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Tunisia: Masjid Talk at Ali Ibn Abi Talib Mosque in the area of Tadhamun

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Ali Hijazi gave a talk mentioning the corruption and political reality explaining that they are on the right track to rip out the colonization in their reluctance to participate in the elections, but this step is completed only with hard work led by Hizb ut Tahrir, which does not deceive its people.


Friday, 28 Muharram 1436 AH corresponding to November 21, 2014 CE




Headlines News 22/11/2014

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  • David Cameron: World Facing Second Economic Crash
  • ISIS Making Deadly Inroads in Libya, Pakistan and Afghanistan
  • Obama Secretly Extends US Combat Operation in Afghanistan


David Cameron: World Facing Second Economic Crash

David Cameron has said that "red warning lights are flashing on the dashboard of the global economy" and a second global crash could be looming. In a bleak assessment as the G20 Summit draws to a close, the Prime Minister said there were early signs similar to those seen before the global recession six years ago. There is a "dangerous backdrop of instability and uncertainty" with diplomatic, humanitarian and economic problems across the world, he warned, which potentially endanger Britain's recovery. Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, said hedge funds, private equity firms and other parts of the unregulated "shadow banking" world will face increased scrutiny over the possible risks that they pose to financial stability. "When the crisis hit, all these shadow banking risks collapsed back on the centre," said Mr Carney, who is also chairman of the Financial Stability Board. Writing in The Guardian, Mr Cameron said, "The Eurozone is teetering on the brink of a possible third recession, with high unemployment, falling growth and the real risk of falling prices too. "Emerging market economies, which were the driver of growth in the early stages of the recovery, are now slowing down. Despite the progress in Bali [trade talks in 2013], global trade talks have stalled while the epidemic of Ebola, conflict in the Middle East and Russia's illegal actions in Ukraine are all adding a dangerous backdrop of instability and uncertainty." The British economy was the fastest-growing in the G7, with "record numbers of new businesses, the largest ever annual fall in unemployment, and employment up 1.75 million in four years", Mr Cameron said. "But the reality is, in our interconnected world, wider problems in the global economy pose a real risk to our recovery at home," he added.

In the space of 6 years, the world is again facing an economic crisis according to Cameron. However the truth of matter is that the world is firmly caught up in an unprecedented economic depression, which it cannot get out of. But due to the lies of the politicians and their super-rich backers, populations across the world have been fed a diet of misconstrued facts and figures, which paint a rosy picture. The real casualty of capitalism are the vast majority of people whose incomes have dramatically dropped, while on the other hand the super-rich i.e. top 1% get richer by the day. This economic equation is no longer sustainable and cannot be balanced through printing more money.

The only solution to the world's economic woes lies in Islam, and Muslims must work tirelessly to re-establish the Khilafah "Caliphate" state so that the world can see economic justice for all.

ISIS Making Deadly Inroads in Libya, Pakistan and Afghanistan

The Islamic State group and its leadership have become masters of grabbing attention. This week alone, the extremist network, also known as ISIS or ISIL, reportedly seized control of a coastal town in Libya, and released a grisly video of its fighters brandishing the severed head of a former Army Ranger turned aid worker Peter Kassig, along with those of dozens of captured Kurdish fighters.  The Islamic State group is here to stay and it's not wasting time like al-Qaida did before. "The message they're trying to convey is they are brutal to their enemies, and they are righteous in their cause," says Karl Kaltenthaler, an expert on the rise of Islamic extremism and professor at the University of Akron. "If you mess with them, you're going to pay a high price, and they will stop at nothing to achieve the triumph of their vision for Islam."  Al-Qaida's original plan under founding leader Osama bin Laden involved knocking the U.S. and Western influence out of predominantly Muslim countries, collapsing those states, creating Islamic alternatives and ultimately establishing a so-called hard-liner caliphate. The Islamic State group has thrown that plan out the window, and has achieved on the ground what al-Qaida could only dream of a decade or more ago.  It's irrelevant - for now - whether the expanding presence of the Islamic State group is at the explicit direction of its reclusive leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, or if regional "lone wolf" insurgents are branding themselves as such. What matters is that average citizens from Libya to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India - and perhaps even farther - believe now more than ever this murderous firebrand could show up at their front doors. The Pakistani government has consistently denied any presence of the Islamic State group within its borders, or in neighboring Afghanistan.  "ISIS is a matter of concern for anyone, use as much as anyone else," said Maj. Gen. Asim Saleem Bajwa, a spokesman for the Pakistani military. "There have been speculative reports of some kind of leadership of ISIS coming there, but there hasn't been any evidence." But sources on the ground there say the government is hiding what has become a pernicious problem in the region. Six prominent members including a chief spokesman of the Pakistani Taliban, known as Tehreek-e-Taliban, said in a statement in October they supported the Islamic State group. They were later fired by their top commander, likely out of confusion about which extremist groups the Tehreek-e-Taliban wishes to ally itself. The looming deadline of the allied forces' withdrawal is also prompting all those involved in the country's illicit system of patronage to take advantage of it while they still can. Many paid thousands of dollars to buy positions on the border, or in Afghan government oversight committees, knowing they could make that back many times over.  The task forces established by former Central Command Chief Army Gen. David Petraeus or Marine Gen. John Allen that used to help keep this culture in check are all gone, Sopko (the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction​) said, offering a foreboding conclusion: "We're the largest law enforcement and oversight presence in Afghanistan. And I only have 40 people." An Islamic State group presence in Central Asia would be a big public relations coup for the extremist network, particularly in Pakistan - a nuclear state - and Afghanistan - ground zero for a supposed U.S. war victory - and will only further establish its brand name. [Source: US News]

Just as the West used the inflated threat of Al-Qaida to prosecute it's so called war against terror in Muslim countries, the ISIS threat is deliberately exaggerated by the West to extend their crusade in Muslim lands. Every other day, stories are manufactured to show ISIS's expansion, which are then followed by appeal to Western powers to intervene in various parts of the Muslim world.

The West is truly at war with Islam, and this no longer a clash of civilizations; rather it is a war of civilizations which is unfolding before our very eyes.

Obama Secretly Extends US Combat Operation in Afghanistan

President Barack Obama has secretly signed an order that expands the United States' direct combat role in Afghanistan throughout 2015, the New York Times reported. Signed over the last few weeks, the secret order permits American forces to continue to battle the Taliban and other militants that pose a threat to either the Afghan government or US personnel. According to the Times, US jets, bombers, and drones will be able to aid ground troops - be they Afghan or US forces - in whatever mission they undertake. Under the order, ground troops could join Afghan troops on missions, and airstrikes could be carried out in their support. If true, this marks a significant expansion of America's role in Afghanistan in 2015. Previously, President Obama said US forces would not be involved in combat operations once the new year begins. He did say troops would continue training Afghan forces and track down remaining Al-Qaeda members. Obama signed the secret order after tense debates within the administration. The military reportedly argued that it would allow the US to keep the pressure on the Taliban and other groups should details emerge that they are planning to attack American troops. Civilian aides, meanwhile, said the role of combat troops should be limited to counter-terror missions against Al-Qaeda.  The Times said an administration official painted the secret order's authorization as a win for the military, but another said the US would not carry out "offensive missions" against the Taliban in 2015.  "We will no longer target belligerents solely because they are members of the Taliban," the official said. "To the extent that Taliban members directly threaten the United States and coalition forces in Afghanistan or provide direct support to Al Qaeda, however, we will take appropriate measures to keep Americans safe."  The change in direction came as the administration faces pointed criticism from those who say the US withdrew from Iraq too quickly, allowing the so-called Islamic State to make rapid gains in a country whose military proved to be easily intimidated and defeated. Meanwhile, new Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has a much softer position on the US presence in his country compared to his predecessor Hamid Karzai. Ghani reportedly asked the US to keep battling the Taliban into 2015. He also removed restrictions against US airstrikes and joint raids that were implemented by Karzai. It appears that the number of troops that will be operating in Afghanistan next year will remain unchanged from previous plans. There will be 9,800 soldiers left throughout next year, and that number will be cut in half by the end of the year. By the end of 2016, the remaining troops are scheduled to leave Afghanistan, ending the US military presence in the country. [Source: Russia Today]

Despite public reassurances of winding down the war in Afghanistan, America and her stooge Ghani are set to continue America's crusade in Afghanistan. However, this will not turn the tide against the fierce resistance of the Afghan people against the western crusaders. America has spent 13 years trying to stabilize her rule over Afghanistan with a much larger contingent of troops, and has miserably failed. What will a few thousand US troops achieve now?




General Raheel's Visit of America Involving the US in the Affairs of this Region is like asking a Wolf for Help

During his visit of the United States, General Raheel Sharif met with members of the US administration, Congress, Senate and military and discussed crucial matters such as Afghanistan, the military operation in North Waziristan and Indian aggression on the Line of Control. It is very unfortunate that the head of the world's seventh nuclear capable army is on a week-long visit of America


Tafseer Al-Baqarah 2: 111-113 From the Book, Introduction to the Tafseer of the Quran, by the Ameer of Hizb ut Tahrir, the eminent jurist and statesman, Sheikh Ata Bin Khalil Abu Al-Rashtah

"And they say, "None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.'' These are their own desires. Say (O Muhammad), "Produce your Burhan if you are truthful.'' Yes! But whoever submits his face (himself) to Allah (i.e. follows Allah's religion of Islamic Monotheism) and he is a Muhsin


“Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah [i.e. they have gone out for Jihad (holy fighting), and showed not their backs to the disbelievers], of them some have fulfilled their obligations (i.e. have been martyred),

The Baghdadi organization called upon on this day of Tuesday, amidst the last ten days of Muharram Al Haram, the family of the innocent and pious man Abu Bakr Mustafa Khayal... They were informed by ISIS that they have executed their son and they asked his family to come collect his belongings... ISIS has murdered a pure soul for nothing except that he said the word of Haqq (truth) without ISIS feeling ashamed from Allah (swt)...


This is Not How Camels are Supplied (Matters are Conducted) O Muaz! Are You Seeking Humiliation after the Honor?

Numerous media sites, including Asia News Agency, reported the statements of Sheikh Muaz Al-Khatib regarding his visit to Moscow with a delegation from the opposition, who are of his nature, and the conversations that took place with the Russian Foreign Minister, Lavrov and his deputy Bogdanov that lasted two days. Al-Khatib stated that Russian officials "told us that they are thinking of holding a conference featuring some members from the Syrian opposition...

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