Sunday, 22 Muharram 1446 | 2024/07/28
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Press Release America's Stratagem to Consolidate Itself in East Africa

America under its special force in Africa i.e. United States Army Africa (USARAF) has recently launched a special military oversight in the town of Jinja eastern peripheral of the Ugandan capital city Kampala. The exercise codenamed as "TERMINATE TERRORISM 2015" includes US MARINES, Ugandan, Tanzanian, Burundian, Dutch and Rwandan troops. Whereas Rwanda alone has contributed 300 military personnel. America claims that the main objective of the exercise is to strategically…

Press Release America's Stratagem to Consolidate Itself in East Africa

America under its special force in Africa i.e. United States Army Africa (USARAF) has recently launched a special military oversight in the town of Jinja eastern peripheral of the Ugandan capital city Kampala. The exercise codenamed as "TERMINATE TERRORISM 2015" includes US MARINES, Ugandan, Tanzanian, Burundian, Dutch and Rwandan troops. Whereas Rwanda alone has contributed 300 military personnel. America claims that the main objective of the exercise is to strategically…

Press Release Erroneous Capitalist Economic Theory is the Cause of Poverty in Kenya and the World at Large

Kenya has been ranked the sixth poorest country on the continent. These stark findings are contained in the authoritative report of Institute for Security Studies (ISS). The ISS has found that 18.4 million Kenyans live in extreme poverty. With this regard, we Hizb ut Tahrir East Africa wish to expound the following This is not the exact figure rather a conservative one, the fact is that more than half of…

Press Release The Christian Clergy are in a Direr Need of a Wider Political Insight

Following the Christmas day celebrations, almost all the Christian leaders of different cults and denominations in Tanzania in their congregations have largely been highlighting and featuring on the issue of the scandal famously known as Tegeta Escrow Account (TEA) that involve the siphoning of over Tsh. 300 billion. This move of the Christian clergy is a clear indication of their feelings while seething with bitter resentment against the deep-rooted acts…

Press Release War on Terror: Another Draconian Bill Has Been Passed

Despite strong opposition against the formation of the new security bill, eventually the president of Kenya Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta has signed into law. Consequently, Hizb ut Tahrir East Africa would like to mention the followings: The quick and forceful signing into law of the new security bill clearly exposes the ill motives of the government and the respective security forces aiming to continue in the oppression and subjugation of innocent…

Press Release The Secular Regime has Failed to Provide Security to Muslims and Christians Alike

Once again Kenyans have been shocked by another massacre in Mandera County which has led to the loss of 36 innocent lives. The Killings come barely after ten days when 28 bus passengers were killed. We in the Islamic Organization Hizb ut Tahrir East Africa wish to make the following points: We condemn in the strongest terms this ambush against innocent people. We are even condemning the apparent Government's failure…

Press Release The Ongoing Oppression against the Muslims will Persist till the Reestablishment Of Khilafah

For another time the Muslims in Kenya have witnessed a series of oppressive invasions by the police on the mosques: Sakina and Musa in Mombasa. This brutal and barbaric action that lead to the death of a student and the arrest of around 250 youths, was ostensibly carried out under the guise of ejecting radicalized youths from the mosques. We of the Islamic Political Party Hizb ut Tahrir East Africa…

Press Release The Capitalist Ideology Itself is the Source of Insecurity

The Kenyan government wants to register all the religious organizations under the pretext of curbing insecurity. The government claims that the move will also be taken against the churches as a means of combating defraud from the clerics. This comes after Jennifer Anderson who is the Head of Counter Terrorism at the Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office meeting with the heads of anti-terror squad ATPU, addressed the meeting on Friday…
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