Saturday, 25 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/28
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Obituary of a Da'wah Carrier ((مِّنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ ۖ فَمِنْهُم مَّن قَضَىٰ نَحْبَهُ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَنتَظِرُ ۖ وَمَا بَدَّلُوا تَبْدِيلًا)) "Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah.

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With conviction in Allah's (swt) destiny, Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Jordan mourns to the Muslims generally, and the people of Jordan specifically, one of its righteous members, the noble teacher and the patient:

Jameel Kamal Al-Kittani (Abu Ghazi)

Whose soul ascended to its Lord on Friday morning 27/02/2015 at the age of over 80 years old, He, may Allah have mercy on him, spent his life carrying the Dawah, devoted to the work of resuming the Islamic way of life in the Righteous Khilafah "Caliphate" State on the method of Prophethood. He was pious, pure, loving, and generous; brave and defiant against the oppression of the oppressors and tyrants in their prisons for the sake of Allah (swt) and the Da'wah of His Messenger (saw).

We ask Allah; The Most High, The Almighty; to have mercy on our Brother Abu Ghazi and to be pleased with him and accept his deeds, and to let him enter the wide gardens of the highest level of Firdaws with the Prophets and the veracious and the martyrs and the righteous; excellent are those as companions. And we also ask the Almighty to bestow on us and on his family patience and consolation.

((إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ))

"Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return." [Al-Baqarah: 156]


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Wilayah Jordan




Speech from Rusayfeh




Work to Establish the Khilafah "Caliphate"

Talk by Brother Osama Qasim




Crusader War on Islam

Talk by Sheikh Thabit Khawaja




Proper Worship for Allah

Talk by Bilal Qasrawi


Speech by Brother Mohammad Abu Hija at the Funeral of Haj Jameel Kamal Al-Kittani

(Abu Ghazi)


Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Jordan's Obituary of Haj Jameel Kamal Al-Kittani (Abu Ghazi);who was among the First Generation of Hizb ut Tahrir



Testimony of Brother Ali Smadi (Abu Marwan) about the Righteous Haj Jameel Kamal Al-Kittani (Abu Ghazi, who was among the first generation of Hizb ut Tahrir



"...and they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration."

By Abu Ayman



Talk by Brother Omar Al Til (Abu Abdullah)


Talk by Brother Ismail Amir (Abu al Baraa)



Talk by Brother Abu Bakr Balawi



A Word from Irbid in the Azaa' of Haj Jameel Kamal Al-Kittani (Abu Ghazi)




News and Comment Meeting non-Muslim students - what will they ask?

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The questions came thick and fast. We had just sat down for a one-hour session where they could ask me any question regarding Islam, Muslims, Hizb ut Tahrir, anything. I was seated in front of a room of non-Muslims who were all students in their early or mid twenties. Stories about Islam and Muslims are always in the UK media so there would not be a shortage of issues, and some would have looked me up on twitter and I was told that they had been given a link to one of my previous media interviews. One was an American and seemed to think I would hate all Americans because I hate the actions of the American government. We quickly cleared that up because the average American is not the same as the U.S. government.



I had a few minutes to make some opening remarks. I spoke about why Hizb ut Tahrir was established in the Muslim world, its aims there and its work here in a predominantly non-Muslim country. I explained that the predominant but false narrative that governs how Muslims are seen today says that the more Islamic people become, the more they become a threat to others in the UK, hence we now see a constant attack on Islamic values and practices (e.g. Muslim schools, halal meat, support for the uprising in Syria, separate seating for men and women at university Islamic society events) even though these practising Muslim have no intention to harm their neighbours, neither did they support the 7/7 London bombings or similar events.

So the questions started: Do you think the Paris attacks were justified? How is Hizb ut Tahrir different from ISIS? You condemn the actions of the U.S., do you condemn the wrong actions of Muslims as well? What is Hizb ut Tahrir's vision of a Caliphate? Is there a two-tier justice system for Muslims in the UK? Do you think the Paris attacks were expected? What should happen to people (Muslims) who come back from Syria? Should people go to Syria from the UK? How can you say people should get along when Muslims do not accept homosexuals?

Alhamdulillah, it was a very frank and informative session on both sides. I came away with a reminder of how strongly people are being affected by the government and the media's relentless negative portrayal of Muslims as a problem and a threat. I also came away with the reaffirmed belief that one to one interactions such as these - where people can ask Muslims sensitive questions that are on their mind - are one of the strong ways of overcoming the government's prevailing war on terror propaganda and showing that we can live together and that the fact that Muslims won't give up their Islamic values does not mean we are a threat to our neighbours. May Allah (swt) enable Muslims in the West to be true ambassadors of Islam to the wider public.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Taji Mustafa
Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir in Britain



News and Comment Muslims must be united in the face of the extremist Intelligence Services

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The masked Islamic State militant known as "Jihadi John", who has been pictured in the videos of the beheadings of Western hostages, has been named. He is Mohammed Emwazi, a Kuwaiti-born British man in his mid-20s from west London, who was previously known to British security services. British police declined to comment, citing ongoing investigations. Emwazi first appeared in a video last August, when he apparently killed the US journalist James Foley. He was later thought to have been pictured in the videos of the beheadings of US journalist Steven Sotloff, British aid worker David Haines, British taxi driver Alan Henning, and American aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, also known as Peter. [Source: BBC 26/02/15]



Since 2001, the British authorities have systematically shifted the spotlight away from its foreign policy and its security agencies by placing blame for violence at home and abroad solely on Muslims.

It is alleged that Mohammed Emwazi is the so called ‘Jihadi John' but not proven. As Muslims we must follow the Shariah, which requires proof of one's identity and actions along with witnesses, before passing judgment upon him.

Emwazi was a young man known to CAGE, an independent advocacy organisation working to empower communities impacted by the War on Terror. He was well loved and known to have been a gentle, kind, pious young man, with excellent manners and Islamic morals. He was well educated, had secured a good job, and was to be married.

Emails between Emwazi and the CAGE lawyers, prove that he was harassed by security services whilst living in the UK as well as on a trip to Tanzania, and was pressurised and threatened into working as an informant for British intelligence services. This has become a common experience for many Muslims in Britain during the last ten years, and has been a necessary tool of the ‘conveyor belt to terrorism' narrative; one which bullies individuals and makes them fear for their lives. It enables false flag operations, and is used as a tactic of fear mongering among the Muslim community in order to subdue Islamic activism, and purposely steer it away from issues of state and foreign policy, towards acceptable forms of Islamic work such as personal worship and self-improvement. Such pressure from the intelligence services is known to have influenced Michael Adibalago the Woolwich attacker, and has been the stated as the primary cause of disenfranchisement among terror suspects; far from the usual reasons of poverty and lack of education that are given.

Since the departure of Mohammed Emwazi from Britain, his whereabouts where unknown. Regardless of whether he is in fact the supposed executor Jihadi John, the fact remains that Emwazi and many other brothers and sisters are harassed and threatened daily by security services, who may appear at their children's schools, follow them whilst buying groceries and of course by raiding homes without cause, rendering their lives impossible and leaving them with no legal avenue to redress their situation.

The infamous "changing the goal posts" speech of Tony Blair some eight years ago, enabled a discretionary victimisation, which allowed intelligence agents to interpret emails and phone calls as they wanted; to view attendance at some demonstrations as extremist acts, and to label core Islamic ideas and principles, such as Jihad fi'sabillah, Khilafah "Caliphate" and the concept of the Ummah as extreme.

The culture of abuse now runs so deep in the UK that there are virtually entire communities, which due to security services acting outside of the rule of law, no longer have access to due process. Individuals are prevented from travelling, placed under house arrest and in the worst cases tortured, rendered or killed, seemingly on the whim of security agents.

Now, the recently passed Counter Terrorism and Security (CTS) Bill will further the Prevent Strategy and not just allow but ensure that schoolteachers, doctors, lecturers, airport staff and anyone else can assess ‘radicalisation' as they deem it, whether it be a Muslim's personal opinion, dress code, beard length, and even as has already happened, a mere reference to Islam's golden age by a fourteen year old student! The CTS Bill will prove to be more dangerous than 1950s McCarthyism and will radically change the nature of the Muslim community's freedoms, on campus, in the community and in the home.

The ‘intelligence' services are likely to ‘up' their imaginary threat levels in order to continue to vilify Islam and increase military intervention in the Muslim world. However the counter effect of this recurring strategy fuels resentment and calls by certain fighting groups for retaliation, as with IS who hadn't expressed the will to strike British interests until the coalition's bombing campaign in Syria and Iraq.

Muslims in the West are finally beginning to face the some of what the global Ummah has faced for decades; where speaking against agent rulers, un-Islamic practices and laws has led to vilification, imprisonment and torture. The duty is to withstand the pressure to reform Islam, to stand for the believers, to not compromise our noble values, practices and beliefs, and to continue to call and work for the return of the only system able to secure human rights, equality and justice... the Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" on the way of the prophethood.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Maleeha Hasan



News and Comment More Attempts to Shame Imams from Calling to Islam: China forces imams to dance in street

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China has forced the imams of Xinjiang to dance while waving Chinese flags in the street, and swear to an oath that they will not teach religion to children as well telling them that prayer is harmful to the soul. At the same time, to keep the young people away from the mosques - public servants are forced to brandish the slogan that "our income comes from the CKP not from Allah". [Source:, 09 February 2015]


Episode after episode instead of earning the respect and trust of the public, China's government is not known to publicly deliberate matters in an open inviting setting. It has resorted to public shaming acts reminiscent of the "Israeli" army's actions used in repeatedly forcing Palestinians to walk in streets stripped to their underwear for the sake of humiliation.

The Muslims and in particular the imams of the mosques in the Xinjiang (East Turkestan) have experienced overwhelming pressure from Chinese authorities to expel their Islamic beliefs and practices to give way to the secular way of life.  In a shameless act, with imams being forced to parade down public squares while dancing and holding the Chinese flags explicitly show how depraved the government tactics have been reduced to. Authorities chose to humiliate themselves using their symbols of their country. They carry out stern and swift procedures in doing away with any hint of change or perceived opposition otherwise viewed as potential threats to their system, they resort to force and threats quickly hindering any other voice.  Sending a double message to the public, one an open message to the Muslims of the region that their teachings will not be tolerated whatsoever, and the second indirect message for those who dare think of leaning towards other beliefs.  Furthermore, this reveals a deeper truth in their methods carried out by their forces to mold the people into their secular rigid way of life, that they do not have valid convincing rational discourse to counter other ideas, thus public debates and discussions are absent from their strategies. These acts create a schism in society of those who feel the anguish and resentment of being unable to openly voice their concerns and more importantly their beliefs, for example Imams and teachers, who are community mentors and respected for their calls are being silenced or shamed in hopes of abandoning their beliefs. The authorities have only succeeded in harboring feelings of resentment and apprehension in their citizens leaving a void in their society.  As such teachers nor imams will not abandon their teachings, since it is something taken out of sincere conviction bringing them an inner tranquility not found in their governments, thereby it is imperative that they teach their children and community members the tenets of Islam as it is an integral part of their lives. Fear mongering and public spectacles will not curb Muslims away from their Deen - on the contrary it will only reaffirm the dire need of the implementation of Islam in all spheres of life through an Islamic State- the Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah on the method of the Prophethood.

Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Manal Bader


Press Release Large Armies March to Transport Remains of the Dead, But the Living Have No Savior (Translated)

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, declared on Sunday, 02/22/2015, that his country has organized a military operation near Aleppo in Syria, where they transferred the shrine of Suleiman Shah (grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire) to Turkey temporarily, successfully evacuating soldiers who were guarding it in a process involving a hundred military wagons, including 39 tanks and 572 soldiers, and was done cross-border Pienaar guide center southeast of the country.

There is no doubt that the role played by Turkey of following the footsteps of its master America to contain the blessed revolution of Al-Sham has become clear for all to see, despite all the pain that Muslims suffered in the land of Al-Sham at the hands of the Pharaoh of this era. And despite all the fiery statements announced by Turkey to stand with the people of Syria, we have not, however, seen any action for it in reality, nor did we see Turkey's army move to save a child who died under the rubble or a woman who screamed Oh Mu'tassem. But this army moved to rescue the dead and left the living to meet their fate after the world has forsaken them without the slightest sense of responsibility before Allah (swt) firstly, and in front of the Muslim Ummah secondly, who does not see that its armies had been formed to defend and protect them from killing, displacement and to spread the message of Islam as mercy to the whole world; but Allah (swt) made the revolution of Al-Sham a revealing and exposing revolution, exposing the betrayals and traitor of the Muslim rulers; where this great victory for the army of Turkey in transferring the remains of Suleiman Shah after orders received by the American masters to the Turkish regime to train the opposition (moderate) on its territory to fight the faithful who refuse to follow the malignant American project. So will this work be an introduction and preparation for a larger role that Turkey will play against what they call terrorism? This is what the next few days will reveal.

O Muslims in the Blessed Land of Sham:

Your revolution has revealed each conspirator against it and exposed every agent and it therefore deserves to be described as revealing and exposing, so do not be fooled by some assistance provided by Turkey on the humanitarian level, with which it covered its deception to contain the military, including dissident officers described as officers and individuals, and to contain the politicians and produce them under the foresight of the American eye. This is what happened in the formation of the so-called National Coalition, which is in fact a US coalition, in attempt to market it as the sole legitimate representative of a revolution that gave up all that it owns. The regime in Turkey is not a charity, but is an agent regime founded to fight Islam and to prevent its return to life, after the Khilafah "Caliphate" was destroyed at the hands of the criminal Mustafa Kemal. If Turkey was serious about its stance, it would have worked to mobilize its armies to save you, it would have worked on providing you with qualitative weapons with which you can defend yourselves and destroy the regime whose crimes has affected humans, stones and trees. But it insisted on preventing you from having any reasons of force, and it insisted on being an arrow inside the American quiver, aimed at killing the Muslims.

Oh Muslims in Al-Sham, the Abode of the Land of Islam:

It is time that you remove yourselves from all fantasies, and to cut all ropes with the West and its cronies, and to hold fast to the rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves, and to reject all those involved in the practice of traitor and treason, and anyone who tries to freeze your Jihad.  It is time for you to stand united on what pleases your Lord, and to put your hands with the hands of the faithful of your Ummah in the hard, dedicated and conscious to overthrow the regime with all its symbols and forms, and establish on its ruins a Khilafah "Caliphate" on the method of Prophethood, which will not be implemented except at the hands of the likes of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them all, such as Saad bin Muadh, Saad bin Obadah, As'ad ibn Zurarah and Usayd bin Hudayr, may Allah be pleased with them all.

Allah (swt) said:

((وَيَوْمَئِذٍ يَفْرَحُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ * بِنَصْرِ اللَّهِ يَنْصُرُ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الرَّحِيمُ))

"And on that day will the believers [too, have cause to] rejoice * in Allah's succour: [for] He gives suc­cour to whomever He wills, since He alone is almighty, a dispenser of grace." [Al-Rum: 4-5]



Ahmad Abdul Wahab
Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
Wilayah of Syria



Women under the Uthmani Khilafah: Challenging the Myths Introduction

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During its ideological war against Islam, the Western secular capitalist world, has always given special attention to the matter of women's position and rights under Islam and Shariah. It associated the cause of oppressions such as forced marriages and honour killings to the Shariah and blamed it for the exclusion of women from education, social life and politics in various Muslim communities and countries. Islamic provisions which contradict Western ideals like gender equality or liberal freedoms constituted the most significant area for their attacks. Feminists and secular liberal politicians, media and organizations relentlessly attacked specific Islamic social and family laws, and declared Islam and its rule as misogynist under the label of being discriminatory and unjust towards women. A multitude of myths and misinformation were specifically propagated by secularists and Western orientalists, feminists and politicians regarding the status of women under the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate", the last seat of Islamic rule. They disseminated a narrative that became ingrained into the psyche of many in the West and Muslim world who consequently came to view the position of women under the Shariah through these lies. They promoted the idea that women under Ottoman Islamic rule were deprived of any rights, and treated as chattels and slaves - all in an attempt to create hatred and shame within Muslims towards their Islamic culture and heritage in order for them to embrace secular liberal capitalist values and systems and abandon any support for the resumption of the implementation of the Shariah under a Khilafah "Caliphate" state.

Many of these lies originated from male orientalists who lived during the Uthmani era, the majority of whom were never allowed to have any interaction with Ottoman Muslim women due to the strict separation of the genders that was implemented under the state. The harems, the living quarters of women within the houses of the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" were the subject of many Western fantasies related to the enslavement, exploitation, and oppression of women. They were portrayed as sexually depraved places, where women were imprisoned and treated as mere objects to provide pleasure for men. However, entry into the harem institutions was forbidden for any man, other than the husband of the woman or her close blood relatives such as her father, brothers, or sons. Hence, it was impossible for these male Western orientalists to give first-hand accounts of the life of women under the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate".

Therefore many of the Western depictions of Ottoman women were born from nothing but European imagination and fantasies. Despite this, their false narrative of the degrading treatment, oppression, and imprisonment of women under the Islamic rule of the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" was repeated endlessly over the decades. It was subsequently adopted and propagated by modern-day secular historians, feminists, and writers. Consequently this view point regarding Ottoman women became engrained into the consciousness of the West as well as in the minds of many Muslims. These Western depictions were often engineered to re-enforce orientalist notions of the superiority of the West over other nations and was used by Western imperial states to provide moral justification for their colonisation of the Muslim world to secure their political and economic interests in the region.

However, an examination of the judicial records of the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate", paint a very different picture of the lives of women under its Islamic laws. In the 1970's, American history professor R. C. Jennings conducted an extensive research on more than 10,000 Ottoman court records from the 17th century, mainly from Kayseri, a city in Anatolia, Turkey. These records and the type of cases brought to court by the women of the time give an insight into their status and treatment under the Shariah and the rights they enjoyed. Inspired by Jennings work, after the 1980s, more and more researchers such as Haim Gerber, Abraham Marcus, Afif Marsot, Judith Tucker and Suraiya Faroqhi, also presented the various experiences of Ottoman women by researching the Ottoman judicial and estate records (Sicil and Tereke) in its various lands.

These records show that women under the Islamic laws of the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" were protected from violence and forced marriages, were financially maintained by their husbands and families, could initiate divorce, and had their dowry and inheritance rights protected. In addition, they had the same economic rights as men and were able to manage their wealth and economic affairs independently of male relatives. This included the right to buy and sell property, run a business, form contracts, invest their wealth, and hold managerial positions in businesses run by others.

The elevated status and rights that women enjoyed under the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" is re-enforced by the writings of Western female travellers and writers who were able to have closer interaction with Ottoman Muslim women and at times even permitted to enter the harems. They were therefore able to witness directly the nature of the lives of women within the state. Indeed, many of these female Western writers were critical of those who based their writings on hear say and fantasy. Lady Montague for example, wife to the British ambassador to the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" in the 18th century wrote in one of her letters to a friend, "You will perhaps be surprised at an account so different from what you have been entertained with by the common voyage writers, who are very fond of speaking of what they do not know."

These female writers rejected the idea that Ottoman women were imprisoned, enslaved, and degraded human beings; rather they witnessed the opposite. Julia Pardoe for example, a British poet, historian and traveller  wrote in her book, ‘The City of the Sultan and Domestic Manners of the Turks in 1836', "If, as we are all prone to believe, freedom be happiness, then are the Turkish women the happiest, for they are certainly the freest individuals in the Empire. It is the fashion in Europe to pity the women of the East; but it is ignorance of their real position alone which can engender so misplaced an exhibition of sentiment." Similarly, Lady Craven, also a British traveller and writer stated in her book ‘A Journey Through the Crimea to Constantinople' published in 1789, "The Turks in their conduct towards our sex are an example to all other nations...- and I think them (Turkish women) in their manner of living, capable of being the happiest creatures breathing."

These European women also refuted the claim that harems were abodes of sexual depravity where women were imprisoned and exploited, describing them instead as simply the living quarters of women within a household, and a representation of great respect with which they were viewed by Turkish Muslim men. For example, Lucy M. J. Garnett, a 19th century British Folklorist wrote in her book ‘The Women of Turkey and their Folklore - 1890-91',  "The seclusion of Moslem women, instead of being, as is generally assumed, a result of their ‘degraded position', is on the contrary, the outcome of the great respect and regard entertained for them by the men of their own nation."

However, despite these multiple writings and records that contradict the popular Western narrative of the exploitation and oppression of women under the Shariah laws implemented by the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate", this popular false narrative continues to be widely promoted by secular institutions, feminists, and writers. Their aim is clearly to attempt to win a secular ideological war against Islam by continuing to make Muslim and non-Muslim alike fearful of the re-establishment of a Khilafah "Caliphate" state that rules by Islam alone.

Of course the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate" was not a utopian state for women. There were various problems that occurred within the state due to the misapplication of Islam that affected women negatively, especially towards the end of its rule when various Western ideas entered the Muslim lands. However, Western attempts to paint the whole landscape of Ottoman rule or the lives of women under Islamic governance through the lens of these problems that resulted due to weakness in the understanding and application of Islam is misleading and wrong.

It is therefore essential to dismantle the lies and correct the misunderstandings surrounding the status and rights of women under Uthmani Islamic rule. This is in order to remove the apprehensions related to what the implementation of Shariah in a future Khilafah "Caliphate" state would mean to the women of the Muslim world.

This series of articles, entitled "Women Under the Uthmani Khilafah "Caliphate": Challenging the Myths" seeks to achieve exactly this.

"The Turks in their conduct towards our sex are an example to all other nations...- and I think them (Turkish women) in their manner of living, capable of being the happiest creatures breathing."

From ‘A Journey Through the Crimea to Constantinople' (1789) by Lady Elizabeth Craven, British Traveller and Writer


Women's Section in the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

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