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Press Release Hizb ut Tahrir Picket on the 91st Anniversary of Abolition of Khilafah (Translated)

As part of the campaign "The Khilafah "Caliphate" that we want" which Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Jordan has launched in most provinces, the Hizb carried out a picket today on 13/03/2015 CE after Jumaah prayer in front of Masjid Sultan Abdul Hamid II, may Allah have mercy upon him, in Tabarbour region in Amman. This is in commemoration of the Gregorian 91st anniversary of the Ummah's tragedy the abolition of Khilafah "Caliphate", wherein the participant worshippers raised banners expressing the soreness of the tragedy and rousing the Muslims, which included:

"The last who ruled by Islam was Sultan Abdul Hamid"
"Sultan Abdul Hamid rejected selling of Palestine"
"For 91 years Allah's Shariah has been absent by Khilafah "Caliphate"'s abolition"
"A party working for Khilafah "Caliphate" on the method of the Prophethood"
"As Sultan Abdul Hamid said: if the Khilafah "Caliphate" is destroyed Palestine will be gone"

The cries of Allahu Akbar have filled the area and the participants chanted the following slogans:

Takbeer ... Allahu Akbar, roar ... Allahu Akbar, exclaim... Allahu Akbar, carry on ... Allahu Akbar
For the guidance ... Allahu Akbar, for the sacrifice ... Allahu Akbar, for the piety ... Allahu Akbar, for the purity ... Allahu Akbar
For the glory ... Allahu Akbar, for the happiness ... Allahu Akbar, for the victory ... Allahu Akbar, for the delight ... Allahu Akbar
From Masjid Abdul Hamid ... in remembrance of abolishing the Khilafah "Caliphate"

O who will return the glories ... O who will return the Khilafah "Caliphate"
Call onto Abdul Hamid ... to cut the hand of the deceit

O our State, your dawn has emerged ... Khilafah "Caliphate" is the solution
The Khilafah "Caliphate" that we want ... is on the method of the Prophethood

From Masjid Abdul Hamid ... we openly and strongly announce

Allahu Akbar ... and Khilafah "Caliphate" is my quest,
Allah's Shariah and the Sunnah of our guide the Prophet

The Ummah wants Khilafah "Caliphate" Islamiyah
Our leader forever ... our master Mohammed


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Wilayah Jordan


Press Release Certain Media Outlets' Attempt to Falsely Link Hizb ut Tahrir to the Killing of Blogger Avijit Roy is for Covering up the Real Story and Aiding Sheikh Hasina's Stand against Islam  

For the past few days, certain electronic and print media have been trying to find an involvement of Hizb ut Tahrir with the blogger Avijit Roy's murder case and thus undertaking a vicious attempt to tarnish the party's image. We condemn such dishonest, baseless, deliberate and despicable media attempts.

First of all, Shafiur Rahman Farabi, the alleged suspect of this murder case is not a member or activist of Hizb ut Tahrir Moreover, the detectives and law enforcement agencies also did not claim him to be a member of the party. The media that are spreading such malicious propaganda have themselves failed to publish any news from the mouth of Farabi or from the law enforcement agencies about his membership with Hizb ut Tahrir. Despite this, their disgraceful attempt to defame the party by stating that Farabi is our activist and linking an well-established party like us with some unknown group called "Ansarullah Bangla" has boggled everyone's' mind.

What is more vital is that this murder incident itself is quite mysterious which has raised scores of questions in the peoples' minds. Especially under the current political circumstances when the whole country has turned out to be a police state, the way and the place where the murder took place, the statements of the eye witnesses and the sudden departure of the key witness of the murder case - Avijit's own wife, make the matter apparent that the government is the prime suspect; it wants to distract the peoples' attention by this incident and has now brought the American FBI to work together with them in using the incident in its war against Islam.

We ask these media outlets: Why are you not being brave and sincere enough to highlight the deceit of the government concerning Avijit's murder? Instead of reporting the truth, you are rather helping the evil to muddy the water more. And why are you unashamedly allying yourselves with the regime in its evil fight against Islam? If you cannot be an active participant in the work for advancing the cause of Islam, then at the very least abstain from false speech against the Dawah Carriers of Islam at the behest of the government.



Media Office of Hizb ut Tahririn Wilayah Bangladesh



Press Release America's Stratagem to Consolidate Itself in East Africa

America under its special force in Africa i.e. United States Army Africa (USARAF) has recently launched a special military oversight in the town of Jinja eastern peripheral of the Ugandan capital city Kampala. The exercise codenamed as "TERMINATE TERRORISM 2015" includes US MARINES, Ugandan, Tanzanian, Burundian, Dutch and Rwandan troops. Whereas Rwanda alone has contributed 300 military personnel.

America claims that the main objective of the exercise is to strategically prepare the troops to enable them to be physically fit in carrying out peace missions, to protect democratic regimes as well as combating the threat of terrorism.

In essence, this exercise is nothing but an American maneuver meant to continue in the oppression of the Muslims and fight Islam as an ideology; in an endeavor to consolidate itself in the East African region. A region which was once a stronghold of Britain; the other colonialist state.

As for the three main objectives of the exercise as mentioned by America:

1. To safeguard peace

2. To maintain democracy and

3. To combat terrorism, America ought to know it can no longer deceive anyone save her own self!

America is using the slogan of war against terror, to justify its atrocity against Muslims and Islam, since is their ideology and an enormous obstacle of their capitalist ideology. They are trying their level best to halt Islam from returning to the political arena globally in the fear that it will annihilate the capitalist ideology, thus liberating the Muslims and non-Muslims alike from the blood stained yoke of the heinous ideology.

It is using an ugly terror veil to create chaos and skirmishes in certain countries like Kenya, destroying social coherence in society. On top, it employs the same tactic to control opponents of its imperial advancement. Tantamount to what it did in Zanzibar, branding terrorism tags against those who clamour for the full autonomy of Zanzibar, something which is currently against American policy.

As for the issue of safeguarding peace and protecting democratic regimes. The aim being to protect those regimes that submissively obey American orders and control other countries that pose threat in the region. The presence of huge natural resources, especially oil, gas and other minerals, has America coming out with these measures to ensure the protection of those natural resources and keep safe allies who willingly facilitate the imperial motives

America has nothing to offer to humanity, in not only Africa but elsewhere. In essence, it is the cause of lack of peace and stability. The whole world is craving for a state that will follow the true Islamic ideology in an endeavor to be liberated from the yokes of the American plus other capitalist countries oppressions.


Masoud Msellem
Deputy Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir
in East Africa




Women under the Uthmani Khilafah: Challenging the Myths Women and their Judicial Rights

  • Published in Politics
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"Women were naturally regarded as inferior and not many would dare to assert their rights, even if they knew what they were. Furthermore, no practical recourse was available to a woman who wished to do so..." ("Political Change in Rural Turkey" (1966) by Joseph Szyliowicz, Anthropologist)

"The women knew nothing of the law, and the men have no motive for taking any notice of what little they may happen to know of it." ("Land, Marriage, and the Law in Turkish Villages" (1957) by Paul Stirling, Anthropologist, in UNESCO International Social Science Bulletin)

These and similar statements by orientalists and other Western writers suggest that women under Islamic rule in the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" were deprived of their legal rights, unaware of them, or too fearful to pursue them. They maintain therefore that women were unable to seek justice through the courts - a claim, which was and continues to be regarded by many as an indisputable truth. However, thousands of judicial records from the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" tell a very different story of the legal rights women enjoyed under the implementation of the Islamic Shariah laws. These detailed registers unequivocally refute these baseless assertions of Western orientalists and academics. They prove that women were not only provided true protection and support under Islamic rule, but were also well aware of their legal rights which they did not hesitate to exercise through the courts.

These judicial records reveal that women under the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" used the courts regularly to defend their personal and property rights, many represented themselves and handled their own cases, and as litigants they had the same legal rights as men. Infact a study of the judicial registers of the Shariah courts of Kayseri, a city in Anatolia, Turkey in the 17th century, reveal that women appeared as litigants in over 17% of the cases heard by the city's courts during the period from 1600-1625. Women would use the courts to settle issues related to marriage, divorce, and inheritance, as well as to secure financial maintenance, property, business and other economic rights. They also used them to raise complaints about violence and other matters.

Furthermore, the suits, defenses against suits, and oaths of Muslim women were admitted in exactly the same way as those of Muslim men and were equal to them in every way. (Jennings)I) Studies on the Kayseri records and those from other parts of the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" also show that women won a high proportion of their cases. This was attributed by some academics to the great sense of duty that Qadi's (judges) under Islamic rule felt towards the protection of the rights of women as well as the vulnerable and oppressed. Ronald Jennings wrote in "Christians and Muslims in Ottoman Cyprus and the Mediterranean World, 1571-1640" (1993), "Kadis (judges) had a special obligation to protect the weak and vulnerable. Much of the relatively secure position of women may be attributed to the concern of various kadis in Nicosia and elsewhere on the island of Cyprus who staunchly maintained their legal rights in the face of oppression."

The judicial records show that a woman could go to court and publicly set forth any complaints or accusations she had to make, with confidence that the court would hear her fully. She was assured that the court would, if necessary, summon the accused before her; and she could require the defendant to defend and explain their actions. If a woman was sued or accused of a crime, she had the same right as a man to defend herself. If there were no adequate witnesses, she might be asked to take an oath of innocence, which the court would accept as full proof of her innocence. If the circumstances of the case made it advantageous to her, she might demand from the plaintiff an oath supporting their suit or testimony. (Jennings)

Women were also permitted to appoint individuals as their legal representatives - known as Vekils - in order to pursue their cases in court on their behalf, providing further proof of the legal rights that women enjoyed within the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate". These legal agents were entrusted with defending their rights of inheritance, dowry, maintenance and all kinds of business and trade issues at court. Additionally, women frequently served as Vekils for other people, such as their mother, sisters, or daughters, and sometimes even for their husband, father, brothers or other men and women, which was a great responsibility. This included in cases involving estate settlements or property transfers, which in effect gave them power of attorney over people's property. The following are some examples from the judicial records where women served as legal agents for others or appointed them to represent their own cases:

"Emine bint Haci Musa has for vekil Huseyn bin Huseyn: When my muvekkile (client/proxy giver) was under age, her nazir Seydi Ahmed sold houses belonging to her at Sultan Hamami mahalle to Haci Hasan. Now she is of age and wants them back. The court orders them given to her."

Ali bn Mustafa, his sister Shehzade, his mother Umm Gulsum bint Idris, and Suleyman, who has his mother Umm Gulsum as vekil for the matter, acknowledge in the presence of Imam Ebu Bekr Halife bn Abdul-Latif Halife: An estate at Husayinlu mahalle is sold to Ebu Bekr for 60 kurush. (*)
Cemile bint Abdur-Rahim, Akila bint Mustafa, and Ibrahim bin Abdur-Rahim, who has his sister Cemile as his vekil, acknowledge in the presence of Mevlana Seyyid el-Hac Mahmud Efendi bin Seyyid el-Hac Salih Efendi: We exchange our house at Haci Avz mahalle with Seyyid Mahmud for his house in the same mahalle (neighbourhood). We renounce claim to his debt to us. (*)

Ayshe bint Ahmed has been made vekil for the sale by Suleyman bn Halil. (*)
Ayshe bint Ahmed of Hasbeg mahalle, for herself and as vekil for the sale for the aforementioned Suleyman, acknowledges in the presence of Kapuci Haci Musa bn Haci Ibrahim: She sells a site for a house in the mahalle for 7 kurush(*)

Altun bint Hoca Beg, for herself and as vekil for her children Yusuf and Kaya, orphans of the late Aga Can v. Keshish sells 1/2 a vineyard at Egri Bacak nahiye to Sinan v. Mihail. The vineyard is next to others of Bagadasar, Sefer, Murad, and Kara, all zimmis. It is sold to provide nafaka for the orphans. (*)

Furthermore, courts were always ready to hear reports of crimes from whomever might bring them. Even when a lone woman without witnesses brought important information to a judge, the court would hear her fully and investigate the matter immediately. The door of the court always stood open to anyone who wished to enter and address it, male and female, Muslim and Dhimmi (a non-Muslim citizen of the state). (Jennings)

La Baronne Durand de Fontmagne, a relative of the French ambassador to Istanbul, who wrote her memoires of Istanbul after the Crimean War incisively stated, "Turkish women are absolutely free. This truth can easily be seen. Those who say Turkish women are slaves deserve to be laughed at."II)

(Note: "Turkish" does not mean the nationality of the Turkish Republic today but rather was used in previous centuries to refer to people under the rule of the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate")

Women under the Shariah laws implemented by the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" therefore made frequent use of the courts. These courts issued rulings based upon Islam and hence scrupulously upheld the rights of women. In addition, the high numbers of legal cases involving women as litigants, and the frequency with which women used the courts and managed their own legal problems reflects a high level of understanding that women had of their rights and the laws of the state. It also demonstrates that women had good access to the court system, had trust in it to protect and maintain their rights, and saw it as relevant to their lives. Women under the Islamic rule of the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" therefore received support from the courts in seeking justice. Judges maintained their legal rights guaranteed to them by the Qur'an and Sunnah. Hence, they were viewed as one arm of the state in protecting women's wellbeing. This was just one of the fruits that women enjoyed by living under a system that implemented the Shariah laws upon the state.

"The Turkish wife has been called a slave and a chattel. She is neither. Indeed, her legal status is preferable to that of the majority of wives in Europe, and until enactments of a comparatively recent date, the English was far more of a chattel than the Turkish wife, who has always had absolute control of her property. The law allows to her the free use and disposal of anything she may possess at the time of her marriage, or that she may inherit afterwards. She may distribute it during her life or she may bequeath it to whom she chooses. In the eyes of the law she is a free agent. She may act independently of her husband, may sue in the courts or may be proceeded against, without regard to him. In these respects she enjoys greater freedom than her Christian sisters."
"Turkey and the Turks" (1911) by Z. Duckett Ferriman, Author

I) And all (*) Ronald C. Jennings, "Women in Early 17th Century Ottoman Judicial Records The Sharia Court of Anatolian Kayseri", "Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 18" (1975)

II) La Baronne Durand de Fontmagne, Kırım Harbi Sonrasında İstanbul (Istanbul After the Crimean War), Paris 1902, p. 243-44


Women's Section in the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir



Pakistan Headlines 14/03/2015

  • Published in News & Comment
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Democracy is Corrupt Because Men Make Laws

Post Senate elections, over a lunch meeting of 10 March with the heads of major political parties, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif endorsed Monday night's nomination by opposition parties of PPP leader Raza Rabbani as the new Chairman of the Senate. However, the people were absolutely disgusted with the news about money playing a large role in the recent Senate polls in Pakistan, then a bit of perspective and history would help channel the disgust towards the right target. This is not about corrupt politicians or corrupt parties. This is about democracy. And this is evident in Lincoln's attempt to pass the 13th Amendment. On 18th December 1865, then US Secretary of State William Seward announced the adoption of the 13th Amendment which was aimed at ending slavery in the US (which practically continued for more than a century afterwards). Initially the US House of Representatives failed to pass the amendment falling 13 votes short of the two-thirds majority required for adopting the amendment. President Abraham Lincoln instructed Secretary of State Seward to secure the required number of votes by whatever means possible. Seward was given a large fund for direct bribes. He also promised government posts and campaign funds to multiple lawmakers to "win them over" to support the amendment.

The greatest corruption in democracy is the right of men to make laws. So we must channel our disgust towards democracy which has corruption embedded in its core. Islam removes this corruption by eliminating the right of man to legislate. The Khalifah of Muslims only implements divine law. Only the naive would believe that pious men can somehow make a system programmed for corruption, clean, they should realize that it is in fact the other way around. That democracy actually makes seemingly clean people corrupt. US lawmaker Thaddeus Stevens who participated in the passage of the 13th Amendment to the US constitution said, "The greatest measure of the nineteenth century was passed by corruption, aided and abetted by the purest man in America". Only the system of Khilafah "Caliphate" with its divine laws would rid humanity from the corruption of democracy.

Violence and Bloodshed Between Political Parties Will Only End Under the Khilafah "Caliphate"

Muttahida Qaumi Movement Chief Altaf Hussain has condemned the Rangers' raid on the party's headquarters Nine Zero and claimed that personnel of the paramilitary force brought the weapons and ammunition ‘wrapped in blankets' with them and then claimed the recovery from there. Addressing workers gathered at the party's headquarters by telephone, after the Rangers' raid on 11 March, the MQM chief said the ‘establishment' had never accepted him and for that he could step down from active politics to look after the party's welfare wing. The raid was ‘staged' by Rangers, he added.

Pakistan is too painfully familiar with struggle and violence between ruling and opposition parties under Democracy. This situation exists because the political parties are formed according to Democracy, a system in which men decide what is right and wrong, ignoring the commands and prohibitions mandated by Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw). This political culture ensures that both the opposition and ruling parties bend matters according to their whims and desires in competition for power.

In the Khilafah "Caliphate", political parties are firmly principled in their ideas and conducts because they are based on Islam. Rather than clashing with the rulers for power, they are another of source of guidance and accountability for the Khalifah. Being grounded in Islam rather than Democracy's whims and desires, the political party members will be role models for society, rather than thugs that society fears. In the Introduction to the Constitution of the Islamic State, Article 21, it is stated "The Muslims have the right to establish political parties in order to account the rulers or to reach the rule through the Ummah on the condition that their basis is the Islamic ‘Aqeedah and that the rules they adopt are Shari'ah rules. The formation of a party does not require any permission. Any group formed on an un-Islamic basis is prohibited."

IMF Works to Undermine Pakistan's Economy through Privatization of Public and State Property

In a statement issued in Washington on 11 March, the IMF underlined the need for more privatization and taxation. Masood Ahmed, director of the IMF's Middle East and Central Asia department, following a recent visit to Islamabad and Lahore, advised the government to address longstanding imbalances in the energy sector as its top priority, which underlines numerous previous demands for privatization.

The IMF and the Raheel-Nawaz regime work together to continuously raise the prices of gas and electricity, in order to guarantee strong profits for the new private owners, even though it causes great hardship for the people. The constant raising of oil and gas prices ensures that the people will take on more of the burden of ensuring profits. Privatization has also led to crippling power shortages of several hours every day, because private owners are under-producing when they cannot make good profits. Moreover, when the private owners are foreign, they do not care for strengthening the local economy. Instead, they are bound by their own governments or colonialist institution to ensure that Pakistan does not compete effectively globally. As if this were not enough, having deprived Pakistan of huge sources of revenue, the colonialists through their agents greatly increase taxation on the population, further strangling the economy. This is done in order to raise revenues to pay back foreign interest based loans, even though Pakistan has paid back the principle sums of such colonialist loans many times over. It is this colonialist trap, which is designed to prevent Pakistan from ever escaping and rising as a power.

The cure to Pakistan's economic illness does not lie in privatization, foreign investment or colonialist loans for they are the disease itself. The only cure is the implementation of Islam's economic system, which alone would generate more than enough revenue to revolutionize the economy. Unlike Capitalism and Communism, Islam has declared that energy is neither a private nor a state property but a public property for all the Muslims. RasulAllah (saw) said, «المسلمون شرکاء فی ثلاث الماء والکلاء والنار»

"Muslims are partners in three things: water, pastures and fire (energy)" [Abu Dawood].

Thus, although the Khilafah "Caliphate" state takes charge of managing the public property and state property, it is not permitted for the Khalifah to grant the ownership of the public property to any private party, whether an individual or group, as it is a property for all Muslims. Revenues are for the public, looking after its affairs and securing its interests, and not for the state. This applies to all the abundant wealth of public property, whether energy, such as petroleum, gas, electricity or replenishable minerals, such as copper and steel, or water, such as seas, rivers and dams, or pastures and forests. Indeed, the entire Ummah is known to possess the lion's share of the world's energy and mineral resources, but without Islam's economic system, the Muslims are drowned in poverty and the Ummah carries no weight in world affairs, even when compared to states that possess a small fraction of her material wealth.

No More Evidence Needed to Close Karachi Consulate

A Rangers spokesman told reporters in Karachi this week that they found weapons and ammunition stolen from NATO containers when they raided the MQM headquarters, Nine Zero, on 11 March 2015. "For general information: The United States and Isaf have never used the Karachi port to transport weapons/explosives," said the first tweet. In the second tweet, the State Department rejected the suggestion that weapons or explosives found at Nine Zero could have come from NATO containers.

Regardless of US denials, the Raheel-Nawaz regime allows the spread of terror in Karachi, by opening the doors to a vast and growing American infrastructure. The regime allowed America's CIA, FBI and private military terrorists to operate freely in Pakistan. It is this "Raymond Davis" network that funds, plans and supplies miscreants of all hues and colours in order to create an atmosphere of terror. In Karachi, the American consulate has in particular played a role in fuelling ethnic fires as far as field as Baluchistan, using ethnic groupings found in Karachi. This terror and bloodshed is part of America's plan because the Americans are deeply wary of Pakistan's formidable armed forces and the great threat they pose to any American presence and plan in the region. So America needs to create chaos in Karachi, as it did previously in the tribal areas, to ensnare our armed forces in wars within our cities.

Regarding the foreign hostile presence in Karachi, the Khilafah "Caliphate" will end it decisively and permanently by closing all American consulates, embassies, bases and deporting all of its officials. It will end all contacts with officials of foreign hostile powers to cut off any influence. As 000 000 has declared in its Introduction to the Constitution, Article 189, "States with whom we do not have treaties, and the actual imperialist states, such as Britain, America and France, and those states that have designs on the State, such as Russia, are legally considered to be belligerent states. All precautions must be taken towards them and it would be wrong to establish diplomatic relations with them. Their subjects may enter the Islamic State, but only with a passport and a visa specific to every individual and for every visit, unless they become practically belligerent." However if they become practically belligerent states i.e. they have invaded our country or occupied our land, then we shall apply the rules of practically belligerent states upon them.



Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Sudan Presents an Islamic Political Vision to Resolve the Issues of Darfur and Kordofan

Foiling the projects of the colonialist Kaffir West... and exposing the policies of the successive secular regimes ruling Sudan ... and adopting the interests of the great Islamic Ummah in Darfur and Kordofan... and because Hizb ut Tahrir, has vowed to be the trustworthy guardian of Islam and Muslims; in the presence of political and tribal leaders, intellectuals and the media, the party offers an Islamic political vision to address the issues of Darfur and Kordofan, at a workshop held...


Press Release Obituary of a Da'wah carrier: Brother Bilal Muhamad


((مِّنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ ۖ فَمِنْهُم مَّن قَضَىٰ نَحْبَهُ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَنتَظِرُ ۖ وَمَا بَدَّلُوا تَبْدِيلًا))

"Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance], and they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration." [Al-Ahzaab: 23]

Another Shab from the Shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir Accompany the Caravan of Martyrs

We announce to the Islamic Ummah the news of our Martyr, Brother Bilal Muhamad, one of the Shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir with a group of his friends whom we also consider as Martyrs we do not commend anyone to Allah, being exposed to aircraft bombings in the Handarat area by the tyrant of Sham on the date 8/3/2015. The Martyr was also working for the reestablishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" upon the method of Prophethood that caused him to be arrested and imprisoned by the oppressive regime where he spent more than 6 years patiently and muhtasib.

We promise Allah and His Prophet, we also promise the martyrs that we will continue the same method until Allah's promise is fulfilled and the beloved Prophet's glad tidings regarding the Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah upon the method of Prophethood.

The eyes shed tears and the heart grieves, and we O Abu Ahmad mourn your departure, and we will not say except what pleases our Lord:

((إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ))

"Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return."


Ahmad Abdul Wahab
Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
Wilayah of Syria

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