Monday, 18 Rabi' al-thani 1446 | 2024/10/21
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In Response to the Article by Makki Al-Maghribi: "Hizb ut Tahrir... an Office of the Political Analyst"

We have read your article issued in the Alsudani Newspaper on Wednesday, 1st April 2015, under the title "Hizb ut Tahrir... an Office of the Political Analyst". In which you have drawn some drawbacks on us, like "It will also be taken on them the confusion between the political commentary, the political analysis, and the political stance of the party," and such as "


Elections 2015 Message to the Muslim Community: Neither Assimilate nor Isolate, Rather Interact with the Society according to Islamic Values

The 2015 UK elections are upon us. For Muslims, the climate in 2015 is very different to previous elections. Throughout 2014, the British press and political parties aggressively targeted Islamic belief and values on a host of issues, from halal meat to Islamic schools. 2015 started with the CTS Act becoming law, enforcing the 'Prevent' programme that aims to secularise Muslims in the name of ‘de-radicalisation'. Now, a new ‘counter extremism' policy is on its way that will grant the state even greater powers to target Muslims.

These events have prompted Muslims to ask searching questions: why are the government and media so aggressive? What is the future for my children? Where is this all going? Even Muslims who once felt Britain had happily accommodated Islam are now questioning this view.
This election is therefore being fought at a time when Muslims are asking fundamental questions about their future. Whilst some still eagerly peddle the need to ‘vote', their arguments have been debased by the hostility Muslims now suffer at the hands of the policies of all political parties and the failed track record of Muslim MPs.

It was only a matter of time before the Muslim community woke up to the disastrous state of politics in the UK. Political parties have created distrust, apathy, unhappiness and deep disappointment in the wider society. Trust in the political system is at a historic low, and people are deserting the system in their droves.

For the Muslim community - with its distinct belief and values - the political system continues to lose even greater credibility, as does the question of participation. There are now more pressing concerns facing Muslims about upholding Islam in this toxic climate and their future. In light of this, we raise four distinct points:

1. Our Priority: Upholding Islamic Values

Muslims in the UK must continue to ‘uphold Islam and become its ambassadors': to understand Islam, practice it, teach it, raise our children on it and - importantly - share it with the wider society. This includes supporting our Ummah and the solution to the devastation in the Muslim lands - Khilafah "Caliphate" on the Prophetic method. Whilst this appears difficult in the current climate, it invites the pleasure of Allah (swt) for standing by His message.

Allah (swt) says:

((وَمَنْ أَحْسَنُ قَوْلًا مِمَّنْ دَعَا إِلَى اللَّهِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا وَقَالَ إِنَّنِي مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ))

"And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims." [Fussilat: 33]

Our path is not to adopt or ‘assimilate' into the UK's secular liberal values and beliefs. If Muslims did this, they would go the way of other secularised religious communities and divorce themselves from a part of Islam itself - from its political, societal and economic aspects - eventually becoming no different from the west and suffering the same consequences: youth problems, family breakdown, sexual and social chaos. This is not an option for Muslims - as it means reneging on Islam and turning against the way of life prescribed by Allah (swt).

Allah (swt) says:

((وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَنْ ذِكْرِي فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكاً، وَنَحْشُرُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَعْمَى))

"And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind." [Ta-Ha: 124]

‘Upholding Islam' however cannot be done through isolating ourselves - we must interact with others in the wider society, to present and clarify the Islamic message. So whilst Muslims reject 'assimilation', we must also reject 'isolation'. We embrace 'interaction' with others on the Islamic basis, both within and outside our community.

Political participation however will not deliver this vision. In fact it will systematically move Muslims away from this vision into adopting liberal secular values that are at odds with Islam.

2. This Political Process Secularises the Community

The aim of encouraging Muslims to participate in the secular politics of Westminster is to see Muslims endorse and adopt this non-Islamic secular political system, its values and policies.

The consequence of this is, as we have seen, that the more Muslims engage in this secular process, the more they secularise their views until they openly support un-Islamic positions. The policies of political parties include the legalisation of bloodshed and occupation of Muslim lands; oppressive anti-terror and anti-‘extremism' laws; the permission of riba (interest), economic exploitation, gambling, alcohol; and support for the Zionist entity.

Over the years elected Muslim MPs have turned their backs on Islam to support such un-Islamic positions. Supporting these parties by joining, campaigning or voting for them would endorse policies that clearly contradict Islam.

3. The Secular Political Process is Futile

People are increasingly disengaged from politics in the west. Voter numbers are falling. Celebrity voices even encourage this drift. Their argument is simple: voting is futile - it will not change a thing.
This feeling of futility is driven by the realisation that in a capitalist state, the system serves a small elite, not ordinary people. It is big business, lobbyists and their relationships with politicians that decide law and policy. It is - as Lord Halisham once said - an 'elected dictatorship': rule for, by and of the elite. An individual's vote is irrelevant.
Yet some Muslims stubbornly hold onto the belief that their vote counts. That if Muslims were better coordinated, they would secure Muslim-friendly MPs. This is an act of desperation - it upholds an argument that the west is rejecting. Many, who are becoming exhausted at the failure of their system, are looking for alternatives, yet some Muslims look backwards, to a failed system and one that does not secure Islamic interests.

4. Our Politics, Our Values

Some believe participation in the secular system will deliver benefits for the community or help fight rising ‘Islamophobia'. They are willing to cross a red line and support the manifestos of liberal secular parties that are fundamentally at odds with Islam in the hope that they would achieve some reciprocal benefit.

Not only has this been untrue, it reduces Muslims to a pitiful state as they beg for their rights. More fundamentally, participating and supporting such parties is not sanctioned by Islam exactly because they spread a call that is at odds with its very Aqeeda.

Allah (swt) says:

((قُلْ إِنِّي نُهِيتُ أَنْ أَعْبُدَ الَّذِينَ تَدْعُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ قُلْ لَا أَتَّبِعُ أَهْوَاءَكُمْ قَدْ ضَلَلْتُ إِذًا وَمَا أَنَا مِنَ الْمُهْتَدِينَ))

"Say, "Indeed, I have been forbidden to submit to those you invoke besides Allah." Say, "I will not follow your desires, for I would then have gone astray, and I would not be of the [rightly] guided."" [Al-Anaam: 56]

There are numerous case studies in which Muslims have - without participating or engaging in the secular political process - established activities to secure their Islamic interests, based on the principle of self-reliance.

These include establishing alternative media to counter ‘Islamophobia', undermining intellectual and moral underpinnings of colonial western policies and undermining the local implementation of pernicious government policies and laws that target Muslims. Likewise, Muslims established mosques, schools and the halal food industry without entering the secular political process. Muslims must not be drawn into petty arguments that force them to compromise core Islamic belief for a supposed benefit.

Our community must, as a fundamental priority, ensure that we uphold Islam with confidence in the face of all the negativity about Islam in the media. We can only counter the lies and misconceptions if we keep Islam at the top of our agenda and pursue a political path consistent with its values, rather than trying to curry favour with the corrupt Westminster politicians, who simply court Muslims for their own selfish desire for power.

We call upon the Muslim community to hold fast to Islamic values and follow a political path based upon Islam and the unity of the Muslim community - enjoining the good and forbidding the munkar - and resist the false promises of influence in this secular system at the cost of losing our Deen. Only Islam gives this community dignity and ‘izzah and if we lose that, no amount of political activity could ever deliver meaningful results.

Allah (swt) says:

((وَلَا تَرْكَنُوا إِلَى الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا فَتَمَسَّكُمُ النَّارُ وَمَا لَكُمْ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ مِنْ أَوْلِيَاءَ ثُمَّ لَا تُنْصَرُونَ))

"And do not incline to those who do wrong, or the Fire will seize you; and you have no protectors other than Allah, nor shall you be helped." [Hud: 113]



News and Comment Internally Displaced People: The Forgotten Calamity! (Translated)

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Look around at any of Afghanistan's large cities - Kabul, Herat, Mazar-e Sharif, and Kandahar and it is easy to see that Afghanistan is facing an internal displacement crisis. Camps and settlements for Afghanistan's 820,000 internally displaced people (IDPs); forced by conflict or natural disaster from their homes, sprawl out for miles on the city fringes, with thousands of new arrivals every week.

A new report by the Norwegian Refugee Council and Afghanistan has shed new light on the disproportionate risks Afghan di News and Comments placed women and girls face and how, trapped in a cycle of inadequate assistance and growing impoverishment, they describe living in "prison-like", deplorable conditions in Afghanistan's urban IDP camps.


The so-called "National Unity Government" of Afghanistan for over six months now is busy in a tug of war between the two U.S. selected candidates, the presidents and CEO, to get the maximum for their own self and camp. Many Ministries are still vacant because of the internal rift and because each wants its own candidate to be the Minister. Moreover, the priority is given to the agenda dictated by the Obama administration, which was witnessed clearly in the recent U.S. visit of both Ghani and Abdullah. Despite tall claims both President and CEO failed to deliver the bare minimum so far to bring any betterment in the lives of the poor Afghans.

As per the above report, around one million Afghans are living in a disastrous situation, including women, children and the elderly. They have almost nothing to eat let alone other basic facilities. Most of them eat one meal per day. The number of IDPs that are mentioned in the report are from the major provinces, so one can imagine what would be the condition in the other provinces.
Indeed the elite that come to power through Democracy have their own agendas and schemes. They have no plan and desire for the wellbeing of their own people. Hence we see no mention of these IDPs in any of the speeches of these callous rulers. Indeed this is expected from secular Democracy and Capitalism which focuses all attention on the elite and a give and take relationship between them.

In order to resolve the dismal state of the IDPs and the Muslims of Afghanistan in general, Islam provides a comprehensive solution. Islam make it mandatory upon the head of state, the Caliph, to fulfill the basic needs of every citizen of the state, both Muslim and non-Muslim alike and to provide them with food, clothes and shelter. As well as provide them with healthcare and education. It is this system when applied humanity was living in harmony and tranquility. To attain what we deserve we must call for the system that is given to us by our Creator, Allah (swt). By re-establishing the Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" we could get rid of this dire situation that is caused by these corrupt rulers and their corrupt system, despite all the resources the Muslims of Afghanistan have at their disposal.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Saifullah Mustanir
Kabul- Wilayah Afghanistan


News and Comment After a Decade of Negotiations Iran Surrenders its Nuclear Programme to the West    

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This week officials from Iran and six other countries, the US, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany, agreed on a framework for ways to contain Iran's nuclear programme. It provides guidelines for a more lasting agreement, one that must conclude by June 30, 2015. However, the framework sees Iran surrender key pillars of its nuclear programme in return for the lifting of sanctions. Many Iranians may wonder why their leadership capitulated so suddenly after a decade of stubbornness in the face of stiff opposition from America and Europe.


As details emerged about the framework agreed between the six powers and Iran, it became evident that Iran had not only made huge concessions over its nuclear programme, but also surrendered its nuclear sovereignty to intrusive inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The key points around the framework are:

1. Centrifuges

Iran would have to reduce its 19,000 centrifuges down to 6,104 under the deal, with only 5,060 allowed to enrich uranium over the next 10 years. Centrifuges are tube-shaped machines used to enrich uranium, the material necessary for nuclear power and nuclear bombs.

2. Uranium enrichment

Iran's centrifuges will only enrich uranium to 3.67% -- enough for civil use to power parts of the country, but not enough to build a nuclear bomb. That agreement lasts 15 years. Tehran has agreed not to build any new uranium enrichment facilities over that period as well. In addition, Iran will reduce its current stockpile of 10,000 kilograms of low-enriched uranium to 300 kilograms for 15 years.

3. Fordow facility

Iran's Fordow nuclear reactor would stop enriching uranium for at least 15 years. It will not have fissile material at the facility, but it will be able to keep 1,000 centrifuges there.

4. Research and development

Iran can continue its research and development on enrichment, but Iran will be required to make changes at a number of its facilities-including reducing centrifuges and rebuilding a heavy water reactor in Arak-the country will get to maintain its current facilities.

5. Inspections

Iran will be required to provide inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN's nuclear watchdog, access to all of its declared facilities so that the agency can ensure there is no potential for military-related developments. That includes access to Parchin, an Iranian military facility related to its nuclear program. Western countries have been seeking unfettered access throughout Iran, not just declared facilities, as Iran has previously conducted nuclear work in secret.
In return, the West will lift sanctions, but only after the UN has verified that Tehran has implemented the above steps. In the event of violations, sanctions will be re-imposed.

After spending 12 years building up its nuclear capability, Tehran has finally surrendered its nuclear programme to the ‘Great Satan' America-a deal that the US may have difficulty in honouring, as the US Congress is dead opposed to it. Meanwhile, Iran's president Rouhani praised the deal and described Iran's surrender as cooperation with the West. He said, "Today is a day that will remain in the historic memory of the Iranian nation. Some think that we must either fight the world or surrender to world powers. We say it is neither of those, there is a third way. We can have co-operation with the world."

Islam forbids Muslims to cede control of their military arsenal to foreign powers, especially those countries that are waging a world-wide war against Islam and Muslims. Allah (swt) says,

((...وَلَنْ يَجْعَلَ اللَّهُ لِلْكَافِرِينَ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ سَبِيلًا))

"Allah will never allow the non-believers to have a way (sabilan) over the believers" [TMQ Surat al-Nisaa':141]

The Iranian leadership, just like all other leaders of the Muslim world are not sincere in their pursuit of nuclear technology, and are unable to harness its use to defend the honour of the Muslim ummah-like Pakistan that has over a hundred nuclear war heads but grovels before the West. Only under the true Khilafah "Caliphate" State will Muslims be able to pursue, build, and use nuclear technology to not only enhance the lives of its citizens but also to defend their honour.


Written for The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Abdul Majeed Bhatti- Pakistan


News and Comment Yemen campaign key test for Saudi Arabia

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The decision by King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud to order airstrikes against Houthi rebels is the most important foreign policy decision undertaken by the House of Saud since revolutions swept across the Arab world four years ago.

Saudi media claim the kingdom has mobilised as many as 150,000 troops to its southern border primarily for the purpose of homeland defence, but also clearly to afford the kingdom the option to stage a ground war should it so choose. It is not possible to verify the troop numbers, which may not accurately reflect the actual size of the deployment.

Whether such a ground intervention will come is as yet unclear, but the kingdom has decisively played its hand against the Houthis, and in the process dramatically upped the stakes in a regional power struggle with Iran which now involves Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Bahrain and Yemen. (Source: BBC NEWS, 27 March 2015)



What exactly is Saudi aiming to do? Are they trying to force the Houthis to the negotiation table by massacres from the air? Air strikes alone achieve nothing apart from killing more innocent lives. A ground invasion would prove to be tough and protracted again, raising the question who is the actual ‘hand' behind this Saudi aggression? Are our enemies trying to embroil the Islamic Ummah in permanent state of war with each other?

We are One Ummah. We are not to be divided by tribes or clans or race or geography or indeed even by the permitted differences of opinion. For as long as we hold to the Shahadah and our lives revolve around it, we worship Allah alone and we follow the message of Muhammad (saw) and we are brothers to one another to the exclusion of all others. We should be wiser and not allow ourselves to become pawns and tools in the games of western nations vying for influence in the Yemen. Most importantly we should not move our armies nor turn our fire to our own Ummah to please the enemies of Allah and His Messenger.

Nor should our brothers in Yemen fall into that same trickery and deception of the Kuffar, who are not interested in further the interest and well being of Muslims, only their own self interests.

If indeed the Saudi has strength in its armies, then it should answer the call of our mothers and sisters in Palestine and Syria. Why do they not show their courage and fight in obedience to Allah (swt)? They should move now, without hesitation nor delay to liberate Palestine and rid the Ummah in Syria of the tyrant Bashar. Were the Ummah to unify, Turkey and Saudi could swiftly and easily conclude the massacres in Syria and free Al Quds.

Allah (swt) informs and commands us in Surah Al ‘Anbiya verse 92:

((إِنَّ هَذِهِ أُمَّتُكُمْ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً وَأَنَا رَبُّكُمْ فَاعْبُدُونِ))

"Verily, this brotherhood of yours is a single brotherhood, and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore serve Me (and no other)."



Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Muhammad Hamzah



News and Comment Is Turkey Sliding into Chaos

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Eventful hours were lived in the Çağlayan Courthouse in Istanbul, after the prosecutor of Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office of Employee Crimes, Mehmet Selim Kiraz who was leading an investigation into the death of Berkin Elvan, was taken hostage by The Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C). At about 8:30 pm, two explosions and hundreds of gunfire could be heard. While prosecutor of Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office of Employee Crimes Mehmet Selim Kiraz was martyred, the two terrorists were killed.



The Turkish Republic's history since its foundation became scene of many sensational actions, thousands of murders by unkown assailants, and numerous slaughters. What else can be expected from a state and its rulers who view its own people as enemies. Ruling by spreading fear between its people, and dividing into poles of Kurd-Turk, Right-Left are its usual styles of ruling. Since the ruling of the AKP, almost every incident was used as a tool to divert society through polarizing by either the government or the opposition parties.

The questions and investigations regarding the murderers of Berkin Elvan who was killed during the Gezi protests in Turkey by a police bullet and who turned to a symbol of the Gezi protests, are being campaigned by opposition groups for a long time. CHP, MHP, HDP and the Gülen group in the fore were stalemating the AKP and in particular Erdogan over Berkin Elvan.

On Tuesday, the 31st of March, the day were Berkin Elvan's court trial should take place, two members of DHKP-C took prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz hostage and killed him after almost 9 hours. Kiraz investigated on the file of Berkin Elvan. According to the police chiefs statements, the prosecutors room was entered after hearing shootings and thereby the DHKP-C militants were killed too.

The next day, on first of April, another armed person stormed the police station at Istanbul Kartal and hung a Turkish flag with a sword added, the so-called "Zülfikar", on the window. This incident was interpreted as a provokation aiming at particularly the Alevi part of society. And authorities did not give any further explanations about this incident. In relation tho this event President Erdoğan said, "At the same time I regard the attack on the District Office of the AKP in Kartal as an attitude aiming to undermine the Solution Process. I regard it as the attitude of those who do not believe in democracy. This all has to be known - that democracy is not an ordinary system that would succumb to such attacks. It is a must for those who believe in democracy to stand together against such terrorists."

The same day, again two members of the same terror organisation armed with heavy machine guns attacked the Istanbul police headquarters in Vatan street this time. And here two police officers were wounded, a female terrorist was killed in the clash and another terrorist was caught and arrested. The named terror organisation took over both attacks. Police forces initiated operations against this organisation across the whole country. It was also reported in the news that a British Spy agent was arrested during these operations in Istanbul.

Before this sinister incident occurred, Turkey's inner agenda was determined by the Presidential System, sending a "monitoring committee" consisting of wise men to Abdullah Öcalan, the dispute between President Erdogan and Vice Prime Minister Bülent Arınç, the dispute between Bülent Arınç and metropolitan municipality mayor of Ankara, and the discussions about the domestic security package.

In addition to these incidents on that day there occurred two other important incidents. Firstly: Throughout the country their occurred an electricity blackout in more than 35 cities at the same time. The energy minister could not give a convincing explanation to the public till today. Secondly: Also as an effect of the conflict between AKP and [Gülen] Cemaat, on the 31st of March 2015, i.e. the day of the sinister incident, the active duty officers arrested during the "Balyoz" [Slashhammer] case which occupied Turkey's agenda for a very long time, received an acquittal.

Subjugated to domestic and foreign interventions for very long years, Turkey is a country that endured social engineering. This country faced four strikes in 90 years. Also a lot of events were fabricated in order to push through some laws at parliament. As an example, there occurred a group that crushed Atatürk busts. This was followed by the parliaments release of the Law Number 5816 of Protecting Atatürk. Not only that thousands of people received punishments due to this law, it also prevented discussions on the regime. Alongside this, the "Madımak" event where 37 people were killed on 3rd of July 1991, has still left behind unanswered questions. However, from that day until today, the Alevi segment of society regards this event as a Kerbela event and bears hostility against the whole of the Sunni society.

Therefore, those hands (the organisation) that pulled the trigger in these events are obvious. And we will see who will benefit most from these. Even though the Gezi events and the "corruption operations" from 17-25th of December were initiated against the AKP government, the AKP won two elections through polarizing the society and directing perceptions. Now, the government as well as the opposition with their political ambitions are going to exploit these events and to abuse it in their own favour. Three attacks within two days and an electricity blackout in 25 cities at the same time is nothing normal. These incidents can be interpreted as signs for further incidents until the elections on 7th of June.



Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Osman Yeldiz




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