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Wilayah Syria: Political Forum, "How to Stand up to America's Project in Syria?"

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The Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir/Wilayah Syria organized a political forum entitled, "How to Stand up to America's Project in Syria" in Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah Mosque in the neighborhood of Aleppo. Brother Ahmed Abdel-Wahab, Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir/Wilayah Syria and Abdel Hamid Abdel Hamid, member of Central Communications Committee of Hizb ut Tahrir/Wilayah Syria gave the speech. 

Abode of Islam, 20 Dhu al Qi'dah 1435 AH - 15 September 2014 CE




Media Release Australia Joins Unjust US-Led Invasion of Iraq

The Australian Government yesterday announced the preparation and deployment of a military force, including combat aircraft and 600 troops, as its contribution to the US-led invasion of Iraq. The expected decision of a military intervention follows an orchestrated propaganda campaign against the alleged threat to Australia from ISIS and a politicised raising of the ‘terror threat' level.

In this regard, Hizb ut Tahrir Australia emphasises the following:

1.  We condemn, in the strongest of terms, this latest western aggression on the Muslim world and Australia's involvement in it. This invasion is unjust and unjustified. The alleged threat from ISIS is been exploited, in classic neo-colonial style, to justify intervention. Every time western powers move to satiate their lust for war and economic gain, the pretext is some new supposedly existential threat.

2.  While beating the drums of war, the Prime Minister has switched to propaganda overdrive mode. He is framing this as a "humanitarian mission", whereas the only ‘humanitarian' work Super Hornet jets do is kill humans, indiscriminately. He is also disingenuously framing this as an "international coalition". In reality, this is an American war for American political and economic interests. The US has gathered its band of reliant allies and puppets. There is no international coalition. None of the Arab regimes on board has the political independence or will to say no to the US. They are financially and politically reliant slaves.

3.  It would be foolish in the extreme to believe that a gang of warmongers, like Obama, Cameron and Abbott, and repressive despots, like King Abdullah and al-Sisi, have come together to fight terrorism. The world has not seen worse terror in recent times than that inflicted on Iraq and Afghanistan by the US and its allies. Similarly, it is difficult to find more repressive regimes than those of the Middle East. Are we to now believe that these criminals are moving to save the world?

4.  The justification that the Iraqi regime has asked for this intervention is absurd. This is the same US-installed regime, notwithstanding recent cosmetic changes, that was imposed on Iraq by force after the last invasion. It is the same regime that has ruled Iraq for years, at the behest of the US, fostering and executing brutal sectarian violence against the people of Iraq, which directly led to the rise of groups like AQI and ISIS. Are we to now believe that this regime will lead the fight on the ground to save the people of Iraq?

5.  The last western aggression on Iraq, waged by the same "coalition" chanting for war now, lasted over a decade and left Iraq entirely ravaged. It resulted in the deaths of over half a million people, many of them innocent men, women and children. It left children being born with deformities till now due to the chemical weapons used by the US. It left the country ruled by sectarian warlords. It left thousands of western troops dead and many more suicidally depressed, mentally scarred for life. Can those who caused all this possibly have anything good to offer Iraq by invading it once more?

6.  The root cause of ‘terrorism' is western foreign policy. The Prime Minister's claim that "people wish to do us harm, not because of anything that we have done, but because of who we are" is utter nonsense. The link between western violence abroad and retaliatory violence against the west is well documented and established. As such, this invasion will only make matters worse, just as those before it did. If the issue were ‘tolerant' democratic societies, as the PM suggests, the threat to a Brazil or New Zealand would be the same as that to the US or Australia. Evidently, it is not.

7.  We commend the Muslim community for standing against this aggression and call on its organisations and activists to articulate their opposition clearly and consistently. We also call on the wider society to stand against this aggression, whereby those in power are exploiting everyone. The political leaders in this country, irrespective of party, are not only shamelessly serving the corporate elite at the expense of students, pensioners, families and all those struggling but are also making the country more vulnerable to attack by contiunually aggressing against people thousands of kilometres away.


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Australia


Contact: Uthman Badar, Media Representative, on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0438 000 465.


Press Release Hizb ut Tahrir Encourages Muslims to Boycott Democratic Secular Elections

On Friday the 12th of September 2014 Sveriges Radio published an article on their internet site with the title: "Muslims are encouraged not to vote."

The article mentions that Hizb ut Tahrir has distributed leaflets, which encourage Muslims in Sweden to boycott the elections. In the same article, it is mentioned that we have not responded when they tried to contact us. The Islamic position regarding participation in secular democratic elections is well known, but we do not mind repeating it and also stress the following:

It is correct that Islam recognizes representation in ruling. Islam even prescribe that the people gives its representatives powers through elections, and this was also the case in the golden age of Khilafah "Caliphate". Reality under secular systems is different though. In Islam the right to lawmaking is solely for Allah, so when people elect the Khalifah, it is on the condition that he rules with Islam, whereas in the secular systems, one chooses other people to make laws on ones behalf. It cannot and must not be left to people, who are bound by their conditions and interests, to judge what is right and wrong, but this is solely for Allah (swt).

The claim that this will lead to isolation and lack of influence is manipulation and distortion, which is meant to force Muslims to participate in elections. The fact is that you cannot reduce the task of the Muslims in society to participation in elections, because Islam encourages Muslims to engage political in society, but on the terms of Islam.

We appreciate and understand that the mosques play an important role for the Muslim community, but we mean that the encouragement to participate in the elections are built on a wrong understanding of the political reality, the Islamic texts and principles and also the interests of the Muslims. Principles like "The lesser of two evils" or that "interests" could legitimize actions that are otherwise forbidden in Islam, are taken out of context and misinterpreted in an attempt to legitimize this action. The paradox in the use of the principle of "the lesser of two evils" is exactly that the proponents for this also consider democracy as an evil.

We state to Sveriges Radio, that we always vouch for our positions, since they solely stem from Islam and nothing else. Therefore we are, at any time, willing to present and discuss these positions. We further state that democracy and participation in elections under secular ruling systems are forbidden according to Islam, and we encourage Muslims to engage actively in society solely on the basis of Islam. No benefit or interest is greater for the Muslim, than the benefit and the interest of abiding to the commands of Allah (swt).

Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Scandinavia


Britain: Invitation to the Khilafah Conference 2014 CE

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Hizb ut Tahrir/ Britain has organized a series of conferences to shed light on the importance of the establishment of the second Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah.

From August 31, 2014 CE to September 13 2014 CE



Report of the Khilafah "Caliphate" Conference, which was held in East London entitled,

"Gaza, Iraq, and Syria... our role in shaping the Ummah's Future"

Saturday, 11 Dhu al - Qi'dah 1435 AH - 6 September 2014 CE




Report of the Khilafah "Caliphate" Conference, which was held in West London under the title,
"Gaza, Iraq, and Syria... our role in shaping the Ummah's Future"


Sunday,  5 Dhu al - Qi'dah 1435 AH - 31 August 2014 CE




Picture Slideshow: Click Here




DVD for the International Media Conference: "GAZA...Rather All of Palestine Seeks Victory from Muslim Armies" 2014

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The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir is pleased to announce the release of the DVD for the International Media Conference:

"GAZA...Rather All of Palestine Seeks Victory from Muslim Armies" 2014

from the Department of Archives & Productions from the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir.



To Download DVD

International Media Conference:

"GAZA...Rather All of Palestine Seeks Victory from Muslim Armies" 2014



Full Coverage of the Sites

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In Turkish




News & Comment Turkey's Armed Forces being quietly stripped of their power

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15 August 2014, The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir held an international media conference to save Gaza and all of the occupied Palestine, and to demonstrate the legal (Shari') way that must be followed in order to save it from the assault of the Jewish entity, entitled: "GAZA...Rather All of Palestine Seeks Victory from Muslim Armies". One of the speeches given was Mahmut Kar's "Warm Call to the Turkish Army... Final Army to Protect Palestine" where he strongly called on the might of the 8th strongest army referencing several glorious examples of Turkey's rich regal history, urging them to move forth to liberate the Blessed Land of Palestine as their duty before Allah (swt).

Yet questions swirl around the boldness and position of this call, for decades, TAF (Turkish Armed Forces) was the most trusted institution in Turkey. However in the last decade, what was noticed was the slow indiscernible stripping of the say from the TAF and a power shift from the military power towards the political rank. This has left a sharp impact on the TAF especially during the corruption crackdowns in the military thereby strengthening the political rank in the recent years, again suctioning away the authority from the TAF. All this is especially alarming with the rise of the Islamists along the southeastern border of Turkey. ("The evolution of Turkish military's role in politics" ALMONITOR, August 27, 2014)


The author struck many notes in her article pointing to the evolving role of the Turkish military's role in politics. And the speech by Hizb ut Tahrir's Mahmut Kar had directed his daring words to the soldiers who camp in their barracks while the Muslim Ummah is in agony, yet did not receive media coverage in Turkey. Kar's repeated calls for Jihad, for the mobilization of the TAF, for the liberation of Palestine would have been seen several ripple effects a decade ago. Why the tepid response today? Why is there no alarming sense of caution especially in the presence of many Islamist jihadi groups near Turkey's borders? And what about the media coverage and their response?

The slow suctioning of the authority away from the TAF and towards the political government of AKP has many underlying harms. It allows for the noticeable tepid attitude throughout the ranks of the military even though they hold the distinguished rank in the world and expertize and manpower. However what is the point if the top-ranking brass do not feel a responsibility towards their Ummah if they don't respond to the suffering and the bloodshed of their people in turkey and their Ummah in general. These officers who devoted their lives to the military are also part of a wider fabric that is the Ummah who can only seek their support from them. And that is the vital role of Hizb ut Tahrir to awaken their sense of obligation among the semi-comatose soldiers and to rouse a higher sense of perspective of their existence and their sensitive positions.

And the cunning attempts of the now more visibly powerful authority of the Turkish government in employing mediocre coverage or blackout media tactics to simply keep the wider public unaware of the Hizb's calls thus furthering the vacuum between the people and the TAF as the author poignantly wrote, "...rarely if ever will you see an active-duty officer making a statement in the news, or a retired officer providing commentary on security on TV shows. This is a stark change since TAF used to provide harsh comments even in matters of less importance, but now they are almost invisible."

This type of cavalier attitude towards the TAF has effectively angered many of the top brass and the staff of the lower rank blaming Erdogan's policies towards this shift in power; although Erdogan's government claims concerns and pressures over the open border policy on the southeast region (neighboring Iraq and Syria), this has been a source of upright concern for the US and the possible infiltration of the armed or political Islamists. By decimating the authority of the TAF, it essentially becomes powerless before the AKP and bears no or very little weight in matters in the country.

This extends to role of Erdogen in its policies and the widespread prosecutions throughout the TAF, thus stripping away more and more power and as well tarnishing the regal image of the powerful forces. This is siphoned into the interests of the US which has a lot to gain, by infiltrating the Turkish government through its mouthpiece Erdogan and the weakening of the 8th strongest army which may serve as an impendent and potential force in the nearing Khilafah "Caliphate".

Now to Hizb ut Tahrir and its role in their calls to the Armed Forces in the Muslim Lands. Hizb ut Tahrir takes the stance that the power is in the hands of the armed forces as they seek the Nussrah (material support) from the people of power and influence. A soldier who is reminded of his duty before Allah (swt) and the supreme reward of Jihad and the general who is reminded of his higher obligation to heed the urgent calls of the Ummah, that is a key element to achieving the actual authority. Hizb incites the Islamic sentiment in the minds and breasts of the Muslims, indeed it is an urgent call as day by day the war on Islam intensifies and the number of Muslim causalities multiplies. Sadly the price paid is the bloodshed of the pure Muslim blood in the meantime.



Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Um Muhanad




Any Military Alliance with the United States of America is dangerous and haram! Stop it immediately!

The United States (US) army is in Malaysia (in the State of Kelantan and Terengganu) for the 2014/18 Keris Strike Series Exercise with the Malaysian army.  Keris Strike Exercise is a series of combined training held each year involving the formation of 8 brigades under the Army's 2nd division.


In Yemen - The Situation is Under Control When the West Runs the Conflict and the Decision of War is in their Hands

The people of Yemen live in great tension these days, especially those living in the capital city Sanaa, fearing the eruption of war, where the Houthis (Ansarullah) and their allies from the political powers organise protests and marches and set up camps at the entrances of the capital Sanaa and in main areas such as Ministries,

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