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Pakistan Headlines 08/02/2015

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Regime Boasts about Indicators that Reveal the Collapse of the Economy

Painting a rosy picture detailing "improvements" in the social and economic sectors, Information Minister Pervaiz Rasheed claimed on 1 February that the PML-N government had rejuvenated the economy in the 17 months it had been in power. However, a journalist also drew the minister's attention to the fact that prices of consumer items such as flour, vegetable ghee, sugar, rice and pulses had not decreased despite an unprecedented decline in petrol prices. Moreover, what the government boasting confirmed.

As for the governments boasting of increasing taxation, it is proof that the government has deprived the state and the public of large sources of revenue by privatization, which necessitated the increase in taxation. For a six-month period between July and December for 2014 and 2013, the Information Minister confirmed that the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) had collected Rs1162.4 billion in taxes last year, compared to Rs1034.4 billion collected in 2013.

As for boasting about the increasing foreign direct investment, it is a proof that not only are Pakistan's vital public and state assets being handed over to private parties, much of the profits will leave the country as there is an increase of foreign ownership. The Information Minister confirmed that the Foreign Direct Investment was recorded at $529.1 million in 2014 against $445.1 million in 2013.

As for boasting about foreign exchange reserves, it is a proof that having deprived the state and public of the sources of revenues, the government is plunging the country into ever increasing debt. The minister said that ForEx reserves had swelled to $15 billion.

The Khilafah "Caliphate" is the urgent need of the time, which will ensure that through state or public ownership of powerful sources of revenue, such as oil, gas, electricity, machinery manufacture, large-scale construction and telecommunications, it will be able to liberate Pakistan from the debt trap to foreign colonialist institutions.


Democracy Allows Laws for Self-Interest

In an interview with Dawn Newspaper on 27 January, former President General Musharraf praised General Raheel's bringing judiciary under his control amongst other measures, "The army is the only stabilising institution in Pakistan. That is why they give importance to the military chief. Especially when they also see the degree of bad governance going on. They want to see where the stability comes from."

In 2007 General Musharaf imposed emergency law aimed at bringing the judiciary under his control, he failed. In 2015 General Raheel wanted to bring the judiciary under his control, he succeeded. In 2007 General Musharaf's failed attempt to bring judiciary under his control was seen by political parties as an act which will harm the society. In 2015 political parties view General Raheel's successful attempt of bringing judiciary under his control as something which will benefit the society. So we have two very similar actions 8 years apart. The target and intended result of both actions was (almost) the same; bringing the judiciary under the control of the General in power. The result and moral judgment on both actions quite different.

So how come the same action with the same intended result was harmful 8 years ago while it is beneficial today? This is the reality of the human mind and its contradictions. When man makes laws he is affected by his atmosphere. So in the context of 2007's political atmosphere Musharaf's attack on the judiciary was seen by political parties as harmful. In the context of 2015's political events General Raheel's attack on the judiciary was seen by political parties as beneficial. This is the reality of democracy. It has no fixed rules, no principles, no rights and wrongs and no morals. And because the door of legislation is open in democracy all the time what is impossible today can be made possible tomorrow and vice versa. This is the real corruption of democracy. Giving human beings the right to make laws. All what is required is that political parties and the rulers create an atmosphere where the legislation they want is passed smoothly.

In Islam the right of legislation belongs to Allah. He has decreed the laws which have reached us through Quran, Sunnah and the consensus of the Companions. The Khalifah of the Muslims only implements the divine laws. He has no right to abrogate or suspend the divine laws, he only implements them. It is only through Khilafah "Caliphate" that we would get rid of the oppression of democracy and the ruling elite which makes laws to serve their own and their Western master's interests.


Regime Seeks to Silence the Word of Truth

Army's top brass stressed on 3 February on indiscriminate action against extremist, sectarian and terrorist groups for effective implementation of the national counter-terrorism plan. "The focus of the exhaustive review remained on the most effective implementation of the National Action Plan in concert with federal and provincial governments, in order to eliminate terrorism, extremism and sectarianism without any discrimination," the Inter-Services Public Relations said in a statement after the meeting.

The regime will no longer discriminate between those criminals who attack the armed forces and the sincere mujahideen who are fighting the crusaders. Nor will it discriminate between the corrupt who spread sectarian hatred and the sincere politicians who call for Islam as a system and state. Thus, the regime commits treachery against the Muslims' right to account the rulers. The National Action Plan includes measures to silence them under the banner of stopping the "sympathizers of terrorism." So, any Muslim who raises his voice against the American Raj, or calls the people for the implementation of Islam or praises Jihad against the Kuffar enemy occupying forces is now to be persecuted harshly and prevented from access to the media. The Interior Minister, Chaudhry Nisar Ali, declared on 21 December, "Nobody can be allowed to glorify terrorists through media." Thus, in the gloom of chaos and misery, the regime seeks to stamp out those who are beacons of light and guidance for the people. This is even though RasulAllah (saw) commanded enjoining the good and forbidding the evil as a duty, whose neglect has dire consequences. RasulAllah (saw) said, وَالَّذِي نَفْسِي بِيَدِهِ، لَتَأْمُرُنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ، وَلَتَنْهَوُنَّ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ، وَلَتَأْخُذُنَّ عَلَى يَدِ الظَّالِمِ، وَلَيَأْطِرُنَّهُ عَلَى الْحَقِّ أَطْرًا، أَوْ لَيَضْرِبَنَّ اللَّهُ قُلُوبَ بَعْضِكُمْ عَلَى بَعْضٍ، وَلَيَلْعَنَنَّكُمْ كَمَا لَعَنَهُمْ. "By the One in Whose Hands my soul lies, you must enjoin the good and you must forbid the evil, and you must seize the hand of the oppressor and you must confine him to the truth, or Allah (swt) will strike your hearts one against another and curse you as he cursed them (Bani Israeel)." [Tabaraani]


Raheel-Nawaz Regime Pays Lip Service to Kashmir, Whilst India-US Nexus Sharpens its Teeth

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on the occasion of Kashmir Day, 5th February. vowed that Pakistan would continue its political and diplomatic support for the people of Kashmir in their struggle for freedom and right to self-determination. "It has been more than 60 years and despite atrocities inflicted upon them, Kashmiris have not given up their struggle...the day is not far when Kashmir would be free," he said.

The regime, as others before it, pays lip-service to the occupation of Kashmir. Moreover, this lip-service is at a time where the people are angered at how Pakistan paid huge costs in terms of lives and economy for the sake of America's war, whilst India reaps all the benefits, as made clear by the Obama trip to India. It is time to respond to the US-Indian nexus in an effective manner. The regime running East and West to Moscow, Beijing or London, to create a pretence of escaping Washington, is far from statesmanship. It is no more than cheap showmanship to pull the wool over the eyes of the people.

Muslims will never escape the harm of alliance with the belligerent hostile Kuffar. It is never an alliance of equals or benevolence. Our Deen expressly forbids such alliance. The only way to build strength in the face of hostility is the immediate re-establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate". Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" will gather the current Muslim states as a single state, with a single leadership, state treasury and armed forces to face the enemy of the Muslims and liberate their occupied lands.


Liberation of Kashmir is an Islamic Obligation

Although the regime affirmed commitment to occupied Kashmir, it did not address the motivation for the commitment. On 5 February, the Prime Minister declared, "We will maintain this relationship. Kashmir is our jugular vein. It's an issue of the whole Pakistani nation."

For some Kashmir is about India and Pakistan: countries born in to rivalry and hence locked in to the eternal prism of conflict which must have a winner and a loser. So Kashmir is not exactly about Kashmir. It is about winning against India. If Kashmir helps in winning it is important. If it does not it is not important.

For some Kashmir is about Pakistan alone. It is a strategic asset, a prize to be won. From it flow the waters which form an important part of agriculture in Pakistan. It is a trap for India which locks its armed forces within it and hence degrades India's ability to field these forces against Pakistan. It is also a bargaining chip in negotiations in case the need arises for Pakistan to befriend India.

For some Kashmir is an integral part of the Muslim Ummah. It is neither about the waters, nor about safeguarding territorial interests. It is about the hadith of the Prophet (saw), لا تباغضوا ولا تحاسدوا ولا تدابروا وكونوا عباد الله إخوانا ولا يحل لمسلم أن يهجر أخاه فوق ثلاث أيام "Do not have malice against a Muslim; do not be envious of other Muslims; do not go against a Muslim and forsake him. O the slave of Allah! Be like brothers with each other. It is not allowed for a Muslim to desert his brother for over three days." [Muslim and Tirmidhi]".

The help for Kashmir will not come from the first group for they do not adhere to the hadeeth. The help for Kashmir would not come from the second group for they do not prioritize it. The help for Kashmir would come from the third group, who fear their Lord and who believe in the words of their Prophet (saw) and who are determined not to forsake their brothers in Islam at the mercy of Hindu occupiers.

For this group would wait as it has waited for 68 years until a righteous Muslim ruler takes command of these lands and mobilizes his armies to liberate Kashmir through military force. And this group would urge, remind and account every ruler who commands these lands of his religious duty towards liberating the Muslims of Kashmir. And if no such ruler comes its way this group will work to appoint one. And such a ruler can only be the Khalifah of Muslims, the leader of the Second Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah.


  News and Comment Another Shameless Proposed Power Price Hike by the Hasina Government It is High Time for the People to Demand the Return of the Khilafah, which can Rescue them from the "Crony Capitalism"

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From January 20-25, 2015, the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) held a public hearing on wholesale electricity price shuffle following a proposal from the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) to raise the tariff by 18.12 per cent or Taka 0.85 per unit (from the existing Taka 4.67 to Taka 5.52 per kwh). Also another public hearing will be held by BERC on February on increasing the tariff of gas. During the hearings, the technical evaluation committee of the BERC also recommended raising the bulk power tariff of electricity and gas for all types of consumers, significantly at household level, with a supposed view to reducing wastage.


The key premise in the government's proposal to increase the electricity price is to bring down BPDB's subsidy from existing Taka 6000 crores to Taka 4000 crores if BERC considers raising bulk tariff by Taka 0.85 per unit or 18.12 percent. And to have a correct view with proper context, it should be noted that BPDB purchases power from the profit-mongering oil-based quick rental power plants (QRPP). The very high power purchase cost of BPDB stands Taka at 17.06 per unit and at Taka 27.91 per unit from diesel-fired project.  Amid popular discontent and protest, the Hasina government went for the costlier option of quick rental power plants only to satiate the capitalists' greed for constant profit maximization. On the one hand, these private rental plants could not solve the deteriorating power crisis; on the other, this oppressive Hasina regime has been allowing these companies to maintain their profit margins by continuously raising the retail price paid by the consumers, let alone the fact that these quick-rentals have already bagged billions of dollars through corruption.

To add more, the entire power sector of Bangladesh including the private rental plants runs with vast inefficiency, which created a significant financial burden that is being imposed upon the ill-fated mass people. Even after committing crime by handing over the power sector to private firms for making profit out of it, this government never seriously addressed their inefficiencies and corruptions with proper interventions and rather kept on giving subsidy to those incompetent plants. Energy experts have underlined several times that almost 80% of the imported machineries in these plants are outdated and mostly second-hand and thus resulted in fuel consumption inefficiencies. Ignoring these obvious facts, more than Taka 40,000 crores in subsidy has been awarded to these quick rentals till now by the government.

Previously when the government was continuously increasing the oil price at retail level, it always said the oil prices had remained high (more than USD 100 a barrel in 2012) on the international market for which they were bound to make necessary adjustments accordingly. Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith had stated earlier that oil price would be adjusted to the prices on the international market. And since 2013 the price of oil has been falling drastically and last month it plummeted to a record low at USD 40 per barrel, whereas now the minister has shamelessly dismissed possibility of cutting fuel price in the country and rather the government proposed another round of price hike!! Such hike in electricity price will further fuel inflationary pressure on the economy to make the lives of low, middle and fixed income group consumers more miserable.

Oh Muslims of Bangladesh!

The continuous increase of electricity and fuel price highlights the depth of corruption "crony capitalism" has brought into this country where we are being unfairly scapegoated with the help of ruthless democratic politicians. Bangladesh is blessed with immense natural resources but still the people are living miserable lives while some greedy capitalists are making their fortune in cahoots with the politicians. This only happens because we are letting these rulers surrender our resources like oil, gas and natural resources to private ownership in the name of the free market economy, whereas Islam declared these resources as public property, which is to be sold to the public without profiteering. RasulAllah (saw) said:

«الْمُسْلِمُونَ شُرَكَاءُ فِي ثَلَاثٍ: فِي الْمَاءِ وَالْكَلَإِ وَالنَّارِ، وَثَمَنُهُ حَرَامٌ»

"Muslims are partners in three things: in water, pastures and fire and its price is Haram (forbidden)." (Abu Dawood)

Since the abolishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" in 1924, time and again it is being proven that there is literally no hope for Muslims under this rotten capitalist democratic system of greed, exploitation and injustice. How long will you be the harvesters of your own sorrow by participating in this democratic ruling system that produces the despotic rulers like Hasina and Khaleda? Or what difference it would make if a new government other than Awami-BNP comes through a fair election but keeps on doing the Haraam act of privatizing energy resources? Will they be implementing anything other than the same man-made laws? Therefore, come forward with steadfastness to support Hizb ut Tahrir to end the oppressive Democratic system and establish the promised system of Khilafah "Caliphate" which is based on the method of Prophethood.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Imadul Amin

Member of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

in Wilayah Bangladesh


Palestine: Media Message to the Picket in front of Magistrate's Court of Hebron to protest the trial of Dr. Musab Abu Arqub  

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Political media message of protest in the Picket organized by Hizb ut Tahrir Shabaab before the Magistrate Court of Hebron this morning, Sunday, 08/02/2015 to protest against the political arrests and detention and trial of Dr. Musab Abu Arqub member of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in the Blessed Land (Palestine).

The Blessed Land, 19 Rabii II 1436 AH corresponding to February 8, 2015 CE



News Headlines 07/02/2015

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• New Mosque Sparks Discussion on Role of Women in Islam

• Anti-Islam Group's First British March Could Attract Thousands of Protesters

• Anti-Islam Group PEGIDA Is Part of Germany, Vice Chancellor Says

• Why China Is Banning Islamic Veils




New Mosque Sparks Discussion on Role of Women in Islam

A women's-only mosque launched here last week and believed to be the first of its kind in the U.S. has sparked a nationwide discussion among Muslims over the role of women in Islam. "The debate has started that will have monumental consequences for Muslims," said Aslam Abdullah, the imam and director of the Islamic Society of Nevada, in Las Vegas. "The old establishment will not accept change easily, but I think gradually it will happen as women assert themselves. Things are changing. Women cannot play second fiddle any more." Some object to women leading prayer and giving sermons; others worry if women's-only worship catches on elsewhere, it could divide communities along gender lines, he said. The women's mosque founders-a comedy writer and a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission lawyer-said they began to feel unwelcome at their home mosques because of the physical separation of men and women. They said they started the Women's Mosque of America to invigorate women's scholarship in Islam and inspire Muslim women to take more active leadership roles in their home mosques.

Secular fundamentalists smitten by Western culture are spearheading efforts to change Islam in the current political climate. Yesterday it was the wearing of hijab and today it is women only mosques. The Muslims in America must stand up against attempts by the American government to change Islam. If they do not do this, then their fate will be similar to the Christians who capitulated to the secular fundamentalists and allowed their religion to be changed.

Anti-Islam Group's First British March Could Attract Thousands of Protesters

A notorious ‘anti-Islam' movement is coming to Britain with its first ever demo and a march likely to attract thousands. PEGIDA has sparked huge controversy in Germany. Under the banner of ‘Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West', it claims it is trying to defend countries from the spread of extremism at the hands of Muslim immigrants. It brought 25,000 to the streets of Dresden in demos backing its cause. But it also sparked huge counter demos, with 100,000 protesting against its stance. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has described it as racist, and PEGIDA's leadership was said to be in crisis with "massive hostility, threats and career disadvantages" causing five of its senior members to step down after its founder was pictured dressed as Adolf Hitler. It is advertising its first ever UK demo for Newcastle upon Tyne on February 28, however, with a Facebook campaign expected to attract ‘thousands'. It is the first of a series of demos planned for the UK, with others due to take place in Manchester, Birmingham and London. [Source: Daily Mirror]

Islamaphobia encouraged by Western media is fast gripping western populations in Europe to take action against fellow Muslim citizens. The situation is quickly developing into the repeat of the 1930s where hysteria against the Jews was intentionally whipped up to justify their killing and expulsion. Today, the Muslims have become the new Jews of Europe, and it is only a matter of time before the West turns on its Muslim population.

Anti-Islam Group PEGIDA Is Part of Germany, Vice Chancellor Says

The anti-Islam group PEGIDA, whose weekly rallies have brought up to 25,000 onto the streets in the East German city of Dresden, is a part of Germany and should not be ignored, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said in an interview published on Wednesday. PEGIDA, which stands for Patriotic Europeans Against the Polarisation of the West, rattled the political establishment in Berlin but now looks set to fade after most of its leaders quit last week due to infighting. However, Gabriel told Stern magazine on Wednesday that politicians must engage with the concerns that the group and its supporters had raised. "It's not like these people think differently all of a sudden ...

They're still driven by anger, fear, insecurity and sometimes hatred of foreigners," said Gabriel, who is also head of the Social Democrats, who are in coalition with Merkel's conservatives. Asked if PEGIDA was a part of Germany, Gabriel said: "Quite clearly. Whether you like it or not, people have a democratic right to be right-wing or nationalist. People also have a right to spread stupid ideas, such as the notion that Germany is being Islamicized." [Source: Reuters]

Germany's political establishment is reluctant to disown bigotry against Islam, and instead is justifying Islamaphobia as a legitimate grievance of the German people. Such remarks only serve to underscore the duplicity of the German government in taking action against bigots who routinely terrorize Germany's Muslim population.

Why China Is Banning Islamic Veils

This week, regional authorities outlawed Islamic veils from all public spaces in the regional capital of China's Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR). The Urumqi ban, which went into effect on Sunday February 1 (coincidentally the third annual World Hijab Day), empowers Chinese police to punish violators and dole out fines of up to U.S.$800 for those who fail to enforce the prohibition. In recent years, the veil has emerged as a key battleground in the struggle to regain stability in Xinjiang. Stripping women of their head and body coverings provides the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with a rare measure of what it sees as "progress" in the struggle against "Islamic extremism" in this far western region of China. However, as officials seek to eliminate veiling, they risk further straining an already fragile relationship between the Uighur ethnic minority and a Party machine dominated by the Han ethnic majority and its cultural values. The ban comes amid a marked increase in veiling among Uighur women since the early 2000s. CCP officials have become especially concerned by the popularization of the niqab, jilbab, and heavy-netted veils that cover the entire head (known as tor romal in Uighur), but have also deemed the now highly fashionable hijab-which covers the entire head and shoulders but not the face-as "abnormal" attire. These styles of Islamic veiling, Chinese authorities (and some Uighurs) insist, are alien to Uighur culture and "outward manifestations of Islamic extremism." The Urumqi ban is the latest in a series of local legislative efforts aimed at compelling Uighur women to de-veil. Last year, officials in Qaramay and Ghulja prohibited the "five-types" (individuals wearing face veils, jilbab, hijab, long beards, and star-and-crescent clothing) from entering public spaces and boarding public buses. In March 2014, authorities in Turpan drafted legislation that would ban the concealment of the face in public. The regulation, which was closely modeled on previous French and Belgian prohibitions, was submitted to the National People's Congress for consideration. [Source: China File]

Allah (swt) says in the Quran:

((يُرِيدُونَ لِيُطْفِؤُوا نُورَ اللَّهِ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَاللَّهُ مُتِمُّ نُورِهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ))

"They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it." [TMQ: As Saf: 81]

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