Monday, 18 Rabi' al-thani 1446 | 2024/10/21
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The Place of Hizb ut-Tahrir's Work

  • Published in Hizb ut Tahrir
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The whole world is a suitable location for the Islamic call. But since the people in the Muslim countries have already embraced Islam, it is necessary that the call start there. The Arab countries are the most suitable location to start carrying the call because these countries, which constitute part of the Muslim world, are inhabited by people who speak the Arabic language, which is the language of the Qur'an and Hadith, and is an essential part of Islam and a basic element of the Islamic culture. Hizb ut-Tahrir began and started to carry the Islamic call within some of the Arab countries. It then proceeded to expand the delivery of the Islamic call naturally until it began to function in many Arab countries and also in non-Arab Muslim countries as well. Hizb ut-Tahrir seeks the re-establishment of the Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" (Caliphate) in the Islamic World.


How will Hizb ut-Tahrir achieve its aim?

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Hizb ut-Tahrir is a political party whose ideology is Islam. The party works throughout the Islamic world to resume the Islamic way of life by re-establishing the Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" (Caliphate). The party adheres to the Islamic Shari'ah in all aspects of its work, and takes its methodology from that of the Prophet Muhammad that he used to establish the first Islamic State in Madinah. The Prophet Muhammad limited his struggle for the establishment of the Islamic State to the intellectual and political domains. Hence the party considers violence or armed struggle against the regime a violation of the Islamic Shari'ah. 

The Party has been clear, open and challenging in the carrying of its thoughts and in confronting the false thoughts and political parties, both in its struggle against the colonialists and in its struggle against the corrupt Muslim rulers - this has exposed it to severe harm committed by the rulers against it; such as imprisonment, torture, deportation, pursuit, attacking members livelihoods, impairment of interests, banning from travelling and murder. The oppressive rulers in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Uzbekistan and others have killed dozens of its members. The prisons of Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia are full of its members. Though Hizb ut-Tahrir committed itself to be open, clear and challengingly in its call, it restricted itself to political actions alone and did not exceed them by resorting to material actions against the rulers or against those who opposed its call, following the example of the Messenger of Allah who restricted himself in Makkah solely to the call and he did not carry out any material actions until he had migrated to Madinah. 


What is the aim of Hizb ut-Tahrir?

  • Published in Hizb ut Tahrir
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ts aim is to resume the Islamic way of life and to convey the Islamic Call to the world. This objective means bringing the Muslims back to living an Islamic way of life in Dar al-Islam (the domain of Islam) and in an Islamic society such that all of life's affairs in society are administered according to the Shari'ah rules


Who is Hizb ut-Tahrir?

  • Published in Hizb ut Tahrir
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Hizb ut-Tahrir is a political party whose ideology is Islam, so politics is its work and Islam is its ideology. It works within the Islamic Ummah and together with her, so that she adopts Islam as her cause and is led to restore the Khilafah "Caliphate" and the ruling by what Allah revealed. Hizb ut-Tahrir is a political group and not a priestly one. Nor is it an academic, educational or a charity group. The Islamic thought is the soul of its body, its core and the secret of its life. Hizb ut-Tahrir started its work in al-Quds (Jerusalem) in 1953 under the leadership of its founder, the honourable scholar, thinker, able politician, and judge in the Court of Appeals in al-Quds (Jerusalem), Taqiuddin 


Politics of Compromise Dictated by the Imperialists Will Make Bangladesh a Client State

Chief coordinator and spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh Mohiuddin Ahmed said in a press release issued today that the latest series of events in the political arena in Bangladesh - the dialogue process, political compromises, and the release of Sheikh Hasina etc - are dictated by the foreign disbelieving imperialists which will make the country a client state.


Democracy, like the dictatorship, is unable to solve the economic woes of Pakistan

The current budget that is a product of the capitalist economic principles only protects the interests of colonialists and a few capitalists. This budget will even deprive the poor of his only meal of the day. This budget has once again proved the fact that no matter whether it is a dictatorial regime or democratic one, both these ruling systems implement the same exploitative capitalist economic system.


Profile: Ameer of Hizb ut-Tahrir

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The Ameer of Hizb ut-Tahrir is the Alim, Sheikh Ata Abu Rashta (full name Sheikh Abu Yasin Ata ibn Khalil ibn Ahmad ibn Abdul Qadir al-Khatib Abu Rashta). He is an Islamic jurist, scholar and writer.

Sheikh Ata Abu Rashta was born into an observant Islamic family in 1943 in the small village of Ra'na in the Hebron area of the Palestinian territories. He observed first-hand the Israeli destruction of Ra'na in 1948 and thereafter moved with his family to a refugee camp near Hebron.

His primary and middle education was completed at the refugee camp. He subsequently obtained his first certificate of secondary education in 1960 from the Al Hussein Bin Ali school in Hebron and later completed his general secondary certificate at the Ibrahimiya school in Jerusalem in 1961. Sheikh Ata Abu Rashta then joined the Faculty of Engineering at Cairo University in Egypt and graduated in civil engineering in 1966. After graduating, Sheikh Ata Abu Rashta worked in a number of Arab countries as a civil engineer and wrote a book concerning the calculation of quantities in relation to the construction of buildings and roads.

Sheikh Ata Abu Rashta joined Hizb ut-Tahrir in the mid-1950s and subsequently carried out party activism throughout the Arab world. He worked closely with Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani, the founder of Hizb ut-Tahrir and Sheikh Abdul Qadeem Zallum who became the leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir following Sheikh Nabhani's death in 1977. In the 1980s he was a leading member of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Jordan and was appointed as Hizb ut-Tahrir's official spokesperson.

Sheikh Ata Abu Rashta played a prominent role in Jordan during the Persian Gulf War when he convened press conferences, lectures and debates at public venues throughout the country. He debated the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait at the Jerusalem Mosque in Amman at which he delivered a lecture entitled The Neo-Crusader Assault on the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf. He was regularly detained by the Jordanian authorities.

In 1994, in an interview, Sheikh Ata Abu Rashta said, "The establishment of the Caliphate is now a general demand among Muslims, who yearn for this: the call for Islamic government (the Caliphate) is widespread in Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, Algeria and so on. Before Hizb al-Tahrir launched its careeer the subject of the Caliphate was unheard of. However, the party has succeeded in establishing its intellectual leadership, and now everyone has confidence in its ideas, and talks about it: this is clear from the media worldwide".

Abu Rashta became the global leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir on 13th April 2003 following the death of Sheikh Abdul Qadeem Zallum.

Since assuming the leadership of Hizb ut-Tahrir, has spoken at conferences across the world including Indonesia, Pakistan and Yemen.

His writings include
Tayseer fi usool at-tafseer surah al-baqarah (2007), Economic crises - the reality and the perspective of Islam and Tayseer al Wusool min al-Usool.


"O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against the Fire whose fuel is men and stones" [TMQ 66:6]

"O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against the Fire whose fuel is men and stones" [TMQ 66:6]

The Muslim Ummah toady is the target and the victim of diverse forms of aggression by the imperialist disbelievers and polytheists. Thousands of Muslims are being killed and made homeless from military aggression in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Kashmir etc. There is also the political aggression whereby the likes of Mahmoud Abbas, Pervez Musharraf, Hamid Karzai and Fakhruddin Ahmed have been imposed on the Ummah who surrender her interests to the Jews, Christians and the polytheists. Add to this the economic aggression of foreign financial institutions such as the IMF and the WB which have impoverished the Ummah. These are some of the forms of aggression which lead to the loss of our lives, wealth and strategic interests.

However there is also another important component to the aggression carried out by the imperialist disbelievers and polytheists against the Ummah. This is the cultural aggression which aims to eliminate the sublime Islamic values from our societies, wipe out any traces of the Islamic culture in our lives and lead us away from the Deen. Regarding this plan of the disbelievers, Allah (swt) warns us in the noble Qur'an:
"Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you till you follow their religion." [TMQ 2:120]

To achieve this aim the enemies of the Ummah in the West and in India are specifically targeting the Muslim youth. They together with their agents are working on making the youth pursue the trivial things in life where freedom, enjoyment, and sensual pleasure are the sole concern of life. As a consequence the Muslim youth would live in this world in a degenerate manner with no honorable lasting purpose in their life. Just a cursory look at the West where life is built upon concepts of freedom, enjoyment and the pursuit of sensual pleasure will reveal to us the dangers of these concepts. In the Western societies man has degenerated to the level of the animal by unleashing his instincts and organic needs. As a result of these concepts immoralities such as adultery, fornication, pornography, abnormal sexual relationships, addiction to drugs, disrespect for parents etc have become widespread and even legal!

These are the things the West as well as her Indian allies are working on spreading in our societies. They are financing beauty contests, song and dance contests, and concerts which have become regular in our cities. They are making the supply of drugs such as YABA in abundant amounts. They are setting up various institutions and media means in increasing numbers to spread corruption and filth amongst the Muslim youth. Just listen to the programmes aired on the FM radio stations after midnight, which has become the latest trend, to realize what the enemies of Islam and their agents are indoctrinating in the youth. These programmes are encouraging the full host of abominable acts. They are encouraging the Muslim youth to engage in free mixing and lewdness. They are pushing the boys to become what they call ‘love guru', and the girls to accept fornication as a normal act in the name of ‘love'. They are teaching the youth to disrespect and disobey their parents.

O Muslims!

The youth are the future leaders of the Ummah as well as her future soldiers. The Muslim youth are supposed to be the flag bearers of Islam like Mohammad ibn Al-Qasem who conquered Sind and brought Islam to India Tariq ibn Zayd who conquered Spain for Islam at the age of 17 and Muhammad al-Fateh who led the Muslim army into Constantinople at the age of 24. In this regard we have a duty and responsibility assigned to us by Allah (swt) who commands us in the noble Qur'an:

"O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against the Fire whose fuel is men and stones." [TMQ 66:6]

O Muslims!

Take steps before our society degenerates to the level of the West.

Rush before society reaches a point when fornication and adultery becomes widespread!

Rush before women lose the sense of their own honour and feel no shame in abnormal relationships!

Rush before sons disown their parents and ties of family and kinship disappear!

Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh calls upon you to undertake the following actions to fulfill your responsibilities:

1. Concentrate the Islamic culture and the sublime Islamic values within the hearts and minds of the youth;
2. Raise public opinion against the institutions and the media means which are corrupting the Muslim youth; and
3. Work towards establishing the Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" which will safeguard the Islamic thoughts and sensations in society and also prevent the institutions and media means from indoctrinating the youth with concepts which contradict the Islamic culture.

"O you who believe! Answer (the call of) Allah and His Messenger when He calls you to that which gives life." [TMQ 8:24]

Hizb ut-Tahrir, Bangladesh

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