Saturday, 25 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/28
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Democratic Elections: A Humiliation for the Ones Trying to Reconcile Islam and Democracy through UN Mediation

During the past ten years, Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Afghanistan has reminded the Muslim and Mujahid people of Afghanistan of the great sin of participation in democratic elections, especially parliamentary and presidential elections (2009 and 2010). Because Hizb ut Tahrir believes that Amr Bil-Ma'rouf wa Nahy' Anel-Monkar (enjoining the good and forbidding the evil) is one of the basic duties that Allah (swt) has ordered to be conducted across the Muslim lands.


Headlines News 01/08/2014

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• Americans' Attitudes towards Muslims and Arabs Are Getting Worse, Poll Finds

• Billionaire Tells Americans to Prepare for Financial Ruin

• Arab States Support Jewish State against Hamas

• 700 killed in US Drone Strikes in Pakistan Identified



Americans' Attitudes towards Muslims and Arabs Are Getting Worse, Poll Finds

Americans were outraged to learn they were being spied on by the National Security Agency, but many support law enforcement profiling of Muslims, according to a poll released Tuesday by the Arab American Institute. The survey, conducted by Zogby Analytics for the advocacy group, found that 42 percent of Americans believe law enforcement is justified in using profiling tactics against Muslim-Americans and Arab-Americans. The survey also shows American attitudes toward Arab-Americans and Muslim-Americans have turned for the worse since the Arab American Institute first began polling on the subject in 2010. The new poll found favorability toward Arab-Americans at 36 percent, down from 43 percent in 2010. For Muslim-Americans, favorability was just 27 percent, compared with 36 percent in 2010. The poll found a growing number of Americans doubt that Muslim-Americans or Arab-Americans would be able to perform in a government post without their ethnicity or religion affecting their work. Thirty-six percent of respondents felt that Arab-Americans would be influenced by their ethnicity, and 42 percent said Muslim-Americans would be influenced by religion. Results differed by political party, with the majority of Republicans holding negative views of both Arab-Americans and Muslims. Democrats gave Arab-Americans a 30 percent unfavorable rating and Muslim-Americans a 33 percent unfavorable rating, while Republicans gave Arab-Americans a 54 percent unfavorable rating and Muslim-Americans a 63 percent unfavorable rating. [Source: Huffington Post]. Yet despite such surveys, a small clique of Muslims continue to think that relations with America are good for the Muslim world. Allah says:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ لاَ تَتَّخِذُواْ بِطَانَةً مِّن دُونِكُمْ لاَ يَأْلُونَكُمْ خَبَالاً وَدُّواْ مَا عَنِتُّمْ قَدْ بَدَتِ الْبَغْضَاء مِنْ أَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَمَا تُخْفِي صُدُورُهُمْ أَكْبَرُ قَدْ بَيَّنَّا لَكُمُ الآيَاتِ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ

"Oh you who have Iman! Take not for intimates others than your own folk, who would spare no pains to ruin you; they love to hamper you. Hatred is revealed by (the utterance of) their mouths, but that which their breasts hide is greater. We have made plain for you the revelations if ye will understand." [Al-Imran: 118]

Billionaire Tells Americans to Prepare For Financial Ruin

The United States could soon become a large-scale Spain or Greece, teetering on the edge of financial ruin. That's according to Donald Trump, who painted a very ugly picture of where this country is headed. Trump made the comments during a recent appearance on Fox News' "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren." According to Trump, the United States is no longer a rich country. "When you're not rich, you have to go out and borrow money.

We're borrowing from the Chinese and others. We're up to $16 trillion in debt." He goes on to point out that the downgrade of US debt is inevitable. "We are going up to $16 trillion [in debt] very soon, and it's going to be a lot higher than that before he gets finished. When you have [debt] in the $21-$22 trillion, you are talking about a downgrade no matter how you cut it." Ballooning debt and a credit downgrade aren't Trump's only worries for this country. He says that the official unemployment rate of 8.2 percent "isn't a real number" and that the real figure is closer to 15 percent to 16 percent. He even mentioned that some believe the unemployment rate to be as high as 21 percent. "Right now, frankly, the country isn't doing well," Trump added, "Recession may be a nice word." While 15 percent to 16 percent unemployment, a looming credit downgrade, and ballooning debt are a bleak outlook for the United States, they are hardly as alarming as the scenario laid out by another economist. [Source: Money Matters].

America's billionaires are the ones who created economic ruin for their people. And now they are openly warning their people, but are careful to conceal their crimes. Allah says:

((أَلَمْ تَرَ إِلَى الَّذِينَ بَدَّلُواْ نِعْمَةَ اللّهِ كُفْرًا وَأَحَلُّواْ قَوْمَهُمْ دَارَ الْبَوَارِ))

"Have you not considered those who exchanged the favor of Allah for disbelief and settled their people [in] the home of ruin?" [Ibrahim: 28]

Arab States Support Jewish State against Hamas

Egypt is leading a new coalition of Arab states - including Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - that has effectively lined up with the Jewish state in its fight against Hamas that controls the Gaza Strip, says the New York Times in a report published on Thursday. The newspaper said that after the military ouster of the Islamist government in Cairo last year, Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi might have contributed to the failure of the antagonists to reach a negotiated ceasefire even after more than three weeks of bloodshed. Battling Hamas in Gaza two years ago, the Jewish state found itself pressed from all sides by unfriendly Arab neighbors to end the fighting. However, the newspaper says "the Arab states' loathing and fear of political Islam is so strong that it outweighs their allergy to Benjamin Netanyahu," the prime minister of Israel, said Aaron David Miller, a scholar at the Wilson Centre in Washington and a former Middle East negotiator under several presidents. "I have never seen a situation like it, where you have so many Arab states acquiescing in the death and destruction in Gaza and the pummeling of Hamas," he said. "The silence is deafening", the newspaper quoted Mr Miller as saying. [Dawn News and New York Times].

The treachery of the Arab and Muslim rulers knows no bounds when it comes to betraying the vital interests of Ummah. Rather than cooperating in good works, the rulers of the Muslim world are committed to fighting Islam and see no shame in plunging the dagger of the Kuffar deep into the heart of the Ummah. The time has come for the Muslim Ummah and her armies to take the matter into their own hands and remove these oppressive rulers and their colonial masters from our lands!

700 killed in US Drone Strikes in Pakistan Identified

The United Kingdom-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism has been able to record the names of more than 700 people reportedly killed by the CIA-operated drones in Pakistan and nearly half of them are stated to be civilians. The names were recorded as part of the project "Naming the Dead" to identify the 2,342 persons killed to-date in the US drone strikes in Pakistan.

"Nearly half, 323, of the people identified are reported to be civilians, including 99 children. The database of names has grown since its launch last year, but those identified still make up fewer than one in three of the 2,342 reportedly killed in drone attacks," said a report by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. It said the Bureau uses open source materials to monitor and record all drone attacks in covert war situations, including Pakistan. "The data gathered reveals that at least 2,342 people have been killed in these attacks in the northern tribal areas of Pakistan. Of those killed, at least 416 are reported to be civilians," it added. The report noted that the US authorities claim that only militants are killed in drone strikes, but only 295 reported militants killed in drone attacks have been identified. "There are an additional 95 people identified by the Bureau who are classed as ‘unknown', where it is unclear whether they were civilians or members of a militant group. The Bureau has published case studies where details of the dead are known - but for many others, their name is almost all that is reported about them," it added. The report said that ‘Naming the Dead' project gathers the names of people reportedly killed by CIA drones in Pakistan, along with any available biographical details - although often such details are scarce. "The project launched in September 2013, is publishing 568 names of people killed in more than 370 drone strikes since 2004. This is the biggest publicly available list of drone victims, and draws on the thousands of media reports, court documents and other sources that inform the Bureau's main drones databases," the report said. "In total, the Bureau has identified reports suggesting at least 168 children died in drone strikes, of whom it has identified 99 by name. This means around three-fifths of child drone victims have been identified so far. Sixty-seven of these names belong to children killed in a single attack, an October 2006 strike on a madrassa in Bajaur Agency that killed 81 civilians," the report explained. [Source: The News International]

Whether it is America, the Jewish state or any other country engaged in killing Muslims- for them it is all the same, the blood of Muslims is cheap and spilling it is easily justifiable under the pretext of ‘collateral damage', ‘surgical strikes', ‘fighting terror' and other senseless phrases. The Ummah will neither forgive nor forget, and when the glorious Khilafah "Caliphate" returns the enemy of Muslims and their agents will surely taste what their souls have perpetrated.


Press Release The Prime Minister Nurtures Hatred Against the Muslims in Gaza

On 27/7/2014, leaders of the Social Democratic Parties in Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Finland issued a joint statement condemning the conflict in Gaza and calling for peace based on the '67 borders.

There are several points worth noting in this case, but we will stress on two points:

Firstly, this statement is worth no more than the paper on which it was written. It is comprised of a hollow condemnation of both sides in the conflict and empty words about how the Zionist Entity has the right to "self-defense" but should not use "disproportionate violence". The fact is that such statement of "condemnation" only serves as a carte blanche to the illegitimate Zionist occupation to continue its indescribable crimes, while at the same time deluding their own populations to believe that they have done what they could.

Secondly, the Danish Prime Minister and leader of the Danish Social Democrats, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, has refused to sign this statement. This can only be regarded as an even clearer acceptance and approval of the ongoing massacre of our Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza. She will not even have her name associated with empty words. With this, Helle Thorning-Schimdt, as a representative of the Danish state, once again demonstrates the deep animosity she nourishes against Muslims - a point only underscored further by the congratulations and thanks which she received from the spokesperson for the Zionist embassy in Copenhagen, Roi Dvir.

There is only one real and acceptable solution to end the Zionist occupation of Palestine and their crimes against defenseless children, women and men; that the Muslim armies in the surrounding countries break the chains of colonialism and move to liberate all of Palestine by annihilating the Zionist Entity totally and permanently.

As to the myth of the leftists' friendliness towards Islam and solidarity with the oppressed, it has been drowned in the rivers of children's blood flowing in Gaza, Syria and uncountable other places with their acceptance and approval. Yet, without any shame, they will fish for Muslim votes once an election is near.

((صُمٌّ بُكْمٌ عُمْيٌ فَهُمْ لَا يَعْقِلُونَ))

"Deaf, dumb and blind, so they do not understand" [Surah Al Baqara (2): 171]


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Scandinavia


Press Release Car Bomb Blast at a Market in Atmeh (Translated)


In 28th of Ramadan 1435 AH, a car bomb exploded in a popular market in the city of Atmeh in the Northern Idlib rural near the Syrian-Turkish border, which led to the fall of at least ten martyrs and wounding about twenty people, some of whom were rescued in the field hospitals while others with serious injuries were taken to Turkish hospitals near the border. In addition, several buildings and shops were partially destroyed by the blast, which its perpetrators are not known... Another car exploded in the city of Azaz in the far northern city of Aleppo on the border of the Turkish city of Kilis that killed five people and wounded others with injuries of varying severity... While a third explosion took place in the west of Aleppo rural and in particular troop 46, and led to the fall of a number of martyrs.

O Muslims in the land of Ash-Sham the abode of Islam:

Serial blasts still haunt Muslims in Ash-Sham wherever they stayed and wherever they journeyed, in a clear message to anyone who tries to escape from the drums of death, that murder will follow him everywhere. And that these explosions, are only one of the means exercised by the enemies of Allah to exert pressure on Muslims in Ash-Sham in order to break their determination for change. And to force them to undergo a political process that is pioneered by the criminal Baathist regime that transgressed in the country and increased therein devastation, destruction corruption and the violation of honor. As well as the killing of the elderly, women and children, and it did not leave a sin except it committed in order to subjugate the Ummah which decided that it will not kneel except to Allah Almighty.

No doubt is left, for anyone with sight, that the committer of all this crime is one, which is this criminal regime, the varmint enemy of this Ummah. And the reason for it is one, which is to break the determination of this Ummah that chose the path of change on their traitor rulers who looted its resources, and made it the tail of nations after it was the best nation raised to mankind. And they ruled it contrary to their beliefs and concepts; that judgment belongs to Allah Alone and that sovereignty is for the Shariah alone. The Almighty says,

((وَمَا نَقَمُوا مِنْهُمْ إِلَّا أَن يُؤْمِنُوا بِاللَّهِ الْعَزِيزِ الْحَمِيدِ))

"And they resented them only because they believed in Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy." [Al-Buruj: 8]

But it is impossible for them to break the determination of the Ummah that has known its salvation, and identified its goal; being Khilafah "Caliphate" upon the method of the Prophethood. Khilafah "Caliphate" that restores things to its normal status, returns the Ummah to be the best nation raised to mankind, and by which Muslims live an Islamic life under the Islamic system, pleasing the inhabitants of heaven and earth, And that is not difficult for Allah. The Almighty says:

((وَيَوْمَئِذٍ يَفْرَحُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ * بِنَصْرِ اللَّهِ يَنصُرُ مَن يَشَاء وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الرَّحِيمُ))

"And that day the believers will rejoice * In the victory of Allah. He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful." [Ar-Rum: 4-5]

So be patient, be firm and know that victory comes with patience, and that victory is just an hour of patience away.



Answer to Question: 1- Imitation (Taqleed) and Leaving the Opinion of One Scholar (Mujtahid) for Another Mujtahid 2- Achieving more than One Value from One Action

1. The word "Mutlaqan" (at all) here, does not comply with our understanding that when we realise a mistake we do not leave it and go to the right opinion; how is it the case then if I follow a mujtahid and then discover later that he is a hypocrite wrongdoer (fasiq) do I remain as a follower to him? And if I discover that this mujtahid that I follow has a weak opinion, do I continue in following him? If for example I realise that I followed him in a prohibited issue that is based on a very weak hadeeth... do I continue following what I took from him?

2. In the book The System of Islam, it also mentions that the mujtahid is allowed to leave his opinion for the benefit of the Muslims. Same as what took place with Othman (ra) during his Bay'ah.  I would like to see a narration of the story, when looking for it I did not see a correction for it, instead what I found is that it is unacceptable. Are there other correct narrations? Can you please provide evidence from the consensus of the companions to permit imitation in opinion?

3. Can one action achieve more than one value or not, for instance if you study a specific discipline and your aim is to please Allah and also a material gain.

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