Friday, 24 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/27
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Wilayah Turkey: Mersin Picket against the Crusader Coalition

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On the 5th anniversary of the Syrian Uprising, Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Turkey and its supporters held a picket in the city of Mersin in support of the sincere people of Ash-Sham Revolution titled, "We reject the crusader coalition! We stood with you and we will remain standing with you!"


As first after the Friday prayer, a prayer in absentia was held ın remembrance of the martyred brave descents of Syria. After the prayer in absentia, Ebubekir Kösem held a press statement in the name of Köklü Değişim Mersin.

Kösem addressed the following points in the statements: "Dear Muslims and dear press members, we have gathered here in remembrance of the 5th anniversary of the Islamic uprising initiated 4 years ago by the sincere Muslims of Syria! The Syrian Muslims had not only to oppose the butcher Assad regime since the beginning of the uprising in March 2011. They have to stand against the USA, Russia and the entire West. They have to stand against the support to Assad of the butcher Iran and the Jewish entity Israel. They have to stand against the opposing of all Muslim lands who turned their backs on their uprising, including Turkey and Jordan." Kösem who addressed the rulers in Turkey said the following: "Oh rulers of Turkey! It is evident that you liaise with your master America in order to besiege the Syrian uprising. Oh Erdoğan! Oh Davutoğlu! Everybody sees and knows that your heated speeches of being together with the Syrian people are only empty words. While you make heroic speeches, you do not run to the rescue of the children losing their lives under the masses of ruins. You did not move for the rescue of the women who shouted out for Mutasım. But you deemed the relocation of a tomb a heroic act."

The press statement which was frequently interrupted by takbirat ended after a dua.




Friday, 22 Jumada I 1436 AH - 13 March 2015 CE



Picture Slideshow: Click Here






Wilayah Turkey: Adhana Picket: "We stand with the ash-Sham Revolution"

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On the 5th anniversary of the Syrian Uprising, Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Turkey and its supporters held a picket in the city of Adhana after Jummah prayer 22 Jumada I 1436 AH - 13 March 2015 CE at the Adana Merkez Sabancı Mosque, against the crusader coalition and in support of the sincere people of Ash-Sham Revolution titled, "We stand with the ash-Sham Revolution".


The community at the mosque supported the program which started with the recitation of the Qur'an by Mehmet Öryan. After the Qur'an recitation, Mahmut Akgün led the funeral prayer in absentia which was followed by the press statement lectured by Köklü Değişim Magazin Adana representative H. İbrahim Ceylan.

Ceylan raised the following points in the statement, announcing the backing of the uprising: "Dear press members and dear Muslims. We have gathered here in remembrance of the 5th anniversary of the Syrian Uprising. Alongside commonly rising against a dictator, the Syrian people are struggling against immense incitements on the one side, and is trying to cope with the crusader coalition on the other side. Even though this uprising seems to be captured within the Syrian soils, it is an uprising which truly represents all of the Muslims across the world.

Therefore, we have to value this uprising as an uprising drawing clear lines between the truth (Haqq) and fallacy (Batil)."

The press statement was frequently interrupted by takbirat and slogans. The event ended with an impressing dua.



Friday, 22 Jumada I 1436 AH - 13 March 2015 CE



Picture Slideshow : Click Here






Wilayah Turkey: Istanbul Picket: "Syria, We Stand with you and remain with you!"

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On the 5th anniversary of the Syrian Uprising, Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Turkey and its supporters held a picket at the Muhammad al-Fateh Mosque in the city of Istanbul after Jummah prayer 22 Jumada I 1436 AH - 13 March 2015 CE against the crusader coalition and in support of the sincere people of Ash-Sham Revolution titled, "Syria, We Stand with you and remain with you!"

The funeral prayer in absentia was led by Hizb ut Tahrir Media Office Representative of / Wilayah Turkey, Mahmut Kar. Afterwards, Osman Yıldız, who is one of our writers, explained the reasons of the gathering. The press statement delivered by Köklü Değişim writer Musa Bayoğlu highlighted the following important points.

"Oh Muslims! We are here as the Ummah of our blessed Prophet (saw) who described us as the limbs of one body! We are here in order to remind the oppressors of Allah's heavy torment and to expose the betrayal of the traitors! We are here in order to support and to back our brothers and sisters of Syria, and to shout out that they are not alone!"

The announcement of Musa Bayoğlu addressed the Syrian people. The announcement aiming at the USA, Russia, the West and Iran contained very precise and strident statements. Turkey, Jordan and other Muslim countries who support the crusader coalition under the leadership of the USA with the aim of eradicating the Syrian uprising, received stern warnings due to their betrayal.

The explanations regarding Turkey were as follows: "Oh rulers of Turkey! It is evident that you liaise with your master America in order to besiege the Syrian uprising. Oh Erdoğan! Oh Davutoğlu! Everybody sees and knows that your heated speeches of being together with the Syrian people are only empty words. While you make heroic speeches, you do not run to the rescue of the children losing their lives under the masses of ruins. You did not move for the rescue of the women who shouted out for Mutasım. But you deemed the relocation of a tomb a heroic act. There is no honour left in Syria which is not trampled on. But you regarded the carrying of sarcophagus as an honor."

The press statement asked the AKP the following question: "We ask you now, from where did the planes take off who carried the bombs to be showered on the Atme village only 500 metres away from the boarder? Don't you know about the newborn babies killed at the hospital? Who gave the coordinates of the assassinated brave commanders to the US soldiers? Against whom do you carry out America's TRAIN-AND-EQUIP?"

The press statement was frequently interrupted by takbirat and slogans. The Ummah left after chanting "The Ummah wants Khilafah "Caliphate" - There is no God but Allah, and the Khilafah "Caliphate" is Allah's promise" slogans.



Friday, 22 Jumada I 1436 AH - 13 March 2015 CE



Picture Slideshow: Click Here





Answer to the Question Relations between America and India, led by Modi, and the Kashmir Issue The Relationship of China and Afghanistan and the Taliban  

First, the latest meeting between Obama and Modi has received intensive media coverage, but it did not result in any real decision, it seems that there is still a problem between the United States and between India and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Can you point out the disputed issues between the two parties?

Second, given that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in India and Nawaz's party in Pakistan, are both loyal to the United States, and that the issue of Kashmir is draining India, then why is India stalling in resolving the Kashmir problem?


Press Release America's Stratagem to Consolidate Itself in East Africa

America under its special force in Africa i.e. United States Army Africa (USARAF) has recently launched a special military oversight in the town of Jinja eastern peripheral of the Ugandan capital city Kampala. The exercise codenamed as "TERMINATE TERRORISM 2015" includes US MARINES, Ugandan, Tanzanian, Burundian, Dutch and Rwandan troops. Whereas Rwanda alone has contributed 300 military personnel.

America claims that the main objective of the exercise is to strategically prepare the troops to enable them to be physically fit in carrying out peace missions, to protect democratic regimes as well as combating the threat of terrorism.

In essence, this exercise is nothing but an American maneuver meant to continue in the oppression of the Muslims and fight Islam as an ideology; in an endeavor to consolidate itself in the East African region. A region which was once a British stronghold.

As for the three main objectives of the exercise as mentioned by America:

1. To safeguard peace

2. To maintain democracy and

3. To combat terrorism, America ought to know it can no longer deceive anyone save her own self!

America is using the slogan of war against terror, to justify its atrocity against Muslims and Islam, since is their ideology and an enormous obstacle of their capitalist ideology. They are trying their level best to halt Islam from returning to the political arena globally in the fear that it will annihilate the capitalist ideology, thus liberating the Muslims and non-Muslims alike from the blood stained yoke of the heinous ideology.

It is using an ugly terror veil to create chaos and skirmishes in certain countries like Kenya, destroying social coherence in society. On top, it employs the same tactic to control opponents of its imperial advancement. Tantamount to what it did in Zanzibar, branding terrorism tags against those who clamour for the full autonomy of Zanzibar, something which is currently against American policy.

As for the issue of safeguarding peace and protecting democratic regimes. The aim being to protect those regimes that submissively obey American orders and control other countries that pose threat in the region. The presence of huge natural resources, especially oil, gas and other minerals, has America coming out with these measures to ensure the protection of those natural resources and keep safe allies who willingly facilitate the imperial motives
America has nothing to offer to humanity, in not only Africa but elsewhere. In essence, it is the cause of lack of peace and stability. The whole world is craving for a state that will follow the true Islamic ideology in an endeavor to be liberated from the yokes of the American plus other capitalist countries oppressions.


Masoud Msellem
Deputy Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir
in East Africa


Press Release Certain Media Outlets' Attempt to Falsely Link Hizb ut Tahrir to the Killing of Blogger Avijit Roy is for Covering up the Real Story and Aiding Sheikh Hasina's Stand against Islam

For the past few days, certain electronic and print media have been trying to find an involvement of Hizb ut Tahrir with the blogger Avijit Roy's murder case and thus undertaking a vicious attempt to tarnish the party's image. We condemn such dishonest, baseless, deliberate and despicable acts by these media outlets.

First of all, Shafiur Rahman Farabi, the alleged suspect of this murder case is not a member or activist of Hizb ut Tahrir. Moreover, the detectives and law enforcement agencies also did not claim him to be a member of the party. The media that are spreading such malicious propaganda have themselves failed to publish any news from the mouth of Farabi or from the law enforcement agencies about his membership with Hizb ut Tahrir. Despite this, their disgraceful attempt to defame the party by stating that Farabi is our activist and linking an well-established party like us with some unknown group called "Ansarullah Bangla" has boggled everyone's' mind.

What is more vital is that this murder incident itself is quite mysterious which has raised scores of questions in the peoples' minds. Especially under the current political circumstances when the whole country has turned out to be a police state, the way and the place where the murder took place, the statements of the eye witnesses and the sudden departure of the key witness of the murder case - Avijit's own wife, make the matter apparent that the government is the prime suspect; it wants to distract the peoples' attention by this incident and has now brought the American FBI to work together with them in using the incident in its war against Islam.

We ask these media outlets: Why are you not being brave and sincere enough to highlight the deceit of the government concerning Avijit's murder? Instead of reporting the truth, you are rather helping the evil to muddy the water more. And why are you unashamedly allying yourselves with the regime in its evil fight against Islam? If you cannot be an active participant in the work for advancing the cause of Islam, then at the very least abstain from false speech against the Dawah Carriers of Islam at the behest of the government.


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Bangladesh

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