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Tunisia: Masjid Talk on Yemen Events by Ahmed bin Hussein

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Ahmed bin Hussein, member of the Central Contacts Committee of Hizb ut Tahrir Tunisia, gave a masjid talk at Ghufran Mosque in Republic neighborhood, a talk about the international conspiracy hatched against the people in Yemen in which he also addressed what should be of the Muslim Ummah.

Friday 12 Jumada II 1436 AH corresponding to April 3, 2015 CE






News Headlines 06/04/2015

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• Power outage still being investigated: Energy Minister Yildiz

• Turkey: Training for Syrian fighters expected in May

• Prosecutor dies after Turkey hostage siege; 2 gunmen killed


Power outage still being investigated: Energy Minister Yıldız

Turkey's energy minister has ruled out electricity scarcity as a factor behind the country's massive power outage on Tuesday, as the investigation into its cause continues.

"We have no clear data yet. It is still being investigated," said Taner Yıldız, answering questions at the Anadolu Agency's Energy Desk on Friday morning.

He ruled out scarcity as a factor and confirmed that Turkey, on the contrary, has an abundance of power.
In the morning of Tuesday, March 31, an unprecedented power outage hit the country, including in the biggest province Istanbul and capital Ankara, leaving almost the entire nation without power, disrupting transportation and daily life.

A group of some 60 experts and engineers are currently carrying out an investigation into the extraordinary incident, Yıldız said.
The minister also ridiculed the conspiracy theories suggesting the government had planned the blackout to manipulate the public on the need for a nuclear power facility.

He said the AK Party rule has been transparent on the nuclear program and has no need to play any tricks.

On Wednesday, the Turkish Parliament ratified an international agreement with Japan on the construction of Turkey's first nuclear plant in the Black Sea region province of Sinop. [Source: Daily Sabah]

With its overall energy sources linked 72% to external states, it is impossible for a state to be independent.

((وَلَن يَجْعَلَ اللّهُ لِلْكَافِرِينَ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ سَبِيلاً))

"And never will Allah give the disbelievers over the believers a way." [TMQ: 4:141]

Turkey: Training for Syrian fighters expected in May

The train-and-equip program for vetted Syrian fighters can begin in May in Turkey, Turkish defense minister said Tuesday.
Addressing the media before attending the ruling Justice and Development or AK Party's weekly meeting in Anakra, Ismet Yilmaz said that Turkish delegations were continuing their negotiations with the U.S. over selection of Syrian fighters for the program.
When asked about how Syrian fighters were being selected, Yilmaz said it was being done "jointly" with partner countries.

"We think that the train-and-equip program for 'vetted members' of Syrian opposition forces can start in May," he said.

He also reiterated that the exact place for training Syrian fighters in Turkey had been decided. On March 2, the defense minister had announced that the program for Syrian fighters would be held in Turkey's central Anatolia province of Kirikkale.

The minister also said that the U.K. might also participate in the program as one of the countries providing trainers.
On Feb. 19, Turkey and the U.S. inked a deal to train-and-equip Syrian fighters in an effort to achieve an actual political transformation in the war-torn country on the basis of the Geneva Communique. The fighters are expected to fight both Daesh and the Bashar al-Assad-led Syrian regime. [Source: Anadolu Agency]

It is very sad to see how a Muslim country's rulers can be so eager to serve colonialists.

Prosecutor dies after Turkey hostage siege; 2 gunmen killed

A prosecutor involved in a controversial case died Tuesday after he was shot during a hostage siege in an Istanbul courthouse.
Prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz died in the hospital from injuries he suffered during the attack, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said, speaking to reporters on Turkish television.

The two gunmen who took the prosecutor hostage were killed in a shootout with police after a standoff that lasted for hours.
Kiraz was assigned to the controversial case of Berkin Elvan, a 15-year-old boy who was injured during the anti-government Gezi Park protests in June 2013.

The teen died the following March after having spent nine months in a coma. The case, with its overtones of possible police overreaction, has been politically contentious, just as the protests themselves were.
In an online post widely cited in Turkish media, the left-wing Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front claimed responsibility for the attack. The post said the gunmen were seeking to avenge Elvan's death.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the gunmen as terrorists and said they were disguised as lawyers when they entered the courthouse.
"This is not to be taken lightly," he said.

The gunmen took the prosecutor hostage around 12:30 p.m. in his office on the sixth floor of the Caglayan district courthouse, the semiofficial Anadolu Agency reported.

Police evacuated that floor of the building, the agency reported, and snipers were deployed.

An explosion, followed by sounds of more gunshots, could be heard coming from the courthouse Tuesday evening, hours after the siege began.
Istanbul Police Chief Selami Altinok said Kiraz had been shot before Turkish security teams entered the room where the hostage crisis was unfolding.

"There is nothing else to do but to pray at this moment," Erdogan said.

The Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front, known as the DHKP-C, is viscerally hostile to the Turkish state, the United States and NATO, and has had links with the far left in Europe.

The Marxist-Leninist group claimed responsibility for a 2013 suicide bombing at the U.S. Embassy in Ankara.
Among other attacks attributed to the DHKP-C was the assassination of a former justice minister, Mehmet Topac, in 1994, as well as the murders of a number of senior police and military officials and, 1996, a prominent businessman, Ozdemir Sabanci. . [Source: CNN]

While discussions about presidential system continue in the country, a prosecutor is killed inside probably the most protected building of Turkey. Without Khilafah "Caliphate" nowhere is safe enough.


Pakistan's Foreign Policy is at Odds with the Muslim Masses

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"The strengthening of brotherly ties with the Islamic countries will be a central pillar of our foreign policy." --General Musharraf 1999

Lately, two decisions have come to characterize all that is wrong with Pakistan's foreign policy, especially when it comes to relations with the Muslim world. The first is Pakistan's decision to send troops at the behest of Saudi Arabia to guarantee the country's territorial integrity and to deploy soldiers in a possible ground invasion of Yemen. A statement from Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's office said, "Pakistan remains firmly committed to supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Saudi Arabia in accordance with the aspirations of the people of Pakistan." It is more likely, Pakistan along with other Arab nations will attempt to restore the rule of Hadi and proceed to implement the 2011 GCC plan for Yemen that was prepared under the tutelage of America and Britain.

The scope of Pakistan's involvement is the subject of much debate and appears to be open-ended encompassing the whole of the Middle East. The same statement read: "Pakistan stands committed to playing a meaningful role in arresting the deteriorating situation in the Middle East." This potentially opens up the possibility of Pakistan intervening in other conflict zones, where rebels mostly of Islamic flavor are fighting Assad's government in Syria as well as the government in Iraq. The West along with the GCC views Islamic rebels as a threat to the current political order and they do not distinguish between the despotic ISIS group and the genuine Islamic opposition fighting Assad or peaceful Islamists opposed to tyrannical regimes in the region. All must fought and eliminated.

Further, afield, it is not difficult to see Pakistan being dragged into other military encounters, where Islamic rebels opposed to the secular political order imposed by the West have taken up arms against their governments such as in Libya and Somalia.

What is common in all of these conflicts are the autocratic governments supported by Western money and arms that for years have not only usurped the rights of the people but have also brutally oppressed them. America and Europe after suffering humiliating defeats in Iraq and Afghanistan are in no mood to send further troops to quell Islamic led insurrections against the political order they fashioned, which is swiftly unravelling now. Subsequently, the West has exploited the ferocity of the Islamic rebellion in these countries -in particular the obnoxious tactics of ISIS and other affiliates-to cajole Arab nations and other Islamic countries to commit troops to defend the existing political order and by proxy western interests. The Pakistani leadership unable to fathom West's latest plan has taken the grave step of being part of the Saudi led coalition that will work under western auspices to safeguard western interests.

In this way, those Arab populations that had hitherto respected Pakistan will see the Pakistani army and state as legitimate targets. Yemen's population is the first to turn against Pakistan. Who's next?

The second decision that is bound to have lasting repercussions against Pakistan is the recent announcement that Pakistan will sell fighter jets to Myanmar that no doubt will be used to exterminate the country's Rohingyan Muslim population. The government of Myanmar is complicit in the genocide of Rohingyan Muslims, but that does not matter to the political and military rulers of Pakistan. On the contrary, Pakistan's long history of supporting non-Muslim countries brutally suppressing their Muslim citizens runs counter to the brotherly ties professed by Pakistani officials in public. For instance, Russia's suppression of Chechens, China's vicious oppression of Xinjiang Muslims and the heavy-handedness of Philippines against Muslims is repeatedly met with silence in official circles. Even the venom of the Indian security forces towards Kashmiri Muslims no longer generates any meaningful response from Pakistan's rulers who now covet peace with Pakistan's arch enemy. Again, all of this underscores that Muslims living in these lands at the very least will hold an unfavorable opinion of the Pakistani state. But the worst- as every Pakistani know all too well- is that many militants from these countries are now fighting the Pakistani army in the tribal areas.

Finally yet importantly, Pakistan will also alienate circa 30 million of its Shia citizens thereby causing further schisms between already a fructuous relationship between the country's Sunnis and Shias. This clearly violates the oft-repeated mantra of the Pakistani army of staying clear of firqa wariat (sectarian divisions).

Musharraf the chief architect of Pakistan's present foreign policy successfully laid the basis for a divisive policy that for over a decade has pitted fellow Pakistani brothers against each other, and now is about to turn Muslim masses living in Islamic lands against Pakistan.

Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Abdul Majeed Bhatti


News Headlines 08/04/2015

  • Published in News & Comment
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• US-Iran Nuclear Deal

• Premature Victory in Tikrit

• Islam in Demand in Europe

• Imran Khan Completes U-turn


US-Iran Nuclear Deal

After more than a decade of negotiations Iran and the US appear to have finally come to a deal on Iran's nuclear programme. After long negotiations in Lausanne, Switzerland, Iran and the six world powers announced a framework deal that largely covered the key sticking points of the nuclear agreement, leaving the technical details to be worked out over the next three months. Whilst the US stood against Iran's nuclear programme for much of the past decade the political context is much different today and the nuclear negotiations is a minor aspect of US-Iran relations, although an important one.

The agreement will allow Iran to carry out enrichment of Uranium in limited amounts and the status of a number of sites was agreed. The agreement effectively permits Iran to conduct nuclear activity, but in a more transparent manner, in return for the removal of nuclear related sanctions. It is the political landscape this deal takes place in that is critical for the US. With the Iraqi government unable to secure the country and with the US looking to drawdown in Afghanistan, Iran has already been working with the US to maintain America's architecture in the region. Iran's role in the region has become all the more important as Israel has more or less swallowed up the West Bank and turned the Gaza strip into an open prison, thus impacting the two state solution. The US needs Iran in order to contain Israel and act as a counterweight to it in the region. Similarly in Yemen the US and Iran are on the same side when it comes to bringing the Houthis into power. This is why this deal does not end Iran's nuclear programme, but legitimises it.

Premature Victory in Tikrit

The Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi arrived triumphant on Wednesday 1st April in the northern city of Tikrit, after its liberation from ISIS, who took control over the town nearly a year ago. The humiliating defeat of Iraq's forces in Mosul in July 2014 after a decade of military aid and investment from the US made the outcome of the Tikrit offensive essential for the Iraqi government. This operation would also show the capabilities for a major assault on Mosul at some point by Iraq's forces.

The Iraqi government offensive to take Tikrit was in reality an Iranian operation. Most of the troops involved were Shia militia organized, trained, armed and led by Iranian officers. A senior Iranian general, who heads the Quds Force, supervised the operation. The strategy was to launch an attack to take back Tikrit by viewing it as a Sunni-Shi'ah war and the use of artillery and mass bombardment to break ISIS, who remained holed up in the town centre. This caused countless deaths, especially when house-to-house clearing operations were conducted. But after three weeks of fighting it took US airstrikes to break though ISIS fortifications, confirming what was well known by all that the Iraqi army, let alone the Shi'ah militia are in no position to conduct larger such assaults on Mosul. Due to this operation being conducted as a Sunni-Shi'ah war the militia groups have engaged in looting, summary executions and ransacking of Sunni homes, businesses and government buildings. In a Reuters report an apparent ISIS fighter was surrounded by a mob and stabbed to death, as well as the corpse of another being dragged by a car. When Sunni and Shi'ah defended the country against the US invasion over a decade ago, they held the US forces to a stalemate, things got so bad for the US, it had no idea of how to get itself out of the insurgency that was bleeding it to death. Eventually using sectarianism the US was able to to turn Sunni upon Shi'ah and vice versa as we see this strategy remains at play today.

Islam in Demand in Europe

The sale of books on Islam has skyrocketed in France ever since the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Philosophie Magazine, recently published a special supplement focused on the Koran which has flown off the shelves. Fabrice Gerschel, director of the magazine explained that: "The French are asking more and more questions, and they feel less satisfied than ever by the answers they're getting from the media." Mathilde Mahieux of La Procure, a chain of bookshops that specialises in religion, said people want a better understanding of the religion that the brutal ISIS group claims to represent, so that they can make up their own minds. Sales of books on Islam were three times higher in the first quarter of 2015 than this time last year, according to the French National Union of Bookshops. Twice as many books published in France last year were dedicated to Islam than to Christianity, according to the publishing weekly, Hebdo Livres. And at France's largest book fair in March 2014, a big seller for Le Cerf imprint, which is run by the Catholic Dominican order, was "A Christian Reads The Koran", a reprint of a book first published with much less fanfare in 1984.

Despite the media onslaught in Europe against Islam and Muslims many continue to look into Islam and more and more people are being attracted to it. In France, an estimated 70,000 French citizens have converted to Islam in recent years, according to a report by France 3 public television. In Britain, the number of Muslim converts recently passed the 100,000 mark, according to a survey conducted by an inter-faith group called Faith Matters. The survey revealed that nearly two thirds of the converts were women, more than 70% were white and the average age at conversion was just 27. Conversions to Islam are also rife in Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal and Spain. In Italy, Ambassador Alfredo Maiolese, an Italian MP, recently became a Muslim and now dedicates his time trying to improving the image of Islam in the West. In Sweden, there are now at least 5,000 converts to Islam. In Germany, at least 20,000 people have converted to Islam in recent years, according to a report by RTL television. In Spain, at least 50,000 native Spaniards have converted to Islam in recent years, many of them women.

Imran Khan Completes U-turn

Pakistan Tahreek-e-insaf (PTI), Imran Khan's party joined the Pakistan parliament after a 7-month gap on Tuesday 7 April. This brought to an end the fanfare that came to be known as the Azadi march (independence) that's began last August in order to topple the Nawaz Sharif government due to irregularities in the general elections of May 2013. After 7 months of wall-to-wall coverage Nawaz Sharif remains in power and a commission that will investigate the seven districts that Imran Khan's accuses of vote rigging has been promised, but in all likelihood will never materialise. Despite great hope by the people of Pakistan for real change to come to the nation, Imran Khan ‘Dharna,' only led them down a black hole, where people vented their frustration, but in the end nothing really changed. The march was already losing attraction by November 2014, after 3 months when people could see they were going nowhere despite Imran Khan's rhetoric to the contrary. Imran Khan then ended the demonstration in December 2014, when the bombing of the Peshawar school took place, but the numbers by this point had dwindled considerably. Embarrassed by the fact that PTI did not even scratch Nawaz Sharif, Imran Khan is not back in parliament, which is led by the man who apparently rigged an election. Imran Khan has proven now, if there was any doubt that he is just another part of Pakistan's corrupt architecture. The slogan ‘go Nawaz go', should have been ‘No Imran no.'



Answer to the Question: Judging Between Non-Muslims in the Islamic State

Can you please explain why the Prophet (saw) gave exception to the Arab Polytheists from the Kuffar of Yemen to remain in their religion? Can we consider this exception regarding the Arab Polytheists a restriction to what is general as what is mentioned in the book, The Islamic State, (Arabic version, 7th edition, page 144; English version, page 139): "These people will be left alone and there is no interference with their beliefs or their worship" the two categories are the people of the Book and the Polytheists? And also a restriction to what is mentioned in Introduction to the Constitution of the Islamic State, Article 27, Section B, or is this exception is specific to that generation only?

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