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Wilayah Jordan Campaign: O Muslim Armies Respond to Support the Muslim of Palestine

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Press Release

"Respond O Muslim Armies to Support the People of Palestine" Campaign




As part of the campaign "Respond O Muslim Armies to Support the People of Palestine", Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Jordan carried out several protests, with the Grace of Allah (swt), throughout numerous mosques in the capital Amman, and the cities of Zarqaa, Rusaifeh area, Irbid, and Madaba after today's Friday prayer. Speeches made called for the Muslim armies to move immediately to support the people of Palestine, and they were responded with passionate loud calls of Allah Akbar throughout and those praying in the masjid shouted out demands for the armies to move immediately to support the people of Palestine.

In addition, the Hizb distributed introductory brochures and decals calling upon the armies to respond to bring victory to the Muslims in Palestine.


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Jordan



As part of the campaign, "O Muslim Armies Respond to Support the Muslim of Palestine", Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Jordan carried out several protests after the Jummah prayers at the mosques throughout several cities to liberate the Muslims in Palestine and Muslims everywhere.

Friday 12 Shawwal 1435 AH - 8 August 2014 CE




Protest, "Respond Oh Muslim Armies Support the People of Palestine" - North Amman





Protest, "Respond Oh Muslim Armies Support the People of Palestine" - Rusaifeh






Protest, "Respond, Oh Muslim Armies Support the People of Palestine" - South Amman




Picture Slideshow: Click Here



News and Comment America's Humanitarian Intervention in Iraq, But Not in Gaza, Syria, Burma or Congo

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On 7 August 2014, the US President Barack Obama authorized military strikes in Iraq. He said, "When we face a situation like we do on that mountain, with innocent people facing the prospect of violence on a horrific scale and we have a mandate to help - in this case a request from the Iraqi government - and when we have unique capabilities to act to avoid a massacre, I believe the United States cannot turn a blind eye." He added, "Earlier this week, one Iraqi said no-one is coming to help. Well, today America is coming to help."



Once again America is eager to intervene in the Muslim world to carry out military operations. This time it is Iraq and the justification is again humanitarian assistance. The delivery of humanitarian relief, in the form of air drops by US jets represents the first aerial mission over Iraq since 2011. This marks the start of the deepest American engagement in Iraq since US troops withdrew in late 2011 after nearly a decade of war.

However, what is interesting to note is that there is no coherent strategy or moral compass guiding American foreign policy interventions where domestic population are being pulverized to smithereens and gross human rights violations occur on a daily basis. The actions of the Jewish State in Gaza clearly constitutes genocide, but there is no American intervention. Likewise, the barbaric acts of Assad against his people does not justify American intervention. In both cases, war crimes are being perpetrated by the likes of Netanyahu and Assad, yet America chooses to turn a blind eye. Beyond the Middle East, Muslim minorities are being merciless wiped out in Burma and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), but there is no talk of humanitarian intervention. The persecution of Muslim minorities in the latter two countries far exceeds both in scale and magnitude to what is happening to minorities in Iraq, but America chooses to intervene in Iraq and ignore the plight of Muslims elsewhere-so where is the moral equivalence?

Over the past twenty years or so, America and its western allies have slowly eroded the concept of the nation state as enshrined by the Westphalia Treaty. The treaty explicitly forbids the interference in the internal affairs of nations by other nations. But through the pretext of humanitarian intervention, the West has grossly undermined the nation state concept. Moreover, the selective application of humanitarian intervention has further eroded the credibility of the nation state model, and weakened the West's claim of any moral superiority in their foreign interventions.

This is not limited to the Muslim world, and can easily applied to the suppression of minorities in Russia and China. However, America and the West choose not to intervene here, as they do not have the stomach for an all-out war with countries that have the ability to significantly damage Western interests.

What may look like a bleak period in the history of the Muslim world-demonstrated through repeated Western interventions and wars-should not be interpreted as American or Western superiority. Yes, America and the West are militarily superior, but this has not helped them shape political outcomes as demonstrated by both the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In fact, it can be argued, the biggest weapon against America and the West are their ideological inconsistencies in foreign policy matters. The damage wrought by such glaring contradictions far overshadow what any adversary of the West could hope to achieve.

In this lies the silver lining for the Muslim world. For when the real Khilafah "Caliphate" returns, it would be relatively easily for the Khilafah "Caliphate" in the current international climate to not only unify the Muslims world, but also to expand its frontiers to other continents based upon humanitarian intervention fused with its invitation to Islam. The persecution of Muslim minorities in Europe, and the oppression of the Muslim population together with the suppression of Latinos and Black populations in America would be more than enough reason for the Khilafah "Caliphate" to intervene to liberate such people from the tyranny of the West to the justice of Islam. Allah (swt) says:

((وَمَكَرُوا وَمَكَرَ اللَّـهُ ۖ وَاللَّـهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ))

"And they planned, and Allah also planned; and Allah is the Best of planners." [Ali-Imran: 54]



Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Abu Hashim



Hizb ut Tahrir Organizes International Media Conference Entitled: "GAZA...Rather All of Palestine Seeks Victory from Muslim Armies"

The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir will hold an international media conference to save Gaza and all of the occupied Palestine, and to demonstrate the legal (Shari') way that must be followed in order to save it from the assault of the Jewish entity, under the title:
"GAZA...Rather All of Palestine Seeks Victory from Muslim Armies"


News and Comment Kufr Saudi Regime Announces Further Non-Islamic Marriage Regulations Between its Citizens and Non-Saudi Nationals  

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A recent report in the Makkah Daily Newspaper published quotes from Makkah's Police Chief, Major General Assaf Al-Qurshi regarding the tightening of marriage regulations by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) between Saudi men and non-Saudi nationals. Al-Qurshi stated that from now on Saudi men applying to marry those from other countries should be over 25 and require consent from the government. He also said that divorced men seeking such marriages would not be allowed to apply within six months of their divorce. Most notably the Police Chief stated that the KSA has banned its citizens from marrying expats from four specific countries - Pakistan, Bangladesh, Chad, and Burma. The move is clearly aimed at discouraging Saudi men from marrying those of different nationalities.



The Kufr Saudi regime has once again displayed its flagrant disregard for the tenets of Islam, sanctifying its corrupt national interests over the Commands of Allah (swt). Through announcing these new racist, absurd marriage regulations which blatantly contradict the Shariah, the Saudi government has further exposed its lie of being a representative voice for Islam and its charade of implementing Islamic law. Since when did Islam place a minimum age limit for marriage of 25? Since when did the Shariah state that the government is the ‘Wali Amr' for Muslim men whose consent must be sought for their marriage? Since when did the Qur'an and Sunnah prescribe an ‘Iddah period' of 6 months for divorced men? And since when did our Deen prohibit marriage to specific nationalities?!!

This is a state that has destroyed many Islamic historical sites within its land upon the basis of what it terms - preventing bid'ah (or innovation) in the Deen. Yet it bears no qualms about legislating laws which are flagrant violations of Islam, or basing its entire rule on Kufr. Indeed the very existence of this oppressive monarchical system is an act of ‘bid'ah'!

These corrupt marriage restrictions stem from the rotten concept of ‘Nationalism' that Islam sought to eradicate from the minds and hearts of the Muslims, calling them rather to unite as one brotherhood, under one system and one ruler. However the Saudi regime was born upon the premise of this rotten ideal and since its inception has been trying to instill and strengthen it within its citizens, in an attempt to try and take them back to the times of Jahilyyah. The Prophet (saw) said regarding ‘Assabiya' (tribalism or nationalism), «دعوها فإنها منتنة » "Leave it. It is Rotten."

He (saw) also said,

«يا أيها الناس إن الله قد أذهب عنكم عبية الجاهلية وتعاظمها بآبائها، فالناس رجلان بر تقي كريم على الله وفاجر شقي هين على الله أنتم بنو آدم وآدم من تراب من تراب، ليدعن رجال فخرهم بأقوامٍ إنما هم فحم من فحم جهنم أو ليكونن أهون على الله من الجعلان التي تدفع بأنفها النتن»

"Undoubtedly Allah has removed from you the pride of arrogance of the age of Jahilliyah (ignorance) and the glorification of ancestors. Now people are of two kinds. Either believers who are aware or transgressors who do wrong. You are all the children of Adam and Adam was made of clay. People should give up their pride in nations because that is a coal from the coals of Hell-fire. If they do not give this up Allah (swt) will consider them lower than the lowly worm which pushes itself through dung."

This is the same divisive and poisonous nationalism that causes the governments of Saudi, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and others across the Muslim world to stand idle, immobilizing their armies while Muslims in Palestine, Syria, Myanmar, Central Africa and other lands are massacred by the enemies of Islam. It's the same rotten concept that drives statements and fatwas from government scholars of the likes of Saudi's Grand Mufti, Abdul Aziz Al Ash-Sheikh, who said that demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinians, "are just useless demagogic actions." Therefore, if the KSA wants to reject that which is truly ‘foreign', it needs to start by rejecting the ‘foreign' Western imposed concept of the ‘Nation-state' that is alien to Islam and has no place within our Muslim lands. And if King Abdullah wants to ban marriages with true ‘foreigners', it's the one that he and his regime has with their Western masters that should be the first to go!

These latest Saudi marriage regulations simply provide further proof that the rule of this regime does not hold a speck of resemblance to true Islamic governance. Hence it urgently needs to be uprooted along with all the current governments in the Muslim world and replaced with the Khilafah "Caliphate" system that alone will implement the Islamic laws comprehensively and correctly upon our lands, including eradicating the concept of nationalism that has poisoned our lands for too long.


Written for The Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Dr. Nazreen Nawaz

Member of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir


Press Release Brutal Retaliation from the Muslims of Ash-Sham Revolution in Arsal, is a Cover for the Losses Suffered by the Party of Iran in Kalamoon (Translated)

The large losses suffered by the Party of Iran in Syria, its drowning in the blood of Muslims in the blessed revolution of Ash-Sham, and its defeat in Kalamoon in the past few days, made ​​it in an awkward situation in front of its popular support. This led it to commit its atrocious massacre against Muslims in the village of Arsal adjacent to the Syrian border, which constitutes a shelter for the displaced people who were forced to flee drums of death and resort to it due to its proximity to the Syrian-Lebanese border. It has been clearly revealed that the lackeys of the so-called countries of opposition, the likes of the party of Iran, do not differ in their crimes against Muslims from the way of their masters, the agents of America, the likes of Iran and Bashar along with the Jewish criminal entity, in the killing of children, women and the elderly; all under the pretext of fighting terrorism! The party of Iran has implicated the Lebanese army more and more in its war against the Muslims, our people in Arsal.

O Muslims in the land of Ash-Sham: It has become clear that as soon as you came out to overthrow the regime, and called for the implementation of Allah's law, the east and west assembled upon you, and the Kaffir countries, led by America, threw a single bow at all of you; for one reason that Allah (swt) mentioned it for us in His All-Mighty Book, ((وَمَا نَقَمُوا مِنْهُمْ إِلَّا أَنْ يُؤْمِنُوا بِاللَّهِ الْعَزِيزِ الْحَمِيدِ)) "And they resented them only because they believed in Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy." [Al-Buruj: 8]

Therefore, the issue is a vital issue for them, and so it must be for you as well. They will not remain silent on the demise of their kingship, the extinction of their civilization and the loss of their interests in the face of the establishment of Allah's rule, and putting Islam into practice in ruling, economy, judiciary and social life. Nevertheless, Allah is our protector, and they have no protector. We have only to adhere to what our honorable Prophet (saw) adhered to, despite all of what he and his companions, may Allah be pleased with them, suffered from of killings, torture, siege and starvation; when he (saw) said: «والله لو وضعوا الشمس في يميني والقمر في يساري على أن أترك هذا الأمر ما تركته حتى يظهره الله أو أهلك دونه» "By Allah, if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand on condition that I abandon this matter (Islam), until Allah has made it victorious or I perish, I will not abandon it". So his vital issue was to work to proclaim Islam or die for the sake of Allah. So, be patient and steadfast until the command of Allah and His Promise to grant us succession to authority and empowerment, and the attainment of the glad tidings of our honorable Prophet of the return of the Khilafah "Caliphate" on method of the Prophethood. And then those who have wronged will know of the return to which they shall return.

O Muslims throughout the entire world: The situation where we are of killing, displacement, prosecution, starvation and propaganda ... all this is caused by the absence of the Sultan (authority) of Islam by the absence of the Imam whom people fight behind and by whom they are protected. We will be asked before Allah, of what is happening to our people in Ash-Sham, and of our silence and inaction from bringing them victory and work to eliminate this injustice and misery. Work to eradicate those rulers who the Kaffir West installed them as lookouts guarding their interests and fighting against Allah and His Messenger, and to appoint a Khaleefah to the Muslims who mobilizes the armies for the victory of the Muslims, and who protects their glory, and avenges them from all those who harmed them.

((لِلَّهِ الْأَمْرُ مِنْ قَبْلُ وَمِنْ بَعْدُ وَيَوْمَئِذٍ يَفْرَحُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ * بِنَصْرِ اللَّهِ يَنْصُرُ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الرَّحِيمُ)) "To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice; In the victory of Allah. He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful." ]Ar-Rum: 4-6].



Ahmad Abdul Wahab

Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

wilayah of Syria



Malaysia: Protests before Egyptian & Turkish Embassy Demanding Muslim Armies to Move to give Victory to Gaza

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Hizb ut Tahrir/ Malaysia organized protests before the Egyptian & Turkish Embassy in Kuala Lumpur to demand the Muslim army to move to liberate Gaza and stop the massacres by the Jewish entity against the Muslims. Brother Abdel Hakim Othman who was accompanied with delegates from the Hizb and handed a memorandum to the embassies.


Friday, 20 Ramadan 1435 AH 18 July 2014 CE




Indonesian TV One Interview with Abdel Hakim, Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Malaysia, regarding the demonstrations organized by Hizb ut Tahrir in support of Gaza.



Pakistan Headlines 12/08/2014

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No Obedience to Those Who Prevent Expulsion of the Crusaders

A US general has been killed in an attack by an Afghan soldier at a British-run military academy near Kabul, US officials said on 5 August. Major Gen Harold Greene is the highest ranking US military official to have been killed since the Vietnam War. At least 15 soldiers - two British, several Americans and generals from Germany and Afghanistan were wounded. Officials said the Afghan soldier who opened fire had been shot dead.

The report reveals that there is a deep resentment against the American occupation of Afghanistan. It exists within the Afghan armed forces as well as the most capable armed forces in the region, those of Pakistan. Although the traitors in the military leadership frown upon attacks on the crusaders, regarding them as disobedience, Islam has compelled the provision of help against the Kuffar oppressors. Allah (swt)

((وَإِنِ اسْتَنْصَرُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ فَعَلَيْكُمُ النَّصْرُ))

"And if they seek help of you for the religion, then you must help". [Surah Al-Anfal: 72].

These traitors prevent the armed from fighting our enemy, and they order them to kill our people who are fighting the crusaders. If the armed forces stand in the faces of the traitors, motivated to fight the enemy and supporting our people, we would win, and if they disobey the traitors, we would succeed. RasulAllah (saw) said, «لَا طَاعَةَ لِمَخْلُوقٍ فِي مَعْصِيَةِ اللهِ» "No obedience for a creation in the disobedience of Allah the Almighty." (Reported by Ahmad and Tabarani).

The Ummah is waiting for men of Imaan and reason from the armed forces to give victory to Allah (swt) and His Messenger. The Ummah is expectant of a Musab bin Omair, Asaad bin Zuraarah, Usaid bin Hudayr and Saad bin Muadh, who supported Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw) and succeeded in this world and the Hereafter, so that the throne of Ar-Rahman shook at the death of Saad bin Muadh, for granting victory to Allah's Deen. Al-Bukhaari narrated from Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him), I heard the Prophet (saw) say,

«اهْتَزَّ العَرْشُ لِمَوْتِ سَعْدِ بْنِ مُعَاذٍ»

"The throne of Allah shook at the death of Saad ibn Mu'adh". Only then will the world witness the restoration of the Khilafah "Caliphate" and an appointment of a Khaleefah who will not prevent the armed forces from fighting the enemy, but will lead them to victory, as the Imam is the one whom people fight behind. Muslim narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (saw) said: «إِنَّمَا الْإِمَامُ جُنَّةٌ، يُقَاتَلُ مِنْ وَرَائِهِ، وَيُتَّقَى بِهِ»,

"Indeed, the Imam is a shield, you are protected by him and fight from behind him."

OIC Secretary General Visits Pakistan to Remove Pressure on Traitors in Leadership over Gaza Neglect

On 4 August, while speaking at an event titled ‘Contemporary Challengers of the Muslim World: The Vision and Role of the OIC' at the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad, the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) Secretary-General, Iyad Ameen Abdullah Madani, said: "In 1967, the Arabs faced a defeat as Israeli forces entered the Sinai Desert, West Bank of the Jordan River and the Golan Heights. Arabs cannot imagine stopping the support for Palestinians, but practically they are not in a position to do anything."

This shameless comment by the OIC Secretary-General has come when Israel has killed 1892 Muslims in Palestine in its 28 days war, out of which 408 are innocent children and 214 are our honorable Muslims sisters. The OIC head did not come to secure protection for the besieged Muslims of Gaza but to calm the Muslims of Pakistan, as they are enraged over the neglect of the rulers of Muslims, from Indonesia to Morocco. His visit was to provide comfort for the traitors in the political and military leadership of Pakistan who command the largest Muslim armed forces in the world and whose officers yearn to fight the Jewish state, rather than their Muslim brothers in North Waziristan.

As for the excuse of the Secretary-General on behalf of the deaf and dumb rulers of Muslim World, it is false and fabricated. The four largest Muslims armies of the Muslim world i.e. Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt and Iran are armed and manned to the teeth, including: 2,0141,00 Active Military Personnel, 3,300,630 Active Reserve Personnel, 1108 fighter aircrafts as well as 850 trainer aircraft that can be made battle ready, 1045 helicopters as well as an additional 148 attack helicopters, 13,957 tanks, 32,225 armored fighting vehicles, 9,773 towed artillery, 3,195 multiple-launch rocket systems, 57 submarines, 12 corvettes, 46 frigates, 480 coastal defence crafts and 55 mine warfare sea vessels.

And above all the desire for Jihad and Martyrdom is present in the sons of Muslims Ummah, which the cowardly Jews could never attain. The cowardice of Jews is well known - they are regarded as people of money, not people of war. Allah describes them in the Qur'an as people who desire life and hate death:

((وَلَتَجِدَنَّهُمْ أَحْرَصَ النَّاسِ عَلَى حَيَوةٍ وَمِنَ الَّذِينَ أَشْرَكُواْ يَوَدُّ أَحَدُهُمْ لَوْ يُعَمَّرُ أَلْفَ سَنَةٍ))

"And you will find them the greediest of mankind for life, even more than the idol-worshippers. Each one of them would like to be allowed to live a thousand years." [al-Baqara: 96]

Regarding the so-called defeat of Arabs in wars with "Israel" which Iyad Ameen is referring to, they were actually staged battles to give an impression that Jews could not be defeated, which is well known, such as the example of the punishment of the Egyptian forces for contravening orders and thereby laying waste to the Jewish forces across the Barlev Line in the Ramadhan War, October 1973. When the true leadership of Muslims, the Khilafah "Caliphate" returns very soon inshaaAllah, the Muslim Ummah would remove this foreign implanted cancer from its body once and for all.

The Khilafah "Caliphate" will cut the Puppet Strings of US Agents

On 8 August, Dawn reported in its front-page headline, "The United States has been quietly telling Pakistani politicians that it would stay neutral if the threatened agitation in the country leads to a government change through "constitutional means" but would be opposed to a coup. This message from Washington has been delivered to government and opposition politicians and military leaders by US Ambassador Richard Olson... In a country where people believe in the myth of American influence over political developments, the words of the ambassador are seen as a bellwether of things to come. No-one could be a stronger believer of the myth than Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif himself, about whom a former US ambassador had noted: "The fact that a former prime minister believes the US could control the appointment of Pakistan's chief of army staff speaks volumes about the myth of American influence here."

There is no myth of American control over Pakistan. The people are witness as to how the US ambassador, visiting US political and military officials hold close camera meetings with traitors in Pakistan's leadership. This close contact is the means by which the master controls his puppets. The puppets then repeat the words of the puppet masters. It is such contact which has allowed American objectives to be fulfilled at great cost to Pakistan, in terms of stability and prosperity. The Khilafah "Caliphate" alone will cut the strings of agents in the Muslim World because it has the only constitution which forbids such contact with the foreign belligerent nation. Any politician or military official found making such contact will be subject to trial. As Hizb ut Tahrir has adopted in its Introduction to the Constitution, in Article 189, "States with whom we do not have treaties, and the actual imperialist states, such as Britain, America and France, and those states that have designs on the State, such as Russia, are legally considered to be belligerent states. All precautions must be taken towards them and it would be wrong to establish diplomatic relations with them." And in the same article's Clause 4 it has stated, "States that are actually belligerent states, such as Israel for example, a state of war must be taken as the basis for all dealings with them. They must be dealt with as if a real war existed between us - irrespective of whether an armistice exists between us or not - and all their subjects are prevented from entering the State."

War on Terror is America's War, Not Ours

Those who see the War on Terror as Pakistan's Armed forces versus anti-State militants should reconsider their stance. The War on Terror is in reality a War between America and its agents in the civil and military leadership on the one hand and the Muslims of Pakistan and Afghanistan on the other hand. If we change our political prism, things sit in perfectly. The American agents in Pakistan's civilian and military leadership have allowed America to build its intelligence network in Pakistan which orchestrates bomb blasts in Pakistan. These bomb blasts are then used as an excuse by American agents in Pakistan to deploy Pakistan Army in FATA and use it as a fuel for America's War. These very agents have been meeting American officials begging them to keep its troops in Afghanistan beyond 2016 and keep providing financing to them. America and its agents are the real enemy.

Extract from DAWN news item attached below: "The general also emphasized the importance of personal relationships during this period of transition in Afghanistan as the United States was withdrawing its forces and the Afghans were taking over security responsibilities...He recalled that while serving as the commander of Regional Command East in Afghanistan in 2010, he visited the 11th Corps commander in Pakistan, a lieutenant general who was a 2006 graduate of the US National Defence University...The Pakistani general also knew others who'd graduated from NDU, which helped him to build a personal relationship with him right from the outset, the US commander said.

"That means if we have something going on, on the border, I can get on the phone and call him up," he said. "It helped immensely, and I think we've got to continue working on relationships like those."

The Illusion of Choice and Change, Democracy or Dictatorship

On Friday 8 August, Imran Khan held the current regime responsible for possible military intervention, as he declared that his party would proceed with its march on August 14.He unveiled a white paper on the government's one year economic performance, highlighting that inflation has increased from five to nine per cent, electricity tariff has risen 80% and the power circular debt has returned. He also highlighted the corruption of the ruling Sharif dynasty by listing several high end London properties.

For nearly seven decades Pakistan has swung from democracy to dictatorship and back again. What has remained is the man-made law which is the cause of the problems throughout this period. The swings between democracy and dictatorship give an illusion of choice and change but the reality is that in both men exploit the country through making laws according to their whims and desires. Pakistan will only achieve relief once Islam is implemented, through its ruling system, the Khilafah "Caliphate". Consider the observations raised by Imran Khan, there is no solution for them in democracy or dictatorship.

However, in accordance to Islam, inflation will be cut from its root by currency being grounded firmly on gold and silver, the power sector will become a public property whose benefit it for the people and the rulers will have their assets examined before and after ruling, with the surplus being placed in the State Treasury. Only the Khilafah "Caliphate" will bring change as it will end the system of whims and desires, replacing it by a system which implements all that Allah (swt) has revealed. Allah (swt) said,

((وَأَنِ احْكُمْ بَيْنَهُمْ بِمَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ وَلَا تَتَّبِعْ أَهْوَاءَهُمْ وَاحْذَرْهُمْ أَنْ يَفْتِنُوكَ عَنْ بَعْضِ مَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ إِلَيْكَ))

"And judge between them by all that Allah (swt) has revealed, and do not follow their desires, and beware (O Muhammad) lest they might seduce you from even some of what Allah has sent down to you." [Surah Al-Maaida 5:49].

The Khilafah "Caliphate"'s Exemplary Care of Minorities

At a time that Pakistan is rocked by attacks on religious and ethnic minorities, the history of the Khilafah "Caliphate" reveals the superiority of Islam in looking after the affairs. The Khilafah "Caliphate" is a state in which the divine law is implemented. It is a state in which every citizen of the State is equal before the law, whether he/she is a Muslim or a Non-Muslim. If only we are able to objectively study Islamic history and can see past the Orientalist attempts to distort the mighty Islamic Civilization we would come to realize that it was only under the Islamic State, that humanity really prospered as a whole. The Khilafah "Caliphate" was a state which showed exemplary tolerance towards minorities and which set a shining example for the treatment of minorities under the rule of Islam so much so that its worst enemies were forced to give its example as a standard to emulate.

Voltaire, the champion of secular anti-religious thought, wrote about the famed tolerance in Islamic lands in his ‘Treatise on Tolerance': "Let us reach out from our narrow little sphere for a moment, and examine what goes on in the rest of the globe. The Turkish prince, for example, rules peacefully over twenty races of different religious conviction; two hundred thousand Greeks live in Constantinople in perfect safety, and the Mufti himself nominates and presents the Greek patriarch to his emperor; there is even a Roman Catholic patriarch living there. The Sultan nominates Catholic bishops to some of the Greek islands, with the following words: ‘I commend him to go and reside as bishop on the Isle of Chios in accordance with its ancient customs and vain ceremonies'.

This empire is stuffed with Jacobites, Nestorians, Monothelites, Coptics, Christians of St John, Jews, Gebers and Banians. The annals of Turkey bear no record of a revolt raised by any of these religious communities. Go to India, to Persia, to Tartary, and you will find the same evidence of tolerance and mutual respect."

To all our brothers in Imran Khan's PTI

Just a year ago the Shebaab of Hizb ut Tahrir had discussions regarding change with you. It's the system brothers. Not the faces. No reform or patchwork would make it better. It's rotten from the core. Human beings cannot make laws, even if they are sincere. The human intellect is limited, often contradicts itself and is effected by its surroundings. Democracy is not the rule of the people. Once representatives are elected, it is they who rule. People only get to vote and that's it. And across the world, in established democracies, powerful interests and big businesses manage to either get in to assemblies directly or are able to influence the elected representatives to make laws in their favor.

Islam has taken out this corruption from the system of Khilafah "Caliphate". The Khalifah does not make laws, he adopts them from the Quran and Sunnah. While executive power rests with the Khalifah, the legislative power does not. Have you not seen what dictators do. Once they abuse power they get legal cover for their abuses by making laws and get them rubber stamped either from the judiciary or their handpicked assemblies. That is why even if an unjust ruler comes to power in Khilafah "Caliphate", his ability to harm the people remains limited. Brothers, real revolution will come when a fundamentally new approach towards governance is adopted. A new system based on new ideas and new laws. Khilafah "Caliphate" for Pakistan.

"Israel" the West's Dagger Implanted in the Body of the Islamic Ummah

The Muslims seethe at the inaction of the rulers of Muslims before the Jewish State's aggression against the Muslims of Gaza. To calm the Muslims, the rulers of Pakistan call for Western intervention. However, the full folly of this call is clear because the Jewish State is itself a Western project against the Muslims and their unification under the Khilafah "Caliphate". In 1902, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Prime Minister of Britain [1905-08], warned of the Muslims strength were they to unify and the needs for the Jewish state. He said, "There are people who control spacious territories teeming with manifest and hidden resources. They dominate the intersections of world routes. Their lands were the cradles of human civilizations and religions. These people have one faith, one language, one history and the same aspirations. No natural barriers can isolate these people from one another ... if, per chance, this nation were to be unified into one state, it would then take the fate of the world into its hands and would separate Europe from the rest of the world. Taking these considerations seriously, a foreign body [Israel] should be planted in the heart of this nation to prevent the convergence of its wings in such a way that it could exhaust its powers in never-ending wars. It could also serve as a springboard for the West to gain its coveted objects."

Soon Insha'Allah the Khilafah "Caliphate" will return and then the Jewish aggressors will run in fear, with their fear reaching to the extent that they will perceive that the rocks and trees behind which they hide will betray them! RasulAllah (saw) said,

«لا تقوم الساعة حتى يقاتل المسلمون اليهود، فيقتلهم المسلمون حتى يختبئ اليهودي من وراء الحجر والشجر، فيقول الحجر أو الشجر: يا مسلم، يا عبد الله، هذا يهودي خلفي، فتعال فاقتله.. إلا الغرقد، فإنه من شجر اليهود»

"The Day of Judgment will not come until the Muslims fight the Yahood and the Muslims will kill them to the point that the Yahood will hide behind the rocks and trees. The (Jews would feel that the) rocks and the trees are saying: O Muslim, O Abdullah there is a Yahoodi behind me so come and kill him. Except for the Gharqad tree which is from the trees of Jews" (Sahih Muslim).

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