بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Headlines 21/08/2015
• Muslim Nurse Viciously Beaten in UK Over His Beard
• Slovakia Refuses to Accept Muslim Migrants
• Egypt's al-Sisi Imposes Strict Anti-Terrorism Laws
• 13,000 Afghan Security Forces Killed in Last Three Years
Muslim Nurse Viciously Beaten in UK Over His Beard
A Muslim nurse was viciously beaten by a gang in a racist daylight street attack by a gang of teens who mocked his beard. Qaiser Hamid, 37, was set upon by up to nine yobs while he was shopping in Stockport town centre on Friday. A teenage girl shouted about his facial hair and racially abused him before her male friends began punching him in the face, the Manchester Evening News reports. Qaiser, who was standing outside a shoe shop at the time, needed hospital treatment for cuts and bruising to his face including a deep gash to the nose. He now says he is too frightened to go out. Shop staff called police and Qaiser, from Heaton Norris, has been left angered as the gang loitered nearby and continued to shout threats while he waited for police. He said: “I got punched by one of them and I tried to defend myself then they were all hitting me – I took lots of blows. “The shop was covered in blood as I was bleeding all over the place. It was completely unprovoked. “I don’t feel good and I don’t want to go back to Stockport. I have been really affected psychologically and struggle to go out of the house. “I had to go to the hospital and I wore a hooded top because I feel self-conscious and don’t want people passing judgement.”
Inspector Gilbertson added: “We’ve had quite a lot of youths congregating around Stockport centre over the last week and it culminated with this incident. “Officers got to it as quickly as they could but had a lot of other incidents to deal with around the same time.” [Source: Mirror UK]
Comments from the inspector suggest that the protection of UK Muslim citizens is not a priority. This is expected as the whole of the UK is fed a daily diet of Islamaphobia— led by politicians and the media outlets alike Hence, it comes as no surprise to find Muslims victims of routine violent behavior perpetrated by non-Muslims.
Slovakia Refuses to Accept Muslim Migrants
Slovakia has said it will not accept any Muslims under an EU scheme to share migrants more evenly between member states. “We want to help Europe with the migration issue.
We could take 800 Muslims but we don't have any mosques in Slovakia so how can Muslims be integrated if they are not going to like it here?” Ivan Metik, an Interior Ministry spokesman, said. Slovakia is to host 200 migrants under an EU plan to redistribute 40,000 away from Italy and Greece, which are overwhelmed with the numbers arriving across the Mediterranean. The Slovakian government said it plans to ask the migrants their religion on arrival. The European Commission expressed its displeasure at the Slovakian plans. “We act here in the spirit of the treaty, which prevents any form of discrimination,” Annika Breidthardt, a spokesman, said. While it is legal to prioritize Christians who are at extra risk of persecution because of their religion, turning away Muslims because there are no mosques would be discriminatory and of dubious legality, according to one EU source. The number of migrants registered at the EU’s borders more than tripled in July to 107,500 compared to the same month last year, according to figures released by Frontex, the EU agency. It passed the record 100,000 in a single month for the first time since the EU's border control agency began keeping records in 2008. [Source: The Telegraph]
The ugly truth of what Europeans think of Muslims and Islam is slowly revealing itself to the whole world. Behind the veneer of freedom of religion and tolerance lies a deep-seated hatred of Muslims. This is clear for all to see in the crusader wars fought in the Muslim countries, which is the root cause of the migration crisis plaguing European shores.
Egypt's al-Sisi Imposes Strict Anti-Terrorism Laws
Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has approved stringent new counter-terrorism laws to fight a growing jihadist insurgency. The laws establish special courts and offer additional protection from legal consequences for military and police officers who have used force. They also impose the death penalty for anyone found guilty of setting up or leading a terrorist group. Rights groups say the legislation will be used by Mr Sisi to crush dissent.
Jihadist groups stepped up their attacks after the military overthrew President Mohammed Morsi two years ago and launched a deadly crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood. President Sisi vowed to bring in tough new counter-terrorism legislation in June, following the assassination by car bomb of Prosecutor General Hisham Barakat. Many Egyptians reacted negatively on social media to the new anti-terrorism law approved by President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi. Many users said its measures were too harsh or excessive. Human rights activist Jamal Eid tweeted: "Midnight laws mark the republic of darkness. A law which has been passed, and considers all criticism or dissenting voice or acts that are not to the state's liking... terrorism." His sentiments were echoed by the editor-in-chief of pro-Islamist newspaper Al-Misriyun, Mahmoud Sultan, who wrote: "The anti-terrorism law signed by Sisi clearly tells journalists and anyone with an opinion: Very dark days lay ahead." Amnesty International warned that the legislation would vastly expand powers that would usually only be invoked during a state of emergency, and that it would effectively ban the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association. [Source: BBC]
Sisi’s stubbornness to muzzle all forms of opposition—secular and Islamic alike—has no limits. Every other day new draconian laws are passed to subdue the Egyptian people. It is only a matter of time before the people will rebel against Sisi who is viewed by many Egyptians as the worst dictator in the history of Egypt.
13,000 Afghan Security Forces Killed in Last Three Years
Over the past three years more than 13,000 Afghan soldiers and policemen have been killed fighting the Taliban. That staggering statistic will likely continue to rise as the 4,302 Afghan security personnel killed and 8,009 wounded so far this year is a rate almost 40 percent higher than this time last year. The latest Afghan casualty numbers released by the Pentagon on Friday are based on information provided by the Afghan National Defense Security Force which includes the Afghan Army, Afghan National Police, Afghan Air Force and the Afghan Local Police. They show that from January 1 to July 31, 2015 4,302 Afghan security personnel were killed in action and 8,009 wounded in combat with the Taliban. That’s a 36 percent increase over the same time frame last year when there were 3,337 killed and 5,746 wounded. For comparison 2,215 American service members died and 20,027 were wounded during the 13 year US combat mission in Afghanistan that ended in December, 2014. Some 10,000 US troops remain in Afghanistan to train Afghan troops, but hardly ever leave their bases as Afghan security forces have taken the lead for security in recent years. The high fatality rates continue the trend that began in 2013 when Afghan security troops assumed the lead for security throughout Afghanistan. Some 4,350 Afghan security personnel were killed in action in 2013 and that number increased the following year to 4,634 in 2014. The 9,000 deaths led Lt. General Joseph Anderson to say last November the casualty rates. At the time Anderson was the second highest ranking US general in Afghanistan. US military officials say the high casualty rates for Afghan troops reflects the increased security role of the nearly 327,000 Afghan troops and police. “The Afghan security forces are holding their own and doing fairly well,” said Brigadier General Wilson Shoffner, the top military spokesman in Afghanistan, told Pentagon reporters on Thursday. Shoffner said the number of Taliban initiated attacks is down eight percent this year from last year. A Pentagon report released in June said the highest casualty rates were among the Afghan National Police and the Afghan Local Police who are most likely to face Taliban attack “primarily because they are often employed at isolated checkpoints and are not as well armed or trained” as the Afghan Army. [Source: ABC News]
The true cost of America’s 14 years of occupation of Afghanistan is both alarming and very sad. Whether it is the Afghan opposition or those Afghans that choose to side with America, the casualties are enormous. The only way for Afghans to drastically reduce the causality numbers is for the government and the opposition to join forces under the banner of Islam and work to eject America permanently from Afghanistan.