Monday, 28 Safar 1446 | 2024/09/02
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The Failure of the Muslim Armies to Overthrow the Current Regimes

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The Muslim countries are at the forefront of the world in terms of military expenditure, spending tens of billions of dollars annually upon their armies. In spite of classifying the Muslim countries as Third World countries on the grounds of poverty, military spending is many times more than current economic capabilities. The questions that come to mind are: What is the need for the Muslim countries for such high spending…

Discussion at Al-A'fraa School in East of the Nile/Khartoum North

The third Discussion took place successfully despite some harassment from the security agencies' men whom our sisters grabbed the opportunity to explain to them the concept of Khilafah "Caliphate" and explained to them their duty to re-establish this great obligation. The Discussion was held opposite of Al-A'fraa Secondary Girls School in the Maygoma area in Hajj Yusuf on Saturday 19/4/2014 CE on the last day of the Sudanese Secondary Certificate's…

News and Comment Racist and Anti-female Attitudes are the Hallmarks of Russia's Proposed Sex-Discrimination Bill

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News On 14th April 2014, the Moscow Times reported that Russia's city parliament deputy Oleg Nilov has drafted Russia's first Anti-sexual harassment Bill aimed at protecting women from unwanted attention or physical abuse from men. In his own words, he stated, "The changes will protect the honor and dignity of "the more beautiful, but weaker sex." These new measure are particularly aimed at "The millions of migrant workers who speak…

Regarding the Hadeeth: «.... وَمَنْ مَنَعَهَا فَإِنَّا آخِذُوهَا وَشَطْرَ مَالِهِ» "....Whoever prevented it then we will take it plus half of his wealth" To: Duaa AlFurqan (Translated)

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Question: Our Dear Ameer, Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, may Allah give victory through you. It is mentioned in the book, The Funds in the Khilafah "Caliphate" State (Al-Amwal), on the subject of fines, page 104 (English edition), "Similarly, a fine is taken from the abstainer of paying Zakat half of his wealth as chastisement above the Zakat obliged upon him, due to the Prophet (saw) saying: «وَمَنْ مَنَعَهَا…

News and Comment New Battle Arena in Palestine: Palestinian Authority's Attacks on Mosques

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News In the past few weeks, there has been a significant rise in the brazen attacks on the mosques' worshippers in the Palestinian territories with the use of force by the Palestinian Authority Security Agencies, most notably the Grand Beera Mosque in Ramallah. This includes arrests, physical assault, and forcefully banning regular study circles or short talks after prayers. Worshippers of all ages fell victim to this type of abuse.…

News & Comment The Capitalist Nationalism of Turkey Humiliated Uighur Refugees for 18 Days

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News: 35 Uighur Muslims who were kept waiting for 18 days in transit at Istanbul Ataturk Airport since fleeing to Turkey from China on March 25 were finally given permission to enter the country on 12th of April. The group, which included pregnant women and children, had arrived in Turkey in an attempt to escape persecution in their homeland of East Turkestan (Xinjiang), China. One child had been rushed to…

News and Comment Democracy benefits from Witchcraft and will never contain it

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News The Citizen Newspaper dated 13 April 2014 reported the spate of women killings for the past four months associated with witchcraft in Butiama District, Mara Region, North of Tanzania. Interviews conducted by this paper have established that small-time gold miners are said to be behind the spate of killings. The killings have been reported at several villages where gold mining is the main activity. Many people have pointed an…
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