Monday, 28 Safar 1446 | 2024/09/02
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A message from a female slave of Allah (swt) in Gaza to the glorious Ummah

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I begin by praising my Lord in a manner that befits the Majesty and Greatness of His power, My Lord (swt), I am a slave woman who is in need of you, I supplicate with the words of your Prophet, the best of creation. There is no Nasser (Helper) except You and I am not needy of anyone but You. "O Allah! Unto You do I complain of my weakness,…

Headlines News 24/07/2014

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Headlines • Israel-Gaza Conflict: ‘Israel' May have Committed War Crimes, says UN Human Rights Chief • King Abdullah Receives Honorary Doctorate for Courage • Pakistan Assures US Zarb-e-Azb is Against All Terrorists Details Israel-Gaza conflict: ‘Israel' May have Committed War Crimes, says UN Human Rights Chief The two week offensive in Gaza, which has led to the deaths of hundreds of Palestinian men, women and children in the crowded coastal…

News and Comment Discordant voice drowned amid the unified stance of Muslim Ummah concerning Gaza, Is there anything more powerful than the Islamic bond?  

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News: On the sidelines of the strong concern that Muslims in Indonesia and the world have towards the bloodshed of their brothers and sisters in Gaza, there is a discordant voice in Indonesia from Twitter with the hashtag #prayforpapua which essentially stated that there was "no need to take care of a neighbor's house, let us take care of our home first", referring to the problems affecting Muslims in Papua.…

News and Comment Applauding the World's Largest Killing Machine during the White House Iftar

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News: President Barack Obama used the annual White House Iftar 2014 dinner to briefly discuss the crises unfolding in the Mideast. "Even as we celebrate all that we have in common, we know that in too many corners of the world, we see violence and terror, and those who would destroy rather than build," he said. [CNN, July 15, 2014] An excerpt from Barak Obama's speech, "Tonight, we honor the…

News and Comment Capitalism Has Destroyed Parenthood

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News: The Citizen Newspaper dated July 8th 2014 reported the increasing trend of parents in Tanzania sending their children as young as three to boarding schools. Children being sent to faraway boarding schools across the country are dangerous phenomenon in society where children still form an integral part of the family, and further more suffer the denial of much needed love and comfort which can only be found from parents…

Headlines News 17/07/2014

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Headlines • Americans View Christians, Jews More Warmly Than Muslims • Afghanistan's Ongoing Nightmare • Egypt Opens Border with Gaza to Allow Casualties Only Details Americans View Christians, Jews More Warmly Than Muslims A new Pew Research survey finds U.S. adults feel most warmly about people who share their religion or those they know as family, friends or co-workers. Americans give their highest scores to Jews, Catholics and evangelicals on…

Sir Syed and the Role of Educational Reform in Stabilizing British Occupation of the Indian Subcontinent

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As part of the cultural campaign against Muslims in Pakistan, modern books published in Pakistan, whether educational or otherwise, generally present inaccurate and false information regarding the British occupation of the Indian Subcontinent, the War of Independence 1857 and the formation of Pakistan. Information about the past is presented in a twisted manner, so some people who are presented as heroes in history were actually British agents, who understood the…

News and Comment Thousands of Syrian Women Refugees Face a Daily Struggle for Survival While Heartless Muslim Regimes Look On

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News: On Tuesday 8th July, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees published a report entitled, "Woman-Alone - The Fight for Survival by Syrian Refugee Women". It stated that more than 145,000 Syrian families now living in Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan are headed by women with sole responsibility for providing for themselves and their children because their men had been killed, captured, or were missing in Syria. This is…
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