بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Palestine: Palestine: Baher Saleh at the Funeral of Martyr Khalil Ammer "Palestine is for the Muslims - We are here to stay and the Jews must go."
In a speech at the funeral of the martyr Khalil Amer in Mes’ha village west of Salfit, as part of a delegation of Hizb ut Tahrir, Baher Saleh, a member of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Palestine said that Palestine for is Muslims and we are here to stay, and the Jews will leave since Palestine is Islamic land opened by the noble Companions irrigated by the pure blood of the martyrs. It is of pride and dignity to those who held on to this Blessed Land, while it is a great shame to those who gave it up and walked behind the Jews, in the paths of peace, normalization and the humiliating security coordination.
Saleh called on the people of Palestine to hold onto the fundamentals of Islam, not the national constants, which began in Palestine from the sea to the river, not to the recognition nor the negotiators nor for peace that ends with agreeing to compromise and to peace, to normalization, and negotiation for less than a quarter of the area of Palestine, like those of the Jahiliyah times who ate their idols they made of dates when they became hungry.
He stressed the need to reject the subservience to the Jews and to America, and the refusal to relinquish a single inch of the Blessed Land of Palestine.
12 Rabii' Ii 1437 AH - 22 January 2016 CE