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Pakistan Headlines 17/01/2015

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Paris Shooting Confirms Neglect of Muslim Rulers' in Preventing Insults of RasulAllah (saw)

Pakistan's Foreign Office on 8 January condemned the deadly shooting in Paris in which 12 people were killed. During the weekly Foreign Office news briefing, spokesperson Tasneem Aslam said Pakistan's stance on blasphemous material was clear, emphasising that religions and beliefs should be respected.

Muslims will never ever, accept the right of anyone from East or the West to insult their Prophet (saw) whatever the excuse may be. There is a difference between the misuse of blasphemy law and insisting on the right of blasphemy on the basis of freedom of expression. If anyone had any delusions about tolerance being an integral part of Western secularism and liberal democracies they should look at the reaction of Western governments and Western societies after the Paris shooting. Showing the true filth of Western Civilization, thousands have marched claiming that the right of people to insult the Prophet (saw) of Islam is an integral and proud tradition of Western Civilization. This is the reality of secularism and democracy. They are an enemy of religion. They are an enemy of Islam and we whole hardheartedly reject the rotten Western civilization which has sought to globalize such corrupt ideals.

But make no mistake. The real culprits are the Muslim rulers. George Bernard Shaw in his diaries of 1913, at the time when the Khilafah "Caliphate" was at its weakest, wrote that he was prevented by Lord Chamberlain from writing anything derogatory about RasulAllah (saw), because he was scared of the reaction of the Ambassador of the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" in London! The honor of Prophet Muhammad (saw) would not be protected by individuals rather it is the duty of Muslim rulers to protect the sanctities of Islam. But instead of fearing our rulers, Western governments are conferring our Generals with medals for their servitude in fighting their own people and strengthening Western occupation of Muslim lands. Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" would return Islam to glory and might and protect the honor of the Prophet.


Regime Complains of Indian Hostility but Does Not Act Against It

Adviser to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said 12 January that India is using Afghan soil to carry out attacks on Pakistan, however, adding that Indian involvement had decreased since the adoption of a joint Pak-Afghan policy to not to let their soils be used against each other. He was speaking on DawnNews program ‘Faisla Awam Ka'. This stance of the government is nothing new. Within the circles of the leadership, there are constant discussions about how the Indians are infiltrating the tribal areas and launching attacks on Pakistan's armed forces and civilian populations. This opinion is then used to justify the operations in the tribal regions.

However, the regime's actions are not in line with its complaint. Were it sincere to its stance, it would deal with both India differently. It would never allow India to maintain a diplomatic presence within Pakistan for it is a hostile state and must be treated as such. From the days of the Cold War, it is well known that diplomatic missions are used for spying, funding and supervising hostile operations. Moreover, India would never have enjoyed the influence that it has in Afghanistan were it not for America. It is only since America occupied Afghanistan, did America allow India to establish several consulates within Afghanistan, all within striking distance of Pakistan. Indeed, Hindus by their cowardly nature would never be bold enough to strike Pakistan, had they not the support of America. As for the operations in the tribal regions, at the end of the day they benefit both India and America, as the regime does not distinguish between the miscreants who attack Pakistanis and the noble mujhaideen who are a serious threat to the American occupation and its accompanying Indian presence.

The only way out for Pakistan is the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" and the implementation of the Islamic laws regarding the enemy states. Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" will treat India and America as hostile states, ending their diplomatic, intelligence and military presence within Pakistan. Moreover it will strive to liberate all Muslim Lands of kuffar occupation, whether Afghanistan or Kashmir.


Kerry Praises Regime for Efforts to Safeguard US Occupation of Afghanistan

US Secretary of State John Kerry on 14 January appeared convinced about a positive change in Pakistan's approach to confronting militancy, but would wait to see its results. "Pakistani forces deserve enormous credit for the ongoing military operations that they have already undertaken in North Waziristan and elsewhere, and these operations have already produced significant results. But make no mistake; the task is a difficult one and it is not done," Secretary Kerry told reporters after co-chairing the fifth edition of the ministerial level Strategic Dialogue with his Pakistani counterpart Sartaj Aziz in Islamabad.

There is good reason that America is pleased with Pakistan's forces being engaged in a fight in the tribal regions. America knows the great capability of Pakistan's armed forces in ending foreign occupation of Muslim Land. It observed that when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, the highly capable intelligence of Pakistan's armed forces, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), organized and enabled the tribal fighters against the Russian occupation, bloodying Russia's nose such that she withdrew completely and never dared to return since. So, now that America itself invaded Afghanistan, Pakistan's armed forces have the ability to drive her out of the region forever. And America also knows that North Waziristan is the key to Pakistan's strategic depth in the region, protecting its lands and people from harm.

So, in order to simultaneously divide the Muslims, sink the armed forces into a quagmire of civil war and amputate Pakistan's strategic depth, America specifically intensified demands for operations in North Waziristan, since September 2011. And just before the current operations, US Deputy Secretary of State, William Burns, visited Pakistan on 9 May 2014 and personally met key agents within Pakistan's military and political leadership and instructed them to take action against militants launching attacks on American forces in Afghanistan. This was followed by US Congress linking aid to Pakistan to military operations in Waziristan and now US has provided aid for military operations in North Waziristan from the Coalition Support Fund.

Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" will end the American ploy to ensnare Pakistan's armed forces. It will mobilize the Muslims against the American occupation, simultaneously unifying the Muslims and exposing any hypocrites in their ranks.


Praise from the Kuffar is a Sign of Treachery

On 14 January 2015, General Raheel Sharif received a Guard of Honour in Britain. Last month in the US he received a medal... Last year in Australia, he received a Guard of Honour... When the open enemies of Islam praise and confer awards on a man, what does that reveal about his actions and allegiance? Are they recognising him for his service to Islam and the Ummah? Or for his service to them?

The Muslims must be alerted about any man receiving such praise from the kuffar, for the Muslims does not support anyone blindly. The Muslim is not fooled by the propaganda, lies and deception. For the Muslim is aware that he will be questioned on the Day of Judgment about who he supported, even by a word.

The Pakistan Army is brave and excellent force. It is the Ummah's army. It has the potential to be a true army of Islam, raising the flag of Islam in the capitals of the current Kuffar lands. However, traitors in its leadership have sold themselves cheaply to the enemies of Allah. The Ummah in Pakistan needs to take back her army, by removing from its ranks the traitors. Each Muslim must play his part in that by speaking the truth and calling for what is right. And the brave officers of the army itself must grant the Nussrah for the return of Khilafah "Caliphate" to the lands of Pakistan, the Good, the Pure.


Regime Embraces Enemies as Friends

The Raheel-Nawaz regime hosted ambassadors from the US, Germany, Australia, Netherlands and others in North Waziristan Agency, 15 January 2014, who were taken around and briefed on the progress of the military operation 'Zarb-e-Azb.' The delegation 'lauded' what they saw, according to the armed forces' public relations service, ISPR, which described the ambassadors as representatives of "friendly countries."

One must ask: if a state like the US, which has brought only war and destruction to this region and the rest of the Muslim world and which is openly fights Islam and Muslims, is a friendly country, then what does a foe look like?!

The reality is that the US is an openly hostile state and the people of Pakistan know this well. This is why its representatives like John Kerry hide their dates of arrival when visiting and why the President of the US won't not even dare to visit. Obama knows the reception he will get from the people of Pakistan. It is only the few traitors in the political and military leadership who take the enemies of the Ummah as friends. And these enemies laud their work because they are ones who instructed it in the first place and it is for them it is being carried out.


End American Raj, Establish Khilafah Regime Seeks Help from Colonialists to Prevent Return of Khilafah, Rather than Demanding they Desist from Insulting RasulAllah (saw)

Army Chief General Raheel Sharif, on his visit to the UK and meeting with David Cameron on 14 January 2014, sought help from the British government against Hizb ut Tahrir - a matter that has become headline news in Pakistan. Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan draws attention to the fact that traitors in Pakistan's military and political leadership are bankrupt of words of truth, so they resort to force and banning, seeking help from wherever they can, East and West.


The Khilafah will End Hindu Aggression Pakistan's Regime Accuses India of Hostility, Yet Extends Friendship

Hizb ut Tahrir condemns the regime of treachery in its dealing with India. The Adviser to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said on 12 January in an interview with the Dawn News program ‘Faisla Awam Ka,' that India is using Afghan soil to carry out attacks on Pakistan. However, in the same interview, Sartaj Aziz called for increased normalization of ties with India.


Freezing Weather Sweeps Ash-Sham While the Lebanese Authority Impose Tough Measures on Those Fleeing Death in Syria

Under the brunt of the severe freezing conditions and the absence of the State and all its institutions to care for its guests of the displaced people of Syria, and even their absence to care for the people of Lebanon themselves, the Lebanese authorities are still determined to clamp down on our people fleeing from the tyranny of the Baathist regime and his raging killings.


  Türkiye Newspaper 24.12.2014 Weapons of An Unarmed Movement     By: Yıldıray Oğur  

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Çiğdem Albasan wrote articles about women and education for the Koklu Degisim Magazine. On Friday the 5th of March 2010, more than 10 heavily armed anti-terror policemen stormed her house in Ankara in the early morning hours. Her husband Murat Albasan stood up against the arrest of his wife who was pregnant in her third month. Although there was no arrest warrant against him, he too was arrested.

But, what should happen to their 3-year-old son Muaz? They had just returned from Germany. They had not many relatives. 3-year-old Muaz was entrusted to his 75 year-old grandfather. Çiğdem Albasan was kept in confinement for 5 months and was released shortly before giving birth to her child. And her husband was kept in detention 7 months longer. Çiğdem Albasan's name was not entered into neither CPJ nor Freedom House reports. Also neither secular nor conservative media were not interested in them. Because the couple were members of Hizb ut Tahrir.

Hizb ut Tahrir (Party of Liberation) is a political party found by Palestinian Taqiuddin an-Nabahani in 1953. The party's goal coalescing with its name is to bring back the Khilafah "Caliphate", (but the Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah, meaning the Khilafah "Caliphate" institution during Islam's early times, where elections within the Shurah (council) were made) and uniting the Muslims under an Islamic State. Nevertheless, the party rejects using violence while working for this aim. Therefore, there is not a single violent action recorded since the party which is organised in almost 40 countries across the world, including Europe and the USA, ever since the start of its work in 1953.

Moreover, even in Syria where almost everyone is armed, the party still maintains its civil line. Hizb ut Tahrir entered Turkey in the 1960's from Jordanian Uthman Muhammed Mahmood Ali Handan who studied and served as a research assistant at METU (Middle East Technical University). Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Turkey's representative during 1964-67 was Ercüment Özkan, who later separated from the party due to difference of opinion.

During those days, activities of the organisation of those who wanted the return of the Khilafah "Caliphate", occupies Turkey's agenda for a long time. The regime, which thought to have "eradicated" all pro-caliphates did not hesitate to punish those imported Khilafah "Caliphate" callers.

The courts' reasoning for the up to 5 years prison sentences in 1968 reads as follows: "As the ideology of the community of Hizb ut Tahrir does not give place for nationalist and patriotic bonds, and wants to make dominant the Islamic creed and the Arab language with the Arab culture instead of these concepts, and as in the Islamic state system which is aimed to be established, there exists the idea of removing the Turkish nationalism, the Turkish culture and the sovereignty of the Turkish State and of reducing Turkey to a province of the Islamic state which will realize the Arab ideology..."

Later the penalties are given according to Article 163. And after the abolishment of the Article 163 in 1991, the Anti-Terror Law comes into play. In the year 2000 arrested members of Hizb ut Tahrir receive prison sentences from 3 to 5 years for being leaders and members of an "unarmed terror organisation" and compulsion.
After a change in the Anti-Terror Law by the AKP government in 2003, there occurs an empty space in the act of charging with unarmed terror organisation and the Hizb ut Tahrir defendants start receiving decisions of acquittal from courts.
Also the annotations sent to the courts by the General Directorate of Security Affairs describe Hizb ut Tahrir as a non-violent organisation.

But this was not enough to stop the Special Courts that replaced the State Security Courts. In one pending action against Hizb ut Tahrir in the Ankara 11th High Criminal Court in the year 2005, the court handed down penalties upon the defendants over the following judicial precedent: "Although it was determined that the organisation did not engage in any violent action till today and that it does not prescribe violence in achieving its aim, however as it is aimed to destruct the Republic of Turkey's constitutional regime and to replace it by a state based on Sharia principles, this aim already constitutes violence within itself . Because it is not possible to gain the support and sympathy of its people through democratic ways in order to remove the Republic of Turkey's regime. This definitely requires the resort to violence. For this reason, Hizb ut Tahrir is to be regarded as a terror organisation within the scope of Anti-Terror Law 3713."

In the year 2006, the Article 7 of the Anti-Terror Law upon which members of Hizb ut Tahrir are put on trial has been reformed and it has been given more priority to the condition of violence. However this time, the party continues to be trialled upon the judicial precedent of the Supreme Court. The most bizarre of these court decisions was the one felt by the Penal Department No. 9 of the Supreme Court which was the scandalous judicial precedent to enter world law literature: "Attachment to the attorney general's demurral regarding the organisation as an unarmed one and that its members' actions do not constitute a crime according to Article 220/2 of the Anti-Terror Law No 5237; it has been understood that it is aimed 'after the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah, to launch Jihad against Christian countries in order to annex them into the constituted Khilafah "Caliphate" State', therefore the motion and file are served with the plea of the refusal of appellate request and to APPROVE the decision which is compatible with the procedure and law."

Whimsically the General Directorate of Security attaches this judicial precedent - although it has not such a duty - to the 'non-violent organisation' annotations requested by the courts. In other words it does not leave it to luck. Thus as a result, members of Hizb ut Tahrir were treated the same as armed terror organisations referring to this judicial precedent.

And the long searched weapon was finally found 40 years later in July 2009... Suleyman Uğurlu, the General Coordinator of Köklu Değişim Magazine, a media organ of Hizb ut Tahrir, who was living in Ankara in an other place instead of his own house in order to avoid arrest due to one of the prison sentences from the lawsuits against him.

He had been arrested in Ankara upon leaving the mosque. Normally he should be sent to the jail within a short time, but in spite of that the necessary procedures were not initiated somehow. Although he wanted his lawyer, his request was not met. When asked for his address, he is as sure of himself to give the address of the house where he had hidden instead of his regular address.

The next day he finds out that there had been operations against Hizb ut Tahrir in various provinces. They had waited (with the procedures) in order to include him among this operation. Not only him, but also a Kalashnikov, a pump-rifle, and two lights, discovered in the house at the temporary address he gave to the police. When he was transferred to the prosecution office, his lawyer told him about a strange incident that happened on the day of his detention. Let's read this from an interview with Uğurlu:

"My lawyer told me that on the day of my detention, namely one day before the search in my home, two men with a bag in their hands tried to enter my house, which was witnessed by my neighbours, and those persons identified themselves as police officers and said they would search my house, and when upon this my neighbours said "let's call and inform him", those persons moved away saying "we will come back later again"..."

But in spite of this he had been arrested. During the three years of his imprisonment he continuously requested to search for fingerprints on the weapons, but his request was denied.

The two very lights discovered in his house were identified as military equipment. He requested this to be written to the general staff. The general staff accepts the material, but adds "we cannot take any action as there is no report of lost or stolen items." In spite of request, the attorney general does even not ask the general staff whom this material belongs to.

Later on it has tried to attempt linking Hizb ut Tahrir with Ergenekon by stating that "it has been determined after evaluating the organisation's type of action, that the terror organisation ERGENEKON has tried to indine the terror organisation Hizb ut Tahrir by taking control over it." It was NOT suceessful.

There are still 12 imprisoned members of Hizb ut Tahrir in jail. And almost a total of 900 years of imprisonment for approximately 200 persons from Hizb ut Tahrir have received sentences during various operations are still waiting at the Supreme Court. If these sentences are approved, Turkey will rank right after China and Uzbekistan in the number of arrested Hizb ut Tahrir members.

And even after five years, the fingerprints on the weapons - which only Turkish police were able to find in the house of one Hizb ut Tahrir in the 60 years of this movement - have yet to be determined.

[Source: Türkiye Newspaper]

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