by her own children when it comes to the safety of women". The President said only a nation that respects and empowers its women can become "global power". "Every Indian must take a pledge to protect the honour of women from violence of any kind. Only a nation that respects and empowers its women can become a global power," he said. Mukherjee said, "Where have we failed, as parents, teachers and leaders, that our children have forgotten all tenets of decent behaviour and respect for women? We have enacted many legislations but, as Benjamin Franklin had once said and I quote: "Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are", he said.

This address by Indian President has coincided with the American President Obama's visit to India on the same day so that he can readily take note of the Indian concern about women protection and empowerment reforms recently announced by the Indian Government, which aim at more economic and social empowerment of women. India has witnessed a huge rise in rape and women harassment cases over the last decade or so. This issue of viewing women as lower cast and in some situations not as a human at all, is partly due to the thousands of years of Hindu religious teachings and partly due to the Capitalist Ideology and system that is being implemented in India today. Under Hinduism the women were considered as cattle which could be bought, sold and used as desired. Women were burnt alive upon the death of their husbands under the Hindu custom of "Satti". Females are still considered worthless so either they are buried alive when born, or are aborted during pregnancies. As fetus-imaging technology has advanced, India has lost more than 12 million girls, according to a 2011 British study. This has skewed the ratio of women to men in India to what the United Nations calls "emergency proportions." It can upset the natural social balance, such as men being able to find a mate. The number of Indian girls born for every 1,000 boys has dropped from 964 in 1971 to 918 in 2011. In some areas, it is as low as 837.

Under Capitalism, the concept of freedom of expression and individual freedom has given the society another tool to monopolize and exploit the femininity of women. They are portrayed as the most degraded object with scanty clothes and as seducing commodities by the Indian media, film and fashion Industry. They are treated as money making machines in factories, fields and other work places, in inhumane conditions with minimal wages and long tiring working hours; not respecting their roles as mothers, sisters and wives. And still the Indian President has the nerve to ask where have they failed, as parents, teachers and leaders, that their children have forgotten all tenets of decent behaviour and respect for women?

India was ruled for more than thousand years by Muslim Rulers, which pledged their allegiance to the Khilafah "Caliphate" unconditionally. It was the start of Muslim Rule under the first Muslim General Muhammad Bin Qasim in 712 CE, who was sent by the Khilafah "Caliphate" to save Muslim women's honor in Sindh, that laid the foundation for protection of women under the Divine Laws of Islam. Under Muslim Rule, the Indian women enjoyed the highest level of protection of life, honor and property. The brutal custom of "Satti" was abolished and mother and daughters were viewed as respected and worthy citizens of the state. Hence, laws given by Allah (swt) are the only laws that protected women for more than 1300 years under the glorious period of Khilafah "Caliphate", and they are the only laws which along with the ruling, judicial and social systems and education policy of Islam, can protect the women now. As the Islamic education policy instills in children the fear of accountability before Allah (swt) before anything else, the social system restricts the free mixing of genders in private places, along with other Divine laws that nip the evil in the bud, minimizing the crime rate to almost nil. This can only be achieved by the revival of the Second Righteous Khilafah "Caliphate" under the leadership of Hizb ut Tahrir, which is working tirelessly for this cause under a single Ameer Ata Bin Khalil Abu Al-Rashtah. Allah (swt) says: ﴿لِّلرِّجَالِ نَصِيبٌ مِّمَّا اكْتَسَبُوا وَلِلنِّسَاءِ نَصِيبٌ مِّمَّا اكْتَسَبْنَ كَانَ بِكُلِّ


((لِّلرِّجَالِ نَصِيبٌ مِّمَّا اكْتَسَبُوا ۖ وَلِلنِّسَاءِ نَصِيبٌ مِّمَّا اكْتَسَبْنَ ۚ وَاسْأَلُوا اللَّهَ مِن فَضْلِهِ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمًا))


"Men have a share in what they earn, and women have theirs in what they earn. Ask God for His favours. Surely God has knowledge of everything." [Al -Nisa: 32]

Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Umm Musab

Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

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