Monday, 27 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/30
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General Raheel Endorses the False Claim that US Crusade is Our War US Crusade Was Never Our War and Never Will Be

General Raheel Sharif on 4th December, after his arrival from a long US tour, declared that the US crusade is our war, during his speech at a Defense Exhibition in Karachi. He said that "Pakistan's current enemy lives within us and looks like us". By stating this, the Raheel-Nawaz regime has declared those tribal Muslims who fight in Afghanistan against the occupying US forces as enemies.


Press Release Half a Decade has passed, Yet the Hasina Government Hasn't Learnt that Arrests, Persecution and Bullets are Blunt Tools against Hizb ut Tahrir

On Friday, 05 December 2014, eleven (11) members and activists of Hizb ut Tahrir were arrested in Dhaka and Chittagong when they were distributing a leaflet issued by the party dated 13 Safar 1436 AH corresponding to 05 December 2014 CE. What is it with Hasina and her government? Half a decade has passed and they have not yet learnt that arrests, persecution, and firing bullets etc are useless blunt tools with which to face Hizb ut Tahrir. The Hasina government has arrested many hundreds of party members and activists in the past half a decade, from the beginning of 2009 until now and yet it has not succeeded even by a hairbreadth to stop the party from pursuing its goal of liberating the Ummah by establishing Islamic rule, the Khilafah "Caliphate". Rather Hizb ut Tahrir has become stronger and established its roots deeply within the country. Hasina and her henchmen need to stop undertaking shallow actions which might work against other parties but not Hizb ut Tahrir and face us by putting forward a political ideology and message stronger than our political ideology i.e. Islam and our political message.

For the benefit of all we summarize here the message in our leaflet which we issued with the title, "Oh People! Where is the Officer Who Will Say Not One More Bullet Shall be Allowed to be Fired at the People...? Tyrant Hasina has Resorted to the Use of Iron and Fire to Compel You to Submit to Her Rule; the Only Way to Free Yourselves from Her is to Demand from the Sincere Military Officers to Overthrow Her and Transfer the Authority to Hizb ut Tahrir to Establish the Khilafah "Caliphate"" -

1.     The people have rejected Sheikh Hasina's rule due to her treacherous acts and that of her government against the country's interests, due to the looting of people's wealth and failing to look after their affairs, and due to her Godless regime's enmity to Allah (swt), His Messenger (saw) and the Believers. When her mischief and that of her government caused the people to reject her, she resorted to suppression and force by use of iron and fire to compel the people to submit to her rule.

2.     The only real alternative for the people is to establish the Second Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah state, which will rule them with compassion, caring for them, and acting as their guardian rather than being an enemy to them like the tyrants of today.

3.     The people have to reject the current Kufr ruling regime and stop the circus of the so-called free and fair democratic elections. It is this rotten democracy which created and made space for the likes of Hasina to enter politics, corrupt it and reach the authority. And reject all forms of intervention in the country's affairs by US-Britain-India and resist those who are calling for applying foreign pressure and involvement in ensuring fresh elections.

4.     The people must demand from the sincere officers in the military, those they know and they meet, to overthrow Sheikh Hasina and transfer the authority to Hizb ut Tahrir to establish the Khilafah "Caliphate". Making the sincere officers to switch sides, making them abandon the regime and take the people's side is the assured way to change the regime when they overthrow it, not for taking power for themselves, rather for transferring the authority to sincere and aware politicians, those politicians who will build the regime on a new basis, the Islamic basis and declare Bangladesh as the Khilafah "Caliphate". These sincere and aware politicians, those who are aware of how to solve the people's problems according to the Qur'an and the Sunnah, how to industrialize the country, how to face regional and global challenges, are to be found in Hizb ut Tahrir and not in any other party, the combination of the two - sincerity and deep awareness - does not exist in any other party.

The leaflet ended with the following call to the sincere officers in the military -

"Oh Sincere Officers, the People of Power!

The return of the Khilafah "Caliphate" is an inevitable matter, it is from the decreed matters of Allah (swt) and it will be soon, insha'Allah. But it will not fall from the sky. So the question is not is it possible for the Khilafah "Caliphate" to be re-established, rather the question is by whose hand Allah (swt) will cause it to return and accordingly He (swt) honours them. Who from you seeks this honour; who from you wants to become the means for the return of Islam in ruling and the liberation of the people from this tyranny? Who from you has the courage, which an officer is supposed to have, to be the supporters of Islam and the people? We are aware that the regime is indoctrinating you with the motto of "safeguarding the constitution" and other such nonsense which mean nothing but being loyal to Hasina and the regime. But what about your loyalty to Allah (swt), His Messenger and the People? What about the blood of the people, is there not among you an officer or officers who will say not one more bullet shall be allowed to be fired at the people by tyrant Hasina and her henchmen? Oh officers! Respond and do not delay; respond to the command of Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw) and respond to the call of the people. Be the vehicle for the fulfillment of Allah's promise; overthrow Sheikh Hasina and transfer the authority to Hizb ut Tahrir to establish the Khilafah "Caliphate". May be He (swt) will honour you and your families in the Dunya and the Akhira like He (swt) honoured the Ansar (ra) and their families."


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Bangladesh


The Satanic Alliance between the Leaders of the Resistance and the Opposition and America the Greatest Devil

Bashar Al Assad stated in an interview conducted by the French magazine "Paris Match", with excerpts published on 3/12/2014, saying, "Terrorism cannot be destroyed from the air, and you cannot achieve results on the ground without land forces who know the geographical details of the regions and move in tandem with the airstrikes". He also added, "I want to stress an important point here. 


News and Comment Have US and NATO brought prosperity or colonialism to the region? (Translated)

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On 2 December, Foreign Ministers of NATO countries have met in Brussels where they have agreed on the new role of NATO for the coming years in Afghanistan. The head of NATO said, "We have decided to start our non-military support from January. It is indeed an important moment for both Afghanistan and NATO. This is going to be a non-military support. Around twelve thousand NATO troops will assist the security forces of Afghanistan and will play an advisory role, as well as will train the security forces of Afghanistan that will preserve our achievements in Afghanistan."


The false promises of NATO and U.S. forces with the subservient Afghan government are not anything new. What we have witnessed, for the last 13 years, are the killings of the innocent Muslims, venality, house raids, arrests, torture, looting our resources and corruption. All these heinous crimes are done with equal collaboration with the puppet Afghan government that has been imposed upon the Muslims of Afghanistan through U.S. and NATO forces. In fact after 2015 only the style of criminalities are going to change its shape, as they will now use paid Afghan forces to do the job for them but the targets, and intelligence strategy will be given by the same U.S. and NATO forces. By doing this they will kill two birds with one stone, as on both sides Muslims will be killing Muslims.

Alas the new puppet ruler of Afghanistan Muhammad Ashraf Ghani said that, "I am optimistic that the recent assurances of NATO will bring peace and prosperity to Afghanistan''. He is so naïve that he does not even know what peace and prosperity are and how the Muslim and Mujahid Nation of Afghanistan want to attain it. His thoughts and ideas are completely different from the Muslims of Afghanistan. Ashraf Ghani is a western-trained secular person that believes in secular ideals and has no feelings for the Muslim Ummah and Islam as a way of life. On the other hand, Muslims in Afghanistan always have proved its love for Islam by defeating Britain three times, then Soviet Union of Russia and now U.S. and NATO forces. All this is done with the intention of not letting Kufar occupy a Muslim land. However today when U.S. was defeated militarily, they opted for political control of the country by introducing its puppet in the form of Ashraf Ghani who within 24 hours of his presidency proved his loyalty to U.S. and NATO by signing the BSA and SOFA and guaranteed U.S. and NATO long term presence and safeguard their political, military and economic benefits in the region.

Ashraf Ghani added that he believes the agreement between Afghanistan and NATO will not only bring peace and prosperity to Afghanistan but to the entire region. We all know that U.S. and NATO countries are here for their own evil motives and not for the prosperity and security of Afghanistan and region. The regional objective that U.S and NATO are very clear, it is to contain Russia and China, access to central Asia, Middle East and the control of the oil and hydrocarbon in Caspian Sea. Controlling the routs to transfer these energy resources and most importantly hindering the political, geographic and economic unification of the Muslim Ummah through the Islam Khilafah "Caliphate".

In order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives, U.S. and NATO are using the geopolitical position of Afghanistan; therefore, Afghanistan is not the objective but a mean to achieve other objectives in the region. That is why not a single mega project has been launched and worked on that could benefit the Muslim of Afghanistan in the long run but only ad hock projects are launched that has shorter life and temporary benefits. In addition, the Muslims of Afghanistan have been divided on different ethnic, linguistic, tribalistic lines, as well as the colonialists in collaboration with the puppet rulers have been changing the Islamic laws of Afghanistan with western laws and are trying to change everything that has relevance to Islam as a complete system. Muslims in Afghanistan know the vicious objectives of the Kufar and its agents and will never let them succeed in their plans.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Saifullah Mustanir, Kabul - Wilayah Afghanistan

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