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Pakistan Headlines 02/12/2014

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End the Colonialist Interference in Our Affairs by Establishing Khilafah "Caliphate"

After the PTI Chief's meeting with the US Ambassador on 22 November, debate has erupted amongst the people. Richard Olson is the representative of a colonialist power in Pakistan. Anyone from the political or military leadership who meets him would only strengthen colonialism in Pakistan because he would confirm US stake in Pakistan's political process. The colonialist trap here is evident. The colonialists find excuses to interfere in our affairs through offers of "help" and "assistance" only to find ways and means to subjugate and control us. The only reason why Richard Olson would meet Imran Khan is to size him up for US service. The only reason Imran Khan would meet the US ambassador is that he knows that the corridor of power to Islamabad goes through Washington.

The Khilafah "Caliphate" alone will treat hostile non-Muslim states on a war stance and end the free roaming of US Ambassadors. As 000 000 has adopted in its "Introduction to the Constitution," in Article 189, "States with whom we do not have treaties, and the actual imperialist states, such as Britain, America and France, and those states that have designs on the State, such as Russia, are legally considered to be belligerent states. All precautions must be taken towards them and it would be wrong to establish diplomatic relations with them." And in the same article's Clause 4 it has stated, "States that are actually belligerent states, such as Israel for example, a state of war must be taken as the basis for all dealings with them. They must be dealt with as if a real war existed between us - irrespective of whether an armistice exists between us or not - and all their subjects are prevented from entering the State."


Barking at America, whilst Heeling and Rolling Over to its Commands

Pakistan's Defence Minister Khawaja Asif declared on 25 December that, "The Americans have been our friends for a long time since the ‘60s and the ‘70s but their reliability is relative...American foreign policy has been disastrous for this region," whilst addressing an audience at the Institute of Strategic Studies.

Stating the obvious will not lessen the anger of the people at the regime's blind allegiance to America. Nor are the people naive enough to believe that this statement is a signal that the regime is abandoning agency to the West in favour of an independent foreign policy. Indeed in the same speech the Defence Minister did not deviate one inch from American interests in the region, specifically acceptance of the American occupation of Afghanistan as the status quo and making way for India's rise as the unfit, dominant regional player through normalization.

Barking at America, whilst heeling and rolling over to its commands is wearing thin. The Ummah senses the need for real change which only the Khilafah "Caliphate" can bring. The Khilafah "Caliphate" will treat this hostile belligerent nation on a war stance, expelling its diplomatic, intelligence, military and private military from Pakistan. It will prevent the free access of its officials to rulers and members of assemblies within the state. And it will unify the Ummah, benefiting of its immense resources, as a basis for raising Islam as the dominant influence in the world.


Jihad to Expel Occupation is a Duty

Whilst calling for peace in Afghanistan on 25 November, the Defence Minister said nothing regarding the American aggression and occupation that caused the instability in the first place. Nor did he praise the brave resistance of Muslims to the American occupation, which is no less brutal and dangerous for the region's Muslims than the previous Soviet Russian occupation. Moreover, the West and its agents, the Muslim rulers, push a flawed concept upon the Muslim populace: that anywhere in the Muslim World wherever the Muslim people are physically occupied, they must not respond with physical force in return. What this practically means is that physical occupation should only be fought through non-violent means via political or intellectual struggle. So those who fight the Indian occupation in Kashmir are terrorists. Those who fight the American occupation in Afghanistan are terrorists. Those who resist the Israeli occupation of the Holy land are terrorists. The West knows that Muslim states are in their control and would never move their armies to free occupied Muslim lands. However it cannot control the valiant Ummah and its brave sons. Hence it propagated the idea of "violence by non-state actors" as "terrorism". So any violence by non-state actors is termed "terrorism" whether it is aimed at removing physical occupation or not.

So in origin "terrorism" is a dangerous concept for the Ummah. For it is a political term conceived by the West to attack the idea of defensive Jihad within the Muslim people. And this is an attack on the Muslim mind. Therefore the Ummah should be vigilant about Western narratives on the War on Terror and reject them altogether. Muslims will never give up their right to physically defend their lands, life, property and honor with or without the Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" State. And let us not forget, if the Muslim States had done their duty to defend Muslim lands, the issue of non-state actors would never have arisen in the first place. We need Khilafah "Caliphate" for the Muslim World.


Opposition is as Bankrupt on the Economy as the Regime

Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Senator, Mian Raza Rabbani, in his capacity as leader of the opposition, declared on 26 December that the federal government's privatization plan is tantamount to selling national strategic institutions in violation of the provisions of the Constitution.

This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. The PPP itself whilst in power first ensured the privatization of the power sector, with the formation of Independent Power Producers (IPPs), for which the people of Pakistan are still paying the cost, whilst the PPPs entourage benefitted from the privatization. The PML-N adheres to Democracy too and so its cronies have benefitted from continuing privatization of the energy sector, amongst others. Democracy always guarantees excessive privileges for the elite in power and gross deprivation for the people. Democracy links authority with sovereignty, so those who are elected to power, have the right to make law according to their whims and desires. This ensures that the law-makers are able to amass immense wealth for themselves and their associates by manipulating laws in their favor. Wherever Democracy exists, small elites have changed law to ensure their private ownership of the sources of great wealth, whether it is electricity, oil, gas, minerals, large scale industry and arms manufacture.

Islam uniquely will end the cycle of exploitation that Democracy ensures. Islam has mandated that electricity, oil, gas and minerals are a public property, whose benefit is for the citizens of the state, rather than a small elite. Moreover, the Khilafah "Caliphate" will establish a strong industry so that it dominates key areas such as large-scale construction, engines and telecommunication.


US Pleased at Pakistan's Inaction Against its Occupation

In an interview to Dawn published on 28 November, US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Feldman, gushed with pleasure at the Pakistan Army Chief's commitment to America's war. "People in Washington were very pleased with his commitment" to fighting all terrorists, including the Haqqani network, he said, while talking about the Pakistan army chief's much-talked about visit to the United States last week. "We also recognise that more work needs to be done, but there's true commitment from Gen Sharif to deliver on this," said the US envoy.

American pleasure at Pakistan's current commitment to its war is not surprising. Its cowardly occupying troops have not been able to face small numbers of poorly armed Pushtoon fighters, so the mere prospect of facing the world's largest Muslim armed forces on the battlefield is unbearable. Instead, through using a malicious campaign of false flag attacks on Pakistan's armed forces, America's Raymond Davis network has worked to turn the situation on its head, with the Muslim armed forces fighting the resistance to the Kafir occupation on its behalf! It is high time that the Khilafah "Caliphate" was established that will motivate the armed forces of the Muslims to seek the pleasure of Allah (swt) only and obliterate the occupying forces wherever they defile Muslim soil. Allah (swt) said,

((يا أيها الذين ءامنوا قاتِلوا الذين يَلونكم من الكفار وَلْيجِدوا فيكمْ غِلْظَةً واعْلَموا أنَّ اللّـهَ مع المتقين))

"O you who believe! Fight the Unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you: and know that Allah is with those who fear Him." [Surah At-Tawba 9:123]




News Headlines 29/11/2015

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  • Ruble Crashes past Historic 50 to U.S. Dollar as OPEC Lets Oil Price Fall
  • Pope Francis Urges Religious Tolerance on Rare Turkey Visit
  • Gen Sharif's Stance on Terrorists Pleases US





Ruble Crashes past Historic 50 to U.S. Dollar as OPEC Lets Oil Price Fall

The ruble plunged on Friday, falling to an unprecedented 50 versus the U.S. dollar after OPEC's refusal to implement production cuts caused oil prices to nosedive. The Russian currency reached 50.01 against the dollar in after-hours trading shortly before 9:30 p.m., extending a dramatic week-long tumble that raises the possibility of intervention by the Central Bank to steady the market. The ruble, which is at historic lows, has lost over 11 percent against the dollar since Monday, one of the worst performing weeks on record. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) said Thursday it would not curb output to shore up prices, prompting oil to shed over $5 in a day to trade at four-year lows. The price of Brent crude, the international oil benchmark, plummeted below $70 a barrel during late trading on Friday, despite stabilizing earlier in the day at about $73 a barrel. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday he saw nothing surprising in OPEC's decision, nor the subsequent oil price fall. "It's an inevitable reaction," Putin said, according to a transcript on the Kremlin's website. He added that he did not expect oil markets to balance themselves until the middle of next year.  Russia depends for about half its budget revenues on energy exports, so the falling price of crude has an immediate knock-on effect on the Russian currency and stocks. The ruble has lost almost 35 percent of its value against the dollar this year in the face of weakening oil and Western sanctions on Moscow over the Ukraine crisis. The Central Bank implemented a free floating currency earlier this month after spending over $70 billion to defend the ruble since January, but has said that it retains the right to sell foreign currency reserves on the market if there is a threat to financial stability. "Perhaps given the dreadful geopolitical setting the strategic importance of the Central Bank's currency reserves has increased and they want to conserve these at all costs," said Timothy Ash, an emerging markets analyst at Standard Bank, in a note Friday. "This may well suggest that the ruble will continue to take the strain as long as oil prices remain under downside pressure." [Source: Moscow Times]

OPEC's decision not to support the price of oil is highly suspicious, given that the current oil price does not allow Saudi Arabia to break even. One can only conclude that the gulf countries are colluding with the US to bring down the price of oil to hurt Russia. Once again, the assets of the Muslim ummah are being used by the colonialist powers to safeguard their interests.

Pope Francis Urges Religious Tolerance on Rare Turkey Visit

Pope Francis called Friday for religious tolerance and dialogue to counter extremism in the Middle East as he met with Turkey's leaders on the first day of a rare papal visit to the predominantly Muslim country. Speaking in Ankara alongside Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Pope called on people of all faiths to show respect for human life, dignity and religious freedom. "Fanaticism and fundamentalism, as well as irrational fears which foster misunderstanding and discrimination, need to be countered by the solidarity of all believers," he said. Terrorist violence shows no sign of abating in Iraq and Syria, with grave persecution against Christians and the Yazidi minority in particular, Francis said. "Hundreds of thousands of persons have been forced to abandon their homes and countries in order to survive and remain faithful to their religious beliefs," he said. Turkey, which has generously welcomed a great number of refugees, is directly affected by this tragic situation on its borders; the international community has the moral obligation to assist Turkey in taking care of these refugees. "At the same time, Francis said, Turkey has a "great responsibility," because of its history and location bridging East and West, to help bring different communities together and promote the path to peace. In his address, Erdogan highlighted what he said was a disturbing trend of increased racism and Islamophobia in the West, at the same time as Islamist extremism wracks parts of the Middle East. The world must come together if it wants to combat terrorism, he said. The Turkish leader also suggested the West should not turn a blind eye to abuses committed by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad while it pursues ISIS. The timing of the Pope's visit, in this period of unrest, is extremely significant, Erdogan added, voicing hope that it would lead to an "auspicious era" of improved relations in the world. Francis also met with Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and will hold talks with the head of the country's religious affairs directorate, Mehmet Gormez. [ Source: BBC]

The Pope who dare not address secular fanatics in the West about perpetrating state terrorism in the name of freedom and democracy, visits Turkey to tell its people more needs to be done. When will the rulers of the Muslim world wake up from their slumber and subservience to the West? The only way to prevent the chaos unfolding in the Muslim is end the interference of Western countries through re-establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" state. There was a time when the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" was dictating the politics of Europe and no country dared to persecute Muslims. Furthermore, under the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" tolerance was so prevalent that Jews and Christians flourished. Yet, all of these examples escaped Erdogan's memory as he sought to please the Pope.

Gen Sharif's Stance on Terrorists Pleases US

Gen Raheel Sharif is an extremely articulate spokesperson for Pakistan's interests, says Dan Feldman, US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. In an interview to Dawn, Ambassador Feldman also said that US forces staying in Afghanistan after 2014 would only fight the Taliban only if they directly threatened them, supported Al Qaeda or posed a strategic threat to the Afghan National Security Forces. He also dispelled the impression that the FBI action against Ambassador Robin Raphel was meant to send the message that it was no longer kosher for Americans to be friends with Pakistan. "Gen Sharif is an extremely articulate spokesperson for Pakistan's interests," said Ambassador Feldman while talking about the Pakistan army chief's much-talked about visit to the United States last week. "In Washington, he received very broad support for Pakistan's counter-terrorism campaign," he said. During his visit, Gen Sharif met a wide range of US officials - in both military and civil establishments - as part of an effort to rebuild a long-term relationship between the two militaries. "We had very straightforward, constructive and honest discussions on the need to go after all terrorists, including the Haqqani network, and to make sure that all terrorist safe havens are shut down," said Ambassador Feldman when asked if the visit achieved its goals. "Yes, we all recognise that significant progress has been made" in the fight against terrorists since the North Waziristan operation, he said. "We also recognise that more work needs to be done, but there's true commitment from Gen Sharif to deliver on this," said the US envoy. "People in Washington were very pleased with his commitment" to fighting all terrorists, including the Haqqani network, he said. Ambassador Feldman noted that the effort to rebuild a long-term relationship between the two militaries had began several years ago. "The visit continues that process and helps strengthen the relationship," he said. [Source: Dawn]

General Sharif follows a long list of distinguished army officials like Kayani and Musharraf who also sought to please their American masters. In the end, they were discarded by the US, and a similar fate awaits General Sharif.




News and Comment Coast to Coast: Racism is the Fuel for the Raging Riots in the US

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All throughout the major headlines is the news of the grand jury's decision not to indict Darren Wilson, a Ferguson, Missouri police officer who shot and killed the unarmed African-American teenager Michael Brown about three months ago. This verdict unleashed fury and disbelief of the judicial system in African American communities all throughout the United States. A fresh wave of violence hit the streets of American cities by some areas calling for the dispatch of the National Guard for additional protection to subdue the heightened riots calling for justice. (Source: The New York Times and Press TV, November 26, 2014)



90 US cities held mass protests as a backlash to the grand jury decision. More than 2100 National Guard troops have been sent to Ferguson, Missouri to quell the eruption of the riots. Major streets, highways, and bridges have been blocked as protestors took to the streets including New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, and in front of the White House. Tempers raging, utter shock for the total disregard for the dead teenager - who an unarmed African American teenager also a US citizen- was gunned down. Too often has this scene occurred: different face different state all ending in the same consequences - falling victim to white police brutality and this case ended with fatal results. We see the legal criticism of what the officer should have done and what type of protocol to follow. But is that the real issue of the fallout of the national riots?

The underlying basis for this type of incidents occur and have been occurring throughout American history from the early beginnings of the newfound country to the rise of its American hegemony over the international scene. It still battles the same battle that shakes the government to its core. The issue of race and its impact on the make-up of society. When scrutinizing intensely racism is the absolute disease that eats up the American public. No matter how strong America is on the global scene and foreign policy - in its own backyard - racism still brings it down to its knees.

This is the question on everyone's minds - how is this happening in the superpower domain? Is racism and prejudice woven in the fabric of American society? We see the prejudice towards anyone non-white be they, Muslims, African Americans, and Mexicans, migrant workers, and immigrants seeking a better life opportunity and even extending to women. How demeaning that this discussion still exists in today's time!

Capitalism since its inception has yet to gather the various colors, races, ethnicities, and religions despite all the civil rights movements, amendments atop amendments, and Supreme Court Rulings all take the American public back to square one. Touting democratic rights making widespread claims of human rights for all people - overseas; yet grapple to find peace and harmony in its borders. Raw emotions allow observers to see the depth of the rottenness of ingrained prejudice into American ideology that when shone to the light reveals all its holes.

Just as the issue of rights for the black people come into the spotlight, attached is the minority discourse. Is the stagnant issue of majority vs. minority debate ever going to be solved?

In today's cruel world, there does exist a solution that will bring harmony in society and to humanity, that can be found in the ideology or Deen of Islam. What causes these various groups of people to be united not only by geographical borders but also to the creed deep within the hearts of the people of various colors and ethnicities? Even after almost a century of the system being absent from the lives of the newer generations of the Muslims... what kind of ideological creed holds and combines the people from all around the world on the belief of La Illaha Illa Allah Muhammad Rasool Allah - this is what Islam is what it stands for humanity as a cathartic relief from all the chokehold of hatred, cruelty, sexism and prejudice to the point it severely affects the American perception of what is good and evil simply based on the stereotypes handed down from generation to generation and projected by the media.

When does one stop to question this? Until how many Michael Browns have to be killed or how many hate campaigns need to churned out in order for the general public to realize they will never be "cured" from the disease they suffer unless they change the foundation their lives are based upon. Eric Draister, Founder of stopimperialism.org, said during a Press TV interview on November 26, "American culture is utterly hollow" and there is "the myth of democracy" in the United States. Numerous civil rights advocates also reiterate these sentiments, especially from the African American communities.

Whereas in the Islamic State -majority and minority group of people is a foreign concept since all those who hold the "tabiyyehiah" [belonging to the State or the closest meaning being citizenship] be they the original inhabitants of the land or the newly annexed people to the State. Here one holds full rights and protection granted by the Legislator, Allah Almighty, even though one may not be of the Muslim faith. In the Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" State, groups of people are not deprived of their responsibilities or rights due to their skin color or faith. It serves as a wonder to others that in today's time the Muslim Ummah identifies with other Muslims all around the world with full empathy and compassion of their suffering or their happiness without ever seeing them or knowing them personally. Even though the Islamic State has been absent for almost a century, this bond still remains intact, Muslims as a group going back to the ideological bond view other people as human beings.

This is radically different to the perspective in the American society, which still faces all sorts of societal dilemmas based on prejudice. How senseless can this discussion exist in this time and age. Western thinkers marvel at the unique creed of Islam that combines and gathers humans without the notion of any race being superior over another as if that race had any control over being born into that specific race. Stereotypes and formed perceptions that oppress and restrict people from reaching their full potential due to the limitations forced upon them. As we see in the United States, countless surveys show the trends of the poorest less educated lower job ranks all belong to the race outside the white race. The labels attached to the "outsiders" is one of suspicion and hostility and fear. Islam in its belief system elevates the human mind and its perceptions to see beyond skin color and taking the focus to one's actions - and that acts as the measure for judgment. The Muslim is not superficial in thinking or behavior nor views skin color or a specific ethnicity as the determinant to worldly success.

While the civil rights groups and judicial panels still ponder on how to solve the crisis of racism, the answer will never be found in their ideology. Whereas Islam holds the truest solution which raised the freed black slave to the same status as the rich master during the noble Prophet Muhammad's time in which he admonished the Arabs for their ignorant views more than 1400 years ago.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Um Muhanad


News and Comment UK Government Seeks to Convert Muslim Children with Latest Witch-hunt

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A few months ago, the UK government schools inspection body, Ofsted, carried out much publicised school inspections in Birmingham as part of the so called ‘Trojan horse' affair. After much hysteria, the findings focussed not on the academic attainment of the children, but on the mainstream Islamic practices in these schools which have an overwhelming number of students from Muslim homes. Trips to Umrah, adhan (Muslim call to prayer), and separate sitting between boys and girls were brought forward as evidence that these schools were supposedly open to ‘extremism' (whatever that means) and evidence of an unsubstantiated Islamist plot.


Now, in the last few days, Ofsted has published reports after emergency inspection of six independent Muslim schools in the London borough of Tower Hamlets. Like the alleged Trojan horse claims, which resulted in numerous Birmingham schools that were previously graded outstanding and then put into special measures, these Muslim schools in Tower Hamlets face a similar fate. The latest inspection has scored the six schools inadequate, despite previous inspections praising some of them or even grading them as ‘outstanding'. One of Ofsted's recurring charge against these schools is that they are "focused too heavily on Islamic teachings". So what is at stake is the Islam of our children.

The UK government is using Ofsted as its weapon to carry out a witch-hunt in private Muslim schools or state schools in predominantly Muslim areas. It then uses vague terms such as "extremism" and "radicalisation" as a generic label against anything remotely Islamic hence Ofsted is able to find "evidence" against these schools.

This pattern is set to be repeated across the UK making it clear that despite all the talk of the UK's ‘tolerance', mainstream Islamic practices and opinions will not be tolerated in schools. This is an attempt to force Muslim children to adopt Western secular liberal values in relation to sexuality, relationships between the genders, supporting British troops abroad and other matters. Someone even said a prayer room at their university is now under threat of closure because of accusations of ‘extremism' - whatever that means.

The current witch-hunt of Muslim schools is part of Prime Minister Cameron's ‘muscular liberal' approach to enforce British values (an undefined term) on Muslim children.

Despite this pressure, Muslims must not shy away from standing up for their children's right to hold onto Islamic values, beliefs and morals. This an Islamic duty about which Allah (swt) will question us. Parents need to engage with schools as a pressure group arguing the case for the things that promote the Islamic values and against the governments bullying to undermine them. Where are the government's policies against the growing abuse of children, the ‘sexting' (texting of explicit images) that is happening in some schools or the under-age sex and other matters affecting children? Islamic values are the antidote against such matters and Muslim parents must fight to ensure schools do not convert their children to such liberal values which are the cause of so many societal problems.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Taji Mustafa
Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir in Britain

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