Thursday, 30 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/03
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Answer to the Question Subject of Responsibility of Zakat on the Wealth of a Child and the Insane

the following sentence was mentioned in the book Usul al-Fiqh: "It should not be said here that Allah has obliged the Zakat, provision [Nafaqah], and liabilities [Damanaat] upon the child and the insane and so therefore they are legally responsible [Mukallaf] because they have been made responsible for some of the legal rulings.


News and Comment Sheikh Hasina's Thugs Shot at Pious Muslims for Protesting against the Vilification of RasulAllah (saw)

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On 28th September, 2014, the Posts and Telecommunications Minister of Bangladesh, Abdul Latif Siddique made derogatory comments against RasulAllah (saw) and the blessed Hajj while addressing an Awami League party program in the USA. The outrageous anti-Islamic 'Hate Speech' by one of the influential Awami League ministers has caused fury among the pious Muslims of Bangladesh. Unsurprisingly, Sheikh Hasina did not take any significant measure to punish the culprit Latif Siddique for his evil act. Rather she ordered her thugs (police) to fire live bullets at the Muslims who were participating in a protest meeting organized by Hizb ut Tahrir on 17th October, 2014. Police of this Godless regime of Hasina shot a Shab of Hizb ut Tahrir, Nafis Salam, in the back and when he collapsed to the ground they shot him twice in the leg at point blank range.


The evil act of Latif Siddique on the one hand and the shooting of Nafis Salam on the other hand is another thoughtful reminder for the Muslims of Bangladesh that Hasina and her kufr government is the enemy of Islam. We cannot expect her to punish those who vilify RasulAllah (saw) as Islam has no place in her scale of values. Allah (swt) says in the Quran: ((النَّبِيُّ أَوْلَى بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ مِنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ)) "The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves." [TMQ 33:6]. However Hasina has always shown her disregard for the words of Allah (swt) by letting the criminals who attack Rasul (saw) go free and suppress those who defend the honor of Islam. Her animosity and hatred towards Islam was also evident when she ordered the killing of the ulema at "Shapla Chattar" while they were demanding punishment for the atheist bloggers who slandered RasulAllah (saw). On the other hand many of those Islam-hater bloggers are roaming around freely till today on this very soil.

Moreover, Latif Siddique asserted that he will not retract his remarks which according to him he made "as a liberal and modern human being." Under the guise of the false notions of "liberal values" and "freedom of speech" the West and their lackeys keep on slandering Islam and our Prophet (saw). On one hand the lowly Latif Siddique and Hasina aim to hurt Muslims and on the other hand suppress the workers of the Khilafah "Caliphate" who wish to remove this democratic system which gives birth to the likes of Latif Siddique. Aligned with her western masters' outlook, Hasina's objective is also to create a generation of desensitized Muslim who would be indifferent to the attacks against Islam and RasulAllah (saw). If the sincere among them wants to protest, they will quickly be labeled as "terrorist" to be imprisoned.

Oh Muslims! How long will you seek justice from these kufr democratic governments which do not fail to harm Islam? How long will you delay in appointing a rightly guided Khaleefah who can only stop the audacity of the Islam-haters? History is witness that in the past many such cheap acts of defaming Islam had been crushed in their attempts by the powerful leadership of the Khilafah "Caliphate" state. The famous British writer George Bernard Shaw said in 1913 that he was stopped from writing blasphemous article about our beloved Prophet (saw) by Lord Chamberlin due to the fear of severe repercussions from the then Khilafah "Caliphate" state. Before the destruction of the Khilafah "Caliphate", Britain and France wanted to stage a 265 year old play of Voltaire titled "Fanaticism, or Mahomet the Prophet" disparaging the character of the Prophet (saw). But both the countries were forced to cancel the play upon receiving the ultimatum from the Khaleefah Abdul Hamid II who said in no unclear terms: "I will issue an edict to the Muslim Ummah declaring that Britain is attacking and insulting our Prophet. I will declare Jihad..."

Muhammad (saw) said, «لَا يُؤْمِنُ أَحَدُكُمْ حَتَّى أَكُونَ أَحَبَّ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ مَالِهِ وَأَهْلِهِ وَالنَّاسِ أَجْمَعِينَ» "None of you would be considered a believer until I become more beloved to him than his family, wealth and all the people." [Bukhari, Muslim] Therefore, oh Muslims, if you really love RasulAllah (saw) and wish to stand beside him in front of the fountain of Kawthar, then rush towards re-establishing the Khilafah "Caliphate" that can only protect the honor of Islam. Seeking any other means other than this will end up with frustration and apathy, and many new Latifs will arise from the gutter of Democracy to vilify Islam and honor of Rasul (saw).


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Imadul Amin

Member of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Bangladesh


News and Comment Turkey Climbs into a Well Holding onto America's Rope (Misplaces Its Trust in America)

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Indicating to have distorted the game of those who want to draw Turkey into a war, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu stated, "We will not enter into the war, nor stay outside the game". "They (the West) wanted to put us into a war under the pretext of combating the ISIL, but we are pulling our army away from the war by providing the peshmerga transition".




With the support of the national and international media, Kobane has turned into a symbol. This symbol was used in a major operation as a tool to manipulate the perceptions. The justified resistance in Syria was renamed to civil war, while the brutal regime was replaced by ISIL. It seems as if Syria is made up of Kobane alone. Every newspaper, every television or writer, starts first with the words ISIL or Kobane. This is why the bombs thrown by America are welcomed by the PKK-HDP cohorts with the words "Biji Obama", "Biji Amerika", meaning "Long live Obama", "Long live America".

And those who formerly tried to defame the Syrian uprising by calling it "American-backed", are now applauding this situation by saying: "What else should they do than calling Biji Obama". Again this fierce mob grants itself the right to exercise all kinds of brutality against Islam, its symbols and pious Muslims through Kobane. Just as America fights Islam and Muslims under the pretext of ISIL; the PKK-HDP-YDP sympathizers fight the Muslims under the pretext of Kobane.

After some parliamentarians expressed their inconvenience about the peshmerga transition at the AKP's 23rd Consultation and Evaluation meeting in Afyonkarahisar last weekend, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu responded, "We will not enter into the war, nor stay outside the game".

However, Turkey has already entered this war by passing the motion, by joining the crusade coalition, opening the corridor, training moderate groups with America, and allowing them to use its bases.

On the other side, it is true that "Turkey is not outside the game" . Because this game was written in Washington and almost forty countries were given their roles. And Turkey has expressed in New York through its most authoritative voice that it will fulfil its role. The Syrian resistance has disturbed the states in the region and the West to such an extend that Turkey even has started to aid those groups which it called terrorist organisations.

Erdogan says that "PYD is a terrorist group, just like the PKK" and criticizes America's airdrop of ammunition support.

On the other hand, Turkey is opening the corridor and permits the passing of the heavily armed peshmerga to aid the PYD. I wonder if there is a difference between airdropping arms and supplying them over land? The only difference is in demanding Barzani to take over leadership instead of PYD.

The statement from the Syrian regime about the peshmerga entering Syria demonstrates the size of the international conspiracy. Syrian National Reconciliation Minister Ali Haydar: "We support every step taken for the destruction of ISIL. And the moving of the peshmerga to Kobane is a necessary step to eradicate ISIL"

So the Prime Minister's "They wanted to put us into a war under the pretext of combating ISIL," is nothing more than a big lie. On the contrary, the Turkish military is not wanted in any way in Syrian territory. Regarding this situation Kerry said, "Turkey is taking part in the coalition and helping in certain areas. But if there is something definite, no one, including the Kurds, Iraqis, Syrians and other groups wants the Turkish troops in Kobane". Davutoglu, has exerted such a statement in order to block incoming reactions. The intention was to make the transition of the peshmerga accepted by pointing at the soldiers.

Overall, the government climbs into the well by holding on to America's rope (Relying on false promises). This is not the first well that it climbs into, and it seems far away to be the last. The AKP government, by taking part in America's crusade coalition against Islam, has laid open that it is no different from Iran and Russia.  Moreover, according to the new Syria plan, in which Turkey participates, the problem of the brutal Assad regime was replaced by the "terror" problem.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Osman Yeldiz


Wilayah Syria: Speech "Fitna is destruction while adherence to the Fundamentals of the Revolution of Ash Sham is the salvation"

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Brother Samer Debo gave a speech entitled, "Fitna is destruction while adherence to the Fundamentals of the Revolution of Ash Sham is the salvation" at the Kamal Omari Mosque in the town of Aouijl, the countryside west of Aleppo.

Abode of Islam, 10 Muharram 1436 AH - 3 November 2014 CE




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