Wednesday, 15 Rabi' al-awwal 1446 | 2024/09/18
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Speech from the Women Members of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Pakistan 02 December 2012

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Assalamu Alaikum my sisters,


I begin this talk on the Return of the Khilafah "Caliphate" state with a quote from Pat Buchanan, co-founder of The American Conservative magazine and advisor to three former American presidents, Nixon, Ford and Reagan.  Buchanan said, "If Islamic rule is an idea taking hold among the Islamic masses, how does even the best army on earth stop it?"


Indeed America, Europe and the other Kafir nations understand that this is more than just an idea for the Muslims; the KHILAFAH State is a vital issue for the Muslim Ummah.  It links to our Iman in a way that produces strength of action and purpose that the west is terrified of facing. The call for the return of the Khilafah "Caliphate" State is resonating around the globe, and as the Ummah revives, capitalism is failing and the strength of the western colonialist nations is leaking away.  This situation is worrying the Kafir, they worked for hundreds of years to weaken the Khilafah "Caliphate" state, and eventually with the help of the traitor Mustapha Kemal they managed to destroy it.  They then divided the Ummah into over 50 nation states and organized the Ummah's affairs according to secularism. They removed Islam from ruling our affairs, replacing Islam with man-made laws.  Their intention was to ensure the continued colonialism and subjugation of the Ummah, and to prevent the Khilafah "Caliphate" from returning.


The situation at the time the Khilafah "Caliphate" was destroyed was summed up by David Fromkin, professor and expert on Economic History at the University of Chicago, speaking about the attitude of the non-Muslim victors towards the Muslims said, "and the power brokers deciding the fate of those defeated people were naturally determined that these countries should never be able to organize and threaten Western interests again. With centuries of mercantile experience, Britain and France created small, unstable states whose rulers needed their support to stay in power. The development and trade of these states were controlled and they were meant never again to be a threat to the West. These external powers then made contracts with their puppets to buy Arab resources cheaply, making the feudal elite enormously wealthy while leaving most citizens in poverty."


The Kafir plotted and planned, but my sisters, we know the words of Allah (swt) in Surah ali-Imran verse 54:

((وَمَكَرُوا وَمَكَرَ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ ))

"And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned and Allah is the best of planners."


All the plans that the Kafir made are unraveling.  Their ideology is showing its weaknesses, and as the Ummah's understanding has grown and deepened as we have rejected the Kafir's plans and returned to our Deen.


My sisters, the Khilafah "Caliphate" will be the world's next superpower, and this is possible by its own strengths and by the weakness of the Kafir.  Let us look at the Kafir's weaknesses and then the strengths of the coming Khilafah "Caliphate" to truly understand how the world is about to change.


From the last century the western capitalist countries appeared to be thriving, their high standard of living became the envy of the rest of the world.  America especially was seen as the land of all opportunities, where people could emigrate and live a better life.  Many Muslims left their countries and traveled to America, Australia, and countries in Western Europe for education or employment, seeing opportunities in the West that didn't exist in their own nations. However capitalism as a flawed system has always been prone to problems; and the International Monetary Fund has counted the number of financial crises in the capitalist world in the last thirty years alone to be over a hundred. However the man on the street and the Muslims who were fleeing their own countries, did not truly see this weakness until the recent economic crisis, where their reality has began to really show the effects of these pure capitalist policies.  It took time for the incorrect ideas of capitalism to bear their rotten fruit, and now the situation has reached the point where the global economic crisis that began in December 2007, has began to detrimentally affect the citizens in the wealthiest nations, leading to civil unrest. In fact the problems being felt in all corners of western civilization are now being traced back to capitalism, and westerners are questioning capitalism itself


The book, A Failure of Capitalism: The Crisis of '08 and the Descent into Depression, is written by an American Judge and legal scholar Richard Posner. In his book, Posner states "the financial crisis is indeed a crisis of capitalism rather than a failure of government."


Capitalism has failed because of weakness in its thoughts, it is a system that comes from the minds of men, and is subject to the weakness of human beings.  Capitalists focus on the production of wealth rather than its distribution, and they leave it to the price mechanism of supply and demand to allow people to acquire goods. But this means that those who cannot afford basic needs must do without. For instance, to solve the problem of allowing people to acquire bread, they would focus on producing the amount of loaves needed to satisfy those people. After that, it does not concern them if most loaves are acquired by a portion of the population, while others are left with nothing. This focus on production rather than distribution allowed the huge gap to build between the rich and the poor in their societies.


On the 7th of December 2006, a global study from the World Institute for the Development of Economics Research of the United Nations reported its findings. By gathering research from countries all over the world the study findings concluded that the richest 1% of the world owns 40% of the planet's wealth and that only 10% of the world's population owned 85% of the world's assets.


Regarding Britain, in 2005 statistics showed that the richest 10% have more than 50% of the nation's wealth and that 40% of the British population shared in only 5% of this wealth.  In America, a Harvard report calculated that 10% of the US population owned 71% of the nation's wealth, whilst the top 1% controlled 38%. On the other hand, the bottom 40% owned less than 1% of the nation's wealth.


This concentration of wealth in the hands of a few is a mark of the capitalist system and a real problem that capitalism has created, it actually leads to the stagnation and an unequal balance in the economy, and although growth occurs it is not spread fairly amongst the people.


This situation has allowed the wealthy elite enough funds to play with the stock market and in the financial sector. Greed overwhelmed them and they sought to make more and more money.  This was helped by the capitalist belief in the free market, where government controls over the economy, the financial sector, stock markets and banks were rolled back.  It was also helped by the Capitalist Riba based banking system, and the fiat currency where money did not need to be linked to real wealth such as the gold standard which the West had abolished, and the gold and silver standard which Islam stipulates.  All of these factors led to the economic crisis, which stems directly from capitalist economic practices. The credit crisis in the simplest terms means the banks were lending money to people who were not able to pay it back.  When they defaulted on their loans, i.e. refused to continue paying anything back, the banks couldn't get back the money they had lent.


Due to the introduction of the oppressive Riba, debt has come to dominate the Western economies. Every country has debt, and within western nations companies and individuals all have debt.  America's total debt, which includes the debt of the government, companies and all individuals, exceeds $60 trillion. Banks are the main source of these loans. This means that if banks run into financial trouble, or worse even go bankrupt, then the financing that is required for economic activity becomes unavailable. The economy then comes to a grinding halt. The western governments understood this once the credit crisis became apparent. A collapse of their banking industry, which was a real threat after the credit crisis began, would have dragged down with it their entire economies. That is why in response to the credit crisis the American and European governments went against the capitalist philosophy of laissez faire they had been professing to the people for the last two decades, and bailed out the banks using billions of Euros from taxpayers' money.


This crisis has affected all nations and all economic sectors in a comprehensive manner, not sparing any type of economic activity, even production and development. The western nations are facing economic stagnation; and this is leading to businesses collapsing and high levels of unemployment.  At the same time because capitalist beliefs and economic problems have led to the rolling back of the welfare state, the state is no longer able to raise money from taxes to take care of its people who have low incomes or no incomes.  This is leading to many different problems in their societies.


America today is facing a crisis as it struggles to control its government debt of over $16 trillion. This has had a direct effect on its own citizens. American cities in Alabama and Pennsylvania are examples of American cities that have filed for bankruptcy and analysts warn as many as 100 American cities are at risk. Some of these cities have stopped street lighting or rubbish collection for its citizens, as they can not afford to. Super storm Sandy that hit New York City on October 29th is an added strain to America, with the economic impact being estimated by Governor Cuomo to go into billions of dollars.


An example of Europe's problems can be seen in the example of a BBC report on Greek pensioners who talked about their hardships under the austerity measures Europe has implemented to try and manage the crisis.  Their pensions have been cut by up to 60% and many old people are now homeless and looking for accommodation in Homeless Shelters, and in the last two years suicides in Greece have increased by 40%. One reporter wrote, "One of the most shocking public manifestations of that poverty is the now common sight of old men and women rifling through rubbish bins in the street."


This is an example of problems which have led to Westerners questioning capitalism itself, a BBC poll has found widespread dissatisfaction with free-market capitalism (James Robbins, BBC 9th Nov, 2009). In the global poll for the BBC World Service, only 11% of those questioned across 27 countries said that it was working well!


Anger from the citizens of these nations has exploded out into The Wall Street movement and global demonstrations.  These were held on 15 October 2011 in more than 950 cities in 82 countries, most of them in Europe and in the USA. These protest and riots continue across Europe in different cities as the hardship continues.


My sisters. Capitalism has been shaken from its very roots, it declined and failed at the height of its implementation, its weakness was caused by its own concepts.  The economic failure is even scaring the Kafir regarding their beloved democratic political system, as people no longer trust those that they have voted into power.  Especially as the people can clearly see how the rich elite are protected within this system, while the rest of the citizens are paying for these peoples greed by facing extreme hardship "Europe has to guard democracy amid crisis" was the title of an opinion piece in the British Financial Times, in which was said "The risk is that contempt for our discredited economic model will fuse in various parts of the world with contempt for our political model, democracy."


This economic collapse has without a doubt had a knock on effect onto western and American dominance of the world. The strong economy was the main factor that allowed their dominance of other nations economies and also funded their political and military dominance. Militarily America appears to be too strong to withstand, but this in the past has been due to the huge amount of money America spends, it has the highest budget worldwide, it spends 46% of the world's total defense budget, compared to the second highest defense budget which belongs to China and is only 7%. It is well known to use its military as an arm to protect American hegemony.  But the west and America's military machines depend on their ability to fund them.  With the worldwide collapse of the capitalist system, due to the weakness of their economic thinking, their military dominance has also been affected.


My sisters, for nearly a hundred years after the destruction of the State, the Ummah has lived under Kufr rule and dominance. The Kafir promised us that by implementing their secular way of life we would have peace, justice and progress.  Instead we are divided into over 50 false nation states, and we have faced decades of war, upheaval, disunity, injustice, oppression, poverty, degradation, torture and murder.  The Ummah has experienced man's laws and all it has done has led us back to Allah (swt), and the last Shariah sent to us.


We know that today the Ummah is larger than it ever was, we have more highly educated professionals in every field, we have more resources, we have more military capability, but we are the weakest on the earth.  Why?  Simply because we no longer have the Islamic State to implement our Deen.  Implementation of our Deen elevates and strengthens us. It gives us the ability to solve any problem we face, and to solve it by the best possible laws, those that come directly from Allah (swt).


My dear sisters, what the Muslims produced, the justice, the advancements were all due to the implementation of Islam. Islam is an endless source of guidance for the Ummah, and the strength of the Ummah over hundreds of years was in their implementation of Islam which brings the Ummah baraka (blessings), unlike the implementation of Kufr, as noted in Surah ar-Rum:

((ظَهَرَ الْفَسَادُ فِي الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ أَيْدِي النَّاسِ لِيُذِيقَهُمْ بَعْضَ الَّذِي عَمِلُوا لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْجِعُونَ))

"Corruption has appeared on land and sea because of that which the hands of men have earned. He (Allah) will give them a taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from Evil)." [Al-Rum 30: 41]


And in this noble hadith Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (ra) reported that the Rasool said in his khutba, "When a nation breaks its covenant with Allah and His Rasool then Allah imposes on them enemy rule who snatch away from them their wealth.  When the rulers of nations stop deciding matters according to the commandments of Allah and interfere in the law of Allah with their wishes then Allah imposes on them infighting." [Ibn Majah]


My sisters, the link between the Ummah and Islam could never be broken, it was merely suppressed.  The corrupt rulers who implemented Kufr upon us and the Kafir who truly ruled us created the situation of oppression described in this noble hadith. And they both kept watch, and where ever they saw Islam rising, they tried to distract and confuse us to make us lose our way but the truth would always find a way, and indeed it has.


America is the world's current superpower, and it can be expected that to maintain their status they will be busy keeping an eye on any possible threats that may arise to their hegemony.  Therefore it should be of no surprise to us that America has conducted research and set up think tanks regarding the return of the Khilafah "Caliphate" State.  All of this research has shown a massive resurgence in the Ummah for the return of the complete comprehensive implementation of Islam and the Khilafah "Caliphate" State.


One example is the survey conducted by the University of Maryland on 25 February 2009, which found widespread support for political unity amongst the majority of people in the Islamic Ummah, and a strong existing demand for the Khilafah "Caliphate" and Shariah law.


Another example is the New York Times polls conducted by The Gallup Organization, they found that Muslim women don't see themselves as oppressed, also the survey found a strong attachment to Islam amongst all the women, and a desire for a unified Ummah.  Another example is the RAND Corporation who published a report titled "Civil Democratic Islam: Partners, Resources, and Strategies in USA to counter the threat of a growing call for KHILAFAH and Political Islam." Also in December 2004, The National Intelligence Council of the CIA predicted that in the year 2020 "a new Caliphate would emerge on the world stage. The findings were published in a 123 page report titled "Mapping the Global Future." The aim of the report was to prepare the next Bush administration for challenges that lie ahead by projecting current trends that may pose a threat to US interest. The report was presented to the US president, members of Congress, cabinet members and key officials involved in policymaking.


George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney have all spoken out about the Muslims desire to establish the Caliphate and all of them spoke of it as a threat to Americas national interests.  With the election of President Obama there was no change to America's foreign policy objectives, he has continued the War against Islam.


But this fear goes beyond America to all western nations. The retired UK Armed Forces Chief and advisor to the UK Prime Minister, General Richard Dannatt confessed in an interview to the BBC Radio 4 that the objective behind the war in Afghanistan is "there is an Islamist agenda which if we don't oppose it and face it off in Southern Afghanistan, or Afghanistan, or in South Asia, then frankly that influence will grow. It could well grow, and this is an important point, we could see it moving from South Asia to the Middle East to North Africa, and to the high water mark of the Islamic caliphate in the 14th, 15th century."


The Hizb has been working since 1953 to raise the awareness for the Khilafah "Caliphate" in the Ummah. It has membership of men and women and from all backgrounds and in most Muslim countries, and in many non-Muslim countries, it is known to be the largest Islamic political party in the world, working for one objective, the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" State.  For decades we have held discussions, talks, seminars and international conferences.  We have distributed books, leaflets, and press releases.  We have produced a complete constitution for the Khilafah "Caliphate" State, and detailed books on the fiqh of politics, economics, the judiciary, the social system and education and foreign policy.  We have produced books discussing the Islamic concepts and the Islamic nafsiya in detail.  The blue print for the Khilafah "Caliphate" State is ready.  The last few years has seen conferences bringing together Muslims from all around the world, on important topics to prepare the Ummah, such as the Khilafah "Caliphate" Conference in Indonesia, the Economic System in Sudan, the Media Conference in Lebanon, and the International Women's Conference in Tunisia this year March 2012.


My sisters, let us look at the reality and we will see how close the Ummah is to our goal.  We see the great response to the Ummah in attending events organized for the Call, but we also see that where possible the Ummah is moving and taking action. The Ummah is rising up and demanding change.


The Ummah which suffered for decades, at last exploded with one man burning himself in Tunisia.  The Arab Spring that began in Tunisia and spread across the Middle East has been a huge challenge for the West. The corrupt rulers, who they have relied upon for decades to implement their colonialist policies and keep the Ummah oppressed, have been falling like dominoes. With the outpouring of anger from the Ummah, and the call for Islam resonating everywhere, the West have been using all resources available to them to prevent the natural course of these people uprisings leading to the Return of the Khilafah "Caliphate" State.


The west's response has been to try to focus the Ummah's anger on personalities as opposed to the system, therefore where they could find a suitable replacement they did.  In Egypt, they replaced Mubarak with Tantawi and then accepted Mursi.  In Pakistan, they replaced Musharaf with Kayani and Zadari and are now seeking a new alternative. In Tunisia, Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali was replaced with President Marzouki.  This is an old game they play, changing the faces but protecting the corrupt system that empowers them.


But it is no longer working, in Egypt the protests have not stopped, neither in Tunisia, even in Pakistan the Ummah recognize America's hand remains behind our leadership.  And this revival is spreading across the Muslim world.  There is unrest in the majority of Muslim countries and the Hizb is working in the actively leading the Ummah, and warning them against the Kafir's plans and guiding the Ummah away from the traps the Kafir have set for us.


Let us take a close look at Syria, the Ummah rose up and America lost control. America has not been able to find a suitable replacement for Bashar Assad, and out of fear for the Ummah succeeding in their goal, they have been supporting him using Russia as a front to avoid exposing their own hypocrisy at supporting such an evil dictator.  The West cares not for the social contract or people representation and democracy in the Muslim World, their concern has always been to impose agent Rulers who allow them access to our resources at cheap prices, and who would ensure that Islam is not allowed to rise again in the Ummah and lead to the re-establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" State.


They use their media to lie and say the people want man's rule not Allah's rule. When the Rayat flags are waved, they attempt to link this to so called 'terrorists' to confuse and scare people away from the call for the Islamic State; when it is known that the black Rayah flag is the flag of the Khilafah "Caliphate" State, and when it is flown it represents the Ummah calling for its return.


My sisters, this is not a simple or easy situation.  The Ummah is working hard to return to Islam and the Kafir are working hard to prevent us.  My sisters, the level of Iman in the Ummah is inspiring, as we see what our brothers and sisters have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice for our Deen. The Ummah are sacrificing their lives and their wealth and their homes and even their children.  The pledges made by the Muslims of Syria can be viewed as videos on the internet, and they truly move us to remember our Lord, the Owner of all the Worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, the one who holds our life in His swt hands.  Indeed my sisters, the call for the Khilafah "Caliphate" and examples of the Ummahs demand for Islam are saturating the internet, and can easily be found.


This revival is based on our trust in Allah (swt) and our wish to fulfill our obligation to live by Allah's (swt) guidance. Islam is the source of strength for the Ummah, and now I would like to discuss some aspects of the strength that we will see once the Khilafah "Caliphate" State returns, to give a vision of the New World Order that is on its way.


Let me first give you an overview of the State.

The Khilafah "Caliphate" will reunite the Ummah as one body, ruled by one Khaleefah.  This means from Indonesia and Malaysia across Bangladesh, India and Afghanistan, as high north as the Central Asian republics and Kazakhstan, across the whole of the Middle East to Turkey, onwards to the top of the African subcontinent where we have Morocco, Tunisia and across Algeria and Libya to Egypt and south to Sudan and Somalia, all will become one unified State.


The borders of the State will be pushed out to the very edges of these areas, giving a large area of safety and security for the citizens living within the State. The capital will be where Allah (swt) wills, depending on where the State is first established.  This capital will house the seat of central government and the Bait al-Maal.  It will also house the elected Majlis ul-Ummah, the Ummah's council, who will advise and account the Khaleefah.


The whole of the Khilafah "Caliphate" will be divided into administrative areas consisting of Wilayat, with Walis/Governors, and local elected Majlis.  Each Wilayah will be divided into towns with Amils/Mayors.


The Khaleefah will implement the Constitution of the State. This is based on Islam and outlines the basis of the State laws being from the Islamic sources of Quran, Sunnah, Ijma as-Sahaba and Qiyas.  Any new situation that arises will be studied by sincere scholars trained in Islamic fiqh and capable of making Ijtihad.  The Khaleefah has the duty to adopt the strongest Islamic opinion into law.  All the systems, political, economic, judicial, social, and the education and foreign policy will be outlined in the constitution.


The Khaleefah understands his role from many Islamic evidences.  He is to implement, protect and propagate the Deen, and take care of the affairs of the Muslims and non-Muslim citizens of the State. The position of the head of the Islamic State is not one to exploit for one's own benefit, as we see in the world today, where rulers make & re-make laws according to their own benefits and desires. In the KHILAFAH state, the position of Ruler is one of great responsibility, for which the Khaleefah will answer on the Day of Reckoning.  The authority is with the Ummah, they must use the protocols set up in the State to ensure the Khaleefah does not deviate from Islam, as the Khaleefah will be bound to rule only by Quran & Sunnah.  All political activity will be based only on Islam, ensuring the States connection to Islam does not weaken and lead to decline, but remains strong through a strong atmosphere of enjoining the mar'ouf and forbidding the munkar.


The state budget is also fixed from the central government and is the responsibility of the Khaleefah.  As one state, the Khaleefah will set budgets to ensure all areas receive what they are entitled to be based on their need.  This again will solve problems that exist today under unfair man made systems.  For example in Pakistan, the people will no longer feel an unfair balance towards the Punjab compared to other regions in entitlement to gas, water, etc. each area will be given what they need, regardless of what they produce, for we are one Ummah.  This will allow unity and brotherhood to grow, as opposed to disunity and anger amongst the Muslims. Let us remember the story of the famine in Madinah which shows the role of the State in solving our problems. On instruction from the Khaleefah Umar (ra) the Wali of Egypt prepared caravans of food to send, when the first caravan entered Madinah, the last one was leaving Egypt.  Again my sisters, I emphasize with this example how Kufr laws have created our problems, and how Islam will bring justice and solve them.


My sisters, economically, geographically, demographically, militarily, the Khilafah "Caliphate" States return is a huge nightmare for the western world.  The Khilafah "Caliphate" State will  dominate all the main trade routes of the world, land, sea, and sky.  These are trade routes the west has been fighting to dominate for centuries. The west has internationalized key waterways to allow themselves access to resources and for trading.  Once the Khilafah "Caliphate" is established, the control of such important routes such as the traditional Silk Route, will once again be in our hands.  Airspace, Waterways, and land crossings will all be controlled by the Khilafah "Caliphate", and the western nations will need permission to use them. If we look at our area Pakistan's problems over the Indus River would be solved immediately, as this whole region will be part of the Khilafah "Caliphate", and water becomes public property, and the State will need to ensure its availability to everyone.


Our control over these areas greatly increases our strength and our ability to weaken our enemies and to prevent them from dominating us, and it removes many of the problems that have been plaguing us.  The Mediterranean, Middle East and the Persian Gulf region. The  continent of Africa, The South and South East Asia connected by Malacca strait. The Area of Caspian and Black Sea region.  All of these areas hold the key to controlling the world, and all of them will be part of the land of a unified Khilafah "Caliphate" State.


Let us look at the Strength of the Muslims which will arise once the Islamic economic system is fully in place.  The wests basic understanding of the economic problem and how to solve it is wrong.  Islam's understanding is Haqq, and therefore we will see the economic problem solved leading to a strong economy.  Islam for more than 1300 years implemented the Islamic economic system without any recession, economic meltdown and without one single economic crisis in its entire history. The Islamic laws encourage economic activity leading to growth; it ensures there is a balance in society, with wealth being distributed instead of it being concentrated in the hands of a few as we see in capitalism.


There are a number of factors for which a nation can develop and ultimately become the foremost leading state. Indeed economic and industrial strength is one of them, as is the ability to have self dependence in food production. Also needed is the availability of raw materials especially energy, technological advancement, industrialization, availability of a labor force, a sizable domestic market, and above all an understanding of the economic problem with laws that will solve these problems, leading to economic prosperity and sustainable growth. This indeed helps a nation to become the number one leading state in the world.


The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "The Son of Adam has no better right than that he would have a house wherein he may live, a piece of clothing whereby he may hide his nakedness and a piece of bread and some water." [Tirmidhi]


These are not just words of wisdom; rather this Hadith refers to a hukm which is part of the economic policy.  It binds the state into the responsibility for these three basic necessities for each and every citizen: food, clothing and shelter.  Implementation of Islam's economic system will ensure the widespread poverty that Capitalism has created in the world today will become a thing of the past.


If we take the example of the fulfillment of the obligation linked to agriculture and food, we can see the strength of the resources of the Ummah. The fulfillment of the right of mankind to food will be achieved through many laws in the economic system linked to agriculture, such as the hadith of the Prophet regarding cultivation of barren land.  If we look at the combined production of the Muslim world right now we can see different Muslim countries which are some of the biggest producers of rice, wheat and cereal. Current production is more than enough to cover the needs of the whole Ummah.  There is no reason for any hunger to strike the Muslim Ummah, present-day hunger is due to bad economic policies that mean food is not distributed or is priced too high due to inflation from an unbalanced economy.

Feeding a nation is an important priority, a starving nation, a malnourished nation, does not have the strength to build or grow, or fight its enemy.  Our current resources are tremendous; imagine what will happen once Islam's agricultural laws are in place, our barakat will increase, InshaAllah. Building a strong agriculture will be easily achieved once our resources are managed by Islamic law not kufr.


A strong economy also needs strength in industry.  Today's Capitalist policies have pushed Muslim countries to focus on building what is known as service industries, such as tourism, instead of utilizing our resources to build strong industries.  Strong industries in the Muslim world would present too much of a challenge to western companies. It would also mean there would be a demand by the Muslims for the use of our resources, instead of selling them cheaply to the west.  It would also mean that the Muslims would not be dependent on the western nations for goods. Therefore through our rulers' corruption and their implementation of policies devised by the west, a situation is created where the Muslim countries provide skilled workers for the west, and also provides cheap resources, and in return we buy western goods, all of this strengthens the west and keeping us weak and dominated.  Implementation of Islamic laws would create an immediate and fundamental change to this reality.


The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "The people are partners in three things: water; green pastures and fire-based fuels."


This Hadith gives the Hukm that Allah (swt) has given the resources of water, fire-based fuels which include gas and oil, and green pastures which include minerals and other underground resources, as a blessing for the Ummah to share.  These are considered public property and no government has the right to steal, relinquish, or use for any purpose other than the benefit of the Ummah. It definitely can not be sold to the Kafir to strengthen them and weaken the Muslims. These energy resources are fundamental to building a strong industry, Oil, coal and gas are vital for manufacture.  The Muslim world is blessed with these resources. Some examples of the Ummah's wealth are the 72% of oil reserves that we hold, we are blessed with 61.45% natural gas reserves, and the Ummah has some of the world largest coal reserves. We have the second largest uranium reserves at 22.60%, and the largest production of iron ore and huge gold reserves.  We know that controlling these resources is a fundamental part of being the leading state, and it is for this reason that America's foreign policy has concentrated on control of regions with these resources.  It is also the reason they have pushed privatization of these resources in Muslim countries, so resources can become privately owned by western corporations.  In the past, the rulers of Muslim lands have allowed this type of colonialism to continue, with the establishment of the Khilafah "Caliphate" this will all end.


A strong economy also needs a strong workforce. The Khilafah "Caliphate" State would have a workforce between the age of 15-50 years old 17.23% compared to the second biggest which is China and then India who have 2.57% and 1.66% respectively. The west can not come close to matching the Ummah in terms of a young workforce. The west have a  very low percentage of youth within their population and they have a large ageing population, combined with a low birth rate, the Kafir countries are running low on workers.


I give you a simple example of the success of the Islamic economic system from the time when Umar bin Abdul Aziz was Khaleefah, and the revenue distributor was Yahya bin Saad, Yahya reported to Umar that he couldn't find any poor to give the collected zakat to, my sisters can you imagine such a situation now? The Muslims Ummah has no reason to be in this weak situation, the only reason is the corrupt system being implemented over us, and the collusion of our rulers in maintaining western dominance over us through this system.


America is currently the world's leading nation, their dominance of the Muslim world is felt everywhere.  America has the largest amount of military bases in the world, and troops stationed within our lands with access to our land, air and waterways.  It has embassies in our countries and its multinational companies throughout.  But this reality has been made possible only with the collusion of our corrupt rulers, and this reality will change and the change will come immediately once the state implements Islamic laws. America and all western nations will be uprooted from our lands and expelled, preventing their mischief and dominance.  Once the Khilafah "Caliphate" comes, any domination and access of the west into our politics, economy, military, or any other aspect of our lives will end.


America has managed to continue their dominance as the world's leading nation as they have the highest military budget in the world of 46% the second highest is China with only 7 %.  But with their debt ridden failing economy, America will no longer be able to maintain this position. The strength and stability of the Khilafah "Caliphate"'s economy, when combined with the Islamic foreign policy will make it easy for us to surpass America, Europe, China or Russia.


If we study the Ahkam, it guides us in our relations with Kafir states, dividing them into the categories of those who are occupying us, those who are fighting us, those who are not presently fighting us, but are hostile towards the State and therefore considered enemies.  The State will not make treaties or trade or military agreements with such nations.


There are also Kafir nations who have no designs against the Khilafah "Caliphate" and it is permissible to trade and form treaties with them, selling them surplus goods from the State. Although Islam does place conditions for these treaties, they have a limited time period, they must be in favour of the Muslims, and they must not strengthen the Kafir.


These are some of the Islamic solutions regarding how to deal with your enemies. We have the example of how the Prophet subdued the whole of the Arabian subcontinent and brought it under the Rule of Islam, and how the Islamic State went on to defeat the two superpowers of that time, the Roman Byzantians and the Persians; and all this was done through the implementation of Islam, not through implementing man-made laws.


Due to the west's colonialist policies, we recognize that many of these nations, such as America, Britain and France, are hostile to the Khilafah "Caliphate" State, and we will prepare accordingly.  We also know that as they are currently seeking to prevent the return of the State; and then with its return, they will immediately seek its isolation and destruction.  The thought of this scares many Muslims.  But there is nothing to fear.  From our Aqeedah, Muslims have a firm grasp and understanding that Allah (swt) is with us, and from our reality we can see how much strength Allah (swt) has blessed us with.  The Islamic world combined has an active military of 5.59 million, compared to the USA that has only 1.47million. The whole Islamic world has approximately 0.4 million more active army members compared to the total of all five permanent members of the United Nation Security Council.  Regarding weapons, the Muslims combined have substantial weapons technology and manufacturing capabilities, as well as existing land, air and navy aircrafts and weapons.  Indeed with a huge young population capable of military service and with tremendous energy resources and available logistics, the Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" State can address any military needs in a matter of months with its military industrial policy.  Let us remember that many battles were won by the Muslims when we had less numbers, and limited weapons, through the strength of our military planning, our strong Iman and the help of Allah (swt). Let us compare the Iman and bravery of the Muslims to the American army, which is currently facing problems in its recruitment, and the growing suicidal rates and mental health problems within the military.  The latest statistics shows 1 out of every 9 American soldiers leaves the army on a medical discharge due to mental disorder. The current weakness of the Muslims is not in our capability, but in our traitorous leadership, who send our brothers to fight for the Kafir and against the Muslims.


My sisters, can you not begin to see the reason the Kafir nations are so desperate to prevent the Khilafah "Caliphate"'s establishment?  The Islamic Khilafah "Caliphate" State will control the economic, strategic, and political destiny of Europe, Asia, Russia and the USA by emerging as the foremost leading state in international political sphere.


The return of the Khilafah "Caliphate" State truly heralds the beginning of a new world order, and one that while strengthening the Muslim Ummah will also bring the whole of mankind out from their current darkness into the light.  We as Muslims should regain our confidence in our Deen, through regaining the knowledge of the Khilafah "Caliphate" State and its reality. We are the best Ummah, and we have a Duty to fulfill in being the best Ummah and spreading the justice of the Islamic Rule to the world.  As we look today at the upheaval in the Muslim world, we see endless examples of great acts by Muslims in support of their Deen, all over the world. The strength that motivates all the Muslims throughout history and during the present day has been their desire to please Allah swt and achieve Jannat al-firdous.  May Allah (swt) give us this strength of Iman, and the Victory.  I conclude this talk with the words of Allah (swt) that inspire us, remind us and guide us from Surah Muhammad verse 7:

((يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنْ تَنْصُرُوا اللَّهَ يَنْصُرْكُمْ وَيُثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَكُمْ ))


"If you support the cause of Allah (His Deen) He will help you and make your feet firm"


Surely for the Muslim Ummah, only Allah's help is required.



(The Speech in Urdu)


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