Monday, 18 Rabi' al-thani 1446 | 2024/10/21
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News and Comment Yemen's Women and Children Bear the Consequences of Western Backed Airstrikes and Conflict in the Country

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On the 7th April, UNICEF reported that the majority of the 100,000 who have fled their homes in Yemen since the start of the Saudi-led airstrikes against Houthi controlled regions of the country 2 weeks ago, have been women and children. The organisation also stated that 74 children had been killed and 44 maimed since March 26th but emphasized that these were conservative figures and that it believes the total number of children killed is much higher. On 7th April, Reuters reported that airstrikes in the village of Beit Rajal, west of the capital Sana'a killed 3 women and 3 children mostly from the same family. This is simply one of many incidents where the innocent women and children of Yemen have paid the heavy price of the Western-backed offensive, Operation Decisive Storm and the continuing internal conflict within the country. Amnesty International reported that at least 6 children under the age of 10 were killed in airstrikes on Sana'a on 26th March which turned 14 houses to rubble in a residential neighbourhood near the city's international airport. In an airstrike on the 30th March on the al-Mazraq camp for internally displaced persons situated in north Yemen, at least 11 children were amongst the dozens injured and killed. And it was reported that 4 children burned to death as a result of strikes in the Ibb governorate on the 31st March, whose fatalities also included 2 women. Many other women and children have also been injured or killed as a result of the internal conflict raging within the country between Houthi fighters and forces loyal to President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.


Prior to the Saudi-led offensive, Operation Decisive Storm, Yemen was already facing a dire humanitarian situation. According to Oxfam, 6 out of every 10 Yemenis were without adequate food, clean water, and access to basic services, including a million children who were suffering from extreme malnutrition. 334,000 people were already registered as internally displaced in Yemen due to the many years of internal conflict that has plagued the country. Now with this current crisis, the humanitarian situation has deteriorated further. The violence has destroyed private homes, hospitals, educational facilities and the infrastructure in many locations, affecting electricity and water supplies and resulting in the overflowing of sewage in some areas, raising the risk of disease. Other towns are fast running out of food and fresh water. All of which is making life unbearable for millions of Yemen's women and children.

Yemen is the latest example of how the loss of lives of innocent Muslim women and children has become yet again collateral damage of Western government fuelled conflicts in our lands who are more than happy to fund, arm, and incite to war their favoured players in the region for the sake of selfish interests regardless of the humanitarian cost. This is not a Sunni-Shia conflict, nor is it simply a fight between the Houthis and the regime of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and his Saudi and Gulf backers. Rather, it is a result of the age-old struggle between colonial governments - in this case the US and Britain - to establish their preferred players in power in the country to serve their colonial political and economic interests. Shamefully, the regimes of the Muslim world have therefore accepted once again to turn another of our lands into a field of destruction and graveyard for Muslim women and children at the behest of their Western masters and their colonial plans. How ironic it is that a regime that claims to be the custodian of the two Holy Mosques, ignores the following hadith of the Messenger (saw):

حدثنا عبد الله بن عمر قال رأيت رسول الله  يطوف بالكعبة ويقول: «ما أطيبك وأطيب ريحك ما أعظمك وأعظم حرمتك والذي نفس محمد بيده لحرمة المؤمن أعظم عند الله حرمة منك»

Abdulla bin Umar (ra) said, ‘I saw the Prophet (saw) doing tawwaf around the Ka'aba saying "How sweet are you and how sweet is your scent. How great are you and how great is your sanctity. By the One who the soul of Mohammad is in His Hand the sanctity of a believer is greater with Allah than your sanctity". Indeed, it is a hadith that all those who are so ready to spill the blood of their Muslim brothers need to consider with the utmost seriousness.

It is clear that over the past nine decades in the absence of the Khilafah "Caliphate" and the presence of man-made systems in the Muslim world, our lands have been plagued with debilitating insecurities and violence due to the political rivalries of various parties and factions vying for power and who have been used by foreign powers for their own gain. Furthermore, the inevitable oppression, nepotism, and cronyism resulting from the rule of non-Islamic regimes over the people has simply generated huge anger and frustration amongst various sections of society who have been denied their rights and a dignified standard of living, laying the foundation for instability and conflict, of which women and children have been primary victims. It is surely time to rid ourselves of these Western-serving regimes and governing systems which have acted as both the wick and the flame to the burning of our lands and replace them with the glorious Khilafah "Caliphate" state. It is this state alone that will prevent foreign manipulation of the politics of our land and that has a domestic policy to unify all elements of the society. This it achieves through the comprehensive implementation of the Islamic system which will ensure dignity, rights, prosperity and justice is delivered to all citizens equally, without bias or favouritism, in a manner which only Laws emanating from the Creator of the Universe, The All-Knowledgeable, The All-Aware can guarantee.


Written for The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Dr. Nazreen Nawaz
Director of the Women's Section in the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir


Australia: Lecture | Yemen - the latest battleground for America's "New Middle East" By: Ustadh Ismail al-Wahwah (Abu Anas)

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A Saudi Arabia-led coalition of countries have begun a bombing campaign against rebels in Yemen. Civilian deaths are mounting as America once again fuels sectarian murder in Muslim lands. Iran's increasing ambitions in the region are being facilitated by a new open partnership with America. But why now, and how does this fit with the more traditional and well known overt partnerships with other Arab rulers?

Watch to understand both Iran's and the Saudi-led coalition's actions and motives in this important event.

Lecture | Saturday 4 April 2015 CE




- Questions & Answers -



Women and Shariah: Separating Fact from Fiction 2015 Conference Speech Videos

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On Saturday 28th March 2015, the Women's Section of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir successfully hosted a historic, unprecedented International Women's Conference entitled, "Women and Shariah: Separating Fact from Fiction". It was a momentous event that united gatherings of female-opinion makers held simultaneously across 3 continents and in 5 countries: Palestine, Turkey, Indonesia, Tunisia, and Britain. Those who attended included female journalists, politicians, academics, activists, lawyers, scholars, leaders of the community, and representatives of organisations. The atmosphere within the conference halls was electrifying and attendees described being impressed by the professionalism of the organisation of the event and extremely motivated and empowered by the content of the speeches and videos. Gatherings of women also took place in many other locations globally to watch the conference live, and the event was also broadcast online to viewers internationally.




First Speech from Tunisia (Arabic)

Who Determines the Rights of Women in the Muslim World: Shariah or International Law?

Sister Hajjar al-Yacoubi

Full Transcript: Click Here






Speech 2 from Jordan (Arabic)

Dismantling the Narrative of "Islamic Feminism"

Sister Um Muath

Full Transcript: Click Here






Speech 3 in English

Dispelling the Media Myths against Women and the Shariah

Dr. Nazreen Nawaz
Director of the Women's Section of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

Full Transcript: Click Here






Speech 4 from the Blessed Land of Palestine (Arabic)

Clarification of the Status of Women in the Light of the Unique Islamic Social System

Sister Um Saleh

Full Transcript: Click Here





Speech 5 from Indonesia (Indonesian)

A Vision of Muslim Women's Lives under the Shariah of Islam

Sister Iffah Ainur Rochmah

For Transcript: Click Here






Speech 6 from Wilayah Turkey (Turkish)

The Role of Women in Creating True Political Change

Sister Silda Kaldamer
Full Transcript: Click Here







News and Comment Until When Will Turbulence among Muslims Be the Game of the Kuffar (Disbelievers)?

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On 6 April 2015, the country's national headlines reported that a total of 156 Malaysian citizens were brought out of Yemen two days ago following the turbulence in that country, who are expected to depart to return home beginning tomorrow. The Secretary of the National Security Council (NSC), Datuk Mohamed Thajudeen Abdul Wahab, stated that the Government has initiated efforts to bring back Malaysians who are in that agitating country.

News agencies also reported that this turbulence is becoming increasingly serious where Saudi Arabia has planned to destroy 96 desert villages at the border with Yemen to prevent it being used as a route by the people of Yemen to penetrate Saudi Arabia. The local newspaper, Al-Hayat also reported a total of 10 villages which had been destroyed since Saudi Arabia led the campaign attack on Shi'ah Houthi rebels since 26 March.

Quoting the words of the head of the border guards in the area, Hassan Aqili who stated that the acts of destroying those villages were in order to prevent the empty houses in those areas from becoming ‘hideouts for smugglers and intruders'.



‘Add insult to injury'! However, this proverb is still not enough to portray the sufferings experienced by the Muslims in Yemen. While the blood of Muslims in Yemen is still wet and dripping due to the horrible agenda of the West, attacks by coalitions of Gulf States led by Saudi Arabia and sanctioned by America has aggravated the situation as well as arouse the anger of Muslims worldwide.

Saudi Arabia's boldness in handling this crisis certainly is beyond the limits of humanity. This reckless act of Saudi Arabia is definitely a betrayal towards the Muslim Ummah. This is because Yemen is an Islamic country with a majority of Muslim population and they are our brothers and sisters.  Why is Saudi Arabia so pursuant to the orders of the Kuffar in directing its military force to kill their own relatives, the Muslims?  Whereas the Jews whom since decades ago have clearly occupied Palestine and has seized that blessed land from the Muslims, have never been warned the slightest by the Saudi Arabians?

Indeed, Allah will certainly avenge any injustice committed by human hands. As the word of Allah (swt) in Surah al-A'raf verse 162;

((فَبَدَّلَ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُواْ مِنْهُمْ قَوْلاً غَيْرَ الَّذِي قِيلَ لَهُمْ فَأَرْسَلْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ رِجْزًا مِّنَ السَّمَاء بِمَا كَانُواْ يَظْلِمُونَ))

"But those who wronged among them changed [the words] to a statement other than that which had been said to them. So We sent upon them a punishment from the sky for the wrong that they were doing." [QS al A'raaf: 162]

O people of Saudi Arabia! O people of Yemen! Put an end to this dispute. Do not allow the Kuffar to dominate you with the assaults that they have created between you. Be united, and do not be intimidated by the Kuffar because they have plans and Allah Almighty also has plans. Allah (swt) alone is the best in punishing their deceit. O Muslims, our brothers and sisters in Yemen need our help to remove and resolve these upheavals. Let us unite in upholding the laws of Allah Almighty under the shade of the Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah established upon the method of Prophethood.



Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut tahrir by

Sumayyah Ammar

Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir


News and Comment When Enlightenment Dazzles

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On the 6th of April, on the occasion of the Christian Easter, the Danish newspaper Politiken published an article written by a religious historian with specialty in Semitic philosophy, with the title: "If Jesus Never lived - Then Islam Would Most Likely Not Have Existed". Besides criticizing religions in general, he claims that Islam is a made-up hybrid between Christianity and Judaism.



These types of claims have become widespread within the last decades. Not only in hyper-atheistic Scandinavia, but also all over Europe. This is not only the case when it comes to ordinary Europeans, but also, and maybe especially, when it come to the so-called intelligentsia. Historians, specialists, politicians and so forth, who have become completely indulged in their own complacency.

The reason lies in an inflation in atheism and the extreme adherence to secular liberalism as a universal truth. Eurocentrism has become the sole standard to the extent that their historical experiences and so-called "enlightenment" has dazzled them, so they cannot see.

Islam is an invention and a hybrid, because the mere thought of a Creator and a divine message is against their bad historical experiences. Sound cannot come out of your mouth unless it is, as a result of their claimed "freedom of speech". There was no accounting of rulers before the ideas of Montesquieu, and everything beside a secular democracy must be a dictatorship. Khilafah "Caliphate" is a utopia and so it continues, postulate by postulate.

They have become so emotionally confident in their own ideas that they completely fail to see how fragile they are. They cannot even deal with other ideas, whereas Muslims have no problems in understanding western intellectual baggage and therefore we have no problem exposing, dismantling and rejecting it.

The fact is, that Islam is unique on all levels and came as a message to all mankind, regardless of ethnicity, social status or intellectual capacity. The evidences for the existence of a Creator are rational, and so is the confirmation of the divine message. Muslims have in no way suffered from the ills of mediaeval religious exploitation like in Europe, on the contrary, so we are not in need of their "enlightenment". Islam does not give the right to ridicule or insult others, but Allah (swt) gave us a mouth so we can speak the truth no matter the consequences. It is not a "right", but an Islamic duty to account the rulers and the Khilafah "Caliphate" is a unique system without comparison that has a long and bright history to prove it, and an even brighter future when it returns inshaAllah.

We Muslims in the west have a great responsibility when it comes to standing up for Islam, and reject all the false attacks and claims. We have to present Islam in a strong and unambiguous manner so Muslims become proud and confident in their Deen, and non-Muslims regain their sight and are drawn towards the real light, the light of Islam.

((وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَعْمَالُهُمْ كَسَرَابٍ بِقِيعَةٍ يَحْسَبُهُ الظَّمْآنُ مَاءً حَتَّىٰ إِذَا جَاءَهُ لَمْ يَجِدْهُ شَيْئًا وَوَجَدَ اللَّهَ عِندَهُ فَوَفَّاهُ حِسَابَهُ ۗ وَاللَّهُ سَرِيعُ الْحِسَابِ))

"But those who disbelieved - their deeds are like a mirage in a desert which a thirsty one thinks is water until, when he comes to it, he finds it is nothing but finds Allah before Him, and He will pay him in full his due; and Allah is swift in account." [24:39]



Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Junes Cock

Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir in Scandinavia


Women's Section of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir A Global Campaign and International Women's Conference March 2015 Women and Shariah

  • Published in Dawah News
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Full Recordings of the Speech



Press Release
The Women's Section of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir Successfully Hosted a Historic, Unprecedented International Women's Conference: "Women and Shariah: Separating Fact from Fiction"




"Women and Shariah: Separating Fact From Fiction" Conference

Booklet For Full Transcripts: Click Here












Click Here







Radio Interview with Dr. Nazrin Nawaz






Radio Interview with Sister Umm Muhammad





Radio Interview with Sister Umm Suhaib ash-Shami





Women and Shariah: Separating Fact from Fiction

On Wednesday 11th February 2015, the Women's Section in the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir launched an extensive global campaign entitled, "Women and Shariah: Separating Fact from Fiction" which will culminate in a momentous international women's conference on March 28, 2015, by the will of Allah.



Press Release
The Women's Section in The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir is to Host an Unprecedented International Women's Conference - "Women and Shariah: Separating Fact From Fiction"



Press Release
The Women's Section in the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir Launches a Global Campaign Culminating in an International Women's Conference Entitled

"Women and Shariah: Separating Fact from Fiction"



Press Release

International Women's Day 2015:

Marking Over a Century of Feminism's Failure to Deliver for Women



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Australia: Why I Support the Shariah?






Denmark: Why I Support the Shariah?







'Women and Shariah: Separating Fact from Fiction 'Conference Trailer

This is the trailer video of the upcoming conference organised by the Women's Section of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir entitled, "Women and Shariah: Separating Fact from Fiction", on the 28th March 2015. This conference has been preceded by a rigorous campaign on the subject.





Muslimah Nusantara and Islamic Sharia Extended Teaser

Jumadel Thani 1436 AH - March 2015 CE




Women's Education under the Khilafah "Caliphate"




The Mother of Imam Shafi'i




Women's Political Role under the Khilafah "Caliphate"





Fathima Al-Fihri - Founder of the First University in the World





Women, Shariah and Afghanistan



Turkish Dramas and their Effects on Muslim Women



Women Under the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" as Seen Through the Judicial Records of the State




Does Gender Equality = Stronger Family Units?




Does Gender Equality = Fairness for Women?




Is Gender Equality a Universal Value?




Does Gender Equality = Respect for Women?





Promos for the Women and Shariah Conference











Bahasa Indonesia




Click Here






















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