Wednesday, 29 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/02
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A Regime that Lost All Its Bearings... Arrests the Carriers of the Banner of Islam and Welcomes Meddlers of the Country's Unity

In a haughty arrogant dictatorial behavior, the security forces in Dillinj City in the state of South Kordofan have arrested today, Thursday 13/11/2014 CE, two members of Hizb ut Tahrir. They are: 1. Brother Sami As-Sadiq Rahal, a third year University student at the University of Dillinj. 2. Brother Mujahid Adam Muhammad, a secondary school student.


Press Release The Capitalist Ideology Itself is the Source of Insecurity

The Kenyan government wants to register all the religious organizations under the pretext of curbing insecurity.   The government claims that the move will also be taken against the churches as a means of combating defraud from the clerics. This comes after Jennifer Anderson who is the Head of Counter Terrorism at the Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office meeting with the heads of anti-terror squad ATPU, addressed the meeting on Friday in Nairobi said, "The UK supports Kenya in the fight against terrorism, and recognizes the hard work of both the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) and the Anti Terrorism Police Unit (ATPU) in bringing terrorists to justice."

Consequently, we would like to expound on the following:

1- We strongly condemn this heinous conspiracy by the government which aims at shutting down mosques which are sacred houses which The Creator of the universe Has ordered that they be praised and His Name frequently mentioned. It is apparent that this move is gagging and refraining Muslims, the activists and preachers, from calling to Islam as an ideology through wisdom and intellect without resorting to violence or material means.

2- The government is creating public opinion to non-Muslims so that they perceive Muslims and mosques threaten their security. This misconception does not only aim to fill the Christians with animosity but the government wants to use it as an alibi. The government has not only failed in security issues but in all spheres of life be it economically, healthcare etc. We painfully feel that the church was just ostensibly mentioned to conceal this conspiracy as not to be seen is targeting Muslims alone. If it has anything to do with fraud, then the clerics fraud is meager compared to the democratic capitalist politicians. The government wants to hoodwink the citizens not to uncover the shortcomings and failures of the capitalist ideology which Kenya as a country implements upon them.

3- The war against terror does not emanate from Africa. It is crystal clear that it has been officially instigated by the western regimes and it gains momentum whenever the African countries receive boodle from the western countries. Consequently, whenever Muslims are slain, then the western countries double their aids to this continent. This was clearly stated by Anderson, "The UK supports Kenya in the fight against terrorism and recognizes the hard work of the office of the director of public prosecution and the ATPU in bringing the terrorists to justice" meaning the killings of Muslims as was stated by the Human Rights Watch under the guarantee of the UK and America. The same UK which combats terrorism had been involved in Kenya- the massacre of different communities (kikuyus/maasais) when the Kenyans were fighting for their land and gloat over its heinous acts yet we don't hear a single media outlet branding these killings as terrorism.

We would like to emphasize that the war against terror has gained daily momentum due to the fact that the western regimes are scared of the reestablishment of Islam as an ideology which is the only remedy to the oppression and injustice worldwide.


Shabani Mwalimu
Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir
in East Africa


News & Comment The elderly should not die alone

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The Daily Mail posted a news story today, 12th November, 2014, that fills the heart with sadness: "Hundreds of mourners to attend funeral of Welsh Guardsman, 85, following public appeal after church failed to trace any friends or family". The article stated that Mr. Morgan was a former British soldier who served his country many years ago, and listed other examples of former soldiers and war heroes that died at an old age, and, in the absence of known relatives or friends, were buried by total strangers.


No comment; only questions...

Why do Western societies claim the right to world leadership when their young heroes can only look forward to growing old alone, and becoming strangers to the world they helped to build?

If their youth knew that the opposite is true in societies where Islamic culture shapes the thoughts and sentiments, and that with age comes veneration, would they not wish to become Muslims and to raise many children in a world governed by Islam?
Do they know what is Islam?


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Dr. Abdullah Robin


Press Release America Instigates More Strife in Mosques

Hizb ut Tahrir East Africa strongly condemns and absolutely does not agree with the comment of the office of the Grand Mufti of Zanzibar banning the use of loud speakers except for adhan, iqama, sermons and during Jumaah prayers in what they term as legal necessity. The comment that was gazette from the office dated 28/10/2014 which was signed by Undersecretary Fadhili Saroga.

Hizb ut Tahrir East Africa openly declares that this step is just one amongst a series of conspiracies against Islam and Muslims being spearheaded by the American and the European states through institutions nicknamed as Islamic institutions. These are being forcefully implemented in Islands of Zanzibar whose residents are majority Muslims and the entire East Africa witness discriminatory arrests, killing of Muslim preachers, persecution, war against Kadhis court, intimidating campaigns against preaching Islam, corrupting Muslim children via western culture including nonstop entertainments full of vice and now, involving in the heinous campaign to fight Islam in mosques! This is a contradiction of their own system of democracy what they claim to propagate freedom of worship which the capitalist states claim to protect and uphold.

Hizb would like to ask all the imams of various mosques and Muslims at large to denounce this call which is full of oppression and threatens the call for Islam. Also we would like to clearly make Muslims be aware that this comment was cunningly stated to appear to favor them yet is one step to interfere with their affairs in mosques activities aiming at creating divisions and animosity within the Muslims. Above all, that comment came from the Grand Mufti's law no 9 of 2001. It is a discriminating law that fundamentally contradicts their democratic system that claim the government does not involve itself with religious issues.

The banning of the use of loud speakers under the claim that their voice interferes with the people's rest and disturbs the sick is null and void for the following reasons:

1. There are various commercial advertisements and political campaigns that use vehicles with high voltage loud speakers roaming cities and rural arrears some with disturbing messages yet this is not perceived as nuisance. Nevertheless, the voice emanating from the loud speakers of the mosques are.

2. Why are democratic rallies and crusades conducted with high voltage loudspeakers publically without banning? Above all, Christians in Zanzibar despite being the minority have officially been offered special ground "UWANJA WA TUMBAKU" where they use loud speakers to preach yet their number is small despite the entire area is surrounded by Muslims. Why has the office of the Grand Mufti not seen this as public nuisance?

3. Loud music in bars and other entertainment arrears are within the range of residential areas while others are within the residential areas, which use high voltage loudspeakers for longer sessions than the mosques yet they are not banned.

4. Muslims have for several times sued various bars and recreational centers that are within the residential arrears which use loud music without a tangible solution. If indeed the office of the Grand Mufti and the Council of Scholars are so concerned about the affairs of the Muslims, don't they know that Muslims including scholars are behind the bars facing unutterable humiliation without these institutions intervention? Or are they oblivious to their sufferings?

That comment of the Grand Mufti under the pretext of emergency sitting of the Council of Scholars of 18/8/2014 is nothing but an attempt to deceive people. It is actually a war led by America against Islam under the guise of combating terrorism. They are not satisfied by buying off some cheap imams thus inundating mosques with spies. Under their desperate attempts, they have now resorted to banning the preaching of Islam in mosques, rampant arrests of innocent Muslims under the pretext of terrorism, etc.

Finally, Hizb ut Tahrir would like to admonish some devoted and committed workers in the office of the Grand Mufti and the Council of Scholars in Zanzibar to shun and stand aloof from these traps and conspiracies of the enemies against Islam in an endeavor to protect your Hereafter against the meager benefits of a perishable life.

Masoud Msellem
Deputy Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir
in East Africa



News and Comments Unlike the Berlin Wall that fell for the ‘Will of People', the Apartheid Wall will fall for the ‘Will of Allah'

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A group of Palestinian activists dug a hole in Israel's separation barrier - "Apartheid Wall", to commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall and to remind the world that the illegal wall built by Israel to divide Palestine is still a huge point of suffering for the Palestinians and a clear symbol of Israel's ongoing occupation and oppression. (Middle East News - Al Jazeera)


No matter how many shout-outs the Palestinians send to the International Community, international organizations, or people in power for liberation, their calls keep falling on deaf ears: echoing repeated failure to respond to the suffering of the most vulnerable people on earth. Apart from this rhetoric, there is hardly any military or political support from any of the Muslim countries and their rulers, so the survival instincts demanded Palestinians to start thinking of other ways to defend their right to live with dignity, honor and respect on their land, even though some of their actions come out as merely symbolic. Consequently, Palestinians started to hang on to the glad tidings of Islam's return as well as historical events such as the fall of the Berlin Wall to hope for a better future. As such, it is crucial to understand how and why the Apartheid Wall compares and contrasts with the Berlin Wall, although they might appear as similar in cause:

1.  It's interesting to see how the wronging powers that build the wall call the other side ‘fascists' to win the favor of public opinion. The wall normally grants advantage to one side over another, thus further splitting families apart, cutting off various opportunities for livelihood, and restricting freedom of movement through visas for entries given upon special conditions (e.g. elderly pensioners, professional reasons) or might be denied entry without stating any reason. Unlike Palestine, Germany did not experience the occupation of its land from an alien (Jewish) entity. Palestinians have to get a visa from their invading occupier in order to travel within their homeland and pray in Masjid Al Aqsa, with most of the time they are denied entry for absolutely arbitrary reasons. However, the occupying Israeli force is always free to invade and raid the other side of the wall with an ever-increasing impunity and unprecedented on Palestinians with no restraining conditions and accountability, whilst quelling any retaliation by shooting down anyone who attempts to defect the wall deeming their reaction as "extremism" and "terrorism".

2.  It is not surprising to see the US tacit approval in both cases to support the decision of constructing a wall to separate people from each other, as it falls well within its ideological agendas and its tried and tested policy of "divide and conquer". For the Berlin Wall, the US was expecting the fail and fall of Communism in Germany, and it took this opportunity to push forward Capitalism as an alternative way of life. In that way, Germans, just like the rest of the Europeans, will start thinking and adopting a similar way of life to the Americans, thus causing minimal threat to the US imperial power dreams. As for the Apartheid Wall, the US expects the rise and revival of Islam as a way of life in Palestine like elsewhere in the Muslim world, and it took this opportunity to push forward an apartheid that will suppress this awakening, at least for time being, under the pretext of "protecting" the Jews, thus causing minimal threat to its wider interests in the Middle East. It's well known that in the sacred precincts of capitalism, humanity and blood are meaningless when it endangers a major source of interests, and constructing a wall to destroy a harmonious life becomes a perfect isolation tool.

3.  In an ideological struggle, the fall of a wall does not just mean eroding a physical barrier but it signifies the death blow to an existing ideology and the birth of an alternative radical political change. In the Palestinian case, it's the re-birth of Khilafah "Caliphate" that shall bring the wall down in-shaa-Allah and be a form of governance that's just in ruling its citizens regardless of their faith. Unlike the Berlin wall, the Palestinian cause is shared by billions of Muslims worldwide making us strongly believe that the Apartheid Wall will fall just like the Berlin Wall fell, but the utmost significant difference is the reason why it should fall. The Berlin Wall fell for the "will of the people", but the Apartheid Wall will fall for the "Will of Allah" in order to reestablish Allah's authority in the Muslim lands once again under the protective shade of the Khilafah "Caliphate", ruling people justly and leading them from the darkness of servitude to man towards the guiding light of pure sovereignty of Allah (swt) alone. It will fall not only because the ongoing humiliating oppression and tyrannical occupation has taken its toll on the Palestinians, but because it has taken its toll on Muslims all around the world, who refuse to be slaves to anything other than Allah (swt).

Despite the tyrannical existence of this wall is being supported and funded by the West and the Muslim rulers, the word of Haqq will always be the strongest motivation and the strong faith of the Muslims in Allah's Mightiness will always be the strongest weapon against any physical or mental wall of oppression and tyranny. It is the ideological Islamic bond that connects the Muslims together from all around the world and it cannot be broken no matter what the infidels do and how much they hate it. However, victory does not come knocking on one's door, for it is necessary for the Muslims to unite, strive, struggle, and work hard in order to reach victory's door and knock on it, while praying to Allah (swt) that He (swt) will grant it to them in the form of a Khilafah "Caliphate" based on the method of Prophethood.

Meanwhile, it remains bewildering that the infidels keep wrongfully thinking that a wall, regardless of size and form, will stop Allah (swt) from having the Muslims fight them with whatever power they have until Haqq prevails over falsehood. Have the infidels not yet taken heed from the following verse in the Holy Quran, which is not only an important piece of revealing data that Allah (swt) has granted, but also a great relief for the Muslims in order to strengthen their steadfastness to Islam as the only true ruling system?

لَا يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ جَمِيعًا إِلَّا فِي قُرًى مُّحَصَّنَةٍ أَوْ مِن وَرَاءِ جُدُرٍ ۚ بَأْسُهُم بَيْنَهُمْ شَدِيدٌ ۚ تَحْسَبُهُمْ جَمِيعًا وَقُلُوبُهُمْ شَتَّىٰ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ قَوْمٌ لَّا يَعْقِلُونَ

"They fight not against you even together, except in fortified townships, or from behind walls. Their enmity among themselves is very great. You would think they were united, but their hearts are divided, that is because they are a people who understand not." [Al-Hashr: 14]



Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Umm Adyan - Australia

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