Friday, 24 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/27
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VVD is Mistaken in Creating Public Opinion Against Hizb ut Tahrir

The VVD party's Amsterdam Branch has declared on 8/7/2014 on its internet page the need to uproot the fertile ground that breeds Islamic fundamentalism. Dylan Yisligos Zikrious, responsible for security in the VVD, added that organizations like Hizb ut Tahrir can be considered as a launching point and a base for terrorism.


Appointment of the Italian Staffan de Mistura, as the New International Envoy for Syria Succeeding Ibrahimi, to Complete his Career and to Finish his Mission in Plotting on the Revolution of Ash-Sham and Conspiring with the Criminal Syrian Regime (Trans

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed, on Thursday 07/10/2014, Staffan de Mistura, the former Deputy Foreign Minister of Italy, as a new UN envoy for Syria, replacing Lakhdar Ibrahimi, the former UN and Arab League envoy, and stressed that he "consulted broadly" including Syrian authorities before he appointed de Mistura in this position, calling on Damascus and the Member States in the UN Security Council to help him succeed in the task of putting an end to the violence and human rights violations and to facilitate a political solution to the "crisis." He said that, the former Deputy Foreign Minister of Egypt, Ramzy Ezzeldine Ramzy, who now heads the Arab League office in Vienna, will help de Mistura in his mission.

The Russians did not hide their satisfaction with the appointment of de Mistura this and wished him success in his mission. While John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State praised the readiness of Mistura to continue the mission ... and to forge a path toward a political transition consistent with the principles of the Geneva Communique that ultimately leads to the formation of an inclusive government. Furthermore, Kerry encouraged de Mistura to build upon the "outstanding work" of his predecessor, Lakhdar Brahimi, saying "We look forward to supporting Special Envoy de Mistura, as he works to achieve a negotiated political solution, which we believe is the best way to address all dimensions of this crisis, and to end the conflict sustainably". All this coincided with the "election" of Hadi Al-Bahra, former chief of the delegation negotiating in Geneva, as the new president of the Coalition, a successor to Ahmed Al-Jarba. Bahra has already confirmed in an appeal to the great powers on the need of "the world to see how the opposition take initiative to combat extremism in Syria!"

As they say: The writing is known from its title. This appointment is an American appointment. It has won its satisfaction, the satisfaction of its agent the criminal Syrian regime, and the satisfaction of Russia. What Kerry mentioned reveals what we have already stated previously, that America considers the Geneva solution is the foundation on which the American solution on Syria will be built upon, and that it is now preparing the ground to create the appropriate atmosphere for infighting and the introduction of this infighting within its solution under the banner of "fighting terrorism." The observer in these appointments, in light of what we see of a political movement and regional changes, sees that, the case is merely a change in faces and dirty exchange of roles that do not stray from the direction and orders of America and its vision for a solution, which it conspires to the revolution of Ash-Sham day and night. So that to complete what was initiated by Ibrahimi of plotting and conspiracy, and open the road more and more to meet and negotiate in secret and openly between the opposition abroad and the criminal system, and they are all equal in the crime. As they trade with the blood of Muslims and the sacrifices of their martyrs.

It is worth mentioning, that Mistura has previous experiences related to his new mission, and is experienced in the conspiracy against Islam and Muslims. He served as Special Envoy of the United Nations to Iraq in 2007 and to Afghanistan in 2010. And as if the condition to be entrusted with this task is to be in the service of the interests of America and the West, even at the expense of the pure blood of Muslims which is shed, and the innocent lives being lost. While the countries of the world they are all conspiring, spineless and complicit in all this through the United Nations and the Security Council!

O the steadfast Muslims on the land of tournaments in Ash-Sham of victory and triumph soon, Allah willing: The solution to what your revolution have reached is in your hands; not in the hands of your enemies, the authentic of them, the agents, the tools and the production. And do not forget the machinations of the former envoys al-Dabi, Annan, Maude and Ibrahimi. So abandon the new envoy and discard him the way you discard seeds, for he is not going to carry except poisons to abort your revolution. And complete what you have started your revolution with; that you have made it for the sake of Allah, to topple the regime with all its symbols and pillars. Do not accept on the ruins of its reign except the rule of Islam under the shadows of Khilafah "Caliphate" on the method of the Prophethood and not on any other method. Allah is with you and will never deprive you of the reward of your deeds.

We are in Hizb ut Tahrir, we have been and will remain a sincere advisor to this generous Ummah, draw for them the way of salvation, and show them what they have to do to enjoy the fruit of their sacrifices, the efforts of its people and the sacrifices of its martyrs, And Allah is predominant over His affair, but most of the people do not know. The Almighty says:

((وَقَدْ مَكَرُواْ مَكْرَهُمْ وَعِندَ اللّهِ مَكْرُهُمْ وَإِن كَانَ مَكْرُهُمْ لِتَزُولَ مِنْهُ الْجِبَالُ))

"And they had planned their plan, but with Allah is [recorded] their plan, even if their plan had been [sufficient] to do away with the mountains." [Ibrahim: 46].

And the Best of Speakers says:

((وَإِذْ يَمْكُرُ بِكَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ لِيُثْبِتُوكَ أَوْ يَقْتُلُوكَ أَوْ يُخْرِجُوكَ وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللّهُ وَاللّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ))

"And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners." [Al-Anfal: 30].



Headlines News 17/07/2014

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• Americans View Christians, Jews More Warmly Than Muslims

• Afghanistan's Ongoing Nightmare

• Egypt Opens Border with Gaza to Allow Casualties Only



Americans View Christians, Jews More Warmly Than Muslims

A new Pew Research survey finds U.S. adults feel most warmly about people who share their religion or those they know as family, friends or co-workers. Americans give their highest scores to Jews, Catholics and evangelicals on a zero-to-100 "thermometer" featured in the survey, "How Americans Feel about Religious Groups," released Wednesday. They're nestled within a few degrees of one another: Jews, 63; Catholics, 62; evangelicals, 61. In the middle of the chart: Buddhists, 53; Hindus, 50; Mormons, 48. Trending to the chilly negative zone: atheists, 41 and Muslims, 40. Pew took the reading because "understanding the question of how religious groups view one another is valuable in a country where religion plays an important role in public life," said Greg Smith, Pew's associate director of religion research. [Source: Salt Lake Tribune].

Given the daily diet of Islamaphobia that is incessantly fed by the US media, the results are hardly surprising. And as long as America continues its war against Islam such results are bond to get worse for Muslims living in America. Therefore, it is important that the Muslims in America engage with the wider American society to explain the beauty of Islam, and mitigate any negativity before it is too late.

Egypt Opens Border with Gaza to Allow Casualties Only

Egypt says it has opened its border crossing with Gaza to allow the most critical casualties of Israeli airstrikes access to Egyptian medical care, following accusations that it has abandoned its usual role of mediating between the Israeli and Palestinian leaderships. The opening of the border accompanied statements by Egyptian officials that stressed Egypt's active role in bringing the latest Gaza conflict, which Palestinians say has killed over 70 Gazans, to an end. The spokesman for Egypt's foreign ministry, Badr Abdelatty, told the Guardian, "We have extensive and full contact with all parties concerned, either directly or internationally. Our main objective is to stop Israeli aggression. We are in full contact and pushing very hard to provide all humanitarian assistance to the Palestinians in Gaza." Abdelatty's comments followed statements from the office of Egypt's president, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, that he was communicating with key international figures - including the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, and the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon. [Source: BBC]

A great injustice is being perpetrated by Sisi and his regime. Rather than sending in the Egyptian army to liberate Gaza and the whole of Palestine, Sisi's regime is receiving ONLY critical casualties and making phone calls to the friends of the Jewish State. Maybe now the people of Egypt will see Sisi for what he is- an absolute oppressor to his own people and Muslims, but a lowly coward and a friend to the Jews!

Afghanistan's Ongoing Nightmare

For the third time in five years, an electoral crisis faces Afghanistan. However, unlike the fraudulent Afghan presidential election in 2009 and the equally crooked parliamentary elections of 2010, the United States no longer maintains more than 100,000 troops in Afghanistan. The United States' policy of artificially upholding political order with the presence of large numbers of soldiers and massive infusions of cash in order to prevent complete fracture across the nation of 30 million was never a sustainable course of action in Afghanistan and the inevitable breaking of that short-sighted policy now appears underway. This month, after no candidate achieved a clear majority in the April general election, the Afghan Independent Election Commission - of which there has never been evidence of its actual independence or objectivity - released preliminary results from the June 14 runoff of the top two candidates. Ashraf Ghani, an ethnic Pashtun, academic and World Bank executive who lived outside of Afghanistan from 1977-2001, had defeated Abdullah Abdullah, a Tajik-Pahstun. Sadly, for many of the Afghan people, a broken and illegitimate elections process is the least of their worries. The Afghan economy, despite the infusion of nearly $100 billion in foreign assistance since 2001, is incapable of supporting itself. Rewind the newsreels back over the last 13 years and you will hear praise from American politicians over "modern" Afghan leaders as Jeffersonian-Democrats, you will hear generals preach of counterinsurgency principles that were to vanquish an enemy by winning the hearts and minds of an occupied population, and you will marvel at the largess of the billions of dollars earmarked by our Congress for education and infrastructure programs for a faraway people. None of these noble imaginings ever became reality. Rather these dreams have manifested as a collective ongoing nightmare for the Afghan people. The current crisis in Afghanistan at the unrecoverable cost of far too many lives and limbs, is a tragic lesson on the true limits of American power. [Source: US News]

America's failure in Afghanistan is so apparent that their very own people are writing about the limits of American power. However, the leaders of Afghanistan and Pakistan repeatedly fail to see America's demise, and continue do their utmost to shore up America's weakening rule in Afghanistan.


Wilayah Jordan: Interview regarding "Crossroads of Interests"

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Interview with the honorable Sheikh Said Radwan (Abu Imad) as part of the campaign "Respond to Allah and His Messenger when He calls you to that which gives you life." The interview was conducted by Brother Haitham Nasser (Abu Omar).

Ramadan 1435 AH - July 2014 CE



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