Tuesday, 28 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/10/01
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News and Comment Man Made Constitutions: A Matter of Trial and Error

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27th August 2014 marked the fourth anniversary of the new Kenyan constitution. All the hopes that the Kenyan people had put into it seem to have been eroded leaving hopelessness and despair in their hearts. The new constitution took the government expenditure on wages alone up to $ 4.6 billion leaving only $2.3 billion for development due to the increase of the number of government employees. A survey conducted recently indicated that life has become harder in 2014 compared to the year 2013 due to heavy taxes imposed on citizens in order to suffice the almost KSH2 trillion budget.


Four years now, there has been a huge debate not only about the process of its implementation but even but in interpreting some of its clauses! For example, there are has been a continuing debate on the so-called battle of supremacy between the Senators and the governors! And between the National Government and County Governments who is supposed to manage sectors such as health, Security and education. In a further funny scenario is that those leaders who campaigned for the enactment of this new constitution are currently campaigning for a referendum in order to change the constitution while those who opposed to this constitution and currently in power opposes to the change of the this constitution.

This clearly brings to light the capitalistic saying, ‘We do not have permanent friends nor permanent enemies but we have permanent interest.' They are ready to change what they campaigned for only to suit their interest and also retaining what they campaigned against only to suit their desires.

Doctors have been on strike twice while the teachers thrice under these new laws not forgetting the security officers who went on a ‘go slow' for some few days. The government owes KSH 2.3trillion to foreign donors and still needs KSH 340 billion to cater for its expenditure in this financial year.

These and many more are schemes orchestrated by the western colonialist in order to enslave the so-called third world countries which gives them a loophole into looting of its abundant resources and raw materials for their industries like the titanium in Kwale and oil in Turkana. The western colonialist through local politicians spearheads the change of these laws in order to benefit from them. They also use their veto powers in the UN, IMF and WORLD BANK to sanction these third world countries in multinational trades and international treaties into forcefully submitting to them to steal their resources.

Whoever has put faith in this new constitution or other man-made policies should realize that they are bound to faults due to the imperfect and self-centered nature of human beings. The only solution to this is to change the entire system from the man-made laws to Shariah laws that are divine without any mistakes in them. Laws that will turn the self-centered human beings into one society with one goal living in harmony.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Bakari Mohamed
Member of Hizb ut Tahrir in East Africa


A Generation of Syrian Children is Lost in a War that Destroyed Millions of Lives from Them!

The United Nations announced on Friday that the number of Syrian refugees who have fled their country to escape the ongoing conflict inside has exceeded three million. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees announced in a statement that "the worsening Syrian refugee crisis has surpassed today a new record of three million refugees"...


News and Comment Rotherham Sex Abuse Used as another Opportunity to Persecute the Muslim Community

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A report commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council has revealed that at least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013.

Revealing details of the inquiry's findings, Professor Jay said, "It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered."

The inquiry team found examples of "children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone". It is also thought that many babies born to victims of the grooming and sexual exploitation in Rotherham were then taken away from their mothers, causing them further trauma.

A care worker, who worked at children's homes from 2003-2007, told the BBC, men would arrive almost "every night" to collect girls, who escaped using a range of methods and were then usually driven off in taxis.

According to the report, several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so. Many of the members of such grooming gangs were thought to be of Pakistani origin. As with the Rochdale case, the spotlight has now fallen on the supposed acceptability of Asian men to target British white girls. According to The Guardian, this is further evidence of "the extent to which the former Labour government tried to play down criminality and extremism among British Muslims for fear of undermining community cohesion".



It is clear that the Western media and politicians are side tracking this issue and making it one of race rather than the abhorrent criminal act sexual abuse is, which occurs across all cultures and ethnicities. This provides no justice for the victims. Rather than examining the root causes of the serious and growing problem of sexual exploitation of women in Britain, the media has started to generalize the issue to ‘Muslims', ‘brown', ‘Pakistanis' and ‘Asians'. This sort of reporting and rhetoric from the government and media causes ethnic tensions; ignoring the core issue, which is that children, many of them in vulnerable situations, were terrorised and physically harmed by opportunistic men who were able to get away with their crimes for years.

As with the Rochdale gangs, Islam gets a special mention, despite the actions of these individuals being categorically against the Deen. Islam rejects and admonishes such behavior; however when British born Pakistani men are involved, their religious values are immediately highlighted. And yet the values and beliefs of their white counterparts are never mentioned and raised equally. After the Jimmy Saville Scandal, the high profile sexual abuse cases of Rolf Harris, William Roache and Dave Lee Travis, the rape culture at universities and the growing figures of child on child sexual abuse, it is clear such values are not exclusive to the British Asian community.

As to the claim that authorities deliberately ignored information on these crimes for fear of being politically incorrect, this is difficult to believe given the level of propaganda the media is happy to supply against the Muslim community wherever else they contradict "British values". Furthermore, it is widely accepted that the police and social services continually fall down when it comes to believing children who claim abuse, and struggle to deal with sexual offences across the board. It is known that some of the abused are characterized as in a "relationship" with their abusers, and thus the system struggles to tackle domestic offences.

These men picked the most vulnerable girls they had access to. Maybe white women were more accessible to them than Asian girls. However, this does not make this case a racially motivated crime. Rather, this is a story of unprincipled individuals getting away with sexual exploitation. These sorts of crimes are sadly common in the UK, perpetrated by men of all backgrounds, due to broken values which lead them to dabble in alcohol, drugs and the abuse of women.

These men are individuals that are part of society. This issue should be about the causes of widespread abuse of women and girls in society as a whole. The secular liberal values and system have failed these young innocent girls. These crimes are an extension of the values of freedom that people carry, freedom to gratify their own instincts and desires in whichever way they wish. Also these types of criminal activity, specifically gang association and drug selling are really a jigsaw of different problems and issues in society that enforce one another.

Islam and the Muslim community at large have nothing to apologize for when these crimes are committed. Rather we should see it as an opportunity to clarify the true media objective through the way in which it reports these stories, and highlight the underlying cause of such abuse.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Aisha Hasan


News and Comment Daughter of the Ummah, Aafia Siddiqui, in Prisoner Exchange Demand by ISIS

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"You were given many chances to negotiate the release of your people via cash transactions as other governments have accepted," it said. "We have also offered prisoner exchanges to free the Muslims currently in your detention, like our sister Dr Aafia Siddiqui. However, you proved very quickly to us that this is not what you are interested in."

This message, sent to the employers of American journalist James Foley by fighters belonging to the Islamic State (IS), highlighted an audacious gambit: they had sought to exchange Mr Foley for a Pakistani woman who has been dubbed Lady al-Qa'ida and who was once described as the world's most wanted woman, but whom her family insist is an innocent victim.  [Source: The Independent, 31 August 2014].


Imam ibn Athir mentions in ‘Kamil' the famous story of a Muslim woman who was captured by the Romans and held in a place named ‘Amuriyyah.

"Not content with only capturing her they tried to dishonor her as well. Frightened and alone she called out the name of the Khalifah, Ya Mu'tasim, (Oh Mu'tasim). A man witnessed this incident and rushed to the Khalifah informing him of what had happened. When he heard the plight of this woman he responded bravely, "Labbaik (I am here at your call)". He prepared a large army and set off for battle and to rescue the woman. Mu'tasim's army conquered the enemy and entered ‘Amuriyyah. After destroying the enemy stronghold, they came to the woman and freed her".

This example proves the correct response according to Islam to such an atrocity, whereby the honour and dignity of women are given the highest value. It is what Aafia Siddiqui herself wrote about in her nasiha (advice) to the Muslims during the genocide in Bosnia. However the release of Aafia can only come through an powerful army, equal to that of the enemy, just as in the example cited before; and because the despicable situation remains where the treacherous leaders of the Muslims, despite having full control of the armed forces and actually having the capability to secure Aafia's release; have instead brazenly ignored her plight and even sided with their puppet masters in upholding the twisted narrative deeming her to be a terrorist.

The Mujahideen of ISIS may have good intentions by calling for her release but the US is unlikely to respond to the demands from a rogue state or militia. If only it were so easy! We must understand that it is not enough to 'demand' Aafia's release without authority, capability, and the ability to strike fear into the enemy, all of which, ISIS is lacking.

Allah (swt) says in the Quran,

وَأَعِدُّوا لَهُم مَّا اسْتَطَعْتُم مِّن قُوَّةٍ وَمِن رِّبَاطِ الْخَيْلِ تُرْهِبُونَ بِهِ عَدُوَّ اللَّـهِ وَعَدُوَّكُمْ وَآخَرِينَ مِن دُونِهِمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَهُمُ اللَّـهُ يَعْلَمُهُمْ ۚ وَمَا تُنفِقُوا مِن شَيْءٍ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّـهِ يُوَفَّ إِلَيْكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ لَا تُظْلَمُونَ

"Make ready for them all the power you can muster, and all the equipment you can mobilize so that you may deter the enemies of Allah, and your enemies. And others beside them whom you know not, Allah knows them. Whatever wealth and effort you spend on your defenses, will be your spending in the Cause of Allah, and it will be repaid to you generously. And you shall not be wronged." [Anfal: 60]

Only when a land is secure in the hands of the Muslims, free from outside affiliations such as the UN and any treaties and pacts which do not serve to benefit the Muslims without compromise, will this noble Ummah be in a position to free all our prisoners, whether they be from the clutches of the US, "Israel" or Iran! The obligation of the guided leader, sincere in serving the needs of the ummah will facilitate this stance and although only Allah (swt) Knows, it may only then be possible to liberate our most beloved sister, our precious honour who we will inshaAllah avenge.

May Allah (swt) hasten His victory and bestow His favor upon us by honoring us with the Khilafah "Caliphate". It will surely be a day the believers will rejoice!


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Um Mohammed


Arrest of Suspects in the Recruitment for Jihad is Only to Impose a Harsher Policy Against Islam

Dutch authorities arrested today Izz al-Din Cee (Elias Abu Musa) and his wife, and Rudolph Ha (Abu Suhaib), for being suspected by the authorities to recruit some young people for jihad in Syria and Iraq. In fact we have not been surprised by such news, rather this was expected, and Muslims are used to the double standards pursued by the Dutch authorities against Islam and Muslims and how the laws are only enforced when it comes to Muslims.


Obituary for a Virtuous Sister The Women's Section of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah of Sudan Announces the Bereavement of Umm Fatima Nouha Khalil Adam, May Allah (swt) Forgive Her (Translated)

"And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirin (the patient ones, etc.). Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: "Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return." They are those on whom are the Salawat (i.e. blessings, etc.) (i.e. who are blessed and will be forgiven) from their Lord, and (they are those who) receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the guided-ones." [al-Baqara: 155-157]

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