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Wilayah Syria: Political Forum, "Collective Work & Politics in the Balance of Shariah"

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The Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Syria organized a political forum entitled, "Collective Work & Politics in the Balance of Shariah" in the al Rahman Mosque in the village of Jrzinaz in Idlib by Brother Ahmad Abdel Wahab, Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Syria, in the presence of Mounir Nasser, member of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Syria and Dr Yousef Haj Yousef, Deputy Media Representative of the Hizb in Britain.


Abode of Islam, 29 Shawwal 1435 AH - 25 August 1435 AH





Question & Answer




News & Comment The Cost of Childcare

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The parents of a two-year-old boy are suing a nursery after staff allegedly used duct-tape to restrain their son during nap time.

A former employee of the Heart2Heart daycare centre in Texas took a widely-circulated picture showing a small child wrapped in a blanket and apparently bound to a mat by duct-tape. The employee then gave it to parents Kristi and Brad Galbraith, who are suing the centre for negligence, fraud, breach of contract and injury to a child. The couple are seeking an undisclosed sum in damages. (Source: NBC News and The Independent)


Due to the financial demands on many parents the only option for working families is a Day Care centre or crèche facility to look after their young children. Children from a few months old to school starting age are often left for long hours at the mercy of nursery staff. In this case, it is also alleged that staff at the centre only allowed children two short water-drinking breaks of a few seconds as they did not want to change diapers.

Incidents like this bring up a lot of different issues and opinions. Parents in the modern capitalist setting feel they can only provide a good standard of living if both parents work. Parents are actually pressurized by the media and the system to see many things as a necessity when in fact they are actually luxuries. This leaves parents with the dilemma of how to provide for their children yet ensure that in the meantime they are taken care of. It is a Catch-22 situation as those very children that are a reason to push both parents to work and provide a better life are often deprived of the time and nurturing of their parents at this young age. Whether or not a good childcare facility is found, mothers often feel severe guilt for leaving children without knowing what is happening while their backs are turned and when things go wrong they usually face blame for not looking after their children themselves.

The capitalist system values people according to their financial worth and monetary contribution to society. In some cases women are the sole breadwinners and lack support or any choice but to use childcare facilities so they can work to provide for their children. In both cases a mother can argue she has no choice. Given this constant message that women as well as men should work and provide for their family is not easy to ignore.

The Islamic system values the role of motherhood and makes the mother accountable for looking after her children and does not allow any situation where her role is compromised. For example a father, if he divorced his wife, does not have the right to take the children away from their mother at a young age thereby compromising her ability to carry out her responsibility.

For single mothers, Islam has obliged her family; father, brothers and male relatives to provide for her even if she is able to work and if she is without this then the Islamic State is responsible to provide for her. This allows her to meet her needs and look after her children. And she is never made to feel a burden unless she has the ability to work and earn herself.

Delegation of the primary role of mother for the woman in this current system is a perilous task and Islamic social system, where roles are defined along with the implementation of the Islamic economic system and the other systems respectively is the only solution to the daily struggle to manage the responsibility of providing for families and looking after one's children.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Nazia Rehman


Pakistan Headlines 02/09/2014

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Democracy is Itself a Threat to Muslim Unity and Nurtures Division

The Pakistan People's Party believes that the prevailing political situation has the potential of derailing democratic process and eventually posing a threat to the unity of Pakistan's federation. Resolutions adopted at a meeting of the party's central executive committee held at Bilawal House in Karachi on 26 August 2014 said that the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, Pakistan Awami Tehrik and the PML-N would be held responsible if something untoward happened to democratic system. However, it is Democracy itself that causes discord and disunity, wherever it is implemented.

Democracy is a system of governance which allocates state's resources and attention according to the political power of different groups in the society. Those groups enjoying more political power and having more political weight, influence the legislative agenda of the state, and get more resources and more concessions from the state. Thus a democratic state only guarantees the rights of those citizens who can generate enough political pressure on the state that the state cedes to their demands. Therefore the idea of representative governance in democracy generates a feeling of insecurity amongst different groups in the society as they struggle to draw the state's attention to their demands. Thus democratic governance encourages divisions, factions and groupings in the society where each faction competes with the other for the attention of the state. This phenomenon is seen wherever there is democracy, with all manner of groups fighting for their rights. Democratic politics has encouraged the formation of many factions in Pakistan based on ethnicity, race, nationality and religious difference of opinion.

In Islam, citizens' rights are guaranteed by Shariah and not through access to political power by different factions. Unlike democracy, Islam does not believe that representatives of the people should make the laws which govern them. In democracy such a methodology naturally results in discriminatory behaviour of the state against groups or factions which do not enjoy enough political clout to influence the legislative agenda of the state.

Such discriminatory behaviour in result increases factional animosity amongst different groups and encourages severe and damaging competition between them causing fractures and divisions in the society. Although the Khalifah in Islam is elected, however neither he nor the elected members of the Majlis e Ummah have the right to make laws. The Khalifah is bound to implement the Islamic Shariah and rule according to its provisions.

Islam rejects the politics of factions. In Islam the resources of the state are distributed amongst its citizens according to the rules of Shariah and not according to the political weight of different factions in the society. The Islamic Shar'a has prohibited the Khalifah from discriminating and differentiating between his subjects based on their race, ethnicity or religion or school of thought, rather it has ordered him to secure the rights of the citizens of the Islamic state solely on the basis of Islamic legal injunctions.

Dealing with the Hostile Hindu State Necessitates Vision that the Current Regime Woefully Lacks

Pakistan and India have agreed on de-escalation along the Line of Control and the Working Boundary that have lately witnessed frequent violations of the ceasefire accord. The decision on ending hostilities was taken on 26 August during a conversation between the Directors General of Military Operations (DGMOs) of India and Pakistan talked on the hot-line. The conversation took place on Pakistan's call.

Submissive actions before a belligerent state are a fatal mistake. It is the regime's policies that have bolstered Indian aggression against us, whether in the recent border tensions or previous ones. Since the Clinton era, the regime's master, America, has wanted to exploit Pakistan to win over India to its sphere of influence, with the promise of the permanent burial of the Kashmir issue, enhancing India's presence in Afghanistan, strengthening India's economy by gaining access to our huge market and the reduction of our military capabilities, including our nuclear weapons. India breathed a sigh of relief as Kashmir was abandoned and our armed forces are now ensnared in America's war of Fitna, as made clear in General Raheel's revision to the army's military doctrine in the Green Book during the time of Kayani. All this is how India has the nerve to look our armed forces in the eye today.

A visionary leadership would deal with the Hindu State on a hostile footing, working to utilize advantages over this aggressive enemy. India's current foot hold in Afghanistan, granted to her by the occupying American forces, is purely dependent on Pakistan, its logistical support, its intelligence and its professionally competent armed forces. The Hindu state is a fragile rule, with a tendency to collapse. It is based on bigotry to the point that there are a myriad of secessionist groups, which seek the division of India. It is incapable of providing security and prosperity to non-Hindus or even Hindus of lower castes. The Hindu state is energy dependent on the huge gas and oil reserves with the Muslim Lands and upon Pakistan for access to these resources. Islam is a unifying force for the Muslims of South and Central Asia that are over half a billion in number, of which nearly 200 million are in the Hindu state itself. The combined forces of the Islamic Ummah is approaching six million, those of the Hindu state stand at one million. The call for Khilafah "Caliphate" has permeated through Central and South Asia, so the platform for the reunification of the Muslim Lands is in place. Moreover, there are many non-hostile non-Muslim states in the region who resent American and Indian aggression on their doorstep. They are also amenable to access to the huge resources of the Muslim Lands.

RasulAllah's (saw) Example is the Way out of the Current Crisis

Pakistan is paralyzed by the standoff between the opposition and the ruling party. The Prophet's (saw) example is for all of us to follow. The methodology for change is not mass mobilization, demonstrations or sit-ins. The methodology for change is seeking material support for your political agenda. Material support is provided by the people of power, those who have authority and strength to change the government in one day, albeit a few hours. In Pakistan's case, they are the Armed forces.

The Prophet (saw) sought material support (seeking Nussrah) for Islam from the leaders of powerful tribes and he persisted on this method despite being rejected continuously. He persisted on this approach till the two tribes of Madina, the Aaus and Khazraj agreed to provide unconditional Nussrah to Islam. The persistence of Prophet Muhammad on continuing to seek Nussrah even though he faced physical and verbal abuse during the process is an indication of the obligation of sticking to this methodology for bringing change. Had seeking the material support been a matter of choice in the struggle to bring Islam to dominance and power, the Prophet (saw) would have turned away from it and sought another more easier approach for his agenda. But he did not change course. This points to the obligation of seeking Nussrah from the people of power being the method to bring Islam in authority.

And we now know that it is the practical way. The issue is not devising a political agenda. The issue is devising and getting the political agenda implemented. And there is a big gap between a group of people demanding an agenda and that agenda being implemented. That gap is full-filled by the people of power. Any man made agenda devised by a political party or a cleric is doomed to fail. The only political agenda worth implementing for a nation which believes in Islam is the political agenda presented by the Prophet of Islam. Let us support this agenda, Khilafah "Caliphate" for Pakistan and the Muslim World through the support of the Armed forces.

Abolish America's Horse in Pakistan, Democracy

Throughout the lengthy stand off between Pakistan's ruling party and the opposition, that led to spilling of Muslim blood and disruption in the country, America repeatedly stressed its one concern, the continuation of Democracy in Pakistan. So in the build up to the crisis, the US Ambassador, Richard Olson, busily met the different factions, underlining that America will only accept change within the current framework, according to the constitution of Democracy. Then, as the crisis began to deepen, the US State Department Deputy Spokesperson, Marie Harf, said on 22 August 2014 that the US ambassador, "meets quite frequently with a range of officials, and I believe that's where the contact has occurred" and then again stressed upon acting according to the constitution of democracy. Then on 29 August, as the confrontation heightened towards violent confrontation, with the country in paralysis, the US State Department Spokesperson, Jen Psaki, stressed yet again the importance of democracy, saying that "peaceful protests and freedom of expression" were "important aspects of democracy." America's determined and insistent pursuit of democracy is for the sake of securing her own interests in Pakistan. This is why in a 12 December 2012 interview to the BBC, when asked about betting who would win Pakistan's May 2013 elections, the US Ambassador Richard Olson confidently declared, "Our horse is democracy." Yes indeed, it is democracy that America steers according to its will, regardless of who comes to ride as jockey upon it.

Democracy is America's horse in Pakistan because it is a system of disobedience of Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw). Democracy assigns assemblies of men and women as sovereign, allowing them to ignore all that Allah (swt) has revealed and make laws according to their whims and desires, even though Allah (swt) said,

((وَأَنِ احْكُمْ بَيْنَهُمْ بِمَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ وَلَا تَتَّبِعْ أَهْوَاءَهُمْ وَاحْذَرْهُمْ أَنْ يَفْتِنُوكَ عَنْ بَعْضِ مَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ إِلَيْكَ))

"And judge between them by all that Allah has revealed, and do not follow their desires, and beware (O Muhammad) that they might seduce you from some of what Allah has sent down to you." [Surah Al-Maaida 5:49].

It is this democracy gives the right to any ruler, minister or member of assembly to command what Allah (swt) has forbidden or forbid what Allah (swt) has commanded.

America insists upon Democracy in Pakistan because it is what is preventing Islam from being implemented and ensuring the Kufr of Capitalism in its place. So through Democracy, America ensures that Pakistan's immense energy and mineral wealth is exploited by privatization, preventing Pakistan from becoming independent and strong economically. And it is through Democracy that American ensures Pakistan's powerful armed forces are reduced to a weak, submissive mercenary force that are sent across the world to secure Western interests, but are confined to the barracks when the Muslims of Palestine and Kashmir call them for liberation.


Hizb ut Tahrir Does not Participate in a Dialogue not Based on Islam

On Saturday, 04 Dhul Qa'ida 1435, corresponding to 30 August 2014, "Ar-Ra'i Al-'Aam" Newspaper, Issue Number 6049, published on its front-page a news piece quoting Mr. Fadl As-Sayid Issa Shuaib saying that Hizb ut Tahrir accepted to engage in the national dialogue. The following came under the title: "Opposition parties agree to participate in the dialogue", "Fadl As-Sayid Issa Shuaib, Chairman of Truth Federal Party, revealed


Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir Campaign: "Respond O Muslim Armies Give Victory for Gaza"

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Follow the International Media Conference in Lebanon:

"GAZA...Rather All of Palestine Seeks Victory from Muslim Armies"

English Arabic Turkish




Campaign in Arabic


To the Armies in Muslims Countries and in Particular the Pitiful Ring Countries!

Did the Blood in your Veins not Boil from the Crimes by the Jews, then Give Nusrah for the People of Palestine?


Is there not among you a man of reason to create good to lead his brothers from the soldiers, to bring victory to Gaza, so that it is inscribed in luminous accounts honoring him in this world and the Hereafter? Is there no one from amongst you who will restore the legacies of the great leaders of the soldiers of Islam who sprinted like lions in response to a woman's plea proclaiming: O Allah's horses board...

It is tangible and visible that the rulers are making a significant effort to prevent you from fighting your enemy, and they want you to kill your people instead of protecting them ... but who is guarding the rulers, is it not you? Their matter is in your hands. So if you stand in their faces, motivated to fight and support your people you would win, and if you disobey them you would succeed, as it is

«لَا طَاعَةَ لِمَخْلُوقٍ فِي مَعْصِيَةِ اللهِ»

"No obedience for a creation in the disobedience of Allah the Almighty."



Wilayah Jordan: Press Release

Concluded By the Praise of Allah
Picket by Women and Children in Support to the People of Gaza

28 Ramadan 1435 AH - 26/07/2014 CE



Wilayah Syria: Press Release

Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Syria Organized Demonstration in Rural Idlib in Support for Gaza

27 Ramadan 1435 AH - 25/07/2014 CE




Wilayah Jordan: Press Release

By the Praise of Allah, the Pickets were Successful
titled: "Respond O Muslim Armies to Support the People of Palestine"

27 Ramadan 1435 AH - 25/07/2014 CE



CMO: Press Release

What About After Targeting the Children and Women of Gaza!


26 Ramadan 1435 AH - 24/07/2014 CE



Wilayah Jordan: Press Release

Respond Oh Muslim Armies to Give Victory to the People of Palestine

25 Ramadan 1435 AH - 23/07/2014 CE




Malaysia: Press Release
Gaza Attack: Hizb ut Tahrir / Malaysia hands over memorandum, calls upon
Egypt and Turkey to wage jihad and send armies immediately


20 Ramadan 1435 AH / 18/07/2014 CE



Malaysia: Press Release
Gaza Attack: Hizb ut Tahrir Malaysia hands over memorandum,

Calls the Malaysian Armed Forces to wage jihad


20 Ramadan 1435 AH / 18/07/2014 CE



Wilayah Pakistan: Press Release


Massacre of Muslims in Palestine
Nawaz Sharif, It Is Not the Time to Merely Express Sorrow,
Rather Armed Forces Must Mobilize!

18 Ramadan 1435 AH - 16/07/2014 CE



Wilayah Jordan: Press Release 2


Respond Oh Muslim Armies to Give Victory

to the People of Palestine


18 Ramadan 1435 AH - 16/07/2014 CE




Wilayah Egypt: Press Release

The Mountain was in Labor and Birthed a Mouse, an Egyptian Initiative to Appeasement Equates between the Victim and the Executioner


18 Ramadan 1435 AH - 16/07/2014 CE



Wilayah Pakistan: Press Release


Hizb ut Tahrir Demonstrated In Support of the Muslims of Gaza
Armed Forces Must Liberate Palestine from the Jewish Occupation


15 Ramadan 1435 AH - 13/07/2014 CE




Indonesia: Press Statement

Attack of the Jewish entity on Gaza - Palestine

14 Ramadan 1435 AH - 12/07/2014 CE



Wilayah Jordan: Press Release


Muslims are Slaughtered in Gaza, al-Aqsa is Crying and the Jordanian Regime Announces its Incapacity and Weakness by Denunciation and Condemnation

14 Ramadan 1435 AH - 12/07/2014 CE



Australia: Meia Release

‘Israel' Unleashes its Inhumanity on Gaza yet again


14 Ramadan 1435 AH - 12/07/2014 CE



Wilayah Egypt: Press Release

Gaza under Attack, So Where is the Egyptian Regime?
Why is it in Deep Slumber?


12 Ramadan 1435 AH - 10/07/2014 CE



Palestine: Press Release

The Criminal Jewish Occupation Spews its Lava at the People of Gaza
Palestinian Authority President Begs for Peace and the Despot Regimes Count the Dead and Wounded


11 Ramadan 1435 AH - 09/07/2014 CE


Central Media Office: Excerpts from an Interview in Sidon with Brother Hisham al Baba

Excerpts from an interview with Brother Hisham al Baba, member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir, in Sidon, Lebanon regarding the International Media Conference to give Victory for Gaza.


Tuesday, 23 Shawwal 1435 AH- 19 August 2014 CE



Interactive Clause from the Conference,

"Respond O Muslim Armies Give Victory for Gaza"



O Muslim Armies....Why are you silent??





O Muslim Armies... Defend the Women of Gaza!



O Muslim Armies... Defend the Children of Gaza!




Britain: Message by Taji Mustafa, "Betrayal of Muslim Governments towards Gaza"

12 Shawwal 1435 AH - 8 August 2014 CE




Message from Sister Um Musab of Support for Gaza

12 Shawwal 1435 AH - 08/08/2014 CE




Wilayah Syria: Protest in Support of the Muslims in Gaza & Arsal


Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Syria in Aleppo held a protest in support of the Muslims in the Gaza Strip and Arsal.

Abode of Islam, 12 Shawwal 1435 AH - 8 August 2014 CE




Wilayah Syria: Stand in Support of our Muslim Brothers in Gaza


Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Syria organized a stand in the countryside north of Aleppo in support of the Muslims in Gaza.


Abode of Islam, 6 Shawwal 1435 - 2 August 1435 AH





Central Media Office: Message of Support to Gaza from Sister Umm Khalid


9 Shawwal 1435 AH, 5 August 2014 CE




Central Media Office: Message from Fika Komara in Support of Gaza

Monday, 8 Shawwal 1435 AH - 4 August 2014 CE



Central Media Office: Message from Dr. Nazreen Nawaz in Support of Gaza

Saturday, 5 Shawwal 1435 AH - 1 August 2014 CE





Statement from Brother Hisham al Baba, Assistant Head of Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in support of Gaza


1 Shawwal 1435 AH - 28 July 2014 CE




Australia: Stand before the Egyptian Embassy in Support of Gaza


28 Ramadan 1435 AH - 26/07/2014 CE


Statement by Brother Ismail Alwahwah



Statement by Brother Wassim Doureihi


Statement by Sister Aartika


Statement by Sister Raisa



Wilayah Jordan Campaign:

O Muslim Armies Respond to Support the Muslim of Palestine

12 Shawwal 1435 AH - 08/08/2014 CE



News and Comment

Ramadhan, Gaza and the Islamic Activists' Role

03 Shawwal 1435 AH - 30/07/2014 CE



News and Comment
Gaza Attack: All Muslim Armies Carry the Responsibility to Wage Jihad against the Jewish Regime

02 Shawwal 1435 AH - 29/07/2014 CE


India: Eid Protest for the victory for the Muslims in Gaza

Alhamdulillah, after performing the Eid al-Fitr prayers at the Jama Masjid in New Delhi a protest has been organized in support and solidarity with Muslims in Gaza Hashim.  The news of this event was published in well-known Indian newspapers.

01 Shawwal 1435 AH - 28/07/2014 CE






Tunisia: Stand in Support of our People of Gaza & Call to Muslim Armies to Remove the Jewish Entity


Hizb ut Tahrir/ Tunisia all praise to Allah swt organized a stand in support of Gaza and to call the Muslim armis to remove the Jewish entity on the night of Eid al Fitr.  It was held on Habib Bourguiba Avenue in the capital.


29 Ramadan 1435 AH - 27/07/2014 CE






Hizb ut Tahrir/ Scandinavia organized a Mass March in support of Gaza

27 Ramadan 1435 AH - 25/07/2014 CE



Wilayah Syria:

Demonstration in support of Muslims in the Afflicted Gaza

27 Ramadan 1435 AH - 25/04/2014 CE





Sisters in Denmark sent Message in Support of Gaza





Wilayah Jordan: Protests

"O Muslim Armies Respond to Bring Victory to the people of Palestine"




Wilayah Jordan: Interview regarding protests

"Respond Oh Muslim Armies to Give Victory to the People of Palestine"

27 Ramadan 1435 AH - 25/07/2014 CE



A message from a female slave of Allah (swt) in Gaza

to the glorious Ummah

27 Ramadan 1435 AH - 25/07/2014 CE


News and Comment

Discordant voice drowned amid the unified stance of Muslim Ummah concerning Gaza,

Is there anything more powerful than the Islamic bond?

26 Ramadan 1435 AH - 24/07/2014 CE

News and Comment

Turkey speaks out against Israel over Gaza:

A toothless roar we keep hearing over and over

26 Ramadan 1435 AH - 24/07/2014 CE



Wilayah Turkey: Thousands participate in the Qunoot prayers and assert that Khilafah "Caliphate" is the solution

25 Ramadan 1435 AH - 23/07/2014 CE




The Netherlands: Press Release

Advice to the Netherland Muslims Regarding the Palestinian Issue

22 Ramadan 1435 AH - 20/07/2014 CE



Britain: Protests Demanding Muslim Armies to Move to Liberate Palestine

22 Ramadan 1435 AH - 20/07/ 2014 CE




Palestine: Mass Protest by Hizb ut Tahrir in Ramallah in support of the People of Gaza

22 Ramadan 1435 AH - July 20, 2014 CE




Indonesia: Activities of Hizb ut Tahrir in Support of Gaza

22 Ramadan 1435 AH - 20/07/2014 CE





Press Release

Hizb ut Tahrir East Africa Condemns Gaza Massacre

21 Ramadan 1435 AH - 19/07/2014 CE




Wilayah Turkey

O Muslims! Until When Will You Keep Supporting the Rulers

‘Who Rule But Not Govern'?

20 Ramadan 1435 AH - 18/07/2014 CE



Wilayah Turkey: Protests and Rallies

Hizb ut Tahrir/ Wilayah Turkey and supporters in Istanbul, Ankara, Vann, Mersin, and Quonya organized protests and rallies attended by thousands in support of Gaza, titled, "Only solution for Gaza... Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashida" included messages from the Media Office and group Iftar and funeral prayers in absentia in addition to the participation of other Islamic groups and humanitarian agencies.

20 Ramadan 1435 AH - July 18, 2014 CE


Full Coverage: Click Here





Protests before Egyptian & Turkish Embassy Demanding Muslim Armies to Move to give Victory to Gaza

20 Ramadan 1435 AH - 18/07/2014 CE



Island of Mauritius:

March Denouncing the Attacks of the Jewish Entity on Gaza

19 Ramadan 1435 AH - 17 July 2014 CE






"Only solution for Gaza... Khilafah "Caliphate" Rashida"


Press Release The Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah of Syria Organizes a Tour in the Southern Area of Idlib (Translated)

The Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah of Syria organized a tour in the southern area of Idlib which included visiting Saraqib, Maarat Al Naaman, Kfarnabil, Jirjinaz, and other villages. The tour involved holding several political seminars around the importance of collective action and political work for the Syrian Revolution. In addition, several speeches were delivered about Khilafah "Caliphate", the fear of West from it, and the sanctity of the West's inauguration by which the audience reacted positively towards the ideas presented. Also, the Media Office met with a number of notables and important political figures, and the meeting was very fruitful where several discussions took place about the revolution and its political future.


Ahmad Abdul Wahab
Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
Wilayah of Syria


Malaysia: Summary Report on Protest against the Beauty Pageant

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Hizb ut Tahrir/ Malaysia organized a protest in front of Sunway Kuala Lumpur Resort Hotel, which is to host the beauty pageant. As part of the Hizb campaign activities started since the beginning of the month to emphasize that the competition is in violation of the provisions of Islamic law, which require it to be completely canceled.

Friday, 03 Dhul Qiddah 1435 AH, corresponding to 29 August 2014 CE




Robin Williams Suicide: Lessons about the Western Civilization

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On 11 August 2014, the world was shocked to hear that the Oscar-winning actor and stand-up comedian Robin Williams was found dead in his California home. His representative, Mara Buxbaum, said in a statement that he had lately been "battling severe depression." In a statement, the local sheriff's office said that it was treating the death of the 63-year-old star as a suspected suicide quoted Guardian. And then confirmation came that Robin Williams had committed suicide.

The suicide of Robin Williams has raised some very serious questions regarding the Western civilization and its goal in life. Despite money and fame, he suffered from a life of substance abuse and depression, leading to his eventual suicide. In fact, many in the Western world suffer from depression and anxiety, as recently emphasized in an MMWR report on depression amongst US adults, where every 1 out of 10 American adult is suffering from depression. The statistics revealed that those who most suffer from depression are men and women in the 45-64 years age, at an age where they would have expected to achieve what they set out to achieve. Such depression arises from what the Western civilization sets out as a goal in life, which is seeking the worldly, sensual pleasures. A hollow goal which leaves people unsatisfied and restless, as it does not address the questions of the fundamental purpose of humankind. Some realize the folly late, plunging into depression, and others decide that life is not worth living anymore.

Western civilization has set men and women in a doomed rat-race. Pursuit of sensual pleasure as a goal in life has led the whole society to strive for a goal that does not satisfy people. Moreover pursuit of this folly, the people are exploited by an ugly industry of consumerism, adorned with advertising and the manufacturing of celebrities to follow. Men with set goals for achieving wealth and status, which, even when achieved in the case of Robin Williams, leave a soul unfulfilled and desolate. And the race for achieving such wealth and status, that only a few will achieve, contributes to immense stress. The TUC surveyed 6,000 UK organizations and found stress at work to be a severe problem and now consider stress to be the UK's top workplace hazard. Men and women are made to feel the need to buy, buy, buy, so they have a sudden urge to acquire a fitted-kitchen, a Mexican bathroom, an African bedroom or a Scandinavian style living room and so on. They work harder than they would really like, in order to buy things that they don't really need, in order to impress people in a way that is shallow. A rat-race where even the winner feels that he has become a rat.

Women are additionally given goals of beauty which are unachievable for most. Consider, for instance, the average model is less than 23% of the weight of the average American woman. Such unrealistic standards for happiness serve only to increase depression and other forms of mental illness in the women. Yet, immersed in the Western values, many women feel that they should achieve these standards. A survey performed by Cincinnati College of Medicine on 33,000 women found that 75% of those aged 18 to 35 believed that they were fat, while only 25% were medically overweight; 45% of the underweight women thought that they were too fat. The National Institute of Mental Health in the US claimed that every day in the US, Americans spend on average $109 million on diet or diet related products; 1 in 20 women in the US have anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder and 1,000 women die every year from anorexia (American Anorexia/Bulimia Association). In the year 2000, the British Medical Association published a report discussing the reasons for the increasing levels of anorexia in the UK and elsewhere and wrote, "The media's obsession with painfully thin fashion models has contributed to the growth in eating disorders among young girls...The degree of thinness exhibited by models chosen to promote products is both unachievable and biologically inappropriate."

Allah (swt) describes this miserable reality as only He can,

((وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَعْمَالُهُمْ كَسَرَابٍ بِقِيعَةٍ يَحْسَبُهُ الظَّمْآنُ مَاءً حَتَّى إِذَا جَاءَهُ لَمْ يَجِدْهُ شَيْئًا وَوَجَدَ اللَّهَ عِنْدَهُ فَوَفَّاهُ حِسَابَهُ وَاللَّهُ سَرِيعُ الْحِسَابِ))

"But the Unbelievers - their deeds are like a mirage in sandy deserts which the man parched with thirst mistakes for water, until when he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing." [Surah Al-Nur 24: 39]

In contrast, Islam, the only true way of life, does not set hollow goals for men and women to pursue for happiness. Moreover, Islam does not allow the exploitation of the needs and instincts of man through rampant consumerism. Uniquely, Islam has organized the instincts and needs of men and women in order to fulfil the profound goal of seeking the pleasure of Allah (swt).

It has embedded this goal within every deed that is undertaken, from smiling upon a child, to giving charity, from earning for the family to speaking truthfully before the tyrant. Every action is a worship of Allah (swt) which builds tranquillity and happiness, as the soul yearns for the abundant rewards in the next life. Thus the Khilafah "Caliphate" that was, and which will return again soon inshaaAllah, is characterised as a society that is striving for the pleasure of the Creator of life itself.


Written for The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by
Engineer Saham, Pakistan

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