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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 Headline News 15/09/2018


• Russia and Assad Fear Entering Idlib without Deal to Neutralise Revolutionary Groups

• Mushrik Atheist China says Oppression of Muslims is Necessary

• America Seeking to Benefit from Southern Iraq Protests


Russia and Assad Fear Entering Idlib without Deal to Neutralise Revolutionary Groups

As with every other government operation in Syria, Assad is fearful of moving on Idlib until a deal is arranged to neutralise revolutionary opposition. According to the Daily Beast:

The impending military operation feared by those on the ground and condemned by Turkey, European nations, and the United States, has not happened.

For the past four days, there have been no airstrikes, no major shelling incidents, no menacing movements of troops, Instead, there is a growing sense that the threat from the regime and Russia had been suspended. The hiatus began unannounced Tuesday. “We absolutely see something of a pause,” a U.S. defense official said. “We’re not willing to define why at this point.” The tone for the week was set on Tuesday in Geneva, when Russia’s special envoy in Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev, told reporters it was up to Turkey to rid the province of extremists. “We are saying that the situation in Idlib should be settled most preferably in a peaceful way. It is possible to abstain from using military force,” he said, according to Reuters. “Idlib province is ... a sort of zone of responsibility for Turkey; it is their responsibility to separate the moderate opposition from the extremists, from Jebhat al Nusra and other groups, other terrorist groups.”Nusra is one of the names of a group originally and officially affiliated with Al Qaeda.

After the failure of talks in Tehran between Turkey’s President Erdogan and his Russian and Iranian counterparts Presidents Putin and Rouhani, the momentum of the attack in Idlib has slowed.

This sequence of events is stunning; normally, a breakdown in negotiations is supposed to lead to an increase in conflict. But in the case of Syria, none of the participating countries are sincere to the revolution and all are opposed. Therefore, it is only when agreement occurs between all participating countries that they can take new steps against the revolution.

It is incumbent upon the people of Syria not to fall into the trap of taking support from any government, whether Turkey or Saudi or Iran, or whether Russia or America or Britain. All are opposed to the revolution and all are seeking to stabilise the Assad regime because the revolution is not a threat only to Assad but also to the entire world order that has been designed to favour the current great powers, in particular those in the West.

Mushrik Atheist China says Oppression of Muslims is Necessary

According to the Guardian:

Chinese officials have pushed back against growing criticism of the detention of Muslim minorities in internment camps, claiming authorities are merely providing professional training and education.

Beijing is facing allegations of mass incarceration and repression of Uighurs, Kazakhs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang in China’s north-west. An estimated 1.1 million people have been placed in internment camps, including re-education camps where, according to former detainees and other witnesses, inmates are subjected to intense political indoctrination and abuse.

“It is not mistreatment,” Li Xiaojun, the director for publicity at the Bureau of Human Rights Affairs of the State Council Information Office, told reporters on Thursday, according to Reuters. “What China is doing is to establish professional training centres – educational centres.”

Li added: “If you do not say it’s the best way, maybe it’s the necessary way to deal with Islamic or religious extremism, because the west has failed in doing so. Look at Belgium, look at Paris, look at some other European countries. You have failed.”

China’s restrictive policies in Xinjiang, part of a “strike hard” campaign to counter terrorism after riots by ethnic people in 2009, has come under increasing scrutiny as media reports, witness accounts and documentation of the camps accumulate. China denies any camps are used for political indoctrination.

Two former detainees of a re-education camp told the Guardian they were forced to learn Mandarin Chinese, sing patriotic songs, and study Chinese Communist party doctrine. Both said they were not taught any vocational skills.

Conditions in re-education facilities and other internment camps have been described as inhumane. One former detainee said he was forced to wear “iron clothes”, an outfit of metal claws and rods that left him immobile, for 12 hours as punishment for disobeying a guard. An ex-detainee of a women’s detention centre told the Guardian she witnessed a woman having her feet and hands chained together for four days.

According to a Human Rights Watch (HRW) report on Monday, former detainees described being denied food, being shackled or forced to stand for 24 hours, and being subjected to solitary confinement and sleep deprivation.
The disbelievers, whether in China or the West or elsewhere, have failed to convince Muslims to abandon their Deen, so now they only have left the use of force and torture to suppress Islam.

With Allah’s permission, Muslims shall soon re-establish the Islamic Khilafah (Caliphate) State on the method of the Prophet (saw) whose mission it will be to liberate all occupied Muslim lands and protect the life, mind, dignity, property, religion, security and state of the Muslims from all harm.

America Seeking to Benefit from Southern Iraq Protests

According to Reuters:

Republican U.S. senators plan to introduce legislation on Wednesday seeking to counteract what they see as Iran’s increasing influence in Iraq, amid concern about attacks in Iraq by groups U.S. officials consider Iranian proxies, a Senate aide said on Wednesday.

Among other things, the bill, whose text was seen by Reuters, would impose terrorism-related sanctions on Iranian-controlled militias and require the U.S. Secretary of State to publish and maintain a list of armed groups receiving assistance from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC.

Sponsors of the “Iranian Proxies Terrorist Sanctions Act” include Senators David Perdue, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. A similar bill, backed by Republican Representative Ted Poe, has been introduced in the House of Representatives.
It was America that brought Iran into Iraq and Syria to support America’s proxy governments there, and now it is America that is seeking to drive Iran back out of both of these countries.

Muslim governments will never gain through cooperation with disbelieving powers. America and other foreign countries have repeatedly intervened in Muslim lands only for their own interests and benefit, greatly multiplying the catastrophes confronting the Muslim Ummah. It is only by depending upon ourselves and taking care of our own affairs that we can seek to solve any of our problems.

And this will only be possible when we truly implement Islam, and abandon the pretence of countries like the ‘Islamic Republic of Iran’, which call themselves Islamic but have actually modelled their ruling system on the Western Republican model that contradicts the Islamic ruling system. The Western Republican system, which they call representative democracy, is designed to favour elite vested interests and is for this reason perpetuated by the Western-created entrenched elite class in Muslim lands, just as it serves the elite Capitalist classes in Western lands. Iran supported the regimes of Iraq and Syria only in the interest of the Iranian elite, and Iran will withdraw from these countries to protect these same interests as the come under threat from America.

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