Sunday, 26 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/29
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News and Comment Khilafah is the Only Indomitable State that Can Indubitably Protect the Developing Countries from the Irreverent Western States Subjugation

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Recently, the BBC reported the revocation of the harsh same sex law by the Ugandan Constitutional Court. The law that once prompted western countries to deny Uganda some aids. The discussion of that law, spread not only throughout Uganda and Africa but, throughout the whole world. Consequently, the western countries were compelled to intervene.

The court, had earlier on ruled that before that motion was officially formulated into a law, it was passed by a small quorum of the Ugandan members of parliament.  Something that denies the motion legal right to be a law. Therefore, according to the rulings of the court, that law is null and void..


To anyone who is fully conversant with the essence of democracy, is well aware that this system is the source of gayism and what are known as same sex marriages. Gayism, apart from being gravely condemned by religious ethical values, Ugandan citizens, tantamount to the citizens of other African countries do not agree with.

Being fully cognizant of that, the Ugandan government had to skillfully manoeuvre how to tackle the irreconcilable refutable hot issue. Initially, the Ugandan government duped its own citizens' minds by brazenly aping that they were adamantly against the same sex marriages initiatives. Therefore, it orchestrated and hatched a sly attempt through the motion that falsely aimed to legislate harsh punishment against those who involve themselves in gayism, in an endeavor to catapult the government into garnering many votes in various elections.

Especially, putting into consideration that the current Ugandan government gained authority through the guns barrel after the military coup. So this crafty move of opposing same sex marriages was aimed at regaining and restoring the oblivious citizens' confidence back into their western puppet government.

After the verdict of the constitutional court, already the Ugandan government had a pretext to cleanse itself by hypocritically claiming that it exerted its level best efforts to combat the vice, nevertheless in vain, this happened as a result of the legal apparatus that oversees law; and justice over turned the law! On the other hand, this issue exposes the fragility that African countries suffer when subjected to the irreverent demands of the so-called developed countries. Although, the leaders of these statelets, tend to stoically try to convince their subjects that they are strong and firm. This incident does not differ whatsoever from the one that occurred in Malawi a few years back. When the government of that country feigned to stand its ground against these vices even took step further to imprison those who dared to claim to have same sex marriage. However, owing to overwhelming political duress from the west and international organizations, the government of Malawi had to succumb to their demands and freed them.

This is as a result that our young developing countries are not ideological states. But are aping the western democratic system that has its own unique criterion and objectives. The leaders of these countries in their quest to appease the public opinion of their countries pretend to contradict some basic democratic values, in order to maintain some African traditions and values. Since they are not the real masters of the ideology, they are not allowed to carry the ideology partially. This being the real objective of any ideology carrier.

The kingpins of democracy, will never allow young developing countries to pick and choose what to implement of their system except when there is enormous interests. Nevertheless, under normal circumstances, the system is always implemented radically and comprehensively. This is a challenge to all Muslims to tirelessly toil in order to raise Islam to the state level, viz Khilafah "Caliphate". ln order to salvage many developing countries that are subjugated by the leaders of democracy to the extent of unwillingly legalise heinous acts and vices that contradict religion, ethics, traditions and habits of their subjects.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Masoud Msellem

Deputy Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir in East Africa


Question and Answer Update on the Iraqi Political Situation

Although there were tougher and worse massacres that have taken place in Syria, but America did not intervene, even in Iraq massacres have occurred in Anbar and Fallujah, yet America also did not intervene which means that the motive of humanitarian and the like is not a convincing reason for the American planes raids in the north of Iraq. This can be understood from the track of events... the question is:


Concluding Statement of the International Media Conference "GAZA...Rather All of Palestine Seeks Victory from Muslim Armies"

Hizb ut Tahrir held its Media conference under the title "Gaza ... Rather All of Palestine Seeks Victory from Muslim Armies". The speeches by the media representatives of Hizb ut Tahrir from Egypt, Jordan and Turkey confirmed that the duty towards Palestine is the mobilization of armies to liberate Gaza, rather all of Palestine, and then they directed an appeal to the families...


Headline News 16/08/2014

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  • Saudis Give $100 Million to U.N. Fight on 'Terrorism'
  • Amnesty Slams US over Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan
  • A Chinese City Plans to Ban Muslim Clothing to Fight Terrorism


Saudis Give $100 Million to U.N. Fight on 'Terrorism'

Increasingly worried about the spread of Islamist militant extremism reaching its own doorstep, Saudi Arabia donated $100 million to a fledgling United Nations counterterrorism agency on Wednesday and expressed hope that such an infusion - 10 times what the Saudis gave to help create the agency three years ago - would strengthen its abilities and set an example for other donor countries. The money was the second big contribution by Saudi Arabia to the United Nations in the past few months, largely in response to crises caused by the ascent of radical Sunni Islamist militancy in the Middle East. With its vast trove of petroleum wealth, Saudi Arabia's Sunni monarchy has also provided grants and loans worth more than $1 billion to help strengthen Lebanon's armed forces, which have recently battled ISIS fighters on the Syria-Lebanon border. The Saudis are also huge financial underwriters of Egypt's new anti-Islamist government and have been somewhat silent about Jewish State's war against Islamist militants in Gaza. At a ceremony in the 38th-floor offices of Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations secretary general, top Saudi diplomats gave him the $100 million for the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Center, an agency that was first proposed by the Saudis' King Abdullah in 2005 and formally inaugurated in 2011 with a $10 million contribution by Saudi Arabia. Mr. Ban expressed thanks for "this generous donation" and urged other United Nations members "to follow the example of Saudi Arabia by investing in the center's efforts." Adel bin Ahmed al-Jubeir, the Saudi ambassador to the United States, who attended the ceremony, said the money was meant to "help provide the tools, technologies and methods to confront and eliminate the threat of terrorism." Later in a telephone interview, Mr. Jubeir described the initial $10 million contribution as "seed money" that had been meant to get the counterterrorism center started, and said there were no strings attached to how it uses the $100 million. The new Saudi donation to the center, Mr. Jubeir said, reflected King Abdullah's effort to "make sure it becomes an effective player in countering terrorism around the world." Outside scholars in Middle East politics said the Saudi donation was part of a broader effort by the Saudi monarchy to contain a problem that it has indirectly helped to create through the support of the armed Sunni opposition in Syria's civil war. [Source: New York Times].

So the Saudi's once more a spearheading efforts to fight Islam under the guise of terrorism. Allah (swt) says:

((أَلَمْ تَرَ إِلَى الَّذِينَ يَزْعُمُونَ أَنَّهُمْ آمَنُوا بِمَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ وَمَا أُنزِلَ مِن قَبْلِكَ يُرِيدُونَ أَن يَتَحَاكَمُوا إِلَى الطَّاغُوتِ وَقَدْ أُمِرُوا أَن يَكْفُرُوا بِهِ))

"Have you seen those who claim to believe in the revelation revealed to you and the revelation revealed earlier? They seek the ruling of taghoot (non-Islam) although they have been ordered to disbelieve in it." [An-Nisa, 4:60].

Amnesty Slams US over Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan

The human rights group Amnesty International sharply rebuked the U.S. military justice system on Monday, saying it had failed to hold American soldiers accountable for "unlawful killings and other abuses," giving Afghan victims little chance of seeing justice. Detailing its criticism in an extensive report titled "Left in the Dark," Amnesty focused on civilian deaths caused by military operations in Afghanistan between 2009 and 2013 and said the "U.S. military's investigative and prosecutorial practices fall far short of what is needed to ensure accountability for alleged crimes against civilians." The report, based on interviews with 125 Afghan victims, their family members and eyewitnesses to the attacks, detailed 10 different incidents that ended with the deaths of at least 140 civilians, including at least 50 children. Among the incidents was a late-night raid on a home in February 2010 in Paktia province that left two pregnant women, two criminal justice officials and a teenage girl dead. "Thousands of Afghans have been killed or injured by U.S. forces since the invasion, but the victims and their families have little chance of redress. The U.S. military justice system almost always fails to hold its soldiers accountable for unlawful killings and other abuses," said Richard Bennett, Amnesty International's Asia Pacific Director. The report notes that over the last five years, there have been only six cases in which military members were prosecuted for unlawfully killing Afghan civilians. The most notable case is that of Army Sgt. Robert Bales, who admitted killing 16 Afghan civilians in 2012 and was sentenced to life in prison without parole last year.  The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), also implicated in the report, responded by saying that it "investigates all credible reports of civilian deaths and injuries when tactical circumstances allow," adding that it "takes steps to minimize the risk to civilians during military operations." NATO, which will end its combat mission in Afghanistan by the end of this year, added that there had been a "significant reduction" in civilian casualties as a result of its operations. [Source: Aljazeera]

The crusaders will not stop fighting and killing Muslims in Afghanistan until they have forcibly converted and subdued the Afghans. Allah (swt) says:

((وَلَا يَزَالُونَ يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ حَتَّىٰ يَرُدُّوكُمْ عَن دِينِكُمْ إِنِ اسْتَطَاعُوا))

"And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able." [Al Baqara: 217]

A Chinese City Plans to Ban Muslim Clothing to Fight Terrorism

The city of Karamay in China's turbulent Xinjiang region is currently hosting the 13th Xinjiang Sports Games. To keep the competition safe from terrorism, the city government announced an unusual safety measure: A ban on "abnormal" Muslim-associated clothing and hairstyles on public transport. Xinjiang is home to the Uighur people, a Muslim minority that has a tumultuous relationship with Beijing. Uighurs have long accused the Chinese government of trying to stamp out their cultural and religious practices, and Karamay's announcement on August 4 banning so-called "five abnormal appearances," which include headscarves and clothes with Muslim emblems like crescent moons, is just another example, they say. Twitter user @uponsnow shared a copy of the poster that accompanied the news: "Face veils, hijabs, burqas, outfits with crescent moon and stars and men with long beards - the above five types of people are forbidden on public transport. Outfits with crescent moon and stars are banned." The ban is billed as a "temporary measure" for the Xinjiang Sports Games, but Charles Liu from noted that it will likely become a long-term policy. As early as June 4 this year, authorities in Xinjiang began pressuring the public to stop wearing Muslim outfits because they're "not normal". Last month, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Xinjiang government even banned its civil servants from the religious practice of fasting. The news on the ban of the "five abnormal appearances" was highlighted in major news portals and on social media, sparking some extreme reactions. Many Chinese approved of the policy, with some even suggesting that the ban be extended all across the country. "This is the right way," said one Weibo commentator on the page of the Chonqing Morning Post. "Religious practice should be restricted to temples. The public space should be secular." Others demanded that Muslims "become secular" and praised the notion of an "iron fist" in dealing with Uighurs. But others questioned the effectiveness of the ban. "Sometimes I am also frightened by those Xinjiang people wearing black dresses," said another Weibo user. "But long beards don't mean anything and should not be connected with terrorists. If they are banned from public transport, the more traditional Xinjiangese will be frustrated."  Another commenter reminded people that even an ideologically-approved figure would be hurt by the ban: "Karl Marx also had long beard since he was young..." [Source: PRI]

The Chinese government is persistently undertaking measures to suppress the Muslims Xingjang only because of their Iman. Allah (swt) says:

((وَمَا نَقَمُوا مِنْهُمْ إِلَّا أَن يُؤْمِنُوا بِاللَّـهِ الْعَزِيزِ الْحَمِيدِ))

"And they resented them not except because they believed in Allah , the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy." [Al Baruj: 8]


News and Comment The Country that First Used Machine Guns in Aerial Warfare against Kurdish Women and Children Will Now Supply Arms to Kurdish Forces Fighting ISIS

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Following what has been described as a humanitarian crisis, the Guardian newspaper reported on the 14th of August that the "UK prepares to supply arms directly to Kurdish forces fighting ISIS".



The spread of ISIS forces in Northern Iraq, coupled with reports of persecution of ethnic minorities and demands from the Christian communities to pay the Jizya, has generated international concern and the beginnings of a new phase of Western military intervention in Iraq after the withdrawal of US forces in 2011. The earlier withdrawal of US forces was  necessitated by failure to reach an agreement with Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki, who after years of fomenting sectarian discord amongst the people of Iraq, has today announced his resignation to make way for Haider al-Abadi, who will be Obama's new tool for reshaping the region; "We are modestly hopeful that the Iraqi government situation is moving in the right direction" said Obama.

Naturally, from the viewpoint of Western policy to solidify divisions in Iraq, that the "situation is moving in the right direction" as it has been before. Indeed, the dramatic retreat of Iraq's military from Northern Iraq allowing Isis to take Mosul and threaten Baghdad is no less a part of this power play, as is the now deeply rooted mistrust between Iraq's many religious and ethnic groupings that has culminated in a crisis on Mount Sinjar and the UK and US intervention to counter what Dan Friedman of The New York Daily Times called today: "the threat posed by murderous Sunni Jihadists".

In addition to the cynical way that the UK and US are now posing as the deliverers of Iraq, after they have destroyed it, and what adds salt to the injury is that a hundred years after the UK first sent troops into Iraq, and machine gunned women and children in Kurdish villages, that the word humanitarian should be applied to the supposed treatment of the festering wounds created and nurtured by the West since the destruction of the Islamic Caliphate.

The UK announcement to join in supplying arms to the Kurds is driven by anything but a humanitarian motive, and only the re-implementation of Islam as a complete system of life over the region will end the division which decades of western meddling has inflamed. The communities that are now threatened by the deliberate instabilities sowed by the West lived in peace for over a thousand years under Islamic rule, and once this rule returns, in reality, rather than name, peace will return!


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Dr. Abdullah Robin


Turkey's Conference Speech: "GAZA...Rather All of Palestine Seeks Victory from Muslim Armies" Warm Call to the Turkish Army... Final Army to Protect Palestine

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All praise be to Allah and peace and blessings upon the Messenger of Allah and upon his family, companions, and those who follow his way path until the Day of Judgment,

Respected audience, Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh
Perhaps some people are finding it peculiar that we in Hizb ut Tahrir call upon the Turkey's army to rise to give victory for the people of Gaza and all Palestine! But our call is not strange! And how would it be strange and the parents and grandparents of these officers and soldiers, the Ottomans, had left a legacy and a history full of distinction, glory and heroism... Yes, they are the sons of the people of great military might, the people of the conquests. The enemy watched for their sailing ships in fear of them and dimmed the lights of their lighthouses, fearing that they would steer towards them... And how can it be peculiar? and they are the descendants of the people who were engaged in Jihad far from this worldly temptations so they prevailed and the kingdoms acquiesced to them... People, who their biggest concern was the pinnacle of Islam and attaining the Highest Paradise ... They are the descendants of the army that stunned the world in the sixteenth century and were involved in Jihad on four fronts in order to protect the passageways and rescued Muslims from the manipulative colonial armies. They opened Constantinople and Adrianople and others ... they even reached the walls of Vienna, and retracted away to another front only in rescue of Muslims ... They supported and brought victory to the vulnerable who were fleeing from the usurped Andalusia. Hence they were a thorn in the throat of the Crusaders ... The Ottoman army was a striking example of order and discipline, that attracted foreign travelers. It did not gather the mercenary soldiers, and its members were not influenced by the behavior of the degenerate peoples, rather it followed the Sunnah of the trustworthy guide, so it succeeded and triumphed.

For all of this, it is not surprising that we call on the sincere sons of the Turkish army to restore the legacy of their parents and grandparents, the heroes, to support the oppressed... to bring the true victory for Gaza, to repel the Jewish entity's aggression and liberate the land of Isra'a of Al-Mustafa (saw)...

We at Hizb ut Tahrir seek from the sincere in the Turkish army to march for the sake of Allah ... We are eager to see them around Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock, protecting Al-Aqsa and eliminating every cunning enemy... We know that our sincere sons in the Turkish army are affected when they see images of the Ottoman Khilafah "Caliphate" Army in Jezreel Valley in Palestine showing the prestige of the Islamic State and the glory of its army... They are affected when they see the images of the Ottoman Khilafah "Caliphate" Army gathering in great number in Jerusalem (Al-Quds Ash-Sharif), the station of Isra'a of our beloved Prophet (saw), raising the banner bearing victory from Allah and an imminent conquest. They are affected when they see the images of their ancestors of the Ottomans in the Battle of (Canakkale) fighting in one row as though they were a single structure firmly joined.... The people of Jerusalem lined to join this army prior the First World War, and mothers wished for their children the honor of fighting in the great Ottoman army, that they may attain what bestowed Mohammad Al-Fatih (the Conqueror) of honor and esteem in both realms.

We ask the sincere sons and grandsons of the heroes of the Ottomans: What happened to you, O the great army? What is this humiliation and weakness? Is it from the lack of tools and ordnance? How this is, and the Turkish army is the strongest army in the Middle East? And it ranks eighth among the strongest armies in the world, while Jews statelet occupies the eleventh place... Which means that we surpass them in all lines, so how can we be the inferior? The argument that the Jewish army is invincible is a lie, exposed by the resistance.

We say to our sons among the soldiers and officers ... the jihadist army may lose a battle but does not lose a war ... because the determination that ignited the commanders and soldiers is the same as that which manufactured Badr, Hunayn and Yarmouk, and is the same that opened Andalusia and made Muhammad Al-Fatih (the Conqueror) and his predecessors resolve to open Constantinople. It is the same... which will liberate Al-Aqsa and restore matters to what it is supposed to be.

We affirm that the national military doctrine has squandered and was not preserved. It is the doctrine of weakness and cowardice; it dispels the prestige of the army so that it does not make way for fighting for the sake of Allah... It is the doctrine that made the military an employment to receive the salary, and its recruitment became a heavy burden on the heart of the young people who are running away from it... It is a doctrine that made the military ranks for ostentation so the army was void of its true meaning.

Indeed, we in Hizb ut Tahrir call upon our sons in the Turkish army not to continue neglecting Jihad and not to abandon bringing victory for those who are crying out in Gaza and all Palestine, because it is an evil and not any evil...! Do not abandon the pinnacle of this Deen so that you win in both realms.

Finally, we ask Allah that He enables us with the attainment of honor to liberate our Al-Aqsa, the captive, and its pure surroundings at the hands of the Turkish army, so that we become the best successor to the best predecessor.
Wa Assalam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.



Mahmoud Kar
Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
Wilayah of Turkey


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