Sunday, 26 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/29
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O Muslim Scholars: You See the Terrorism of Organizations But You Cannot See the Terrorism of America and its Agents? This is Strange Indeed!

As part of its activities in its 25th legitimate session conference, under the slogan of "Moderation is a Legitimate and Civilized Methodology", during the period of 2-6 Rabbi' Al Awwal 1436 AH, in the Dutch city of Eindhoven, "Al Waqf al Islami Foundation" organized a forum of what it called the "The Phenomenon of Terrorism: the Concept, Its Manifestation, Its Causes, and Ways of Prevention"...


Raheel-Nawaz Regime's Address to the People Establishment of Military Courts is for Prolonging American Raj in the Region

In between Wednesday and Thursday night, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif addressed the people of Pakistan. He presented proposals prepared with the consultation of all parliamentary political parties and asserted that these proposals will end terrorism in the country. The most important of these proposals was the establishment of special courts headed by military officers. In reality these special courts will be military courts but Raheel-Nawaz regime tried to cover their hypocrisy by naming them "special courts".


News and Comment Capitalism and Democracy have Failed to Protect Rights of Minorities

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On 25 December 2014, Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif felicitated the Christian community on celebrating the Christmas and reiterated that the government would protect their legal rights and interests. In a message to the Christian community, the prime minister said, "Pakistan is committed to the worthy pledge given by the founder of our nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, to irrevocably safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the minorities." "We as a nation are committed to uphold the principles of equality, freedom and security for all communities living in Pakistan, irrespective of their religion, profession or ethnic origin," he added. "My government is dedicatedly oriented to preserve the sanctity of existence and equality of opportunity enjoyed by all Pakistanis, including our minorities. My government treats all minority citizens as equal citizens of Pakistan and undertakes to empower them to use their abilities for national development," he said. "I believe in communal harmony, cohesion and profound understanding among all faiths practiced in the length and breadth of the country," he added.




Despite this statement from the Prime Minister of Pakistan, the situation of minorities in Pakistan is not that rosy. In November 2014, a Christian couple was burnt alive in a brick kiln by a mob for their alleged burning of the pages of Quran. On November 16, 2014 a Christian woman was reportedly beaten up by two men in Pakistani district of Sheikkhupura, which caused her miscarriage. Although this situation of injustice and oppression is not limited to minorities, rather it spreads all over the society due to the tyranny of man-made system of Capitalism and democracy. However the minorities who face the brunt of this oppressive system are specially highlighted by the western media and human rights organization, while accusing the Islamic mindset and Islam for the crimes against minorities. In this process of Islam bashing, they forget however, that the system being implemented in the state of Pakistan is not that of Islam, but it is the secular, liberal capitalist system with its values of equalities, freedoms and social justice; which have failed to protect either minorities or majority not only in Pakistan but worldwide.

We have example in the USA where in Ferguson, Black minorities have been protesting since weeks over the killing of a black man by police officers. Pakistan's neighbor India has a much bigger problem regarding ethnic and religious minorities, where "in the run-up to this year's elections in India, it appears that tensions have escalated between Hindu and Muslim communities, leading to a 30 percent increase in incidents of communal violence as compared to 2012. The central government's Ministry of Home Affairs reported 823 incidents of communal violence in 2013, in which 133 people died and over 2,000 were injured. One of the worst such incidents involved mass violence in September 2013 in Muzaffarnagar district in Uttar Pradesh, events in which at least 60 people died. These incidents of violence against minorities are a direct outcome of the basic flaws within the Democratic system. As this system is based on the idea of attaining maximum financial benefit out of its population. The majority areas and majority population gets special attention and benefits from the ruling class, as re-election after every 5 or 4 years  produces undue emphasis upon majority and neglect of the minorities. Hence rulers favour the majority province over the minority province and majority population over minorities, for it is the votes of majority that can get them re-elected, so they put out all resources for development of majority areas and for the progress of majority population. The rulers also fear the vote of no confidence, so they have to keep the representatives of majority happy in the legislative assemblies, by allocating them funds and law making in their favour." (Source:

The Islamic system of Khilafah "Caliphate" is free of all these faults, as the Islamic ruling system is a unique system of unity ordained by Allah (swt). It is not a federal, democratic, republican, monarchic or dictatorial system at all. It has no similarity to any man-made ideology. The Islamic state considers people under its authority as citizens, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims. All have their rights guaranteed by Islam. There is no concept of ‘ethnic minority' as people are not discriminated against at all for their colour, race or religion. While the Khalifah has no fear of impeachment or vote of no confidence as long as he is ruling by Islam. The law making power belongs to Allah (swt) only. Khalifah or the members of Ummah Council have no legislating powers as Allah (swt) says:

((إن الحکم إلا للہ))

"Verily, Ruling is only for Allah" [Yusef: 40].

Since man doesn't legislate in the Islamic system, hence it is not up to the Khalifah or the majority of the representatives to abrogate or suspend the rights of citizens, no matter which political group, ethnicity, religion or gender he belongs to. Hence the rights of the non-Muslim citizens are set in stone and nobody can change them. It was for this reason that the Christian citizens of the Khilafah "Caliphate" fought alongside Muslim armies against the Crusaders as they were happy and satisfied under Muslim just rule. Therefore, only second Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah can save the lives, properties and honor of religious and ethnic minorities and create harmony and unity as it did for 1300 years in the past, when under the glorious rule of Islam, Baghdad the capital city and Bukhara thousands of miles away from the center of Khilafah "Caliphate", equally flourished and progressed.

Written for Central Media Office Hizb ut Tahrir by

Umm Musab

Member of Central Media Office Hizb ut Tahrir


Answer to the Question: Explanation of the Concept of Fitna

Regarding your statement: "Doesn't any man amongst you have common sense to eradicate those ignorant rulers, and revives the history of the Ansar, and gives us the support in order to establish the Islamic rule, a guided Khilafah "Caliphate" upon the method of Prophethood...?" I would like to point out in the Hadeeth in which the Prophet (saw) said:


Press Release The Christian Clergy are in a Direr Need of a Wider Political Insight

Following the Christmas day celebrations, almost all the Christian leaders of different cults and denominations in Tanzania in their congregations have largely been highlighting and featuring on the issue of the scandal famously known as Tegeta Escrow Account (TEA) that involve the siphoning of over Tsh. 300 billion.

This move of the Christian clergy is a clear indication of their feelings while seething with bitter resentment against the deep-rooted acts of bribery, embezzlement and all assortments of corruption inundated in the democratic systems as it appears daily the eruption of new endless chains of scandals. Typical examples being the Richmond and EPA (External Payment Arrears) scandals in 2005/2006 when individuals with ‘briefcase companies' siphoned over Sh133 billion from the Central Bank's External Payment Arrears (EPA) account. Only later, the culprits were kindly asked to voluntarily bring back the money with no legal action taken against those who heeded the call. Also the Radar Purchase scandal in 1999 that involved an over-priced deal. It came to be known than a third of the total purchasing price was paid to a middleman of British citizenship to secure the contract.

Their voices of lamentation against the indecorous deportments of the democratic politicians who tend to indulge in corruption like the Escrow scandal, explicitly shows that man is born with political traits. Meaning that naturally man has incentives that push him to cater for his wellbeing and that of the rest. This being a result of the survival instinct that pushes him to secure his life and live in peace and tranquility. Contrary to the erroneous teachings of the church that preach the secular slogans that go: ‘Render unto God what belongs to Him and Caesar that belongs to him.' Despite those secular teachings that are supposed to be the indelible compass of the church, we have quite often seen the clergy contradicting themselves just to indulge and meddle with politics by lamenting and speaking against the rampant vices and corruption of the democratic politicians.

Under that basis, we in the Islamic Political Party, Hizb ut Tahrir, would like to remind the Christian clergy and those who don't want to involve in politics that politics is part and parcel of the man's nature with no room for avoidance.

The true and tangible change, can only be realized through a change from the existent corrupt capitalist ideology, which unfortunately, the Church always gets entrapped into it, to another one which is no other than Islam and its ruling system Khilafah "Caliphate" (caliphate). Certain churches tend to connive at the current political vices of the democratic politicians; and if they speak out, then they tend to call for changes within the same heinous system instead of toiling to obliterate it in totality!

It's now high time for the Christian clergy and the intellectuals at large, to resort to another better ideology which is no other than Islam, if they are truly committed and devoted to helping innocent people and save them from the blood stained claws of the capitalist ideology and its ruling system democracy which has failed on the day broad light for everyone to witness.

((قُلْ يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ تَعَالَوْا إِلَى كَلِمَةٍ سَوَاءٍ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَكُمْ أَلاَّ نَعْبُدَ إِلاَّ اللَّهَ وَلاَ نُشْرِكَ بِهِ شَيْئًا وَلاَ يَتَّخِذَ بَعْضُنَا بَعْضًا أَرْبَابًا مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ فَإِنْ تَوَلَّوْا فَقُولُوا اشْهَدُوا بِأَنَّا مُسْلِمُونَ))

"Say: O people of the Scripture (Jews & Christians): Come to a word that is just between us and you, that we worship none but Allah and, we associate no partners with Him and that none of us shall others as lords besides Him. Then if they turn away, say: bear witness that we are Muslims." [Aal Imran - 64]


Masoud Msellem
Deputy Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir
in East Africa


Press Release Oh People! Remove this Killer Regime; Undoubtedly the Government of Hasina is Responsible for the Death of four year old Jihad

Four-year-old Jihad fell into a deep well (water pipe) while playing with his friends in Dhaka's Shahjahanpur Railway Colony on Friday (05-12-2014) afternoon at around 3:30pm. Twenty-four hours later his dead body was brought out of the well by the local people using local rescue methods. During these 24 hours the nation came to witness and learn about the regime's failures -

1.    This regime left the mouth of the deep well open without any care for the people and their children who live in the colony. And this is not the only open deep well, drain or potholes; rather they exist in their hundreds across Dhaka and other metropolis in the country.

2.    This regime did not respond to the demand of the people to close the mouth of the deep well even after a similar incident two days before when another child fell inside the same well but was saved by Allah (swt).

3.    This regime appointed an absolute ignorant, Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal, as the State Minister for Home Affairs who completely disregarded the statements of hundreds of people and declared that the locals concocted the story of Jihad falling into the deep well. The police, who work under his jurisdiction, even took Jihad's father in custody for interrogation about Jihad's disappearance! We are not surprised by this; the minister did not go to the scene out of care for Jihad or a sense of responsibility to the people, rather he went to the scene only to see if the child will be rescued during his presence so that he can sing praises about his Prime Minister and her government's "success stories."

4.    This regime has not been able to build emergency services that have the means and the training to conduct a rescue operation in a competent and efficient manner. The absolute lack of coordination and disarray was visible for all to see - the people present at the place and those watching on television screens.

Oh People!

You are well aware of the list of the regime's failures in taking care of your affairs. It is not a list that can be concluded briefly here in one or two pages and this is not necessary. Rather we wish to reiterate for you the solution; the way out of the problem is the ruling system and the rulers who will look after your affairs with sincerity, care and awareness. And that is the Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate", where rulers like Umar bin Khattab who felt responsible for an animal tripping and hurting itself on the roads and pathways within the territory of the state and beyond, let alone human beings: "If a goat tripped over and fell on the road in Iraq, I would be afraid that Allah would ask me why you didn't pave the road for her, Oh Umar." Until and unless you remove this killer regime and establish the Khilafah "Caliphate" there will be no end to the cycles of death and hardship which surround you from all sides.

Demonstration by Hizb ut Tahrir

Members of Hizb ut Tahririn Shahjahanpur organized a demonstration after Asr prayers today from Shapla Jame Masjid of Shahjahanpur Railway Colony protesting against the Murder of Jihad by the Regime. Before the event a delegation of the party visited the home of Jihad to offer our condolences to his family members.


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahririn Wilayah Bangladesh

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