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News and Comment The New York Times Publishes a Fantasy about the Caliphate

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The "Caliphate Fantasy" is the title of Khaled Diab's contribution to the New York Times on the 2nd July, 2014. His opinion relates to the announcement of a Caliphate in large parts of Iraq by a ‘Jihadi' group, and his thesis is that this new Caliphate is "ahistorical to say the least".


His argument rests upon a false comparison with the scientific and intellectual heritage of the former Abbasid Caliphate, followed by a slanderous, fairy tale account of the Caliph Harun al-Rashid's relationship with Abu Nuwas. The writer then attempts to explain how "this ideological fallacy of the Islamist Caliphate came about?" The fallacy, however, is all his own.

Firstly, it is not clear whose ‘fallacy' he is attempting to refute. Is it the fallacy of the Jihadi group that proclaimed itself to be a Caliphate a few weeks ago in Iraq, or is it the wider collection of ‘Jihadist mythology' that he refers to later, or is it the ‘Islamists' that get a mention after that? The article starts by comparing the scientific and intellectual achievements of the Abbasid Caliphate with a Jihadi group that while adopting the slogan of Caliphate, lacks practical sovereignty over the land it claims and could not possibly offer anything of scientific and intellectual heritage in the few weeks since its announcement to compare with the heritage of several generations of Caliphate leading into the cultural peak of the Abbasid Caliphate.  That is an unfair comparison. If the comparison is made with Islamists in general, then the comparison is false because reason and science is espoused by many Islamists.

More remarkable about what appeared in the New York Times, is the irony that an article claiming to expose a "fantasy" is based upon an argument about fictional characters from an anonymous collection of fairy tales called the 1001 nights! The relationship of the real Caliph, Harun al-Rashid, with the irreverent poet Abu Nuwas is very different from the fairy tale version of the writer of "The Caliphate fantasy". Abu Nuwas was forced to flee Baghdad for his writings, and only returned after Harun al-Rashid's death, where his successor (al-Amin) punished him for being drunk, and where in the reign of al-Mamun, Abu Nuwas died in prison. Generalizing about thirteen centuries of Caliphate from the misrepresentations of Harun al-Rashid in a book of anonymous fairy tales is a blow for the credibility of the New York Times.

In closing, the real reason that Muslims refer back to the Prophet Mohammad for direction about the Caliphate is not because of the tarnished image in the fairy tales of the 1001 nights, but that the political economy established by the Prophet Muhammad is a legislative source for Muslims. In addition, the Caliphate existed as a real and abiding fact of Islamic history and it implemented Islamic law for thirteen centuries. Those who subvert this history and the vast wealth of Islamic heritage that has accumulated over the centuries, in favor of fairy-tale misrepresentations, are the real fantasy makers.


Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir by

Dr. Abdullah Robin


The Arrests of Shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir Only Increases their Resolve and Numbers

On Sunday, 06 July 2014, police arrested two Shebaab of Hizb ut Tahrir from Mendibag area of Sylhet city in Bangladesh where they were distributing leaflets. The Sobhanighat police filed a case against Syed Tanvir Hasan, a former student of Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, and Sadikul Islam, an MBBS student of Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College.


Press Release Regarding the Warning of the President of the Interim Government to Hizb ut Tahrir (Translated)

At the time when many Party leaders repeatedly pay visits to the American embassy and are infatuated with its lavish banquets, when before it was and still is to Britain and France.

At the time when these people and their likes contact the ambassadors, by day and night, in their embassies and homes,

At the time when the Media attaché of the government make the following statement, "These communications do not concern us, and we do not interfere in the affairs of the parties, it concerns them alone."

At the time when America, France, Britain, and Germany are making statements siding with "Israel" in its right to respond and defend itself however it chooses against our Muslim brothers in Palestine. Yet the government remains silent over these statements and does not find them strange or even expresses it.

At the time when the Free Masons's organizations with their international known names freely indulge and wonder all around the country and organizes Iftars for the fasting and attract our youth to its dark corridors.

At the time when the ambassadors freely wonder up and down the country and console people promising them good times ahead, as if the people of Khadra are their citizens and they donate to them in a humiliating fashion and appoint some of them in their consulates for a hidden Western agenda.

At the time when the government announces in an inferior way to the global media and say that its prime minister was the choice of the west and appointed with their approval... this is when? After the revolution!

At the time when the Government of "Dignity" refuses to give refuge to our brothers from Palestine who are running from the fire and destruction of the occupiers, who wish the worse for our beloved Tunisia, and accept Israelis with Israeli passports, and the minister of tourism saying that: "There is no law that prevents dealing with Israel"

At a time when the head of the government is calling for disregarding article 13 of the constitution, Which was recently written, this is because the article in his view will obstruct the looting of the wealth of the country and randomize the brokers.

At the time when Mehdi Jummu'ah and his government have pledged their co -ordination clearly with the men of the previous regime led by the "Mystery man". They put the country under the subjugation of the International Monetary Fund for tens of years for alarming rates.

At the time when the living conditions of the people have become unbearable, in its lowest level, between the dilemma of the high prices and very low wages and cunning increases, and between the filth and leftovers that made people's lives in cities and villages rotten.

At the time when the government commits many violations and desecrates the Masajid and houses of Allah, despite the refusal of security personnel to carry out this filthy mission that does not even takes place within dictatorships.

At the time when many sincere people prepare horrific corruption files against the members of this government that supersedes the corruption of Bin Ali and his family.

At the time when they have taken the country to unprecedented trouble; people rejected the Foundation (ta'sisi) path on the whole and in detail, and they mock the constitution and refuse to register in the election centers the matter that shocked the government and those who appointed it and facilitated the way for it.

At the time when many politicians call for rebellion and strikes and to seek vengeance; and they threaten and warn when filmed, and they have insulted the security agency and described it with filthy names.

At the time when many demand the investigation into the shocking capture of weapons in the headquarters of one of the parties by the security forces in the south, while they hide the issue despite the size of the scandal and level of danger.

At the time when Hizb ut Tahrir struggles to defend the country and the Ummah from those traitors, and regard the foreign dependence as a betrayal to Allah, his Messenger and to the believers, and calls for a covenant of honor in the political action with one aspect of its work is to expose the agents.

At the time when Hizb ut Tahrir calls for making the buried wealth of the country as public property as Allah (swt) has ordered, and it should benefit all the people; and not to be looted by companies, which will improve the standard of living of the people four time greater.

At the time when Hizb ut Tahrir rejects all the criminal terrorist actions which leads to the Muslims' bloodshed, and calls for the revelation of the conspiracy and the whole truth so that the security and army forces do not get dragged into a dirty game in a cunning regional dimensions.

At the time when Hizb ut Tahrir enjoys unprecedented public support and carries out the most elevated lectures and conferences in style and content which is liked by many, the near and far.

At the time when people pile up at its members and offices, asking for the solution and the alternative to the cunning and feeble and arrogant policies of the country, which crushes the dignity in the Ummah and the revolution, which reached the lowest levels..

At this time it is strange for the prime minister to send a message to Hizb ut Tahrir (and only Hizb ut Tahrir) of warning; a message that does not contain the Bismallah or any words of courtesy at the beginning, it has no greetings and no kind words whatsoever. He demands of Hizb ut Tahrir to change its course and what it is established on for tens of years and its administrative bases that was established two years ago and accounts the Hizb for not accepting the constitution and for its call to boycott the elections and other bits and pieces of observations.

We did not find this strange but it is expected, we have confirmed for some time now that the subject of Hizb ut Tahrir is on the political broker's table and those who sold the country and covenant to two foreign states. Fighting the Hizb is a condition of the West, and it is what shows credibility, acceptance, and efficiency. The prime minister's office is the last stop of this plot. We were a step ahead in exposing them, we can see through them and we have their news.

And finally, we confirm that in this matter and all matters we trust in Allah (swt), and this deformed warning from the government confirms to us that we stand in opposition to their deception and political games, and that we truthful to Allah (swt) and the people; we confirm to the public that when we delivered to the administration the document for "Announcement and News", we were open about our political and intellectual identity, free of concealing behind masks and diversions and hypocrisy. On these grounds, we dealt with them and we gave them in addition a copy of the constitution that we adopt.

They have tossed the matter upside down and in all directions and with all the party's internally and externally; the evidence for this is that we received their letter on the last day of reply, i.e. after two compete months. So the problem is with you, O government and not with us, do not become arrogant over us just because you have a document signed by bin Ali's second right hand man, Fouad Al-Mubza', during the time when hasty and emergency decisions were made. We say to the government:

A little bit of truthfulness and wisdom will make you realize that you are making a deliberate mistake; and we also say to them, your contradictions and offences and oppression have increased, your arrogance have increased, you have complicated matters for the people and the country, and dampened the morale of the revolution.

We know that the one delegated this mission to you wants to hide behind you, and fears to announce political responsibility and he knows well that your government with this attribute is one that will not last, and does not bear the direct party or political responsibility.

Remember this time that you are in; comparing it to the past is incorrect and nonsocial. Remember the saying of the Prophet (saw) regarding ruling:

«إنّها أمانة وإنّها يوم القيامة خزي وندامة إلاّ من أخذها بحقّها وأدّى الذي عليه فيها»

"It is a trust, on the day of judgment it will be cause of disgrace and remorse, except for the one who took it rightfully and fulfilled his duty"

And reflect on the lessons from the Noble Qur'an; it guides to the straight path.

((وَلَا يَحِيقُ الْمَكْرُ السَّيِّئُ إِلَّا بِأَهْلِهِ))

"...but the evil plot does not encompass except its own people" [Fatir: 43]


Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
in Tunisia

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