Friday, 24 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/27
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An invitation to Participate and Cover Mass Demonstrations Organized by Hizb ut Tahrir in Palestine Supporting the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Supporting our leader and our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) Hizb ut Tahrir in Palestine organizes mass demonstrations under the slogan:

"By the Khilafah "Caliphate" and Muslim armies, We support the Messenger of Allah, and protect the Aqeedah and the Holy Sites"


A Demonstration from Omdurman Islamic University to the General Command of the Armed Forces to Support the Prophet (saw)

Shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Sudan in Omdurman Islamic University addressed a mass of students at Al-ftaihab compound, indicating to them how to support the Prophet (saw), and the legitimate (Shar'i) way to it. Then they went on mobilizing the students to march to the people of power and support; in the General Command of the Armed Forces, to deliver an open memo from the Shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir in Omdurman Islamic University...


Palestine: Aqsa rises to support the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

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Outraged crowds rallied against the repeated abuses against the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, echoing chants condemning the attackers calling for their punishment. The crowds shouted and called for jihad and the mobilization of armies to avenge the Messenger of Allah, and the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate", which will liberate Palestine and the holy sites and defend the Muslims.

Hizb ut Tahrir / Palestine organized this rally at the Aqsa Mosque after the Friday prayer 03 Rabii' II 1436 AH, corresponding to 23 January 2015 CE, as the Hizb invited all to participate in the rallies after Asr prayer on Saturday in Ramallah and Hebron under the title: "By the Khilafah "Caliphate" and Muslim armies, We support the Messenger of Allah, and protect the Aqeedah and the Holy Sites". A speech was delivered to the massive crowds gathered in the square of the Aqsa Mosque, carrying banners of the Messenger of Allah written "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah" and condemned the ferocious war waged by the West against Islam and Muslims everywhere, which included the most recent re-published cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the notorious French "Charlie Hebdo" Magazine.


The Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
In the Blessed Land (Palestine)






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Capitalism's Real Crisis

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As the world's richest individuals and companies and the world's most powerful gathered at the Davos Summit in Switzerland. It was a shock to many when Oxfam, the UK charity, confirmed a mere 1% of the world's population owns 48% of the world's wealth. It also concluded that at the current trajectory 1% of the world's population will in a few years own 99% of the world's wealth! This was after its 2014 report ‘working for the few,' revealed he richest 85 people across the globe shared a combined wealth of £1trillion, as much as half of the world's population (3.5 billion people).

Despite the global economy generating $74 trillion in 2014 - the largest in world history and global trade generating $36 trillion, (again, the largest in world history) never have so few been so rich and never have so many been so poor. The Oxfam report is a chilling reminder of the depths of wealth inequality across the globe; widening inequality has created a vicious circle where wealth and power is concentrated in the hands of a few, leaving the rest to fight over crumbs.

Capitalism has been the dominant global economic system for decades. It has organised the global economy and dominated wealth distribution but has failed in distributing wealth in any equitable manner. Even in the birth place of Capitalism and today's epicentre, Europe and the US, wealth distribution remains a massive failure. Richard Robbins in his award winning book ‘Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism' encapsulated the situation: "The emergence of Capitalism represents a culture that is in many ways the most successful that has ever been deployed in terms of accommodating large numbers of individuals in relative and absolute comfort and luxury. It has not been as successful, however, in integrating all in equal measure, and its failure here remains one of its major problems."

As capitalism solely focuses on economic growth and increasing GDP it left the distribution of wealth to the free market. In effect Capitalism as an economic system has no specific position on distributing wealth aside from leaving it to the invisible hand in the free market - which is not working for most of the world. The trickle-down effect which was meant to make wealth flow from the top to the bottom remains as elusive as ever and is in fact worse today then Victorian Britain.

One of the main reasons for this economic inequality is because the rich have huge influence upon political leadership and political institutions. These have become undermined as governments overwhelmingly serve the interests of economic elites to the detriment of ordinary people. The Oxfam report recognizes the curse of capitalism - money and politics, "Since the late 1970s, weak regulation of the role of money in politics has permitted wealthy individuals and corporations to exert undue influence over government policy making."

The reformation separated religion and politicians but left money and politics intact. It is money that should have been separated from politics rather than religion. The rich have been able to preserve such a status quo as the lowest tax rates, the best health and education and the opportunity to influence are handed down to their children. Without a concerted effort to tackle inequality, the cascade of privilege and of disadvantage will continue down the generations. Economic growth today amounts to little more than a 'winner takes all' windfall for the richest.

The existence of the financial markets has created dual economies in the West - the financial and the real economy. The global financial markets are currently worth $893 trillion whilst the real economy $74 trillion. However the financial economy does not produce anything, it doesn't manufacture anything and neither does it provide much. What it provides is an opportunity for bankers, hedge funds and the rich elite a way to make money out of money by gambling on shares, interest rates, currency and anything else they can find.  The money used is therefore no longer in the real economy but in a parallel financial economy and thus circulating amongst the rich elite amongst themselves at the expense of the world's population in the real economy. This is one of the main reason for global inequality. When this financial economy collapsed in 2008 they received government bailouts and Quantitative Easing (QE) - another form of bailout, whilst many received governments cuts and austerity.

Capitalism's Achilles heel is its inability to distribute wealth equitably which has only got worse since the demise of communism. Intellectual discourse has been dominated by free market liberals and this has ensured alternatives have little air time and presence. Despite the worst recession since the Great Depression, liberals have continued to argue that capitalism is the best system on offer. However capitalism is in reality on life support as it tries to cover the cracks.

Islam and Islamic economics offers a completely different economy, based on the Qur'an and Sunnah. Key aspects of Islamic economics include:

The Islamic economy is built around the real economy and does not have a Western style parallel financial economy. The Islamic economy is built upon the real economy with agriculture and manufacturing the key sectors in the economy that generate wealth. Islam does not recognise the interest-based, speculative driven financial markets in their current form as seen in the west. The Islamic economy creates wealth through the manufacturing of real goods and the value added at each stage of production. This in no way means Islam is against a service sector, in an Islamic economy the emphasis is upon the real economy. By removing the role dubious financial markets in the economy, their remains the real economy where trade, investment, salaries and wealth is generated and circulated. This creates the much needed stability absent in free market economies as speculation has been effectively removed.

The Islamic economy has a secure and stable monetary policy with the gold and silver standard. The Islamic ruling on a Gold and Silver standard creates a stable economy allowing long term decisions to be made. In Islam when it comes to exchanging a commodity with a specific monetary unit, Islam has guided us to the monetary unit by which the exchange is to take place. It has restricted the state to a specific type of money, which is primarily gold and silver. The Islamic evidences have designated gold and silver as the primary measuring unit for prices and labour. This is understood from the actions of Muhammad (saw) when he collected Zakat, levied taxes and imposed fines, all were measured according to gold and silver. Having a gold and silver backed currency will bring the much needed stability to the economy by containing inflation. Currently the world is plagued by the spectre of inflation as governments across the world continue to print money at will. Islam solved this problem by pegging the currency to metal; this essentially restricts the state as any increase in money supply requires more gold and silver.

Islam's Fiscal policy removes direct and indirect forms of taxation, which leads to economic growth. The level of taxation in any nation will affect people's behaviour, including their choices with regards to working patterns, saving and investing. Taxation in the west has created a number of problems in wealth distribution where the burden falls heavily upon the poor with the rich utilising tax loopholes and tax havens. Islam has a completely different perspective on the economy and tax as the Islamic basis is different to that of capitalism. Fundamentally taxation in Islam places emphasis of taxation on wealth rather than income. The Islamic taxation system does not tax income, but taxes wealth. This means that the average person will be left with much more disposable income and will be liable for tax on whatever wealth is left at the end of the Islamic tax year. This will have a significant effect on the economy as in such an economy one will have much more disposable income. Islamic taxation is not comprised of income tax, value added tax, nor excise duties. The effect of this on the economy is significant as calculations on average salaries in Europe have shown that between 50% - 60% of one's income can be taxed due to income based taxation systems. A wealth based tax regime means one has more disposable income at the end of a tax year which means more wealth is available for spending or investment which would stimulate the economy, causing economic growth.

The Islamic prohibition of interest frees up idle wealth. The existence of interest causes wealth to remain in banks in order to accrue interest rather than circulate in the economy. In free market economies all banks use most of their customer deposits to speculate on the financial markets which is a double whammy as money again is not circulating in the real economy. The removal of interest removes the incentive to deposit excess wealth in banks for long periods. The only way to increase wealth is through investing it across the economy in projects or entering into business. In this way an Islamic economy will grow and it will be real growth built upon wealth which is invested in the economy rather than debt. Unrestricted wealth circulation is what primarily will lead to economic growth in the Islamic economy.

These represent just some Islamic economic principles. Islam has a comprehensive economic system addressing all areas of the economy. As Capitalism has an epic situation of inequality, the only hope for mankind lies with Islam. We as an Ummah need to realise this and take up the challenge of showcasing this to the world.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Adnan Khan


News and Comment The Government Joined the Walk for Those who Humiliated Allah's Messenger, But Bans Websites

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The Diyarbakir 2nd Criminal Court of Peace decided to ban national access to websites showing Charlie Hebdo's front cover caricature of Wednesday... Agencies



Entire media focused on this issue after the attacks on the French magazine who insulted our Prophet. Upon an invitation Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu went to Paris in order to condemn these attacks. Joining the march in Paris, Davutoğlu received harsh critics from Muslims with Islamic sensitivity. There arose reactions among social media, and in the public such as "are people only killed in France?", "Where have you been when Muslims were killed?", or "Why are you side by side with those who insult our Prophet?"

Davutoğlu and other officials send messages of condemnation one after another. In fact, the reactions from the government, and from those in Turkey who are strangers to Islam and Muslims were the same as the reactions in the West.

However, without even mentioning the insults against our Prophet (saw), but by walking together with the Western Kuffar in France, who showed the incident as a wanton attack; Prime Minister Davutoğlu made the following statements:"We determined in protecting our Prophet's (saw) honour. And every sensitive Muslim is prepared to stand for this. It is not correct to link this to the freedom of the press."

These words by Davutoğlu are in fact only statements in order to reduce the Muslims' reactions towards the insults of Allah's Messenger (pbuh). While his expressions in France, as well as in Germany have been more in a way of presenting Islam and the Muslims as culpable, through continuously stating "Islam is a religion of peace", "Islam and terror do not come side by side", "terror has no religion".

After the magazine insulted Allah's Messenger again in its new edition, and upon the publishing of these by some news sites, the 2nd Criminal Court of Peace in Diyarbakir decided to ban access to four websites. This is a law which was already introduced in order to block news reports against the government by the Gülen group, the so-called Parallal organisation. And now the access to some websites claiming to publish these caricatures insulting the Prophet (saw) under the name of freedom of press.

Muslims generally are the opinion that an access ban is something positive. And a lot of press statements, official complaints have been made to express this opinion. Also complaints at court have been made against some news papers and some writers, who were ordered to give deposition. And those anti-Islamic media groups criticized the access ban as "World's free media is being silenced", "this is restricting freedom of expression", or "Davutoğlu walks in France, but silences voices here."

Prime Minister Davutoğlu did not remember the 12 million Muslims killed during the last 10 years, while he was walking for the caricaturists who were enemies of Islam and the Muslims. He joined this march well knowing that the killers of these 12 million Muslims were those leaders who walked on that march. Those websites never talked about freedom, justice, and law when the lives and property of Muslims were wasted. As a matter of fact, when the matter is enmity against Islam, the West and those who are up to the West, just repeated the same things in different wordings.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Musa Bayoğlu


News and Comment Secular Turkey Neglects the Rights of Religiously Married Wives

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Religiously married women who lost their husbands in the mining disaster in Soma, do not benefit from rights such as financial aid and compensation as women who were married according to civil law. According to a report by Turaç Top from Al Jazeera Turkey, the new bag law which also includes improvements for the miners' rights decided by the Parliamentary Planning and Budget Commission does not include any arrangements for the wives of the past miners who were only married according to Islamic law. Therefore the Soma miners' religiously married wives filed a lawsuit to claim their rights.

One of these women is the 39 years old Emine Elibol. Elibol and her husband who both divorced from their first marriage, and were married for 11 months, could not make civil marriage, as the necessary legal processes were not completed yet. She said: "There does not exist any law that protects us, whoe who are religiously married!" and added: "This was not our choice. Shall they bring back my husband than. Bring him back from his grave that I marry him." The just 18 year old and four months pregnant Songül Merdim has the same problem. Merdim's husband Serkan Buran was one of the mine workers who died. Merdim and Buran married 40 days before the distaster by a religious ceremony and held a wedding. They were counting days until their civil marriage. Just 8 days before her 18th birthday the disaster happened. Merdim is also disappointed that the new law does not contain anything for the religiously married wives: "We had no civil marriage, but we were married. We were going to make a civil marriage as soon as I would be of age. And our marriage is accepted by our families. But, am I not his wife now? I will give birth to his baby. What will be my and my baby's future?"


Arranging legal packages in the alleged aim of improving women's living standards does not contain preserving the Islamic values of its people. Therefore once again, the secular liberal democratic system and its understanding of moralty, and justice have failed to meet the needs of its people and in particular of its women. Contrary to capitalism's liberal understanding of sexual freedom, which is implemented and even respected in Turkey, Muslim women who still prefer to make their unity/cohabitation legal in the presence of Allah (swt) face regularly different kinds of in justice. Mostly it is the legal regulations that may hinder them in marrying according to the modern secular laws, be it due to bureaucratic obstacles or other reasons. This in many cases however ends in losing many rights for the women and even their children in the eyes of the law as is the case of these wives of the past mine workers. Muslim couples who seek to protect their modesty, their rights and responsibilities towards each other, are left to their own fate. Demanding any rights occurring out of Islamic marriage is not possible under secular law. In one case of a woman who demanded divorce from her violent husband last year, the female judge mocked and scoffed her and said she would not be able to do anything for her as she is not married according to Turkish civil law.

In contrast to the prevelant judicial system in Turkey, where these women will have to wait about 5 years in order to achieve a solution for their cases, Islam's ruling stipulates to investigate every single case brought to court and to fell a decision according to Qur'an and Sunnah and the consensus of the Sahaba. This makes it faster and easier for the plaintiff to get his/her right. Under Islamic rule women, no matter of which religious believe, enjoy a free, dignified and high status in society and deserve all the protection and support they need. If there is no family to support them, than the state itself is obliged to ensure the women's daily living expenses, including housing, clothing, food. Another marking statement by one of the widows, Emine Elibol is: "They (the district governorate) support me in finding a job. When it comes to find me a job, than I am a wife, but when it comes to a monthly stipend or compensation than I am not a wife. What kind of justice is this. I do not understand."

True justice and true respect, protection and ecouragement towards Islamic values will only be guaranteed and even promoted in the Islamic state. These values will only preside over the society in a state were Islam's rules are implemented and not in a system that implements secular liberal capitalism.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Umm Khalid

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