Saturday, 25 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/28
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Obituary of a Da'wah carrier   ((مِّنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ ۖ فَمِنْهُم مَّن قَضَىٰ نَحْبَهُ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَنتَظِرُ ۖ وَمَا بَدَّلُوا تَبْدِيلًا)) "Among the believers are men true to what they promised

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The conviction in Allah's destiny, Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Jordan mourns one of its righteous Shabab, a former member of the Wilayah Council:

Brother Mahmoud Muhammad Mustafa Alsafarini (Abu Haitham)


Whose soul submitted to its Merciful Creator the All High on Monday morning 02/0/2015 at the age of 80 years, after a fire in his home. He was an example, may Allah (swt) have mercy on him, to the committed Dawah carrier, defiant in the face of the tyrannical regimes.

We ask Allah to have a wide mercy on our Brother Abu Haitham and to let him enter the wide gardens of the highest level of Firdaws with the Prophets and the righteous and the martyrs; excellent are those as companions. And we also ask the Almighty to magnify our reward and the reward of his family and to bestow them patient and consolation. And we only say what pleases our Lord,

((إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ))

"Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return." [Al-Baqarah: 156]

Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

in Wilayah Jordan




Speech at the funeral of Sheikh Mahmoud Alsafarini (Abu Haitham)



Masjid Talk entitled, "Al Eman" by Mohammad Abu Hija before the Salat on Sheikh Mahmoud Alsafarini (Abu Haitham)




Obituary of Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Jordan Sheikh Mahmoud Alsafarini (Abu Haitham) Presented by Brother Ahmed Abu Qadum




The Best of Words is those who Call & do Good for Allah (swt)
By Brother Mohammed al Fuqha at the Azaa' of Sheikh Mahmoud Alsafarini (Abu Haitham)




Terrorism & the Terrorists
By Brother Abu Abdullah al Aneed at the Azaa' of Sheikh Mahmoud Alsafarini (Abu Haitham)



Raise the Banner of Rasullah in spite of America
By Brother Salah Sadik at the Azaa' of Sheikh Mahmoud Alsafarini (Abu Haitham)




Speech entitled, "Therapy" by Brother Bilal al Qasrawi at the Azaa' of Sheikh Mahmoud Alsafarini (Abu Haitham)




"Abundantly remember the Destroyer of Worldly Pleasures "
By Abu Asim at the Azaa' of Sheikh Mahmoud Alsafarini (Abu Haitham)



News and Comment Presidential System Discussions in Turkey

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President Tayyip Erdogan, who came to Kırşehir for inaugurals, called for votes in a sufficient number to ensure the new constitution at the general elections on June 7. Erdogan said, "You will show the necessary attitude and display the strength necessary for a new constitution. You will lay the foundation of the New Turkey." [Source]


There are lively times in politics with the oncoming elections in Turkey. Wrong or right have no meaning! If you are able to manage perceptions, than you get the majority of the votes. The AKP who came to rule in 2002, has always been the first party in 3 general, 3 local elections and 2 plebiscites. Every election was defined by a "main" theme, by which the society was polarized and the elections won through perception management. Of course also the incompetent opposition parties had a big role in this. The main theme in the elections this year will be "the New Constitution and the Presidency". However, this time, the theme was not put forward by the AKP's Chairman and Prime Minister Davutoglu. It is the first time, that the President - Recep Tayyip Erdogan - called the people to vote for the "new constitution and the presidential system". Public opinion polls show that the people are not very much interested in this subject. During the coming four months, President Erdogan will visit various provinces under the pretext of holding speeches of thanks, and put across the presidencial system. This way it is claimed to build the foundations of the "new constitution", "the presidential system" and the "new Turkey" depending on the results of the elections.

The presidential system is a matter discussed since the era of former president Turgut Ozal. Yet there has never been a serious effort on this before as it is today. This issue, which was made a current issue during former President Suleyman Demirel's times of political congestion, is on Turkey's agenda now. The oppositional parties CHP and MHP make statements repugnating the presidential system. Whereby HDP says it would accept the system if it is one like in America or a semi-presidential system like in France. But asserts that the presidential system presented by the AKP is a "one man" regime.

Throughout his political life, President Erdogan held many positions like chairman of youth sections, provincial chairman, mayor, prime minister and finally President. At the time of founding the AKP, when Abdullah Gül who became Prime Minister due to the political ban upon Erdogan, left his place to Erdogan after the ban was lifted again. After that day, the party completely took shape according to Erdogan. Together with becoming President, Erdogan gave the signal of leading the ministerial cabinet by saying he would "not become an ordinary President", and so he did. At the moment, it seems that Prime Minister Davutoglu is still only "minister", but Erdogan seems to be both, Prime Minister and President. Erdogan did this on purpose. Because he did not give place to a strong leader, but rather to someone who will always be in need for him and who will carry out every work for him. He even assigned the residence which was built for prime ministry for himself after becoming president. Therefore, everything in "New Turkey" is shaped according to Erdogan.

The government argues that the presidential system would not be a dictatorship, but rather the parliamentary system would be a dictatorship. It states that the duty of the parliament under the presidential system is to legislate and the president's duty is one of implementing the laws. The president is neither allowed to make laws, nor to introduce a bill. And the delegates elected to the parliament can not be ministers. The ministers are to be appointed by the president from outside the parliament.

In general, states who conducted a change in their system, had faced huge crises which were followed by another change in the system. It can be said however, that the change in the system in Turkey has been triggered by the corruption in the public institutions, the judicial problems and the developments in the Middle East. Erdogan, is reconditioning this secular democratic system, which became rotten in 90 years, by reinforcing it with columns. In fact, as many have stated, he is establishing the "second Republic". However, no matter how much the secular democratic system is being renewed, quintessentially it remains the same. Its basis is faulty, its method is faulty and it diametrically contradicts Islam. Man-made systems have not brought anything else than chaos and disorder for mankind. Today the Ummah is not in need of a polished and glossed worn-out regime, but instead it is in need of resuming the Islamic life, through which it will receive dignity, and which it will carry to mankind as a guide to the right path. And this is not possible through the presidential system, but solely through the re-establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah upon the method of the Prophethood.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Osman Yeldiz




News and Comment The USA Destroys - Erdogan Says He Reconstructs!

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President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who evaluated the agenda topics on a special TRT (Turkish Radio and TV association) broadcast, commented the removal of DAIS/ISIS from Kobane with the help of the coalition forces and the Peshmerga. Reminding Erdogan of the criticisms Turkey received over the celebrations and halay dances in Turkey after clearing Kobane from DAIS/ISIS, Erdogan explained that Turkey in contrary had to pay a high price and added, Well, this terror organisation DAIS has retreated from there. But look, what about all these people? It is not enough that DAIS retreats from there. Where are those who bombed Kobane? Who will re-construct this place? How many times have I told them, that this problem is not going to be solved by air bombing. Definitely there had to be a ground offensive. This air operation came to nought. We strictly do not accept an operation solely against DAIS. (Source)


Throughout the whole Syrian uprising since 2011, the Turkish State did not part from the USA's tail, who struggled to prevent this Islamic uprising from culminating in a success. The USA conducted all of its policies of prolonging the Syrian regime's life and of buying over Islamic revolutionaries over Turkey. Establishing the Syrian National Council as well as the Syrian National Coalition and creating a moderate opposition in Syria was clearly supported by Turkey. As this policy of the US, conducted over Turkey, did not bring the results the US wanted to achieve, due to the clumsiness of then Prime Minister Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, the USA started to lead its Syrian politics with Iran and Russia in addidtion to Turkey.

The coalition forces which included Turkey have havocked Kobane by both the air strikes and the support of the Northern Iraq Peshmerga Forces. During the whole of this process, Turkey insisted that the US air strikes would not be enough, but that there should also be initiated a ground operation. Now Turkish President Erdogan asks, by whom these completely devastated cities could be re-constructed.

Is this word of Erdogan befitting a person who pretends to act as the leader of the Muslims? Could the leader of the Muslims ever ask such a question regarding the devastation and ruin in the Muslim lands? These words can only be the words of the boss of a building society who wants to get the construction contracts for the cities destroyed by the USA and the West. As a matter of fact, Erdogan never did and still does not do anything else than the construction work in the Islamic lands which the US ravaged and invaded. In reality, when Erdogan says "Where are those who bombed Kobane? Who will re-construct this place?" he sends a message to the USA, implying that it is Turkey who is applying for the reconstruction of Kobane as well as all devastated cities throughout Syria. In other words, he is seeking to get unearned income over these cities bathed in the blood of the Muslims.

Also, when the USA invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, it was in the same way that Erdogan applied for the reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, and ensured the inflow of American dollars to Turkey by sending Turkish construction companies to these countries. Erdogan, whose hands became besmeared with the blood of Afghan civil Muslims and children, was delighted of contributing to the reconstruction of Kabul and other cities and bringing foreign exchange to the country. Erdogan who turned a deaf ear to the voices and calls for help of the Iraqi women whose honour was polluted, but opened his military bases for the American soldiers, plead the oppressive Maliki regime in order to reconstruct Iraq's cities and to send Turkish companies to Iraq.

And now, after the Syrian policies that Erdogan conducted by sitting on the USA's tail have failed, he is coveting at chicken feed by the USA and the West. Here we see how the President of a country that claims to be a great power, is dealing with little things. A great power is a country of leaders who think big and who bring their thoughts into action. And this country is the future Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah. And those leaders are the Khulafaa Rashideen.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Mahmut KAR




News and Comment Manmade Laws are Weak as a Spider's Den

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Nandi Hills MP was caught on video camera accompanied by nominated URP MP Sunjeev Kaur Birdi showing them intimidating and harassing officials at the Gilgil Weigh Bridge over lorries detained for overweight. In the video, lawmakers are seen insulting and threatening the law enforcement officers. They were also demanding the officials and police officers manning the Weigh Bridge to release the trailer believed to have been without a letter of authorization from the Kenya National Highway Authority (Ke NHA). Keter was heard warning, "You know my worry is...let me tell you, we are the government. The State House Comptroller (is calling you), and no one picks. When the officials reminded him that they were just enforcing the laws, Mr. Keter warned them of unspecified action. "We will reverse the law and we have to start with you!"

He told the officers that it was the work of the legislators to make law, saying that they were free to break them. "We are the ones making laws when we want - we break them."


The act of Alfred Keter has fully demonstrated the kind of democratic politicians they are; haughty and disdainful kind of people. In preceding their own interests, they seem not to care about anybody just because they are VIPs. Their situation has now reached an alarming rate where on several public occasions some MPs have used abusive languages with some even inciting violence among civilians. Kenyans still remember the fiery politician Ferdinand Waititu former MP for Embakasi who was arrested for alleged incitement and hate speech against the ethnic Maasai for protesting the demolition of their houses in his Constituency. More incredible, when they are accused of their evils they openly bark at the media calling it ‘fabrication of media' and insist by saying: we are indeed the reformers and not the hate mongers! This is their reality; their speeches contradict their actions and vice versa. They are all above the law. They abuse the power by all means just because they have the powers. Truly they are mega corrupt and enjoy impunity at all costs simply because they cling to the corrupt capitalist theory ‘Might is Right or the Survival of the Fittest'!

Keter's words give a true picture of the democratic political system which gives man an absolute authority of making laws. ‘Sovereignty belongs to the people' what an open Kufr! Regarding Keter's sayings, ‘we are the ones who make law and when we want we break them', Keter further did not want conceal the truth over that corrupt thought. He rather agreed openly its fallacy and weakness. And truly, manmade laws are even weaker even than the spiders' dens and Lo! The frailest of all houses is the spiders' dens if they knew. Laws which are made during dawn and broken during dusk by those who made them.

It's clear that politicians within democratic systems themselves do not believe their own idea but undeservedly encourage their mass to believe it. Their act is of an example of an Arab pagan who decided to make his own god from dates but when afflicted with hunger he turned to his god and started eating it! This is the reality of Democracy; gods made from dates only to turn into meals by those who worshipped it!! This is an evil political system that has made many people become slaves of other people other than being slaves of the Almighty Allah the Master and the Creator of Mankind.

Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Shabani Mwalimu
Media Representative of Hizb ut Tahrir in East Africa


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