Friday, 24 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/27
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The Iraqi security agreement

The Iraqi cabinet yesterday (16th November 2008) approved the security agreement with the US government and referred the agreement to parliament for ratification. This is despite it being no secret that the forces that hold sway in parliament are in effect those who run the regime in Iraq that accepted this agreement in the first place! 


Views on the News 28/11/08

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Latin America: Russia Bolsters ties with Venezuela

Taking advantage of America's waning influence in Latin America, leaders of Russia and Venezuela vowed closer cooperation to establish a "multi-polar" world. The pledge came ahead of planned Russian Naval exercises with Venezuela. Speaking about the closer military cooperation Russian President Medvedev said, "is not a market relationship or aimed at any other state but is based on partnership ... It should strengthen multi-polarity in the world including in South America and Latin America...We will develop our military cooperation." Hugo Chavez the leader of Venezuela expressed harsher words about US hegemony. "We should fight to make a world of catastrophes caused by hegemony and unilateralism a thing of the past," said Chavez, going on to denounce what he called the "dictatorship of the dollar" and announcing efforts to move away from dollar transactions in trade with Russia. On the commercial front the two countries inked an agreement on atomic energy and also signed an agreement on cooperation in the fossil fuel sector, aimed at stepping up existing exploration projects in Venezuela by companies such as Gazprom. The agreements are an unequivocal reminder that Russia is carefully manoeuvring itself in the region to offset NATO's expansion eastward and American presence in the Black Sea.

Europe: In an unprecedented move China cancels its summit with EU

On 26/11/2008 China announced that it was to postpone a summit with the EU - planned for 1 December - because of European contacts with the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. EU diplomats say China has been angered by French President Nicolas Sarkozy's plans to meet the Dalai Lama. France holds the EU's rotating presidency. Mr Sarkozy has said he will meet the Dalai Lama in Poland on 6 December. A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said "we oppose any foreign leaders having any contact with the Dalai". The Chinese government has previously said Mr Sarkozy risks losing "hard-won" gains in ties with Beijing if he meets the Dalai Lama. This is the first time that the Chinese government has taken the unprecedented step of cancelling a summit meeting with the EU. The move is a growing sign of a confident China that is increasingly willing to put its national interests ahead of its commercial interests. In this case, Beijing regards Tibet an integral part of China and has eschewed any attempts by the West to suggest otherwise.

Middle East: Jewish state of terror

Gaza's complete suffocation has already resulted in a human catastrophe not witnessed before even during the times of war. What kind of government in the 21st century can deny another people basic human rights- that is, the right to food, water, shelter, security and dignity? What kind of government imposes draconian sanctions on another people for electing a government not to its liking? What kind of government seals a heavily populated territory of 1.5 million people so that no person can enter or leave without permission, fishermen cannot fish in their own waters, and world food aid cannot be delivered to the starving population? What kind of government shuts off fuel, water and electricity and then rains down on the people, bombs and artillery fire? The brutal state Israel of course! And yet, government after government in Israel continues to demand recognition and accolades as a first world democracy superior to all others. Worse still, the world has acquiesced and has welcomed every Israeli administration into its fold as a favoured guest. The rulers of the Muslim world are by far the biggest culprits. Without their economic support, phoney wars and peace overtures the Jewish state would cease to exist.

Middle East: Dubai goes from Boom to Bust

On 24/11/2008 nervous property investors were told that the Government of the United Arab Emirates would stand behind Dubai's obligations. Dubai's debt stands at $80 billion or $40,000 per person. To dispel the concerns of investors, a deal was done to bail out two struggling mortgage banks that dominate the city-state's overheated property market. Amlak Finance and Tamweel were folded into a shadowy government institution out of which emerged a new entity, Emirates Development Bank. Dubai and other oil rich gulf states were supposed to be rich, floating on a magic carpet of hydrocarbons. The oil is still there, but everyone is learning that the Gulf's economies are as connected to the global financial system. Across the region markets are falling in nations awash with petrodollars. This is not surprising as the capitalist economic system dominants the gulf countries with some dressing of Islamic finance. 2009 is going to be a tough year for the region as Western demands for dollars places heavy pressure on GCC countries to sacrifice their economies in preference for western economies.

South Asia: India again points the finger at Pakistan over the Mumbai attacks

On 27/11/2008 the Indian Prime Minister in collusion with the Indian media squarely held Pakistan responsible for the attacks that left 130 people dead and over 350 injured. However, pointing fingers at Pakistan does very little to masquerade the growing influence of secessionist and militant movements that routinely blame Indian governments for oppressing their people. Apart from the well known Kashmiri militants, India is beset with armed militant movements struggling for greater rights. Some of the notable ones are United Liberation Front of Asom, National Democratic Front of Bodoland, People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak, National Liberation Front of Tripura, Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council, Bru National Liberation Front, Arunachal Dragon Force, Khalistan Liberation Force etc. Added to the secessionist movements are a myriad of Hindu militant movements that seek to cleanse India of Muslims and Christians. To put it another way, India is a country teetering on the brink of dissolution. Given this reality, it is insidious for any Pakistani leader to give concessions to a belligerent India that regards Pakistan as a reneged province of mother India. Last week, Pakistani President Asif Zardari broke with tradition and delighted India with no nuclear first strike policy. His predecessor Musharraf broke another taboo by officially abandoning the Kashmiri people. Pandering to Indian demands will never allow the Pakistani establishment to overcome the nexus of American-Indian-Israeli cooperation.


Hizb ut-Tahrir/ Malaysia holds Global Economic Crisis Seminar

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On 15th November 2008, corresponding to 17th Dhul Qadah 1429 Hijri, Hizb ut-Tahrir/ Malaysia convened a seminar to examine the Islamic system and its solutions for the global economic crisis. The well attended seminar took place at the Dewan Cempaka, Kompleks PKNS, Bangi, Selangor.


Views on the News 20/11/08

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Britain 's launches secularised Islamic awareness week

On 16/11/2008 leading British politicians, dignitaries, and community leaders joined in an "Islamic Awareness Week". The campaign launched in the House of Commons aims to further promote communication and connectivity. The theme this year is "Celebrating the Best of Britain's Shared Values." Dr. Zahoor Qurashi, President of The Islamic Society of Britain said," We feel that our role is more important than ever before for us to actually talk about a face of Islam which we understand to be the true face of Islam, which talks about tolerance and peace and patience and working with the wider society, with Muslims and non-Muslims, to promote values which are common." Dr. Zahoor also discussed the importance of interfaith dialogue. Muslims in Britain should be proud of their Islamic ideology and should not be so apologetic. Rather than promoting Islam in the context of British secular values, Muslims must take the lead in exposing the fallacies of western liberalism and presenting Islam as the only alternative ideology.

Egypt continues to fuel the Israeli aggression against Palestinians

In the backdrop of Israeli aggression against the Palestinians, a court in Egypt has ordered the government to suspend gas exports to Israel . But it is very unlikely that the government will heed the warning. In fact Israel 's infrastructure ministry boldly said it had "no doubt" the gas deal remained valid. Israeli optimism is not surprising since both Israel and Egypt are working in tandem to boycott Gaza and starve the Palestinians to death

Russia pretends it cares about Muslims

On 18/11/2008 the Moscow Prosecutor's Office warned the Russian-language edition of the Newsweek magazine against vilification of Muslims. The magazine published two stories that were deemed by the prosecutor to be insulting Muslims. The Prosecutor's office also stated that one of the articles included one of the 2005 Danish cartoons. It is ironic that Russia is concerned about offending its 20 million Muslims, but pays scant regard to destruction and slaughter of Muslims in Chechnya . Russia 's support to dictators who routinely oppress Muslims and fight political Islam in Central Asia blights its sympathetic stance. In fact Russia 's duplicity towards Muslims is akin to the double standards practiced by other major powers; their collective aim is to prevent their respective Muslim populations from expressing outrage at the repression of Muslims abroad.

Uzbekistan needs the Khilafah "Caliphate" and not Malaysia 's Hadhara

Uzbekistan is keen to adopt the Islam Hadhari concept pioneered by Malaysia, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. He said this was conveyed to him by Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov in private talks during his official visit here. "Both Malaysia and Uzbekistan are fully aware that at the international level, Islam promotes peace and friendship not only between Muslims but Muslims and non-Muslims as well. At the domestic or national level, Islam Hadhari promotes good governance as well as economic and social progress," he said during a joint press conference with Karimov at the latter's official residence. Malaysia 's so called Islam Hadhari concept has only served to entrench corrupt governance and economic chaos. Malaysia 's psuedo Islam Hadhari is not only unfit for Malaysians, but all Muslim countries including Uzbekistan .

Pakistan aids crusader forces in attacking targets on its soil

On 16/11/2008 the Pakistan military helped the western forces based in Afghanistan attack a position in Pakistan used by militants after an International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) post was hit by two rockets fired allegedly by militants from inside Pakistan. According to a spokesman for ISAF, militants pounded an ISAF base in Paktika, leading to the coordinated artillery strike into Pakistan . The ISAF statement is just tip of the iceberg as far as complicity with America stands. Since Ramadan, the Pakistani civilian and military leadership has unashamedly aided and abetted American attacks on FATA, but has publicly denied any knowledge. Now the crusaders are becoming more and more vocal about the Pakistan 's clandestine support, as America wants the Pakistani people to fully embrace America 's war against Islam.


Question and Answer Will Pakistani officials and their Afghani counterparts start initiating contact with the Taliban?

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Does this mean that they will initiate contacts with the Taliban or that they are already in touch? Where will these contacts lead to? Would it result in the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, an end to America's hold there and the Taliban's return to power? Or whether it implies that the Taliban will gradually share power either directly or indirectly and become loyal to the US?


Cooperate in Piety or Sin? Participation in the American Election

A few days from now is the American general election. Here we seize the opportunity to fulfill our responsibility and address you Muslims about the Sharia rule (Devine Rule) regarding participation in it.

"Indeed legislation (ruling, judgment, command) is only for Allah; He has commanded that you shall not serve aught but Him; this is the right religion but most people do not know." (TMQ 12:40)

"Or have they partners (of Allah) who have made lawful for them in religion that which Allah allowed not?" (TMQ 42:21)

To legislate or make rules other than Allah means to associate partners with Him. Allah describes the one who chooses and accepts the rules made by man to have associated partners with Him (SWT). On the other hand, Allah (SWT) gives His law the superiority, and commands that it should be implemented to rule between people and solve their problems. He (swt) describes those who do not rule by His Sharia to be the disbelievers, oppressors or transgressors.

"And whoever did not judge by what Allah revealed, those are they that are the disbelievers ...oppressors... transgressors." (TMQ 5:44, 45, 47)

In addition, our Iman is not complete unless we seek judgment and ruling by that which the Prophet (SAW) has brought from Allah (SWT)

"But no! by your Lord! they do not believe (in reality) until they make you a judge of that which has become a matter of disagreement among them, and then do not find any straitness in their hearts as to what you have decided and submit with entire submission." (TMQ 4:65)

La Ilaha Illa Allah means Worship, Legislation, Ruling, Obedience, Loyalty and friendship are only with Almighty Allah (SWT) alone. No one worthy of worship except Him, no one worthy of obedience except Him, no one has the right to legislate except Him, no rules worthy of implementation except His Divine Rules, we're only loyal to Him and no one is our friend except Him alone (ALLAH SWT) and the Believers. So what does voting on next Tuesday, November 4th really mean?

Electing and voting is giving the power of attorney to someone to do things on your behalf. It is a Halaal means in general. In this case, it is authorizing someone to legislate or rule by the Kufr rule on your behalf. It means to give someone the power to make laws instead of Allah, denying His (SWT) sole right to make laws that manage our lives. Voting in this election means to empower someone to implement the kufr rules made by the faulty human beings.

By voluntarily voting for Kufr, in such Democratic/Secular system, we willingly choose and authorize humans to legislate and legalize evil (Munkar) and rule according to it. We authorize -willingly and happily- humans to implement a system that is known for its corruption in all aspects of life; political, economic, social, educational, healthcare ...etc. Not only that, but we also -willingly- authorize and request them to protect and preserve this kufr system and this way of life!

Accordingly, based on the clear cut evidences from the Quran, participation in the general election on November 4th is a clear Haraam act, as it compromises the foundation of the Islamic Aqeedah.

O Muslims, in addition to this, we came to say something else. Muslims in the United States are being dared, duped, and ultimately deceived into adopting voting in the kufr U.S. secular democracy/capitalism by the enemies of Islam. Participation in elections will successfully contain the Islamic struggle within a prison of secularism rather than pursuing the liberation of humanity through the establishment and expansion of the Islamic State.

This is a satanic plan where elections are attempts to integrate Muslims. The enemies of Islam want to ensure that the Muslim "leaders" and organizations are encouraging us to vote, assimilate and acculturate into the mainstream, for reasons of control and counterrevolutionary tactics that the system implores to maintain itself.

O Muslims, although some of us may be mistakenly seeking to vote as a means of "helping" or "benefiting" the Muslims who live in the United States or elsewhere, the fact remains that a Haraam action brings no true and lasting benefits according to the Islamic criteria of Jannah and Jahannam. Voting for the man-made laws is clearly Haraam and contradictory to "politics" illustrated in the noble Sunnah of The Prophet (SAW).

Rather than wasting time getting Muslims to support non-Muslim Makkan leaders, like Abu Lahab or Abu Jahl, to gain some material "benefits", The Prophet (SAW) focused exclusively on removing the fundamental kufr system. Rather than choosing between "evil" or "more evil" political candidates like today's democratic elections, or the "lesser of two evils", the Prophet (SAW) chose the Guidance of Allah (SWT) as the sole Source of success and benefit. He maintained his da'wah to remove and replace Quraysh leadership with the Islamic system no matter what the cost to himself or his Companions.

O Muslims, we must protect and strengthen our loyalties to each other as a Muslim Ummah that is "distinct" and "unique" from all the rest of mankind. Each Muslim must preserve his/her loyalty and alliance exclusively for Allah (SWT), His Messenger (SAW), and the Believers among the Muslims.

"And the believers, men and women, are protecting friends (allies) one of another." (TMQ 9:71)

"And incline (or accept) not to those who do wrong, or the Fire will seize you; and you have no protectors other than Allah, nor shall you be helped." (TMQ 11:113)

O Muslims, we must ask ourselves some tough questions about voting and other forms of participation in the upcoming U.S. elections:

1) How can a Muslim who claims to believe in Allah (SWT) and follow His Messenger (SAW) abandon the noble Sunnah of The Prophet (SAW), to support the corrupt secular Capitalism?

2) How can a Muslim choose a Congressman, Senator, President, or any other human being over Allah, disqualifying Him (SWT) as the Sole Ruler and Legislator?

3) How can Muslims follow the Jews and Christians in funding and electing political candidates who have adopted full implementation and preservation of kufr systems as their "platform"?

4) How many more times will Muslims choose the "lesser of two evils" and continue producing the types of Clintons and Bushes who mercilessly bomb and brutalize their Brothers and Sisters overseas while accusing and imprisoning their Brothers and Sisters in the U.S.?

5) How much longer will the Muslims claim to "show the good of Islam" and "give dawah" by voting for the kufr system rather than conveying the noble Message of Islam according to the method of The Prophet (SAW)?

O Muslims, we must refuse to legitimize these Haraam (forbidden) activities of supporting "evil" or "more evil" candidates to rule by kufr. Moreover, we must insist on saving ourselves and our society by shifting all of our attention, energy, loyalty, and money toward the struggle to make Islam supreme.

This can be done by following the Sunnah of The Prophet (SAW) to strengthen ourselves and our families with clarity, confidence, and conviction about protecting our Islamic identity, strengthening Muslim Brotherhood/Sisterhood, teaching our children and family about our way of life, supporting Islamic activism, joining the "political" work to resume the Islamic way of life and all the other blessed actions ordered and rewarded by Allah (SWT).

O Muslims, let us remember that we are the Da'wah carriers responsible to deliver this message to the people. We can only do this by following the method of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم, by engaging in the intellectual and political struggle that exposes the Kufr systems and presents Islam as the only alternative and sound way of life. Let us work to revive the Islamic State as it is the only practical way to establish justice and save humanity from the filth of Democracy and Capitalism.

O Muslims, the only way we can guarantee our true benefits, in this life and the next one, is by adhering to the divine Sharia rules, as it will be the criterion on the Day of Judgment. Nothing and no one could harm us except by the will and decree of Allah (SWT).

We will continue to engage in this Da'wah work for the resumption of the Islamic way of life in this "belly of the beast" of western Democracy. We invite you all Muslims to join this work so we may be successful in this life and the hereafter.

"O you who believe! Answer Allah (by obeying Him) and (His) Messenger when he calls you to that which will give you life." (TMQ 8:24)

Hizb ut-Tahrir - America

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