Monday, 27 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/30
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Wilayah Egypt: Interview: "War on Gaza- its Destruction & Future Implications"

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The page, "The People of ash Sham have Declared it for Islam, "It is for Allah, It is for Allah" hosted the Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Egypt, Shariff Zayed, as part of the major campaigns around the Muslim countries to break the media's blackout of the sincere Muslims entitled, "War on Gaza- Its Destruction & Future Implications."


Monday, 15 Shawwal 1435 AH- 11 August 2014 CE



Wilayah Yemen: Speech by Abdul Mu'min Az-Zayla'i

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Wilayah Yemen: Speech by Abdul Mu'min Az-Zayla'i, Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir at a seminar organized by the Lawyers without Borders in the arena next to the University of Sanaa regarding the price increase.

Shawwal 1435 AH - August 2014 CE



Wilayah Jordan: How could you not demand from the Armies to mobilize to support the Muslims?!

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Excerpts from statement by Brother Mamdouh Qutaishat Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Jordan during the international media conference held by the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir on Friday, 19 Shawwal 1435 AH, corresponding to 15/08/2014 CE at 2pm at the Le Commodore Hotel - Hamra - Beirut, Lebanon, an international media conference for Gaza and all of occupied Palestine, where he demonstrated the following of the Islamic obligation to rescue them from the oppression of the Jewish entity, under the title: "GAZA...Rather All of Palestine Seeks Victory from Muslim Armies".





News and Comment Liberal Motive on the Legalization of Government Regulation Number 61/2014 about Reproductive Health

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Indonesian government has just legalized Government Regulation Number 61/2014 on 21 July about Reproductive Health. This regulation sets about the administration of Health Law number 36/2009. The PP causes pros and cons between societies, especially on the clause that abortion is allowed for pregnant women caused by rape besides those who are indicated to have medical emergency. It is because of the society since the beginning has refused the chance for abortion to be legalized from the application of some previous regulations (Detiknews, 10th of August 2014).


We should criticize two main things in this Government Regulation number 61/2014. First, it is about legalization of abortion for rape victim. Second, it is related to the concept of Reproductive Health that has become an umbrella act to the legal abortion.

1. It is unfortunate if there are some parties especially the Ulema Council which view the allowance of abortion for rape victim from normative aspect only. It is true that abortion done before 40 days of pregnancy could be done based on fiqh Islam. However, we need to realize that in this society life that is dominated by a free lifestyle as nowadays, this regulation seems to be misused by the adultery doer to legalize abortion caused by his deed. This regulation also gives opportunity for unwanted pregnancy - caused by adultery, birth control failure, or pregnancy considered to hamper career and work - to demand abortion legalization as what happened in other liberal countries.

2. The concept of Reproductive Health (Kespro) meant by Health Law and this regulation does not refer to improvement of physical and mental health condition of women. It is a misleading concept ordered by international institutions (WHO, UNFPA) to implement sexual liberalization in Muslim countries. Covered by propaganda of right about reproduction organ of every woman, Kespro leads to the wider spread of free sex, sexual distortion like LGBT Lesbianism, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, abortion legalization in every condition and destruction of religious value, and it even leads to the lost generation. Indeed, concept of Kespro is infact, population control program to drive the growth rate of population in Muslim countries.

3. If we really apply the concept of Kespro to protect women, as for rape case then the government should not legalize regulation to give abortion right - even the limit of pregnancy age allowed by fiqh. The more important thing is to set strict law for the rapist and give mental recovery support for the victims. While in this day, the rapists are still fee or chary because of the light punishment. The government also fails to protect women from being the next rape victims. Because alcoholic drinks are legalized to be produced and even they are easily accessible, though in fact those drinks could trigger sexual abuse / rape. It becomes worse by the spread of porn media, women who flaunt their aurat etc. that encourage the spread of rape. Women deserve to be protected by diminishing the entire trigger factors that cause rape, don't they?

It is time for us to realize that government regulation number 61/2014 seems to have liberal motive that caused its legalization. It also gives big opportunity to make social life of this nation more liberal. The establishment of this regulation declares the failure of secular system to solve national problems. Thus every component of this nation is supposed to deliver the correction for this policy and encourage the government to do total revision for rules made by weak human beings but fail to create benefit for everyone. For its change, it is time for us to implement the rules that come from Allah - Islamic Shariah - to set up every life aspect with Khilafah "Caliphate" Islamiyah institution as what has been explained in various fiqh Islam studies.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Iffah Ainur Rochmah

Spokesperson of Muslimah Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia



Rise Now For Palestine By Ismail Khwaja

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O Armed Forces of Muslims! O Sons of Khalid bin Walid!

You witness our brothers and sisters being slaughtered at the hands of the aggressors,

And yet you remain motionless,

You witness our women and children lying broken and bleeding,

And yet your steeds of war remain unstirred.

Muslims lives are now at the mercy of your enemies,

Though you know, mercy is not part of their being,

Mercy is not a concept that they will ever comprehend

To them it is nothing more than a saying,

A whisper,

A story,

A myth.

O Sons of Salahudeen!

We count and count bodies which perish under rubble,

But when asked to even consider taking up arms,

You act as if you are indisposed

And for what?

Does your blood not boil when you see our fellow Muslims

being murdered and mutilated?

It surely must!

However, the Ummah has yet to see firm signs of your desire to reassert Islam.

Are your hands bound by a man-made constitution?

Or do you simply lack the desire to surge for resolution?

You have a choice,

You always have a choice,

But you are choosing inaction before the oppressor,

And that is unacceptable,

That is unforgivable,

The real shame lies with you,

Whilst real tears and blood irrigate soil because you neglect your duty.

O Sons of Muhammad bin Qasim!

The Muslims of Palestine are not given a moment to wish their loved ones farewell,

Not even a moment to recognize the tragedy which befalls them, before another finds them,

And yet, they accept Allah's (swt) outcomes.

Martyrdom is the route you must accept,

For it is the most noble of all deaths

What is your life for the lives of thousands of innocents?

Your deed shall not be unrewarded,

For it is Allah's (swt) promise,

Whatever your fate of the two Husnain,

Allah (swt) has assured our victory or sweet fruits of martyrdom.

O Successors of the Ansaar!

So, we demand of you,

We remind you until we no longer have strength,

Uproot these repugnant rulers who hold us back,

Give Nussrah for the return of the Khilafah "Caliphate", our shield,

Thus become the solace which our people seek!

Engage our magnificent armies,

And avenge the oppressed with the most vicious of onslaughts,

Become the beacon of hope which we dream of,

Empower us with the knowledge that the tide of history has returned to Islam,

And protect our brothers, our sisters, our mothers and our fathers,

It is time you delivered for us our rightful retribution,

So lead our charge and deliver us into the light now,

Forwards, along the Path of Allah (swt).

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