Sunday, 26 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/29
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Four Years since the Launch of the Ummah's Revolution from Tunisia It was a Revelation of the Real Issues, Exposing the Patch Solutions So Decide on your Command and Line up behind the Conscious Leadership for Change on the Bases of the Great Islam

Four years since the launch of the Ummah's revolution from Tunisia was enough to reveal that the real issues are larger than the existing regimes. It is even larger than all the governments which are committed to the same system no matter how much it amended or how much it patched. The four major issues became clear and unambiguous:


News and Comment Malaysia's Involvement in America's Henious Crimes on Humanity

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A recent US Senate report revealed that Malaysia is an ally of US in its ‘War on Terror' campaign. The report, which is 6000 page long and took 5 years and 40 million USD to compile was partially released by the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) on December 9, 2014. The SSCI released a 525-page portion that consisted of key findings and an executive summary of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)'s Detention and Interrogation Program. The report describes CIA's use of various forms of torture on detainees between 2001 and 2006. Malaysia was revealed to have played a part in the practice of "extraordinary rendition", whereby secret arrests were made and detainees were moved to undisclosed prisons. Besides Malaysia, other Muslim countries which are also co-operating with CIA's global crimes are Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt, Libya, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Yemen. The report has actually confirmed a study by the Open Society Justice Initiative entitled "Globalising Torture: CIA Secret Detention and Extraordinary Rendition" produced in February 2013 alleging that Putrajaya had assisted CIA on the rendition, twice.



When asked by the Malaysian press, the head of the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP)'s Special Branch, Datuk Seri Akhil Bulat confirmed that Malaysia shared data and training with CIA but neither aided nor facilitated torture and extraordinary rendition operations with respect to terror suspects. He asserted that information sharing between all intelligence entities in the world is necessary in tackling terrorism, hence, it is normal to forge ties with the CIA.

Why did RPM continue to co-operate with CIA despite the fact that CIA is known to be untrustworthy, and it knows the inhumane character of CIA, and it knows how brutal and barbaric CIA is, especially against Muslims? Where is the dignity and integrity of the RMP when it dares to abet with the worst of human beings? We all know that the US is the world's actual terrorist and the US is the enemy of Islam, the enemy of Allah, His Messenger and the enemy of all Believers! Does RMP not see all these? Is there no pious adviser to advise RMP that collaborating with the US, a kafir harbi state, is prohibited (haram) in Islam? Or there actually was an adviser but the RMP never listened?

In revealing the report, which appears to tarnish its own reputation, the US seems to be telling us, "O Muslims, I have disclosed my heinous crimes and I have disclosed the participation of your leaders in these crimes and that our co-operations are very close indeed. I can torture and kill you and your brothers and whomever I want. I have the power and you are weak regardless of your huge numbers. So, what can you do to me? Look at your leaders who bow to me, they are with me and not with do not try to fight me because I could with ease torture and kill you and you will never get any help nor protection from anyone!"

For this report and for the brutality of the US, we answer them with the Words of Allah (swt),

((وَاسْتَكْبَرَ هُوَ وَجُنُودُهُ فِى الاٌّرْضِ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ وَظَنُّواْ أَنَّهُمْ إِلَيْنَا لاَ يُرْجَعُونَ))

"And he (Fir'aun) and his armies were arrogant in the land, without right, and they thought that they would never return to Us" [Al-Qasas (28):39]


((كَدَأْبِ ءَالِ فِرْعَوْنَ وَالَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ كَفَرُواْ بِآيَـتِ اللَّهِ فَأَخَذَهُمُ اللَّهُ بِذُنُوبِهِمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ قَوِىٌّ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَاب))


"Similar to the behavior of the people of Fir'aun, and of those before them, they rejected the Ayat of Allah, so Allah punished them for their sins. Verily, Allah is All-Strong, severe in punishment" [Al-Anfal (8):52]

This report is a clear manifestation of the hypocrisy of US and its allies! They say that they are the defenders and upholders of human rights and are the guardians of international law, where in actual fact they are the real offenders. The Ummah should realize that the global war on terrorism led by the US is none other than a war on Muslims, who in reality, are enemies to them. A terrorist in their eyes is any Muslim who opposes Western colonialism and hegemony and works to establish Islam in its entirety (kaffah) within the framework of the Khilafah "Caliphate" State, even by way of intellectual struggle!



Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Dr. Muhammad - Malaysia


The Kazak Government's New Plans to Pay Non-Governmental Organizations to do its Job

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On the 24th of December 2014 the Astana Times reported that the Kazakh Government Civil Society are discussing a new bill which would introduce public funding of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's). A meeting took place on the 18th of December 2014 attended by numerous government departments and over 40 NGO agents reviewed "strengthening the dialogue between the authorities and civil society organisations on human dimension issues and promoting civil society initiatives and its increased participation in the NGO legislative process, as well as continuing the discussion on fulfillment of recommendations given to Kazakhstan under the UN Universal Periodic Review (UPR)."

The very idea of Kazak's President Nursultan Nazarbayev debating the use of public money to fund NGO's to provide community and social services, which are in fact the responsibility of the state, is in no way in the interests of the Muslims in the region.

Traditionally NGO's have been marketed to unsuspecting and usually desperate populations as being a benevolent body with only humanitarian objectives. The fact is NGO's hide behind their non-profit status as cover for their true Neo-colonial function.

The proliferation of NGO's since the 1980's has a proven track record of achieving very little in terms of making real and permanent changes to the poverty, violence and political instability that are the most pressing dangers faced by women and children globally. One may argue that it is not the function of NGO's to provide permanent solutions as they do not function to replace government.

This only further proves the invalidity of their existence in our nations. Surely if governments have failed to undertake the duty of looking after the affairs of its citizens then it should be accounted or replaced with a suitable authority fit to perform this critical role. The very idea of a lazy leaders auctioning off their duties to unrepresentative foreign agents should not be the accepted as normal practice.

A 2003 research paper entitled the "NGO Proliferation in the Post-Cold War Era" asserts a number of critical points that should be appreciated when understanding the reality of the function of NGO's in geopolitical evolution of countries, central to their function is the undermining of local cultures and the subversion of a nation's autonomy.

Excerpts from the document state the following:

"Every NGO working on women's rights in a place like Morocco is funded from abroad, (they are so well funded that) it creates a culture where no NGO that wants to work on women's rights feels the need to go to locals for funding."

"Many NGOs now directly taking on functions that were previously carried out by the state...... It is known that there are hundreds or thousands of international NGOs which have at their disposal greater budgets than many countries. They have been serving as the agents of transitional companies and the western interests. They have promoted ‘liberation movements' or civil wars within the rest of the world such as in Albania, Afghanistan, Northern Iraq and Sudan."

These quotes only reveal the tip of a giant cold hard NGO iceberg that crashes into a nation's political structure only to wreak havoc and chaos in its wake. Shortsighted defendants of NGO's may quote facts such as EuropeAid's donation of 255,000 Euros to the Egyptian Women's Center to fund a program for women in elections or it's 16m Euros to Save the Children project in Bangladesh "to promote access and increase basic education, however, the harms that NGO's unleash on populations are titanic compared to the meagre crumbs of aid that are parasitically offered in a manner that ensures no permanent solutions are achieved and secure only the long-term presence of NGO's in their host country. Hundreds of NGO's are emerging yearly in different Muslim states and their styles are forever evolving to creep into the social structures of our lands to be used as tools for foreign governments to usurp the local power in a region and assert their own agenda's such as feminism, to destroy the traditional family unit, promoting women to work to exploit them for cheap slave labour and using the education of women and girls as a cover to indoctrinate a generation with toxic liberal ideas designed to erase the pure Islamic identity of Muslim females and their noble roles as wives and mothers.

Kazakhstan is only one of the many strategic locations in Caucuses to warrant NGO's interest. A recent article "Neo-colonialism and the failure of NGO culture" by Seth J. Frantzman 2013, explains that; "After the fall of the Soviet Union, Westerners flocked to the "new Russia" and donors such as George Soros sought to fund the nascent civil society that was testing the new democracy. The total amount plowed into NGOs in Russia that sought to work on all manner of projects, from gay rights to government transparency, will never be known but the BBC estimated Soros alone gave $1b over 15 years." The article goes on to expose the inherent corruption that NGO's, like any other state entity, can be polluted by, its relays how a "local NGO elite that involves several people who have connections to foreign funding and who are able to enrich themselves at the breast of the EU or other Westerner countries" can be created ".....For instance, the CEO of Madonna's Raising Malawi charity just happened to be the sister of Malawi's president, Joyce Banda." Progress under the tutelage of the very money launderers and government cronies that are milking the poor dry cannot be a reasonable expectation "........ in many ways this constitutes part of a neocolonialism that replaces the old-style colonial administration with buying influence through local groups to encourage the spread of certain values."

The greatest threat NGO's pose is not so much in their capacity to influence the present, but their function to prevent real political progress in the future. The current debate over NGO's and their role in Kazakhstan's parliament involved many "details (that) were hotly debated, including usage of the term "non-governmental organisation," a phrase that is commonly used but not specified in Kazakh legislation. Legal experts insisted the term should be substituted with "non-commercial organization" as stipulated in the Civil Code". Such chameleon-like tactics of NGO's proves that styles and means are indeed diverse and the Muslim communities affected by them must be vigilant to the many disguises they adopt. NGO's have been a necessary western invention to cover the gaping hole left after the destruction of the Khilafah "Caliphate", the last fully functioning Islamic political model in 1924.

Zeynep Atalay's 2013 research paper "Civil Society as Soft Power: Islamic NGOs and Turkish Foreign Policy", explains that "After the establishment of the Turkish Republic and the state's takeover of all religious affairs and institutions in 1924 (The year that marks the end of the existence of the Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" Political System), religious brotherhoods went through a process of dramatic change. By the 1960s they had been transformed from loosely organized communities to legally operating foundations and associations. These foundations and associations gained prominence and increased in number throughout the 1980s and 1990s, thanks to the donations of religious wealthy business leaders. During the first term of the pro-Islamic Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the early 2000s, these organizations were given the status of "public-service associations," ..... a status which grants them tax exemption and allows them to collect money without authorization.....this status category includes Islamist foundations, social-aid organizations, business associations and human-rights associations. Running social, educational, cultural and humanitarian programs among the urban poor; ... the Union of Non-Governmental Organizations of the Islamic World (UNIW) is (today) the world's largest Muslim NGO coalition."

The insincerity and hypocrisy of NGO's should also be reviewed in that they, on the one hand may promote women's rights and political progress and at the same time co-operate with the very governments that commit horrific acts of brutality against Muslim women and girls. The unholy Kazakhstan-NGO nuptial is no exception to this sickening trend. Nursultan Nazarbayev dictatorship personally supervised the arrest and torture of hundreds of Muslim men and women including that of mother of three Natalia Foitkovoi in 2013 who was arrested and detained for simply speaking out against the unjust arrest of her husband who, in by non-violent means, was working to expose the corruption of his countries leadership. A press release published by Hizb ut Tahrir entitled "Kazakhstan Government Accuses Muslim Woman of Extremism and then Punishes Her for Defending Her Husband!" discusses the evil tactics and human rights violations suffered by Muslims in the region.

The long term harms of these illegitimate entities in Muslim lands and the fact that they operate with complete impunity to control millions of people without the consent of Muslims they influence makes them one of the most dangerous and pernicious political chimeras to control. The only means this can be truly achieved is by having a sound and sincere Islamic Political system that truly serves the interests of Muslims and does not act in puppet form propping up foreign political/business interests.

NGO's are merely a patchwork solution that poorly attempts to replace the real comprehensive political system that Allah (SWT) has designed for humanity to have real justice, security and peace of mind in their daily affairs. It is a western construct to divert the Muslim masses from making any real political progress, it conceals neglect of leaders failing in their role and hoodwinks the poor and needy into accepting western colonialism by the back door.

Kazakstan's new discussion into expanding the power and influence of NGO's in the Caucus region should be accounted and disabled through greater public awareness and pressure from Muslims that foreign Non-Islamic authority in our lands will not be tolerated. Muslims knowing that NGO's and indeed the governments that promote them, do not have the interest of people as their objectives should increase their political will to work for and support the Khilafah "Caliphate", the political system based on the method of the Prophet (saw). In Article 1 of the Draft Constitution of the Islamic State (published by Hizb ut Tahrir) it states the following:

"The Islamic 'Aqeedah constitutes the foundation of the State. Nothing is permitted to exist in the government's structure, accountability, or any other aspect connected with the government, that does not take the 'Aqeedah as its source. The 'Aqeedah is also the source for the State's constitution and shar'i canons. Nothing connected to the constitution or canons is permitted to exist unless it emanates from the Islamic 'Aqeedah"

NGO's are in blatant violation of the vital tenants in Islam that keep the laws and rules linked to Allah (SWT) and the Islamic sources. When we understand that the United Nations is responsible for hundreds of NGO's working in Muslim Lands and remind ourselves of treachery they committed against the Muslims of Bosnia, Kashmir, Africa, Palestine, Syria just to name but a few, it would be nonsensical to assume that any organization linked to this global criminal network has anything positive to offer Muslims.

In this regard the Kazakhstan government is negotiating with NGO's to undermine the interests of Islam and Muslims to further western agenda's in the region and the use of tax payers money only adds insult to political injury.

Hizb ut Tahrir, the Political Party working for the return of the correct political system for humanity under the leadership of the renowned Islamic Scholar Sheikh Ata Ibn Khalil Abu Rashtah, urges the Muslim of Kazakhstan along with their brothers and sisters internationally to study and revive the correct political visions of Islam and turn their backs on the false entities that have invaded our minds and lands only to mislead and confuse us in the submission to laws that enslave us to other men over the noble worship of Allah (swt). NGO's and any other political organization not from the clear political model of the Khilafah "Caliphate" should be rejected as Allah (swt) warned regarding those that wish to deviate Muslims from the correct understanding of progress.

((وَاحْذَرْهُمْ أَنْ يَفْتِنُوكَ عَنْ بَعْضِ مَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ إِلَيْكَ))

"...beware of them lest they turn you (O Muhammad SAW) far away from some of that which Allah has sent down to you" [al-Maida: 49]


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Imrana Mohammed
Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir


Pakistan Headlines 27/12/2014

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Pattern of "Do More" Followed by Barbaric Attacks

In the wake of the barbaric attack on a school in Peshawar, US State Department said on 19 December 2014 that Washington would welcome increased cooperation with Pakistan in the fight against terrorism. "We have been working closely with all levels of the Pakistan government," the State Department's spokesperson Jen Psaki told a briefing in Washington. As for the purpose of the working closely, in a Dawn interview published on 28 November, US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Ambassador Feldman, when asked if General Raheel's US visit achieved its goals said that, "We had very straightforward, constructive and honest discussions on the need to go after all terrorists, including the Haqqani Network, and to make sure that all terrorist safe havens are shut down."

It is a painfully familiar pattern. American demands to do more are underlined with barbaric acts, followed by compliance with the demands. The attacks on Meena Bazaar in Peshawar, Moon Market in Lahore and the Rawalpindi attacks on GHQ and a Masjid are just a few examples. More recently, the attack on Karachi Airport came before North Waziristan Operations. And now the animalistic slaughter of children came before hammer and anvil operations in the tribal areas on both sides of the Pak-Afghan border, under the supervision of America.

Breaking this pattern of destruction demands referral to the book of Allah (swt). Alliance with America is forbidden by Islam as it is a belligerently hostile state. It is this alliance that opened the doors to American intelligence and private military who gain intelligence, plan, infiltrate, supply and fund the corruptible for undertaking barbaric acts. Allah (swt) said,

((إِنَّمَا يَنْهَاكُمْ اللَّهُ عَنْ الَّذِينَ قَاتَلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَأَخْرَجُوكُمْ مِنْ دِيَارِكُمْ وَظَاهَرُوا عَلَى إِخْرَاجِكُمْ أَنْ تَوَلَّوْهُمْ وَمَنْ يَتَوَلَّهُمْ فَأُوْلَئِكَ هُمْ الظَّالِمُونَ))

"Allah forbids your alliance with those who fight you because of your Deen, and drive you from your homelands, or aid others to do so: and as for those who turn to them in alliance, they are truly oppressors." [Surah al-Mumtahina 60:9].

And rather than fighting those who resist occupation, Islam ordered the fighting of the American forces occupying Afghanistan. He (swt) said,

((يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا قَاتِلُوا الَّذِينَ يَلُونَكُمْ مِنْ الْكُفَّارِ وَلْيَجِدُوا فِيكُمْ غِلْظَةً وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الْمُتَّقِينَ))

"O you who believe! Fight those of the Disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty ‘unto Him'." [Tawba 9: 123].

However, referring to the Book of Allah (swt) will never occur in this Kufr system and our situation will only change through the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate".

OIC Rubs Salt in the Wounds of the Muslims of Pakistan, When Armed Forces of the Ummah Need Mobilization Against US Occupation

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will organise in Peshawar a peace conference of Ulema and ambassadors of Muslim countries to adopt a joint strategy against terrorism. This was said by OIC Secretary General Iyad Amin Madani during a meeting with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervez Khattak here on 20 December.

The OIC claims representation of the Muslim Lands, whose armed forces number into millions, dwarfing the armed forces of America, India and the Jewish entity in number and bravery. It is well known that whenever Americans occupies Muslim Lands, there is always mayhem and bloodshed. It is well known in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan that wherever US intelligence and private military takes hold, it undertakes campaigns of bombings and assassination to support the continuation of the occupation. This army of terrorist trainers and funders roams the country with sophisticated equipment and huge funding resources, so that not even the most sensitive military areas can be secured. However, rather than utilizing the immense strength of the Ummah to rid it of foreign occupation, the traitorous OIC leadership calls for ridding America of those who are fighting its occupation. It is high time that the Khilafah "Caliphate" was established, unifying the mighty Ummah against its tormentors.

Good and Bad Taliban Ploy Being Used for American Interests

On 16 December, whilst condemning the attack on the Peshawar school, the United States confirmed that after Jan 2, US forces in Afghanistan will target those Taliban that have a direct threat to the US. The Dawn Newspaper reported on 22 December that, "Being a member of the Taliban doesn't mean that the United States is going to prosecute operations against you for that reason alone," Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby adding that, "We've also concurred that a member of the Taliban who undertakes missions against us or our Afghan partners - by that act alone, renders himself vulnerable and liable to US action." So, America has drawn an important distinction, which is that the bad Taliban are those that attack the US occupation, whereas the good Taliban are the ones that do not. This is consistent with its plan to maintain its occupation of Afghanistan.

As for America's agents in Islamabad, they used a "good and bad Taliban" ploy to pull the wool over the eyes of the armed forces. They initially insisted that they were playing a double game with America and only going after those who attack the armed forces, the bad Taliban. They claimed that they would not attack those who are fighting the American occupation in Afghanistan. They even allowed the armed forces to hold their opinion that the Afghan Taliban are good Taliban, a view that they have held since the time of the Soviet Russian invasion of Afghanistan. But now they have abandoned the double game facade and are making calls that they will go after all Taliban, including those who are fighting America only.

The rulers have always been playing a double game against the armed forces. They pursue the American policy, but tailor the implementation to account for the fact that hatred of America is deep in the people of Pakistan and the armed forces. The Khilafah "Caliphate" will end the games of the current rulers because it is bound by Islam. Islam forbids alliance with America. It forbids hostile nations from having any presence on Muslim Lands. And it obliges the mobilization of the armed forces to end any foreign occupation.

Military Courts to Curb Opposition to the American Raj

Prime Minis¬ter Nawaz Sharif announced in a late-night address to the nation on 24 December that the country's political leadership had agreed to set up special military courts to try hardened terrorists. In his remarks to the meeting, Army Chief General Raheel Sharif referred to the 2009 Swat operation and said that terrorists with proven track records, captured by the army, had been freed by courts. "If this remains the state of affairs, there will be no use of the ongoing military operation in North Waziristan," he was quoted as saying.

So the regime has failed in its duty to protect the Muslims. It has ignored that which is known to the people, that America is the head of the snake of barabaric attacks on the people and the armed forces. Even Americans themselves know that they are the head of the snake throughout the world, through the recent report regarding CIA brutality throughout the world. Yet, the regime has not lifted a finger to eliminate this clear and flagrant threat.

And to add to its crimes, the regime is now using the barbaric Peshawar attack as an excuse to pursue those who are raising arms against the illegal American occupation of Afghanistan, even though Islam orders the fighting of the occupying Kuffar forces. The regime did not stop there, for it has sought to pursue sympathizers (hamdard) which are those Muslims who raise their voices against the American occupation and for the implementation of Islam, even though Islam orders the Muslims to account the rulers for any transgression of Islam.

To save Pakistan from further harm, it is imperative that the regime is uprooted and the Khilafah "Caliphate" is established in its place.

National Action Plan is to Prevent Jihad Against the Crusader Occupiers

Not only does the regime prevent the armed forces from fulfilling their duty of Jihad to end the Western occupation in Afghanistan, it orders the armed forces to engage in operations in the tribal regions in support of the occupying forces, under the banners of "alliance" and "strategic cooperation." On 23 December 2014, the Chief of Army Staff, General Raheel Shareef met commanders of the Afghan National Army (ANA) and the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan (ISAF) and reaffirmed commitment to joint operations to eliminate all tribal fighters. An ISPR statement on the meeting said, "Both leaders (ANA and ISAF chiefs) assured their full support in fight against terrorism and eliminating terrorists on Afghan soil." And the American blood money, from the Coalition Support Fund, comes with a condition that the crusaders will examine the effects of the operations to their satisfaction. Thus they commit to burn our armed forces as fuel for America's collapsing crusade, even though Allah (swt) said,

يأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ لاَ تَتَّخِذُواْ عَدُوِّى وَعَدُوَّكُمْ أَوْلِيَآءَ تُلْقُونَ

Allah (swt) said,

((إِنَّمَا يَنْهَاكُمْ اللَّهُ عَنْ الَّذِينَ قَاتَلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَأَخْرَجُوكُمْ مِنْ دِيَارِكُمْ وَظَاهَرُوا عَلَى إِخْرَاجِكُمْ أَنْ تَوَلَّوْهُمْ وَمَنْ يَتَوَلَّهُمْ فَأُوْلَئِكَ هُمْ الظَّالِمُونَ))

"Allah forbids your alliance with those who fight you because of your Deen, and drive you from your homelands, or aid others to do so: and as for those who turn to them in alliance, they are truly oppressors." [Surah al-Mumtahina 60:9].

Raheel-Nawaz Regime Forbid Jihad Against American Occupation

On 26 December, at least 23 suspected militants, including some key Taliban ‘commanders', were killed as military planes pounded their hideouts in the Dattakhel area of North Waziristan Agency, according to the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR). The regime has engaged in treachery against the sanctity of the Muslims' lands, it is in the form of measures to prevent Jihad against the occupying American forces in Afghanistan, under the banner of preventing "terrorism." Previously the regime claimed to distinguish between those who attacked Pakistan and those that attacked the American occupation. However, now, the regime has declared them all as one and has ordered them all to be stopped, no longer distinguishing between the lowly murderer of children and the noble Mujahid fighting in the way of Allah against the Western crusaders. On 17 December 2014, Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, declared, "There will be no distinction between good and bad Taliban. The nation will continue this war with full resolve till the elimination of the last terrorist." This is despite the severe condemnation from Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw) for abandoning the duty of Jihad in the path of Allah (swt).

Allah (swt) said,

((الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ وَصَدُّواْ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَضَلَّ أَعْمَـلَهُمْ))

"Those who disbelieve and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah (Jihad), He will render their deeds vain." [Surah Muhammad 47: 1]. ِ And RasuAllah (saw) said,

مَا تَرَكَ قَوْمٌ الْجِهَادَ إِلا عَمَّهُمُ اللَّهُ بِالْعَذَابِ»

"There is no people that abandoned Jihad, such that they are not stricken by Allah with punishment." [Tabaraani]


News Headlines 27/12/2014

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• Sweden: Masjid Set on Fire

• Saudi Arabia Projects Its Biggest Deficit Ever After Oil Crash

• Pakistan to Use Army Courts for Terror Cases


Sweden: Masjid Set on Fire

An arsonist set fire to a mosque in the Swedish town of Eskilstuna on Thursday, injuring five people, police said, an incident which comes amid an intense debate over immigration. The immigration debate has pitted the far right, which wants to cut the number of asylum seekers allowed into Sweden by 90 percent, against mainstream parties intent on preserving the Nordic country's liberal policy. Between 15 and 20 people were in the mosque, located in the ground floor of a building in a mainly residential area, when the fire erupted. Local media footage showed smoke and flames billowing from the windows. "A witness saw somebody throw an object through the window of the building, which serves as a mosque, after which a violent fire began," police spokesman Lars Franzell said. The five injured people were taken to hospital for treatment of injuries ranging from smoke inhalation to lacerations. No suspect has been apprehended yet, Franzell added. Emergency services in Eskilstuna, central Sweden, were called to the scene of the fire shortly after 12:00 noon, and police are treating it as arson.

Why is the police treating this incident as a normal crime, when clearly it is a terror attack designed to scare Muslims into leaving the country. In the West, there is one standard for Muslims-to belittle them and their Islam- by associating any incident with terror, while incidents against Muslims are reported as routine criminal attacks.

Saudi Arabia Projects Its Biggest Deficit Ever After Oil Crash

Saudi Arabia announced a 2015 budget with a huge deficit Thursday as the world's largest crude exporter begins to feel the impact of its own decision not to shore up oil prices. The government announced the $38.6 billion deficit in a statement read on state-run television, adding that it would nonetheless boost projected spending by tapping its vast financial reserves. The lead producer in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Saudi Arabia has insisted the cartel will not move to strengthen global oil prices despite a drop of nearly 50 percent since June. OPEC has maintained a production ceiling of 30 million barrels per day, in a move analysts say is aimed at stifling competition from new market players with higher costs, in particular North American shale oil producers. Saudi officials have vowed not to boost production no matter how low prices go, regardless of the impact on the country's coffers. The budget announced for next year sees spending at 860 billion riyals ($229.3 billion) and revenues at 715 billion riyals ($190.7 billion). Projected spending is slightly higher than planned for this year, but revenues are 140 billion riyals lower than estimates for 2014, said the statement read after a cabinet session chaired by Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz. The 2015 budget shortfall is the first deficit projected by the OPEC kingpin since 2011 and the largest ever for the kingdom. Over the past decade, Saudi Arabia overspent budget projections by more than 20 percent and if the trend is maintained next year, analysts say the deficit will be much higher. "I believe we are headed for a difficult year in 2015. I think the actual deficit will be around 200 billion riyals because actual revenues are expected to be lower than estimates," Saudi economist Abdulwahab Abu-Dahesh told AFP. [Source: Business Insider]

The Saudi regime eager to appease the West and to be used as a pawn against Russia, is now paying a dear price for dropping the price of oil. When will the leaders of the Muslim world stand up and defend the interests of the Muslim Ummah? Rather than using oil as a weapon for the West to hurt Russia, oil could easily be used to damage Western and Russian interests simultaneously thereby freeing the Muslim world from the yoke of colonialism.

Pakistan to Use Army Courts for Terror Cases

Pakistan has announced plans to set up special military-run courts to prosecute terrorism suspects as part of a new anti-terrorism plan following the ban school massacre that killed 149 people, including 132 children. In a live televised address to the nation on Wednesday, Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan's prime minister, announced 25 new counter-terrorism policies, with military-run courts among the most controversial.

"Special courts, headed by the officers of armed forces, will be established for the speedy trial of terrorists," he said. Sharif gave few details about how the courts would function, except to say they would operate for the next two years and that changes to current laws would be needed. "The Peshawar attack has shocked the nation. We will not let the blood of our children go in vain," he said. Sharif also mentioned plans to cutting off financial aid to "terrorists" and methods to prevent banned organizations from operating with new names. The "plan of action" included a wide range of measures including constitutional amendments, banning space for "terrorists" in electronic and print media, destroying their communication systems, and the repatriation of Afghan refugees. Sharif also announced the formation of a special anti-terrorism force and reforms of religious seminaries known as madrassas. [Source: Al Jazeera]

The twenty-five points do not mention the sole cause of terror in Pakistan, and that is America. Ever since, America's involvement in the region from the late 70s, Pakistan has been plagued by terror attacks. Prior to do this, such attacks were unknown. However, the Pakistani leadership conveniently chooses to ignore this fact and runs towards Washington to cement a lopsided relationship that only benefits America.


Press Release From Public Talks held in front of 50 Mosques: Hizb ut Tahrir Calls upon the People to Stop the Democratic Elections Circus and Establish the Second Khilafah Rashidah

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Hizb ut Tahrir organized Public Talks after Jummah prayers today in front of 50 mosques in Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet. There was spontaneous participation from the people who listened attentively and supported the talks arranged under the title, "Oh People! The Only Way to Free Yourselves from Tyrant Hasina is to Demand from the Sincere Military Officers to Overthrow her and Transfer the Authority to Hizb ut Tahrir to Establish the Second Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah." Members of Hizb ut Tahrir delivering the talks made the following points:

1. There is only one real alternative to Sheikh Hasina's misrule and tyranny; and that is for the people to establish the Second Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashidah state, which will rule them with compassion, caring for them, and acting as their guardian rather than being an enemy to them like the tyrants of today.

2. The people have to reject the current kufr ruling regime and stop the circus of so called free and fair democratic elections. They have to shun every call and every caller to the democratic system and to democratic movement and those who present themselves as an alternative force but within this democratic political set up. It is this rotten democracy which created and made space for the likes of Hasina-Khaleda to enter politics, corrupt it and reach the authority.

3. The people must demand from the sincere officers in the military, those they know and they meet, to overthrow Sheikh Hasina and transfer the authority to Hizb ut Tahrir to establish the Khilafah "Caliphate". Making the sincere officers switch sides, making them abandon the regime and take the people's side is the assured way to change the regime when they overthrow it, not for taking power for themselves, rather for transferring the authority to sincere and aware politicians, those politicians who will build the regime on a new basis, the Islamic Aqeedah and declare Bangladesh as the Khilafah "Caliphate". These sincere and aware politicians, those who are aware of how to solve the people's problems according to the Qur'an and the Sunnah, how to industrialize the country, how to face regional and global challenges, are to be found in Hizb ut Tahrir and not in any other party, the combination of the two - sincerity and deep awareness - does not exist in any other party.
The names of the mosques where the Public Talks were arranged have been attached (in Bengali) with this press release.

Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir , Wilayah Bangladesh





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The Increase in Civilian Casualties is the Direct Outcome of Occupation and Colonialism

UNAMA, the mission of United Nations (UN) for Afghanistan, has announced that in last five years the number of civilian casualties have maximized that in 2014, it increased 19% over last year. In total 17,252 killed and 29,536 wounded Afghan civilians have been recorded by the UNAMA from 2009 until now. On the other hand, this report stated that Taliban are responsible for 75% of these casualties because this extremist group has intensified their attacks on international forces and Afghan national forces alike.

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